Page 1: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness
Page 2: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Shalom Brothers and S isters in Chr ist Jesus ,

We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness through 2013 and are excited to welcome everyone to start 2014 journey with 21 days of Daniel ’s fasting and praying. There are many uncertainties going on around the world currently but we know in Him we are secure. We believe that God has so much in store for us and His plan always bring hope and goodness in our life. Let ’s start this year by dedicating 21 days of our life from 6-26 January 2013 to focus on Jesus.

For 21 days we would like to detoxify ourselves physically by eating healthy food and spiritually by focusing ourselves on His word, guid�ance, and will for our life. We would like to let Jesus take the steering wheel to direct our 2014. We believe by doing corporate fasting; miracle, breakthrough, and a greater movement is waiting for our personal life, family, work, and our city. Together glorious!



WHAT IS DANIEL FASTING?Daniel 10:2-3Daniel fast is a type of fast that is done in a very specific way, during which you avoid or decide not to enjoy the food that you like, and choose simple foods instead. The purpose of this fast in to NOT do what you usually do, so that you can focus only on God and prayer.

The Bible does not give detailed explanation about the types of food that you cannot eat, but it is said that Daniel avoids the foods enjoyed by the king, and eat only vegetables and drink only water.

Page 3: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness


The purpose of every prayer and fasting is to grow closer and intimate with God. To grow stronger in your spiritual life and dedicate your life more earnestly to the Lord. To obtain knowledge, understanding and wisdom, along with new dreams and visions, especially to live the year ahead (Daniel 1: 17) To dedicate they year of 2014 to God and allowing Him to lead every aspect of our lives this year.


During a 21-day fasting and period time, let's give our “Tithe” of time to God every day. Every day God gives us 1,444 minutes, so our daily “Tithe” of time spent in prayer is 144 minutes (2 hours and 24 minutes). To give this “Tithe” every day in prayer may sound very difficult, or even impossible, for you. But think about several things listed below that can help you fulfill this “Tithe” of prayer time:

• Pray when we are on the way to office, driving, shopping, or doing house chores.• Use our lunch time at office for prayer• Reduce the time we spend on TV, internet, or cell phones everyday to mediate on God ’s word• When we are lying down and are unable to sleep, use the time to pray.• Join prayer tower or corporate prayer event and intercedes for others.• Try to set aside some time for devotional every day, same time, same place.• Set aside some time to pray with your spouse and family• Set some time to share the good news of salvation to people surround us.

Suggested food: • Seeds• Potato • Nuts • Fruits • Vegetables • Whole wheat products• Drink: mineral water(min 8 glass/day)

Food to be avoided:• Meat and fishanything that contain fats, processed food • Rice• Dried fruits, snacks, and cookies (food made of flour) • Egg • Soda drinks and alcoholic drinks (coffee, tea, etc)

Page 4: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

The L iv ing Word is The Guide l ine to G lor ious L iv ing

Today we live in a dynamic age where the demand for knowledge is relentless and almost every question can be answered in a click of a button. With such vast information, what is sadly lacking is the basic knowledge so essential to humanity ’s overall well being. Today, the world is desperately troubled because of its fundamental lack of basic understanding and common sense. We are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge. What a paradox: the more information we acquire, the less essential knowledge we seem to absorb.

This is where the Bible enters the picture. The Word of God stands as the solid source of all knowledge. The Bible provides the proper frame�work through which we can acquire the essential guidelines of our lives. Without this crucial foundation, we live in a confused muddle - constantly inundated with mass information and advice. The Bible is our right foundation. Through it, the Eternal God reveals exciting and profound spiritual knowledge to those who believe and obey Him.

L IVING WORD01 Matthew 17:26 ; 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ; Romans 1:16

PRAYER POINTS:1. Ask God for a new understanding of His Word2. Ask God for wisdom to let the living Word to be engraved in our hearts 3. Pray for all leaders and congregations to always have the desire and willingness to learn God ’s word.

