Page 1: SEVENTH CONFERENCE OF DIRECTORS OF NATIONAL … · with the exception of the States of Melaka. Penang, Sabah

Sekilar PerpUSfahtlall





Anikel illi fe/all dihf'llfClllgkall sebagai laporall waki/llegara di PcrsidOl/gltll Kc' 7 PCllgarah-pf'lIgarah Perptlstak{/(I/l Negara di Asia dan Ocefllliu (CDNLAO) I'm/a 21 November 1998. Laporall mefiplIti perkembangwl kese/urtlJulII

Perplfsrako(lII Negara M alaysia (PNM) da/alll tempo!! 3 ra/twl YW/ I? /0//1, iaill l J 996 - Sc'p ff'mber 1998, lempolz Jelepas Penidallgan CDNLAO ke 6 eli Brishalle Australia pada la/lIIlI 1995. Do/alii ,allllll J996 Perpusrakaall Negara Malaysia

telalz lIIellymllbllT lI/allgralllll1 ke-30. JahaulII ;'li diujudkclll sebagai s('IJllah Vllil di bmvah Arkib Nl!ga ra Malaysia . Logo bam PNM If,hlll dilanca rkall sell/pella swnbu((/I! uhlllglalnm lerst:/)lII. Dalam tahllll ymlg sama PNM jllga Ie/all bekl~ ljasama

del/gall Persatuall Pr)11J11srakaat / Malaysia u"fuk lIlellgalljurkw/ CONSAL X iailll KOllgres PlIsrakaw(II/ Asia Tellggara ke-/O di Kuala LWllfJw: Kajian proji/lIlell/bacfllllasya rakal Mala),sia peril/gklll kd]{lIIgsam/ tela" dija/allkfll/ dafalll talltlll /996-97

dOli m(!lIghw;iJkClIl/whnapa pellel1lllflll penfillg. Projek JARINGAN MAS YA RA KAT BERILMV (/Iau Connected Learning Community dilal/c.:arkm/ ofeh PNM dengw/ keljasClllla Micmsojf Molaysia !,ada awaf tallllll 1998. Statislik bagi

femf/0lt liga whilll Japortll/ lersebllt disediakclIl. Rwu.:clIIgan "/(l.W depl/II Perpustaka(lll Negara IIIll1lk mel/clIlgalli cabarem kekl/l'mlgall kewallgall lIIasa kill; mel/jehmg Mille/liwlI Keliga Masilti dil1l.lraikal/ di akhir la!'orCI lI .


O he purpose of thi s Report is to provide a general overview of the development in li­

brary and information services in Malaysia with par­ticular reference to Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia (PNM), th e Na/ional Library of Malays ia from 1996 - 1998 • the period fo llow in g the 6th Confe rence of Directo rs of National Libraries in Asia and Oceania in Bri sbane. Austra lia in 1995. Statistics for 1996-1998 are provided where availab le. The Repo rt con­c ludes w ith an ou tlin e of Perpu stakaan Negara Ma lays ia 's future plans.


• Malt~ysitl

Malays ia is a fedcration of 14 states, 12 of which are in Peninsular Malays ia and 2 in the Borneo states of Saba h and Sarawak. The total area of Malaysia is 329,75 8 square kilometres, whi ch is slightly larger

than the United Kingdom but smaller than most coun­tries in South east Asia. Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, is also the Federal Territory, the fourteenth State of Malaysia, with a population of about 1.9 milli on people. The total population of Malaysia is approaching 22 milli on people, compri sing ma inly of Ma lays, Chinese, Indians and others. The major­ityof th e pop ulati on are Mu s lim s and Is lam is the offic ial religion. Other majo r faiths including Christianity, Hindui sm. Buddhism are also wide ly practi sed.

