Page 1: Shanghai-London Stock Connect · Shanghai Stock Connect and the listing of Global Depository Receipts (GDR) on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) by Huatai Securities as the first GDR

Shanghai-London Stock Connect

Karen Northey, Head of China, International Markets

London Stock Exchange Group

Page 2: Shanghai-London Stock Connect · Shanghai Stock Connect and the listing of Global Depository Receipts (GDR) on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) by Huatai Securities as the first GDR


China-UK Joint Statement 2015

“Both sides support the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the

London Stock Exchange to carry out a feasibility study on

a stock connect.”

Shanghai- London Stock Connect2015-2019: A journey from feasibility study to launch

10th UK-China Economic and Financial Dialogue, 2019

“Both sides welcome the official launch of the London-

Shanghai Stock Connect and the listing of Global Depository

Receipts (GDR) on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) by

Huatai Securities as the first GDR product under the London-

Shanghai Stock Connect and welcome qualified LSE-listed

companies to list China Depositary Receipt (CDR) on

Shanghai Stock Exchange”.

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Working in partnership

…to support Issuers, Advisors and Investors



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West to East and East to WestA two-way depositary receipt programme

LSE Premium listed

corporates issue CDRs

listed on SSE

SSE listed corporates

issue GDRs listed on


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A new type of Connect

An issuer led connect

Two connected liquidity


A network of designated

cross-border brokers

Local trading and

settlement rules apply

High quality blue chips with

an international strategy

One valuation, two markets

Delivers fungibility

Embedding foreign securities

in domestic portfolio


First time foreign companies can

list in China to access the

domestic investor base

First time securities fungible with

Chinese A Shares can be traded

outside China

Enabling qualifying Chinese

domestic investors to diversify

their equity holdings in RMB

without using quota licences

Specially designed UK-China

ecosystem with global and

Chinese financial intermediaries

partnering on primary and

secondary markets

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Shanghai-London Stock ConnectA comparison with other programmes

QFII/RQFIIHong Kong-Shanghai Stock

ConnectShanghai-London Stock Connect

Primary Market

ActivitiesNot available Not available

Initiated by mutual cross listings of issuers,

either by capital raising or technical listing.

Local Liquidity Pool Not available Not available

Investors can trade GDRs issued by

Chinese companies on LSE in USD, during

London trading hours, under English law

and UK rules and vice-versa.

Cross-border trading,

clearing & settlement

One-way: Executed between QFII/RQFII

investors and their local Chinese brokers

and custodians.

Two-way: Investors trade directly in each

other’s market. Clearing and settlement

centralised by HKSCC and CSDC.

Two-way: Designated Brokers can trade,

clear and settle directly in each other’s


Eligible traders and

investorsSelected institutional investors.

SSE Members, institutional investors and

eligible individual investors Southbound,

and HKEX members and their clients


SSE Members, institutional investors and

eligible individual investors for CDRs.

LSE members and their clients for GDRs.

Eligible Securities

Shares, bonds and warrants listed on

exchanges, CIBM bonds, stock futures and

mutual funds.

Constituents of SSE 180, SSE 380 and

certain A+H Northbound shares.

Constituents of HSLI, HSMI and HSSI

(>HKD5bn) indexes and certain A+H

Southbound shares.

DRs issued by companies in each other’s


Quotas No quota restrictionsQuota applied to the whole market daily


NO quota for investors. Quota applies to

creation of new CDRs and GDRs.

Trading regime

Chinese rules apply including pre-funding.

pre-delivery, securities settled in T0, cash

in T1

No intraday trading, limited short-selling, all

trading subject to exchange rate, all trades

prefunded. Chinese rules apply to cross

border trading.

Host rules apply to local trading.

Home rules apply to underlying.

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Stock Connect ParametersEnabling Chinese investors to invest globally free from FX quotas

The total size of the

Depositary Receipt


Aggregate Quotas

RMB250 billion (CDRs)

RMB300 billion (GDRs)

Overall Issuance

Maximum depositary receipt

programme size

Case by case basis

(Guidance ~10-15% of

market capitalisation )

Issuer Headroom

Maximum value of assets

held by each designated

broker in the foreign market

RMB 500 million

Inventory Quota

Reporting obligations on

foreign exchange flows by

issuers, depositary receipt

banks and designated


Designated brokers to

request individual limit for

GDR and CDR creation

Foreign Exchange

Overseen by PBOC and


Administrative Measures for

cross-border fund

management of Depositary

Receipts - No. 8 [2019] of


Determined by CSRC

The Shanghai London

Stock Connect – 17 June

2019, Joint Announcement

by the CSRC and UK FCA

Determined by CSRC

Provisions for Shanghai-

London Stock Connect - No.