Page 5: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Spir it L iv ing - Re lying on Ho ly Spir it to Guide Us

Many believers live their entire lives as Christians and without understanding the significant role of the Holy Spirit. Truth to be told, the Holy Spirit is the most essential Being in our lives. Apart from the Holy Spirit, you and I cannot live godly lives. It is His ability to empower us to follow and obey God. He helps us to interpret Scripture, discern the good from the bad, and enable us to have a deep relationship with the Lord. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, we cannot have fruitful lives the way God has intended us to have.

To walk in the Spirit is to live each moment depending on the Holy Spirit. Although we have been renewed in Christ, we are still living in flesh. The flesh is our tendency to sin or rebel against God ’s will. By walking in the Spirit, we can have the power to overcome the flesh and live a victorious life.

Holy Spirit can:� Guide us into all truth (John 16:13).� Convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement (John 16:8-11).� Guide our steps and help us discover the Father ’s plans for us (Rom. 8:14).� Help us to pray. The Bible says He intercedes for us ”with groaning too deep for words” (Rom.8:26)� Give us the courage to testify about Jesus (Acts 1:7-8).

L IVING SPIR IT 02Galatians 5:16 ; Romans 15:13

PRAYER POINTS:1. Ask Holy Spirit to take the steering wheel in our lives2. Pray for sensitivity to be able to listen and obey Holy Spirit ’s direction in our daily life.

Page 6: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

God is Sovereign

God is sovereign. He controls this universe so the stars, moon, planets, and galaxies do not collide with each other. He commands the sun and moon to shine everyday. He has sovereignty over lives, death, heaven, and earth. Everything comes from him, through him, and for him alone. He has control over kings and rulers for many generations, even hard�ened Pharaoh ’s heart so that His glory can be displayed.

Often, we do not know what the future holds. We wonder what the year to come will look like. We wonder if our businesses will go well, our children will be safe, whether the economic crisis will come to an end, and many more. We have endless questions about our future, hopes and dreams. God invites us to rest, be secure, and trust our lives to Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith because the God that we worship is a sovereign God. He holds our future and our path in His hands.

SOVEREIGN03 Romans 11:36 ; Proverb 3:5-6

PRAYER POINTS:1. Grateful for God ’s sovereignty over our lives.2. Commitment to make every effort to enter God ’s rest daily. 3. Pray for our nations where God has place us so God ’s law and sover�eignty rules the nations.

Page 7: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

The R ighteous wi l l L ive by Fa ith

Charles Blondin – A first person who crossed Niagara Falls on a tight rope. He often put on a performance, such as cooking an omelete, riding a bicycle, and was even blindfolded crossing the mighty Niagara Falls.

In September 1860, Blondin asked the Prince of Wales who watched His performance if the Prince would be willing to be carried on Blondin ’s back; the prince refused. On August 17, 1859, Blondin carried his manager, Harry Colcord on his back.

The Prince of Wales knew and saw what Blondin had done but didn ’t believe that he would be carried safely across the mighty falls. However Blondin ’s manager who knew Blondin personally was willing to be carried because he knew that Blondin would safely carry him across the falls.

To be able to have faith in someone, we need to have a close and personal relationship with the person.

Sadrach, Mesach, and Abednego understood God ’s character well and believed who God was personally. They believed that the God they served was a mighty God and able to save. When they were about to be put in the firing furnace, they told King

Nebuchadnezzar that the God they served was able to save them and would rescue them from the hands of the King. Sadrach, Mesach, and Abednego knew that God was their Savior and Helper. They knew that God would never fail to rescue them. Their personal encounter and understanding of God ’s deity produced faith that led into bold action before King Nebuchadnezzar.


PRAYER POINTS:1. Pray for new revelation of God ’s characters. 2. Pray for IFGF leaders and congregations around the world to stay strong until the end.

Page 8: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Being P lanted to The Source of A l l Th ings

A tree planted near the river produces many benefits to its surround�ing. Some of the benefits are to prevent erosion, flooding, bearing fruits in its season, and producing oxygen for the environment. A tree planted in the desert is far from the source of living water. When it rains, a tree planted in the desert will absorb as much water as possible. A tree planted in the desert such as cactus also has sharp spines to prevent animals sucking water from the tree.

