
Text StructureWhat is it and

why does it matter?

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Let’s start with the question

“Why does text structure matter?”

To understand this, you will need a pencil or pen and a piece of paper.

Study the next image you see for 30 seconds. You will be asked to recreate this image.

Now draw the image as you remember it.

Let’s try another one.

Get your pencil and paper ready.

You will have 30 seconds to study the next image.


Why was the second image easier to recreate than the first?


Most fiction text is structured with a predictable pattern, making it easier to remember.

Beginning Event


The first image had no pattern, which makes it difficult to understand and remember.

Just like the first image, random facts are difficult for your mind to predict and remember. Informational text is composed of random facts.

So much to learn!

The second image had a specific pattern your mind could predict and remember.

Just like the second image, fiction text is easier for your mind to predict and remember because it is organized.

Great story!

To help readers understand and remember facts in Informational Text, authors organize the random facts using……

The text structure an author chooses depends upon the information he/she wants the reader to know or understand.

For example, let’s look at the topic of Valentine’s Day.

Let’s say you are the author. What do you want your readers to know or understand about Valentine’s Day?

How to make a special kind of Valentine?

To explain how to do or make something step by step, an author would probably choose to use

the sequence text structure.

To explain similarities and differences between two things, an author would probably choose

the compare/contrasttext structure.

To explain the difference between the original purpose of Valentine’s Day and the purpose of Valentine’s Day today?

To explain why St. Valentine was arrested?

the cause/effect text structure

To explain why or how something happened, an author would probably choose

To describe the ruins of the church that was built to honor St. Valentine?

the description text structure

To describe the way something looks, feels, smells, sounds or tastes, an author would probably choose

Maybe you want to explain the problem that Roman emperor Claudius II was having recruiting men to be soldiers in his army and what he decided to do about it.

the problem/solution text structure

To describe a problem and possible solutions, an author would likely choose

What is text structure?

A pattern or order authors use to organize the random facts and information they want their readers to know and remember.


Why is text structure important?

Order and organization makes it easier for our minds to understand and remember informational text.

Could you draw this again? Could you draw this again?

When you readinformational text,notice the text

structure. This will help you understand and remember the information better.

When you write informational text, think about which text structure would best organize your information so your reader can understand and remember it better.