Malaya became an independent nation in 1957 and merged with Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore to form the Federation of Malaysia in 1963. Singapore sub­sequently left the federation in 1965. The nat iona l lan guage in Malaysia is Mal ay, which is also the me­dium of in struction in primary, secondary and ter­tiary ed ucation. As a former British colony, English is widely spo ken and remains an important second

Report pre.~emed ar rhe Se \'enlh Confe rel1ce of DlreClors ofNatiol1al Libraries 11/ Asw and Oceania. Waigani NCD. Papua Ne w Guinea. 21 November 1998

** DlreCf()r Of SUpport SerVIces. Perpllsrakaan Negara Malaysia


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Hakcipta Terpelihara © 1998 - Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia

Page 2: SEVENTH CONFERENCE OF DIRECTORS OF NATIONAL … · with the exception of the States of Melaka. Penang, Sabah

language tau ght in schoo ls. Arab ic, Chinese and Tamil are a lso tau ght alongside Malay and Eng li sh in religious and vernacu lar schools. Ma lay is al so establ ished as the language o f Parliament and increas­ingly in the courts of justice. The system of educa­tio n in Malaysia was essentially deve loped o n the British system but has undergone many changes since independence especially at the tertiary level. Educa­tion is free up to second ary school leve l but no leg is­lati o n ex is ts to make it compul so ry. In 1997 Malaysia 's literacy rate is estimated at 93%.

Malaysia practises parliamentary democracy, and is ruled as a constituti onal monarchy. Any c itizen aged 21 years and above may vote in the genera l e lections held every five years to e lect representatives to Par­liament and State Leg is lat ive Assemblies. The Head of Government in each state is the Ru ler or Sultan , with the exception of the States of Me laka. Penang, Sabah and Sarawak whi ch are headed by a Governor appointed by the King. The federal King of Malay­sia, the Yang Dipertuan Agong is e lected by the heridita ry rulers of the nine states at the Conference of rul ers eve ry five years. While state governments may enact legislations or enactments on matters in the State List, for example on public library provi­s ion, the federal law takes precedence in the event of a confl ict, except in matters concerning land and re­ligion.

Malaysia has been described as one of the emergi ng tiger economies due to its high economic growth in the nineties until the currency crisis in mid 1997. This had a swift and severe impact on the nation 's economy necessi tatin g immediate measures for public sector expenditure contro l inc luding restri ctions on over­seas trave l and acq ui siti on of assets .

• Libraries ill Malaysia

The establishment of the National Library as well as public libra ries in Ma laysia are provided for by fed­erallaws as well as state library enactments. In add i­tion to state public li brary enactments, the Loca l Government Act also provide for the setting up of public libraries by state loca l authorities. The National Library is represented by its Director General on State

Sekilllr Perpuslakaan

Public Library Corporat ion Boards. A ltho ugh legally its ro le is adv isory, federa l government fu ndin g for State Libra ri es development and operati ng budget channeled through th e Natio na l Library necess itates a mo nitor ing and coordinatio n ro le in the develop­ment ofpubli c libraries.

There is al so provision fo r the establi shm ent of Un i­versity librar ies under the Uni versity and Un iversity Co lleges Act. The number of Univers ity li braries have increased signi fi callt ly fo llowing the setting of a num­ber of new universities in Malaysia ove r the last 3 years. From 9 Universiti es in 1993, the number has now increased to 14, incl uding 3 privale univers iti es. More recent developments have been the establ ish­ment of 'off-shore campuses offoreign Uni versities in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the first of which is the Un iversity of Monash in Australia . More rece ntl y Curtin Univers ity in Western Australia and the Uni­versity of Nottingham in Britain has indicated inter­est to set up campuses in Malays ia. The Natio nal Library's liaison with university libraries is through PERP UN, the Sta ndin g Conference of Nat ional and Academic Libraries in Malays ia.

There is no legislation for the establ ishment of spe­c iallibrar ies in the public or private sector and these have been set up essenti a lly on the bas is offelt needs or part of organi sational planning. Fo ll owing the nat ional annual reading campaigns and awareness of the impoltance of in fo nnation in the ITera, there has been a tremendoll s increase in the nU111ber of librar­ies establ ished, pm1iculari y in the private sector. Th is has led to the emp loyment oflibrary and in fo rmation science graduates by non- library organisations.

Schoo l libraries or Resource Centres remain under the purview of the Mi ni stry of Ed ucation and are staffed ma inl y by teacher libra rians or teachers charged with the responsibi lity but who may not be trained in library work. Almost every schoo l has a school library, a lth ough the sta ndard of these libra r­ies vary enormollsly.

In 1997. the number of li braries in Malaysia were esti­mated to exceed 10.000. The bulk of these are school Resource Centres which number more than 8,600 . The


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" Sekilllr Perpll'illlJUlt1ll

rest are distibuted among public, special , academic and community centre libraries. The table in A ppendix I shows the breakdown of libraries by type in Malays ia.