When we live close to Jesus, the source of living water, our life can be a blessing to the surroundings where we are planted. However, when we live far from the source of the living water, we become focused on our own needs.

Jesus is the source of everything. By living close to Him, we can bear much fruit and apart from Him we can do nothing. Let us draw near to the source of life, Jesus Himself.

PL ANTED05 Psalm 1: 1-37

PRAYER POINTS:1. Commit our daily lives to be planted in His word.2. Pray for the fruit of the Spirit to bear in our lives.3. Pray for our leaders to always be planted in Jesus ’ love.

TS:r daily lives to be pl anted the fruit of the Spirit to bear our leaders to always be plant

Page 9: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

The P ower of Forgiveness

On June 8, 1972, a bomb destroyed the village at Trang Bang, South Vietnam where Kim Puc and her family lived. Kim Puc was 9 years old when it happened. She suffered major burn on her body and lost everything. She had to spend 14 months in the hospital and underwent 17 operations.

Anger and bitterness resided within Kim Puc ’s heart and mind because she knew her life would not be normal. She wondered whether any man would ever marry her because her skin had been destroyed. Many times she considered to end her life or wished she had died during the time of the bombing so she wouldn ’t suffer the pain and the burden of life.

In 1982, Kim Puc received Jesus as her personal Savior and learnt to forgive. She realized that Jesus forgiveness has set her free and Jesus ’ love has cleansed her heart.

In 1997, Kim Puc established Kim Puc ’s foundation in the United States to provide assistance to war victim children. Through Jesus love, her life was turned around from anger to a life of history maker.

Sometimes our lives are held hostage by anger over our situation, by revenge towards others, or anger towards ourselves. However, the good news is that there is freedom in forgiveness. If Jesus can turn around Kim Puc ’s life, He also can set us free from bitterness and use our lives to be a blessing for others. Let ’s start new and allow Jesus to set us free!

LET TING GO 06Romans 12:17-21

PRAYER POINTS:1. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enable us to forgive people who have hurt us and to heal our heart, mind and soul.2. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enable us to forgive ourselves. 3. Pray for the people who have hurt us.

Page 10: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Changing Our Characters to be Chr ist L ike

As I sat in the warm sunshine one day, I watched a delicate orange-black monarch butterfly flit from flower to flower. It hasn ’t always been that way. A butterfly ’s journey is an arduous struggle of a tiny egg into a caterpillar inching its way to life. It took a great energy and a much needed timing for that once odd looking caterpillar to turn into a dashing butterfly—for changes to finally happen.

Ah Changes; the dreaded word! Changes are never anticipated nor welcomed especially when the subject to change is us. We are a creature of habit and we are comfortably familiar with our past actions and past self. This is true of all habits, good or bad. Most certainly, the price of changes is too high and we are too lazy to do the hard work. The truth is, changes are the required constant in our lives. Ephesians 4:22-24 shows that major changes must occur when we are converted to serve God. Old practices and attitudes must be replaced by new ones. Knowing what changes to make is not enough. We also need to know how to make them. God ’s Word is the best source of guidance we need. Through this process, we allow God to mould us into a perfect image of Him.

As I sat enjoy the butterfly ’s dance, I reflected on the parallel between their lives and mine. Without the process of hard work, incuba�tion and perseverance, no butterfly will develop beautiful wings to fly. Now they can flit freely from flower to flower and bring pleasure to those who see them. The journey has not been easy but it is certainly spectacular ahead.


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PRAYER POINTS:1. Ask God to mould us to have a teachable heart2. Ask God which areas of our life that He wants us to change and how to change3. Ask God to give us courage to change so we can be a living example of Him and testify to our friends.

Page 11: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Forgetting The Past , Embracing The Future

The past cannot be repeated and changed The present is a gift from God The future is a blank canvas for God to write His story of our lives.

Our God is the Master of creation. He created the earth from nothing into something by His Word. He can turn Peter, an angry person to be a Gospel preacher. He can turn Saul, a prosecutor into an apostle of Jesus Christ. He can turn Zaccheus, a tax collector into a generous giver, He can turn His disciples, fishermen into fishers of man, and He can turn David ’s life, a timid young boy into the King of Israel.