30 [2018] of CSRC

Article 8 (CDR)

Article 20 (GDR)

Monitored by CSRC

The Shanghai London

Stock Connect – 17 June

2019, Joint Announcement

by the CSRC and UK FCA

Designated BrokersDesignated BrokersIssuerWhole Programme


Applies To



Relevant Rules

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Stock Connect Issuer EligibilityWho can list CDRs and GDRs via the Stock Connect?

CDR issuers

on the


Main Board

GDR issuers

on the


Segment of

the Main


⎯ Minimum market capitalisation of RMB 20bn (approx. £2.3bn)

⎯ Listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange

⎯ CSRC follow-on offering approval

⎯ New shares raised admitted to listing on SSE

⎯ Meets UKLA Listing Rules

⎯ GDRs to meet 25% free float requirement

⎯ LSE Admission and Disclosure Standards apply

⎯ Minimum market capitalisation of RMB 20bn (approx. £2.2bn)

⎯ LSE listed for at least 3 years and Premium listed for at least 1 year

⎯ Initially non-capital raising DRs (initial capital to be built up through purchasing


⎯ Minimum requirement of 50 million units of CDRs representing RMB 500 million

worth of underlying shares

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Source: LSE, company website, FactSet, June 2019

LSE data 18th Sept 2019

Huatai SecuritiesOur first Stock Connect GDR Issuer

Listing Highlights

― The Company successfully raised $1.69bn (including over-

allotment facility) making it the largest UK GDR offering since


― Huatai has seen strong trading since IPO with an average

$13.4m traded daily through LSE’s International Order Book.

Huatai has been one of LSE’s most traded Asian stocks.

― Since issuance the discount between the GDR and underlying

A Share has decreased from ~27% to ~10%.*

Huatai Securities Story

Huatai is a leading technology enabled securities group in

China with over 28 years of history.

The group operates four principal business segments, namely

wealth management, institutional services, investment

management and international business.

“Our London listing is the next step in our creation of a truly

global business, expanding our international presence and

providing new resources to support our growth strategy”- Huatai Securities Chairman and President – Zhou Yi

Company name Huatai Securities Co. Ltd.

LSE market Main Market

FTSE ICB sector Financial Services

Main countries of operation China

Admission date 17 June 2019

Money raised at admission $1,692 million

Market cap at admission $25,516 million

Underlying to GDR ratio 10:1

BookrunnerJP Morgan, Huatai HK, Morgan Stanley,

Credit Suisse, HSBC

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Why List CDRs in China?

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Benefits of the Stock ConnectWhy list CDRs on Shanghai Stock Exchange

1 Grow and consolidate your China footprint

The Stock Connect offers a unique opportunity to step up

expansion in terms of customer base and brand recognition in

one of the world’s fast growing and largest markets.

5 Leverage historic milestone in China’s opening up

Uniquely, the Stock Connect represents the first time in history

that non-Chinese companies can ‘go public’ in Mainland China

and access onshore investors.

Tap the fastest growing asset management geography globally, access Chinese

investors of the highest quality, and diversify your investor base2

Chinese AuM is set to become world’s 2nd largest after US.*

Only institutional and high net worth individuals are eligible to

hold CDRs.

Presence in two distinct markets with joint price formation4SSE-listed CDRs are fungible with underlying LSE-listed

Premium shares.

Bespoke treatment for LSE-listed CDR issuers3

Dedicated rules for London CDRs provides accelerated listing

timetables and maximum compatibility with UK rules, including

on disclosures.