• Establishmellt

Sin ce it s inception 32 years ago as the national li­brary d ivis ion und er the Nat ional Archives in 1966, the Nat ional Library of Malaysia has grown into a full-nedged federal govern ment department, now under the Mi ni stry of Ed ucat ion Malays ia. The Na­ti onal Libra ry Act 1972 gave fo rma l recognition of its status as a department ill its own ri ght. but it was

only in 1977 that the at io nal Library became a sepa­rate department from the National Archives with its own Directo r-Genera l who is a lso the finan cia l con­troller of the Nati ona l Library' s budget.

• Review (~rLel:isl(Jtiol1

The objecti ves of the Nati onal Library as we ll as the functi o ns of" the Director-Genera l und erwent major rev is ions when the Natio nal Library ( Amendment) Act was passed in 198 7. While the purpose of the Natio nal Library was compressed from 5 to 3 main obj ecti ves, the funct ions of the Director Genera l ex­panded fro m II to 17. With rapid developments in info rm ation technology over the last decade, the Na­ti ona l Library is now in the process of reviewing its leg is lation to cnsure that its role continues to be re l­evant in the changing env ironment, particularl y in the pub li c sector with its em phasis on the e lectronic governm cnt. There is al so a necessity to ensure that the Natio nal Library be more focused on what it wants to achicve. A Committee chaired by the Deputy Di­rector General is undel1aking thi s review.

• Strategic Plall

Apart from its legislat ive purpose and functions, PNM has also fo rmu lated a corporate philosophy, vis ion and m ission in support of and in line with nationa l asp irat ions in Vision 2020 paJ1i cuiariy in th e devel ­opment of a reading and an info rmed society. Thi s remains an important national objective in succes­

sive nati onal five year development plan as wel l as

in thc lo ng- te rm national devel o pment plan and programme. PNM's corporate miss ion has undergone severa l changes since it was first publi shed in 1995 and is now compressed into a s ing le statement as fol­lows: "To ensure that all Malays ians w ill have equal op­portunities to benefit from library services and fa­c ilities as well as able to access and utili se Malay­s ian intellectual heritage and other knowledge re­sourccs through an integrated electronic library in­frastructure throughout th e country. l!

St rategies to achieve the above mission include the fo llowing :-

( i) To optimise the use of information technology in the effect ive management of information and I ibrary services ;

( ii) To provide standards, guide lines and equ ipment to fac ilitate access and effective use of electro­nic information resources ;

( iii ) To establish strateg ic alliances with oth er insti tuti ons such as libraries, pub I ishers, research in­stitutes, telecommunications and other informa­

tion providers in order to upgrade the quality of li brary and information services.

( iv) Deve lop the necessary hum an resources appro­priate fo r the IT era.

• Curpoi"llte Logo

As pa rt of its startegy to present a new face in keep­in g with modern deve lopments, PNM has also changed its corporate logo to coincide w ith the 30th anni versary of its inception as a divi sion under the Natio nal Archives of Malaysia in 1966. T he new National Library logo with explanatory notes fo r its des ign appear in appendix [J to this paper.

• Orgallisatiollal Structure

The organ isati ona l structure of the Nat ional Library is based on programmes and act ivi ties under a plan­nin g and per formance budgeting system There are two Programmes and three Activ ities in the Nati onal Library structure. The two Programmes are Support Services, and Library Development and Information Services. The one Activ ity under the Support Ser-


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vices Programme is Administration and Human Re­source, which comprises of 3 sub-activiti es. There are 6 sub-activities each under the two activities, Li­brary Deve[opment and Information Services. The Library is headed by a Director-G ene ral and su p­ported by a Deputy Director-General, Director of Support Serv ices Programme, and Directors a nd Heads of sub-activiti es or Divi s ions. Th e [2 sub-ac­tivities as follows form the operational Divisions of Perpustakaan Negara Ma[aysia ;-

PROGRAMME [ : SUPPORT SERVICES Activity Administration and Human Reso-

uree Sub-activities: Administration and Finance

Training Corporate Affairs (changed from Pu blic Re[ations in 1996)


Activity II Sub-activ ities

Library Development Development Library Research Co nservat ion and Reprography Lega[ Depos it Technical Services Library and Information Technol­ogy ( changed from Data Process­ing in 1996) Information Services Ma[aysiana Reference General Reference Serials Centre for Ma[ay Manuscripts Media Resources Reading Promotion

The organi sati on chart of the National Library of Malaysia is shown in Appe ndix I