Jesus has redeemed our sinful lives to be adopted as His sons and daughters. No matter what has happened in the past, God has a plan to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11). Life of hope, purpose, and future is in God ’s plan and hands. Therefore, let ’s forget about what has happened in 2013 and embrace what God has in store for us in 2014.

MOVING ON 08Philippians 3:13-14.

PRAYER POINTS:1. Give thanks for whatever happened in the past because He works everything for good for those who love Him.2. A commitment to follow Jesus everyday and let God to take control of our future in 2014.

Page 12: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

God ’s Grace is New Every Morning

Paul has established that the grace of God in Jesus Christ is not based on our works. Rather, it is based on the finished work of Christ. We receive His grace through faith in Him. This is why Paul is able to say that grace abounds to the Christian even when we sin.

The Lord uses His law to teach us of sin and our need for His grace. The grace of God is not only able to forgive sin and cleanse it away, but it can also set up a new reign of godliness in the forgiven lives. Sin once ruled our lives, bringing spiritual deadness. It is as though great waves of sin roll over lives, inundating them in bondages and hopelessness. Nevertheless, there is always hope in the grace of God. No matter how high the waves of sin have flooded in, the waves of God ’s grace can roll in higher, if we humbly seek Him.

Sin can overflow lives until there seems to be no hope. Yet, the Scrip�tures boldly declares that the grace of God is greater than the most terrible, aggravated sin of man. Yes, even when sin is abounding, grace eventually abounds much more.

GRACE09 2 Corinthians 12:8-9 ; Romans 3:20-24

PRAYER POINTS:1. Ask for forgiveness for every wrongdoings this morning2. Thank Him for His grace that ’s new every morning3. Pray for new believers at IFGF to be able to receive and experience God ’s abundant grace.

Page 13: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Loved by the K ing

“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.” -Mother Teresa- .

The world is in a state of hunger and thirst for unconditional love. The world group society in boxes according to what we have to offer. Generations are forced to fulfill a certain requirement to be accepted in a specific group or society. Many people feel that they have to perform to be loved or accepted by their peers. Babies are even rejected through abortion before they were born.

However, Jesus has offered a form of love that cannot be found in any other but Him. The book of Romans says, Jesus died for us while we were still sinners and nothing can separate us from the love of God.

No matter what we have done in the past or how dark our situation might be right now, Jesus loves us the same and His love will never change; for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, His love never ends. We can be secure in His love because neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, Our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).

LOVED 10Romans 5: 6-7

PRAYER POINTS:1. Give thanks for His unending love for us. 2. Pray for our friends and families to experience the love of Jesus Christ in their life. 3. Commit our life to be extensions of His love to people surround us as a sign of our thanksgiving to Jesus.

Page 14: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Count Your B less ings

Over the weekend, I saw a mom and her son at a restaurant. He was prob�ably 5, maybe 6. They sat at a table next to mine. As they were about to start their lunch; the mom politely asked her son to say grace. With the request of a little child I silently observed the simple prayer of "Dear God. I thank you for this and that" I thank you for Mama who gives me food. I thank you that this dinner will make us full. I thank you that Daddy will get home soon and join us.

As I listened attentively to him, there ’s an urge to teach the young boy how to phrase perfect thanksgiving prayers and instill correctly the meaning of thanksgiving – that we give thanks for things already done and blessings already received. After all, this is one fairly basic and important education for little kids.

But as my mind tried to compose a perfect lesson, I was lost in the trajectory of my own thoughts. My mind wandered and finally questioned my own understanding of giving thanks. Really, is that all there is to be thankful for—for things done and blessings received? How do we give thanks when we are waiting, when we feel passed over and most hopeless? When we are still sick or the one we hope to love has not yet walked through the door or when the only thing we ever desire has not been given?

And then there, in his uttermost innocent prayer I hear the thing that my own prayers often lack:I thank You for the good in my life that hasn't happened yet but You are able to make come true. "You know, when you pray.. ." the mom said ". . .when you pray, I like how you thank God for your hopes.

