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! Ages ago there was world far far away from the one we know now. It’s a world full of fairy tales,the fairy tales that you and me know,the ones are parents read to us. I’m going to tell you about a girl named Ginger who is about to travel to this world. On her way she will encounter amazing creatures but some not so nice. Now let me take you through a journey not a pleasant one let me warn you this probably wont end in a happy ever after.

! “Hey mom I’am going to school now, bye!” said Ginger. Ginger was a girl who loved playing with her dog Caramel . Ginger had a room full of dog pictures and she loved animals .You could probably guess what her favorite animal was and if you can’t it’s a dog , golden retriever exactly.

! Ginger was a loving kind girl and she really loved out door activities ,if she could not go out side no one could .She and her dad would go fishing every Sunday after Church and she had every thing she ever wanted ,Her family and friends.

! When Ginger got to school she went out side in the playground to play. Then she saw her friend Angel. She had long blond hair and loved horses. ! “Hi angel want to play a game?” said Ginger. ! Angel started to run away and turned to yell “Okay let’s play tag, your it!” After Ginger and Angel played tag they sat down under a tree and started talking . All of a sudden the bell rang and they noticed that time slipped away from them.


! “ O my gosh were so late, race you back to class !” said Ginger ! “ Your on !” said Angel. And they raced to class.! When they got to class it was snack time. “ Angel and Ginger come here !” yelled their teacher Ms. lilly , Ms. lilly did not like her students being late to class especially on a Monday.! Angel and Ginger slowly walk to knowing they were in huge trouble.! “ Both of you know that if you are late to my class you have to stay in for snack time and do the activity you missed out on ,” said Ms. lilly “ Now get to work girls I don’t want to be late for my snack chop chop .” ! After school the girls went to Ginger house to call Angel’s mom and ask her if Angel could stay in Ginger’s home

! a little bit and she said yes.They played and played until she had to Angel had to go home.

! After dinner Ginger went up to her bedroom to find her math book .All of a sudden she spotted a very dusty book at the end of the her shelf. The book was old , Ginger blow of the dust and started sneezing ! “ a-cho a-cho ,” Ginger sneezed she wasn't fond of dust so she decide to stop blowing .Then she noticed words on the top of the book it said The Stories Of Are Child Hood. Ginger had never saw this book in her shelf so she went to ask mom but just before she was about to open the door she heard a humming sound, it was coming from the book she

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was so amazed she could not move. Then it stop Ginger started walking slowly to the book and she was tempted to !! open the book and see what was making that noise but she was scared to because something or someone in her head just said don’t.!

! The ground started to shake and all of a sudden , all Ginger could see was pure white. The ground stop shaking Ginger was frightened and slowly opened her eyes. She wasn't in her room any more she outside in a garden . The garden had beautiful , it had pure red roses and green long vines growing on a big castle that looked like no one had been in there for ages there were little lilly pads on a river going all around the castle. Nothing inside the castle seemed to be moving and then Ginger noticed a door , a small door that led inside the castle Ginger wanted to go in so bad but to lake

! was blocking her . She would of swam across if she did’t notice a little scaly back that seemed to be a crocodiles.

! Ginger started looking for a entrance, a safe one so she would not die swimming in the little river around the castle. ! Ginger was looking for it when she tripped and yelled “yikes!Ginger started look for whatever she tripped her and found a metal bar. Ginger started to pull the metal bar . It was rusty and had a brownish color. Ginger pulled with all her might and the bar came up.

! Ginger waited for a moment to see if anything would happen.Nothing happened so she keep walking on and she found a bridge that was full of died flowers which seemed

! different from rest of the garden. Ginger was feeling scared but curious so she went in. There was a lot she wanted to see but what caught her eye the most was the dusty old crooked stairs . Ginger started walking up the stairs and found a door , she heard nosies inside the room. All of a sudden the nosies stopped and the door opened slowly .

Inside there were to young teenagers dressed as if they were princesses . “Hello whats your name,” said the first princess . Ginger was so freak out she just stood still . “ Well my name is Lucinda ,” said the

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princess while going to the cookie jar “ Here want to have a cookie to come you down ,” giving Ginger a cookie.! “ And this is Chloe ,” said Lucinda ! “Hi,” said Chloe !

! “ Why am I here and how are you ,” said Ginger still processing that she was not in her room anymore and that she was in a old looking castle.! “ We have called you here using this crystal ball,” said Chloe! “ We need you to help us find the Mr.Wolf he is terrorizing the kingdom and he’s making an evil plan to rule the world .”! “How do you no that ,” asked Ginger ! “ We used to be his friend and we all ways one day wanted to became ruler of the land .One day me and chloe got promoted to be next queen of the land and we split the land in half so I am the queen of the north and she’s the queen of the south.” said Lucinda !

! “So you want me to go hunt this wolf down by myself ?.That won’t be hard all I have to do is to look for him in all of the land.” said Ginger being sarcastic. The princesses just sat there.! “ By myself ,” Ginger repeated !

! “Oh about that it’s easy we all ready know were he hides you just have to convince him to stop terrorizing the

kingdom , since everyone else is scared of him and he won’t trust us.” said Chloe ! “ Okay do you have any teleporting thing to send me there,” said Ginger ! “Sure , just close your eyes and say Ogres Bridge three times and you will be there as fast as you can say peanut

! butter jelly sandwich monkey.” Lucinda said while spinning Ginger around and around. When Ginger got to the to the bridge there was a peaceful sound of trees ruffling through the forest she saw noting that was harmful in her way so she started walking to the other side of the bridge . ! Then all of a sudden a tiny ogre leapt from under the bridge he was tiny but really frightening .! Then he said “ This is the Ogres bridge if you want to pass you have to tell me what riddle that people say in Valentines day.” Ginger thought and thought and thought then she figured it out .! Then she said “ Roses are red ,violet are blue , sugar is sweet and so are you.”! “O nibbles ,” said the ogre.Ginger continued walking when she got to the cave ! she walked inside .

! The cave was big and dark then ginger tumbled over a big pond and got really wet .

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! “ That’s weird I did not see that there ,” thought Ginger ! “ Who’s there ,” said a voice which Ginger thought was Mr.wolf voice! “ My name is Ginger , I want to know why your terrorizing the kingdom ,” Ginger said in a very low voice because she was scared .! “ Why do you want to know ,” Mr. wolf said !

! “ Because I care about the kingdom” Ginger said doing a great job at tricking the wolf that she was from some were around there.!

! “ I ‘ll tell you why ,”said the Mr.Wolf “because your queens Lucinda and Chloe used to be my friend and we promised each other that if one of us got elected to be the next king or queen then all of us will move into the tower but they decided to ditch me.! “ I’am sorry to here that but that no reason to terrorize the kingdom and maybe if you stop terrorizing the kingdom then maybe they will let you move in with them.”Ginger said ! “How do you know that “ said Mr.Wolf ! “ I’ve been speaking with them ,” said Ginger ! “ You promise ,” said Mr.Wolf ! “ I promise ,” said Ginger !! In the end Mr.Wolf got to live to live in the castle with Lucinda and Chloe and Ginger went back to her own world but never forgot the day of her adventure.

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