• Staffing

The number of personnel in PNM has in creased from 283 in 1996 to 306 in 1998. There was no increase in 1997. The expansion in personnel followed a restruc­turing of the National Library's organisation struc-

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ture in 1966, for wh ich new posts were approved in 1998. The fi[lin g o f these posts however, is subject to restri cti ons imposed as a result of the econom ic cri sis. Th e tab le below gives the breakdown of per­sonnel by category of staff :-

Catego,-y Top Management Management & Profess ional Support Staff Total


75 207 283


75 207 283


77 228 306

The Director General of Perpustakaan Negara Ma­[aysia is also the Head of the Library Commonuser Serv ice Scheme, wh ich is the scheme of service for librar ians in the Government Service. Through this sc heme . the Nationa[ Library provides personne l for profess ional and cleri cal leve[ library posts in fed­era[ Government Ministries and Departments. The number of such posts are as fo llows :-

Category Top Ma nagement Management & Professiona l Support Staff Total Grand Total


58 284 342



61 297 35 8 641


6[ 297 358 664

The number of posts in the Library Com mo nu ser Service Scheme saw an increase of 39 fro m 1996, bringing the total to 664.

• Building

The Nationa[ Library moved into its new purpose built building in Ja [an Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur in 1992 . This was the first time in its history that a [1 divisions in the National Library of Ma[ays ia came under one roof. Services were ope ned to the public in February 1993 fo llow ing a mo nth-l ong 'V isit Your Natio na[ Library Campa ign ' in December 1992. T hi s first phase of the building was officia[l y ope ned in De­cember [994. The second phase, co mpri s in g of of­fice space on the fifth and s ixth fl oors, the audito­rium and a sports complex on the 8'h fl oor (whi ch


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was convelted from the rooftop) was completed in 1996. With the completio n of the second phase, the tota l floor space of the Library is 22,073 sq. metres to house a co ll ect ion of I millio n volumes and seat­ing capacity for 1000 readers at anyone time.

The maintenance of the building is pr ivatised as a

e lIar erpuslahtHIII

in mid 1997 has had an im pact on pub lic sector fund­ing in Malaysia, reminiscent of the recession in the early 1980s. The prese nt cr is is has resulted in a re­duced budget for the National Library in 1998 and a stand st ill budget for 1999 as reflected in the fo llow­ing figures :-

total package compri sing of the following servi ces: - Programme 1997 1998 1999

Bu ilding Mai ntenance Landscaping and hyd roculture Technical staff Mechanica l and Electrica l Security C leaning Pest Co ntrol

The two-year contract is awarded to a single com­pany as a turnkey contract. Now approaching its sev­enth year, the building is s lowly but sure ly begi n­ning to show signs of wear and tear and the need for repairs and rcfurbi shment and the poss ibility of a long-te rm contract may be considered.

Const raints of space has a lso begun to show and from 1996, the Nati onal Library has had to resort to rent­ing wa rehouse space to hOllse newspapers received under the Deposit of Library Material s Act 1986. Funding for plans to build a newspaper library on a site owned by the Library in the outskirt of Kuala Lumpur was not approved under th e 7'" Malaysia Pian.

• Blulget

The Nati onal Library rece ives all of its regular fund­ing fro m the Federal Government. Federal fund s are provided for its annual operating budget as well as development budget under the fi ve year development pl an for the period 1996 - 2000, referred to as the Seventh Malays ia Plan . In addit ion to its own bud­get, federal fund s are a lso provided through the Na­tional Library's budget for State Public Library De­ve lo pment Co rporati ons and State Library Depalt­ments, both for annual o perating as well as develop­ment budget.

The economi c c ri s is in South- East Asia which begun

Existing 27,640,000 25, 185,070 24,601,900 One-Off 327,500 730,100 New Programmes 1,420,000 TOTAL 29,387,500 25,185,070 25,332,000

Under th e Seventh Malaysia Plan ( 1996-2000), the Nat iona l L ibrary was a ll ocated the fo ll owing deve l­opment budget :-

Project Allocation Expenditure ( up to Sept. 1998 )

National Library Building 680.000 679,609.69 Conservalion Laboratory 600,000 79, 174.50 National Reading Promot ion 1,995,000 300,125.28 National Collection 4,925,000 2,30 I ,549.49 State Library projects 78, 15 t,000 t 7,563.360.97

TOTAL 86,351,000 20,923,819.93

• Collection Development

The National Library of Malaysia a ims to be the cen­tre of exce ll ence for Malaysiana and its co llecti on develo pment policy is intended to support thi s o b­jective. Materials are acquired through legai deposit, g ifts and exchange and purchase . The Depos it of Library Materials Act 1986, which covers all forms o f library material s, is the main vehicle for the ac­qui sit ion of Malaysian publications, but the Library a lso purchase a considerable volume where materi­als are needed urgently or if th ere is a need for mul­tiple copies, especially for its lending co llection. The acqu isition of Ma laysian a materials is priority for both

operating and development budget.