GRATEFUL AT TITUDE11 Romans 4:20-21

PRAYER POINTS:1. Give thanks for prayers that are not yet answered2. Pray for God to teach us to have more faith, hope and among all love and compassion towards His people.

Page 15: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Be Fa ithful in L itt le Things

Jesus performed many miracles during His 3 years stay on earth. His miracles had always been performed through ordinary people and through ordinary events. At a wedding in Cana, Jesus turned water into wine. Water can be found anywhere, has no flavor, and it ’s a daily necessity that people drink daily.

The wall of Jericho fell because Joshua commanded the Israelites obey God ’s command of circling the wall. God gave them victory through simple things of walking around the wall and shouting over it on the last day.

Through the disciple ’s hands, 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread could feed the multitude just by passing them to the crowds.

Big problems of running out of wine in a party, conquering a tightly shut city of Jericho, and a huge food crisis are solved miraculously.

Are you expecting miracles and breakthrough during this Daniel ’s fasting? Be faithful in little things! Little and ordinary events can be made abundant and extraordinary in Jesus ’ hands.

FAITHFUL 12John 2 ; Joshua 6 ; Luke 16:10 ; Matthew 14:13-21

PRAYER POINTS:1. Pray for a faithful heart to walk with Jesus until the end2. Pray for personal and others ’ needs for miracles and breakthrough.

Page 16: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Patience , Perseverance and Prayer

Of all the things, persevering prayer is one of the hardest yet the greatest habits we must develop. Without a definite timeline and sometimes goal, this makes persevering prayer the greatest practical difficulties in the exercise of believing prayer.

It is often easiest for our flesh to cease in praying when our prayers remain unanswered. It is only by faith that this hopelessness is overcome. Once faith has taken its stand in God ’s promises, we shall never be discouraged by delays. God has His own reasons and His perfect timing to answer our request.

It is known from the Scripture that the persevering prayer has a supernatural power. Real faith and hope will never disappoint. As a farmer sows his tens of thousands seeds, he too must take his tens of thousands steps. Each step is a preparation to the final harvest. Thus a repeated persevering prayer is a preparation to a big and final harvest. No single prayer is ever going to waste. It is treasured up so in due time, those who persevere will savor the harvest. Persevering prayer goes against human logical thoughts and the possi�bility of circumstances. But just Abraham goes through so many years “believed in hope” (Romans 4:18), he finally “through faith and patience” inherited the promises (Hebrews 6:12)

PERSEVERANCE13 Romans 12:12 ; Isaiah 40:31 ; Psalm 37:7-9

PRAYER POINTS:1. Pray for the spirit of prayer to dwell in every one of us2. Pray for Africa Mission Trip to have a safe and fruitful journey. 4. Pray for God ’s word to bring repentance, healing, and restoration for every individual who hears the Word5. Pray for every crusade to bring multitudes to Christ.

Page 17: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Bel ieve in H is Perfect T iming

Saddrach, Messach, and Abednego were thrown into the blazing furnace because they refused to worship the image of gold made by King Nebu�chadnezzar. However, they believed and proclaim that the God that they serve was able to save them from the fire.

Our God is a faithful God. His help did not come too soon or too late. Even though they had to go into the blazing furnace, God was in there to save them so they were unbound and unharmed.

Maybe we are waiting for God ’s help in the midst of our problems. Often times, waiting can be a long and painful process, but the God that we worship is the Creator of time and universe. He set the universe to move and turn with precision so that planets and stars do not collide with each other. Whatever circumstances we are in, keep believing that He is the God who is able to save and works in perfect timing.


PRAYER POINTS:1. Pray for the fruit of the Spirit of patience to grow in our lives.2. Pray for our church so the theme of together glorious can bring impact for the world.

Page 18: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Finding out What He Wants , Instead of What We Want

It is God ’s desire to be the greatest passion in our lives. He longs for us to strive closer to His heart. And all the while, God ’s outstretched arm is reaching to draw us near. However, we tend to misinterpret the true message behind Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” . We assume that we can get whatever we want as we draw closer to God.

I was one of them. In the early years of my relationship with Christ, I assumed that it is God ’s desire to give me whatever my heart is set on; good or bad. And I ’m not alone. It ’s not uncommon for someone to tell me about a prayer request and then add, “God promised to give me the desires of my heart.”