*Source: Deloitte, 2018

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Cross-Border & Local Trading

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A Network of Designated BrokersLocal vs cross-border trading

UK China

UK Broker 2

UK Broker 3

UK Broker 4

UK Broker 5

UK Broker 6

UK Broker 7

UK Broker 8

UK Broker 9

UK Broker 10

UK Broker 1

CN Broker 2

CN Broker 3

CN Broker 4

CN Broker 5

CN Broker 6

CN Broker 7

CN Broker 8

CN Broker 9

CN Broker 10

CN Broker 1









Cross Border Trading

Foreign exchange flows

guided by individual

broker limits





UK Investors

Local Trading

on IOB – No

quota applies

Local Trading

on SSE – No

quota applies

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Trading Across BordersCross-border creation and redemption


CDR Creation:

⎯ Standard T+3 cycle

⎯ Can be streamlined to T+1 by using OTC or

stock borrowing and lending (SBL).

CDR Redemption:

⎯ Standard T+2 cycle


⎯ CDR Designated Brokers must open at least

one securities account with LSE members to

access the underlying shares

⎯ UK rules apply when trading the underlying

⎯ Designated Brokers can hold up to 500 million

RMB worth of cash and securities in the other

market to manage their risk

⎯ Designated Brokers apply to SAFE for a foreign

exchange quota that applies to net creation of



⎯ Only CDR Designated Brokers are able to

initiate and carry out cross-border conversion

⎯ CDR Designated Brokers need to apply for

approval from SSE

⎯ 14 CDR Designated Brokers are currently


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Local Trading of CDRs on SSESummary of rules and trading hours



⎯ ± 10% price limits

⎯ RMB denominated

⎯ Pre-funding and pre-delivery required

⎯ No intra-day trading

⎯ No OTC trading

⎯ Block trading allowed on SSE

⎯ At least 3 market makers appointed

⎯ Institutional investors

⎯ High net worth individuals (securities account + cash account > RMB 3m)

⎯ SSE estimate eligible investor universe constitutes 50% of SSE average daily turnover

⎯ Investors can use A Share securities accounts for trading and settling CDRs



⎯ Securities settled T0 at the end of the trading day and cash settled T+1 in the morning

⎯ Settlement in RMB in CSDCSettlement



call auction





lunch break






trading only

15:30 block



Beijing Time 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00

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Depository Receipts &

Depository Banks

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1st DR Issuer


Depositary receipts (DRs) are securities certificates issued by depositary

banks to represent a company's publicly traded securities which can be

listed and traded independently from the underlying shares.

The Six Chinese DR Banks(alphabetical order)

Role of the DR Bank

• Transmitting Corporate Actions (dividends, rights

issues, voting etc.)

• Monitoring headroom limits

• Safekeeping of the underlying

• Creation and cancellation of DRs• Agricultural Bank of China

• Bank of China

• Bank of Communications

• China Construction Bank

• China Merchant Bank

• Industrial & Commercial Bank of China

Depositary ReceiptsA well established product

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League Tables

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China ECM League TablesTop 15 Large cap advisors by deal volume 2014-19*

(ranked alphabetically)

Shanghai Main Market - Legal Advisors

*Leagues tables are based on Wind data. Time period is 1 January 2014 to 22 July 2019.Large Cap = Mkt Cap >20 billion RMB on 22 July 2019.

Allbright Law (Shanghai)

Century Tongren Law Firm (Jiangsu)

Commerce & Finance Law Offices (Beijing)

Deheng Law Offices (Beijing)

East Concord (Beijing)

Grandall (Hangzhou)

Grandall Law Firm (Shanghai)

Grandway Law (Beijing)

Haiwen Law (Beijing)

Jia Yuan Law Firm (Beijing)

Jingtian (Beijing)

KWM (Beijing)

Tiance Law Firm (Zhejiang)

Tianyuan Law Firm (Beijing)

Zhonglun (Beijing)

Shanghai Main Market - Sponsor


China Investment Securities

China Merchant Securities

China Securities

CITIC Securities

CICC Financial Holdings




Guotai Junan Securities


Huatai Securities

Huatai United

Shenwan Hongyuan


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Dr Martina GarciaHead of International Markets Strategy

+44 (0) 20 7797 1975

[email protected]


Karen NortheyHead of China, International Markets

+44 (0)20 7797 2050

[email protected]


Qian JiangSenior Manager, International Markets

+44 (0)20 7797 1475

[email protected]


Thomas AbbottManager, International Markets

+44 (0)20 7797 2049

[email protected]


Min QiManager, International Markets

+44 (0)20 7797 3940

[email protected]


To find out more about Shanghai-London Stock Connect, please contact one of the team directly or email

[email protected]

We would be delighted to speak with companies, advisors, trading firms, investors and other market participants

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