The Nationa l Library is a lso the depository for United


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N at io ns publi cati ons and is becomin g a rapidly in ­c reas ing co ll ecti on. However, th e use o f the UN co l­lecti on needs to be pro moted and the National Li­brary hopes to take th e opportunity to publi c ise thi s co llection when it recei ves a complete set of speeches and papers from a di stingui shed fo rmer Malays ian Chai rman of the UN Genera l Assembly early next year.

T he Centre for Ma lay Man uscri pts establ ished at the Natio na l L ibrary of Ma lays ia s ince 1985, has pro­gress ivel y been acquirin g Malay Manu scri pts in its ori gi na l fo rm as we ll as in m icroform . W ith the present total of 2442 o ri g ina l Malay Manu scripts in its co ll ecti on, the Nati o na l L ibrary has the biggest s ing le co llecti on of Malay Manuscr ipts in the world. In addit ion the Centre examines and catalogues Malay Manu scripts kept in I ibrar ies and institutions over­seas. Up to now, Mal ay Man uscr ipt co llections in Leiden, Netherlands, France, Germ any, Sri Lanka, United States, Singapore and South Africa have been cata logued by officers of th e National Libra ry of Ma­lays ia and pu bli shed by the Centre.

The tab le be low shows the Nationa l Libra ry's co l­lecti o n up to September 1998 :-

Type of material Printed Materia l Monographs Seri a ls ( Ti tles) Maps/posters/ othe r printed mate rial Total Printed Material Total Non-Printed/ AY Material TOTAL


No. of Items

1,303,503 24,054

52,768 1,383,300

74,610 1,460,352

• Oll-Lille Public Access Calalogue

The Nationa l Libra ry 's coll ecti o n is access ibl e thro ugh its O n-line Public Access Cata logue (OPAC) since it was first laun ched in 1990. Retrospecti ve conversion o f cata logue record s have been completed

Sekilar Perp.Ulakaall

and a lm ost a ll of th e Nati onal Library ' s co ll ecti on may be accessed on- line. The fol lowing databases a re mai ntai ned for public access through the Virginia Technical Library Sysle l1l ( VTLS) :-


- The National Library Co ll ection -Index of Malaysian Periodica ls - Indcx of Ma lays ian Confere nces - Index of Ma laysian Newspapers - In dex of foreign journal articles

abo ut Ma laysia

Thc index ing of newspapers was d isconti nued in 1997 in view of the fact that severa l major newspapers, inc luding 2 Eng li sh languagc nat ional dai li es The New Siraiis Till/es, and The Sial' as we ll as 2 Ma lay language nationa l newspapers, Ulusan A1alaysia and BerilC1 Harial1 are access ible on- li ne thro ugh the internet. More recen t ly, th e MENTAR I a nd PANCARAN databases have been merged into a s ing le database accessible to the public.

Five new app licati on systems were deve loped by the Library and Informatio n Technology Division in 1997 for th e fo ll owi ng projects ;-

Malaysian Serials an-line Il1 lel"l1al ional Slandard Book NUll/bel' (ISBN) On-line InlemCilional Slandard Serial Number (ISSN) ON-line Calaloguil1g-in-Publicalion On-line Warisan Budaya MalaYSia


In 1996. the National Library la un ched its lirst Ma­lays ian N ati ona l Bi bli ograph y ( 1966-1988) and In­dexes on CD-ROM. T he Indexes on CD-ROM in­c lud e the Ma laysian Newspaper Index (1988 - 199 1), The Malays ian Period ica l Index ( 1984-1 99 1) and th e Ma laysian Conference Index (1989- 1993). T he In­dexes on C D-ROM are ava ilab le for sa le.