In this context, the scripture actually reveals the Lord ’s principle for purifying our desires to align with His. To delight in the Lord means to take pleasure in discovering more about Him and following His will. As we commit our ways to God, we have to let our thoughts, goals and lifestyle be shaped by His will and the things He loves. This allows the Holy Spirit to align our heart ’s desires with His.

In other words, we acknowledge His right to determine whether our longing fits His plan. God wants to give us our heart ’s desires in His time and when it fits His plan. Forcing God to grant our wish and taking matters into our own hands do not “help Him out.” As we learn to enjoy Him for who He is, our self-focused wants are replaced by His perfect will and purpose for us.

GOD’S DESIRE15 Psalms 37:4-5

PRAYER POINTS:1. Ask God to teach us to understand His will and desires2. Pray for our children to grow with fear and wisdom of the Lord

Page 19: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

His Promises are Yes and Amen

Have you ever felt tired of waiting for a promise to happen? I certainly have. Having been single for a while, it is certainly a diffi�cult quest to find that one person to call my companion for life. At one moment, your heart skips a beat when a potential someone walks into your life. And the next moment, you have to let your hope sink as soon as red flags are seen everywhere. I can certainly relate to a friend who ’s been married for far too long but are still childless. They have to go through a constant painful journey in and out of the doctor ’s office, trying out different medication, only to see the pregnancy test indicates a negative, yet again. It is a battle of remaining hopeful in a seemingly hopeless situation.

As the waiting continues, I cannot help but analyze my situation. The scrutiny of my situation often progresses into scrutinizing me. Perhaps I did not pray hard enough, or fast long enough. Perhaps I did not do good enough, was not pleasing enough. And perhaps God ’s promises may have been evoked due to my disobedience and laziness in keeping my end of the deal.

But the word of God clearly states in Romans 3:3: “For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar.” God has remained true to Himself and He will make His promises come true, yes and amen!! Thank God for having a God such as our God. Today, start believing whatever He has promised will happen regardless. It is not because of our own righteousness but because of His grace that abounds.

YES AND AMEN! 161 Thessalonians 5:24, Romans 3:3

PRAYER POINTS:1. Give thanks for His mercy and grace that allows His plans to come through in our lives2. Ask God to teach us to learn more about His characters and to have a deeper relationship and understanding of Him

Page 20: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

17 Luke 15:11-32 ; Romans 8:17

PRAYER POINTS:1. Thank God for His unending love and compassion2. Thank Him for letting us be His Children, worthy of His inheritance3. Ask God to teach us to understand the inheritance that we have been freely given


Embrace The Eternal K ingdom Inher itance

The story of prodigal son starts of as one of the sons demanded his portion of the family estate as an early inheritance. Once received, the son promptly sets off on a journey to a distant land and begins to waste his fortune on wild living. When the money runs out and a severe famine hits the country, the son finds himself in a dire circumstance. Desperate, he takes in job as a pig feeder.

Upon reaching the lowest point of his life, the young man comes to his senses. He remembers his father and the lavish life he used to have. In humility, he decides to return home and asks for forgiveness and mercy. The father, who had been waiting patiently, receives his son back with open arms of compassion. He is overjoyed by the return of his lost son and he immediately showers the son with the best of his cloth and jewelry, and prepares a giant feast in celebration.

God embraces us with His loving compassion when we return from our waywardness. Just when we thought we have spent all our inheritance, God surprises us with more of His wealth. He willingly gives us His portion of the wealth so we can live a rich and purpose-filled life again. “Put on the best robe, ring and sandals” (Luke 15:22). Each individual item contains priceless value in which God lovingly gives to those who are His and bear the title of son or daughter. We are heirs of God and a joint heir with Christ Jesus who has been appointed heir of all things (Romans 8:17, Hebrews 1:2) .

Isaiah said in 61:10: "I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salva�tion, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels."