With finan cial support from ESSO Ma lays ia , the Nationa l Libra ry initi ated a proj ect to pub li sh loca l nursery ' rhymes o n multim edi a C D-ROM in coop­eration with Mektoon Sdn. Bhd . and Pu an Azah Aziz,

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the compiler o f the nursery rhymes in 1996. In an effort to revitalise local nursery rhymes into and ex­citing and interactive multimedia format, 500 copies

of the C D-ROM were produced and distributed to

public libraries, primary schools and kindergaltens

through out th e country.

• JarinJ.:f11111mu

JARTNGAN ILM U or Knowledge Network, is a li­brary and informati on network in Malaysia initiated

in 1994 by the Malays ian Institute for Microelectron­ics Systems (M IMOS) with the cooperation of Perpustakaan Negara is one of the net­

works coo rdinated by MTMOS under the JARTNG network. As coordinator of JARING , MIMOS pro­v ides telecommunication backbone facilities for its

subsc ribers to have access to Internet. In 1996, PNM, as the coordinator of JARINGAN ILMU, the National Library in stalled free of charge, computer system s with internet network facilities in45 libraries includ­ing 14 state public libraries and 35 special libraries in Federal Governnment Ministries and Departments.

For the !irst year, The National Library also paid the JARING subscription fces and in addition, a series of COlllputer related courses were conducted for par­

ticipants from these libraries. Thi s first phase of th e libraries network project enabled thc selected librar­ies to comlllunicate with each other via e-mail, share

On-line Publi c Access globally, deve lop th e ir homepages to promote their service as well as link to

other international databases.

A further development of the JARINGAN I LMU Proj ec t is th e .IARINGAN MASY ARAKAT B ERr LM U or Connected Learn i ng Com m un ity (CLC) project jointly undertaken by The National Library of Malaysia and Microsoft Malaysia aimed at creating a stimulating, enrich ed educational envi­

ronment in which :-

( i) all students have access to a PC and informa­tion online;

(ii) each student is empowered to pursue an indi­vidual path of learning best suited to his or her need s;

(iii) learning results not from access to information

al one but from continuous, dynamic interaction

SeMlar PerpuslultUllII

between students, educators, parents and the ex­

tended community.

The CLC is the second phase of the .IARINGAN I LMU project, in which the National Library ofMa­lays ia and the 14 State Public Library Corporations will receive computer hardwares and softwares from Hewlett Packard Malaysia. A series of computer train ing courses jointly held by the National Library and Microsoft Malaysia will be provided for various categories of staff and the community for the project. It is expected that by February 1999,500,000 users will be registered under the CLC Project.


Rf;(erence Services

Library services to the public are provided by the National Library' s service divisions under the Infor­

mation Services Programme which include Malaysiana Reference, General Reference, Serials Divi sion ( Malaysiana and General) , Media Re­so urces, Centre for Malay Manuscripts and Reading Promotion Division. Photocopying services is wholly privati sed. The table below shows a steady increase in the number of reference enquiries dealt with and the number of walk-in users of the Library'S refer­ence servIces over the last five years :-

Usage\ YeaI' 1994 1995 1996 19?7 1998 (,Jail-Sept.)

Materials refcm:d 42 ! ,051 609,993 606.6 17 545,416 379,499 Reference enquiries 39,490 49,843 5t,602 59,073 44,080 Walk-in lIsers 390.447 497,643 493, 145 593.039 466,430

• Lending Services

Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia is the national centre for Document Delivery Services or SPP in Malaysia. Libraries participating in this scheme sign a memo­randum of understanding with the Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia undertaking to lend or borrow ma­terials. In 1997,25 new institutions registered with the service bringing the total number of members to 298 institutions.

Although public lending services are slowly being phased out to enable the National Library to focus on


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• SeMla, Pe,puslakaan

its reference and referra l ro le, the ational Library sti ll maintain s a lending serv ice for adults and chil­dren. The Nationa l Library's three branch outlets as well as mob ile library services have been handed over to the Kuala Lumpur City Hall , the local authority now taking over the provision of public libra ry ser­vices in Kuala Lumpur. It is anticipated that when the metropolitan city libra ry in ~uala Lumpur, now in advanced planning stages, is completed, th e Na­tional Library w ill. cease to provide a lending ser­vice, except for document delivery services through librar ies registered w ith the service. At present, the popu larity of the lending servi ce is in creasir/g as in­dicated by the statistics below :-

Book Loans

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 (.I:III-SCPt.)