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Jesus D ied on the Cross to G ive Us the Freedom to L ive

Today ’s world is far from the old days but the essence of slav�ery is still engraved in our mind. We are modern slaves—slaves to sin and slaves to negativity. We live in the shadow of the past and fear of the future. Day in and day out, we walk with this invisible heavy chain tied to our feet.

The truth is; we have been set free! Jesus came to the earth, died on the cross to pay for our lives. Our freedom has been paid in full price and there is no more condemnation in Jesus Christ. Day by day He gives us a clean slate to start over. There is no greater desire of His than for us to start living our life to the fullest; the way God has intended it to be.

What ’s better than knowing you are indeed a free man? So start living like you are one!

FREEDOM 18Psalm 119:45 ; Romans 3:23-24

PRAYER POINTS: 1. Give thanks for the salvation that has been given freely and the purpose filled life we have ahead of us. 2. Ask God to open our spiritual eyes and ears to discern His desire in our life.

Page 22: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

The P otter ’s Hand

Many people adore beautiful pearls. It takes a long, painful process for a pearl to get its shiny, round, and flawless form. First, parasites enter the oyster. The parasites actually irritate the oyster. As a defense mechanism, the oyster produces nacre to protect itself from parasites that intrude its body. This nacre takes many years to become a beautiful pearl. The pearl is processed and formed in a hidden place inside the oyster. After the pearl is formed inside, it has to be taken out through painful cutting process.

The same applies to our lives with God. In the potter ’s hands, anything can be turned into a masterpiece. Something that is seen as an intruder, unseen by human eyes, unappreciated by the worldly value, can be turned into a beautiful pearl in the hands of God. Allow God to process and shape our characters and lives so we can be a shining pearl that reflects God ’s beauty.

Joseph believed that God was in control of his life no matter how difficult his life journey was. He believed that even though his own brothers sold him as a slave, God still used it for good. When the time came for him to reconcile with his brothers, Joseph was able to say “And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” (Gen 45:5) .

HIS TREASURE19 Romans 8:28

PRAYER POINTS:1. Thank God for His grace and plan in our lives.2. Pray for our friends or family to have a personal encounter with the Creator of their lives.3. Pray for Indonesia and the upcoming election 2014.


Page 23: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

Blessed are Those who Share The Good News.

On November 1, 1934, Billy Graham gave his life to Jesus Christ at a revival in Charlotte, N.C. After receiving Christ, Billy Graham spent most of his life preaching the gospel of salvation to many countries around the world.

Like the life of Billy Graham, most of us came to know Christ because someone has testified about Jesus Christ to us. God has displayed this example through His only Son that He sent to earth, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ walked on earth to share about God ’s love and salvation through the cross so that we who have been saved can carry out God ’s Great commission.

How can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? Let us be the extension of God ’s voice and share the gospel of salvation to our surroundings. As it is written, “how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”

L IVING TESTIMONY 20Romans 10:14-15.

PRAYER POINTS:1. Pray for the salvation of our family, friends and co workers2. Pray for the courage and boldness to share the Gospel of salvation to others.

Page 24: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness

More than a Conqueror

Hinds are a type of female deer that live on mountains area. Its feet are strong, able to jump high and are known as one of a sure-footed mountain animal. The front feet of hind ’s feet will step first to see if the rock on the mountain is safe to be stepped on. The back feet will follow precisely where the front feet have stepped on. This ability enables the hinds to travel high up to the mountain, overcoming many rough terraces along the way.

Through the love of Jesus Christ, God has armed us with strength and enables us to journey up the mountain. To climb and reach the top of the mountain, we will need God ’s guidance and overcome many obstacles. As we journey in life, we will need to overcome many problems in our daily lives. However, we have been called to be more than a conqueror through Him who loved us. His love will strengthen us and enable us to go from glory to glory. God has equipped us to journey to our own high places. On the top of the mountain, bigger and higher things are in store for us.

CONQUERORS21 Psalm 18:31-36 ; Habakkuk 3:19

PRAYER POINTS:1. Pray for wisdom to follow God ’s guidance as we journey through life according to His plan. 2. Giving thanks for bigger and greater things that are in store for us.

Page 25: Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, · Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, We are going to begin our journey in 2014 this month. We thank God for His faithfulness