183, 146 263.541 270.205 3 16.886 271.027

The above fi g ures include mate ria ls borrowed undcr the Document Delivery System , but exc lude postal and bulk loan serv ices.

• Media Resources

The Media Resou rces division, estab li shed in 1993, has progressed rapidl y in the provision of audio-vi­sual services to readers. Its collecti on include aud io­visua l materials received through lega l deposit, pur­chase and g ifts and spec ial emphasis is given to sub­jects such as management, science and technology, information technology, environment , education, li­brary and information science, bu siness and trade, hea lth and co untry profiles. The 28 booths for vidco viewing, 3 audio-visual rooms for group viewing and

a larger viewin g room for 50 people as we ll as 38 li stening facilities are prov ided by a RM I million grant f rom the Japanese Government. As a centre for eduta inment and infota in ment, the Media Resources Division al so provide se lected video programl11es and sate llite digital television programmes to library us­crs. Services are provided free of charge to reg istered users.

Services for spec ial groups such as the visua ll y im­paired are a lso provided by the Division. In 1996, the audio book project was laun ched by the National Library in cooperation w ith the Dewan Bahasa and

Pustaka and MacDonald's Malays ia. 10 titles of books publi shed by Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka were rep rod uced into audio cassettes which were distrib­uted to publ ic I ibra ries throughout Ma lays ia. In 1997, Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia and the Malaysian As­soc iatio n fo r the Blind parti c ipated in the DAISYI Plextalk World Fie ld Test ing project where aud io books o n cassettes were transferred onto compact d iscs and the results of the survey were sent to the International Expert Com m ittee on DAI SY IPlextalk World Ficld testing in Tokyo, Japan.

• Regi.\'lratioll of Rem/en;

The compu lsory registration of users of the National Library has large ly been accepted by the public and fewer complaints are received regard ing thi s require­

ment. The steady increase in the nUl11ber of readers registering wi th the National Library shown in the tab le indicatc the chan g ing attitude of users compared to when the regu lat io n was first in troduced for a ll users in 1993 :-

PJ95 19% 1997 1998 (Jail-Sept)

Regi stered Readers 36.0 17 36.682 43.289 46.512 57.072

Up to September 1998, the tota inuillber o f readers reg istered wi th the Library is 274,732, which is abollt 15% the population of Kuala Lumpu r.

The Library is open everyday except for Mondays and public holidays. On weekdays, opening hours are fro m 10.00 a.lll. to 6.00 p.I11. , o n Saturdays from 9.00a. m. to 5.00 p.m., and Sundays from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.I11 .. From I sl August 1998 . the opening ho urs were extend ed to 8.00 p.l11. on Frid ays and Satu rdays following a directive from the Govern ment. The extended ho urs is intended to prov ide greater 0pPol1un ity for those in full-time emploYl11ent, par­ticularly c ivil servants and profess ionals to Lise the library facilities. Introd uced on a trial basis to coin­cide with the national reading 111 011th in August, it is hopcd a lso that families wou ld be encouraged to use the library as a family acti vity.

• Readillg Promotion

As the National Secretariat fo r th e nati o na l reading


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campa ign , PNM a lso coordinates reading promoti on activiti es at the nati onal level throughout the year . Reading promotion programme is intensified in Au­gust, which is the National Reading Month. A na- . ti onal survey o n the read ing profile of Malaysian peop le was begun in 1996 and compl eted in 1997. The study was contracted to a private survey com­pa ny and the main findin gs o f the study were as fol­lows :-

-Malays ian I iteracy rate is 93 0/0 -87% of Malaysia ns practice reading -On the average, Malays ians read 2 books a year -Malaysian children start reading at the ageof2 years o ld -Only 29% of Ma laysians have use ofl ibrary faci lities -12% of Malaysians are able to use persona l computers

Based o n the resu lts of the study, a plan of act ion to improvc the literacy and readi ng rate of the Malay­sian populatio n is being prepared in consultati on with government and n011- government agencies involved wit h education and soc ial deve lopme nt.

• COllsultallcy alld Advisory Services

Consultancy and adv isory services are provided by the Development Div is ion of Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia to government and non-government insti­tutions, in planning new libraries as well as in up­gradi ng library and info rmati on services. In 1997,28 institutions rece ived adv ice serv ices from PNM in­cluding 2 private sector libraries and 3 libraries be­longing to vo luntary organisations. Thi s was an in­crease over the prev ious year when adv ice services were provided 10 a IOta I of20 institutions includin g 6 private sector I ibraries and one voluntary organisation library.

• Library Research

The Library Research services coord inate research related to libraries, Iibrari anship, in formation services and reading. The service include the preparation of standards and guide lines and compilation of statis­ti cs for libra ry and in formation service throughout the country. The stati stics o f National Library and Publi c Library Services compiled are published in the Social S/a/is/ics Bulle/in Malaysia, a Department

SeAitllT PerplIMtllw(1Il

o f Stati stics Malaysia publication. A comprehensive directory of librari es in Malay s ia , Panduan PerjJus/akaan Di Malaysia was publi shed following a survey conducted by the Library Research Di v i­s io n in 1996. Secretariat serv ices was also provided by thc Div is ion for the natio nal survey on the read­ing pro file o f the Malays ian peop le in 1996-97 ~


Conservation and reprography services continue to provide an important support service fo r the preser­vatio n o f the Nation al Library's collection. Its ser­v ices inc lude mai ntenance, repair and binding of mater ials conservati on of manuscripts and rare ma­terial s anc1microfilmimg. In 1996, the Di vision in­troduced a technique using leaf-casting machines for the repair of manu sc ripts and rare books. The tech­nique succeeded in improvi ng the quality and quan­tity of repai r o f manuscripts and ra re books. In the same yea r, a cons ulta nt provided und er the US F ulbri ght Program conducted a study of preservation of library resources and submitted a proposa l for a nati onal preservation po licy of library materi a ls for Malays ia . The proposa ls submitted will provide the bas is fo r the formulation of Ma lays ia's nati onal preservat ion policy.


The Nati onal Library's training programm e caters fo r staff in the National Library as well as those in the Library Commonuser Service Scheme and to a lesser extent, library personnel in other library secto rs. Fol­lowing government restrictions on overseas travel due to the country's ad verse econOIll ic si tuation , training programmes in the Nati onal Library have been in­ten sifi ed to take advantage of the greater availability of offi cers, particularly sen ior management, on site. The series of talks and book reviews by professional officers was rev ived as a monthl y event at the Na­tional Library and has been we ll received.

The two regular courses under the Malay~ian Tech­n ical Cooperation Programm e, the Basic Course For Library AssislCll1lS and Programme of Visi/s and A/­ICIchmen/ for professiona l libra rian s were success­fully conducted in 1996 and 1997 . Due to budget con-


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straints, only the course for library assistants was con­ducted in 1998. For this course, the Malaysian Govelll­ment sponsored participants from Croatia, Myanmar, Sudan, Sri Lanka, N igeria, Indonesia, Bhutan and Ghana.


Promotion and public ity for the Nat ional Library's serv ices and happenings are acti ve ly carried out par­ti cul a rly w ith the mass med ia. Regul a r coverage o f events taking p lace at the Library in the press, rad io and te lev is io n serves to ma intain the Nationa l Library image as a dynamic and act ive institution and attract people to vis it the Li brary and to use its serv ices . In 1996, Pe rpustakaan Nega ra Ma lays ia received 146 mass media coverage throughout the year. whi Ie cov­e rage in c reased in 1997 \V ith 165 mass medi a reportings.

A regul ar feature whi ch he lps attracts people to the L ibra ry are t he ex hibiti o ns he ld a t the Na ti o na l Li brary's exh ibit ion ha ll. Exhi b it ions are o ften he ld ill cooperation with outside organ isations mainly for­e ign embass ies. A recent one that was s liccess full y he ld at the Li brary was the exhibitio n on CO/ll/llon­wealth: Surge To The Next Milleniwl1 which attracted more than 17,000 peopl e. T he exhi biti on was he ld as pa rt of the Co mm o nwea lt h C ultura l Fest iva l Kuala L umpur 98 in conjunction with the 16,h Comm on­wea lth Games in Kua la Lu mpur in Septem ber 1998.

A te lev ision commercial and two radio jingles were produced by Perpustakaa n Negara Ma laysia in 1997 and 1998 to boost the nati onal read ing cam pa ign.

The number of peoplc to the Nat iona l Libra ry is still in creas in g, despite the fact that buildi ng is now al­most seven years o ld . Amo ng the prominent vis itors to the Nati ona l L ibrary are the Pres ident of the Re­pub li c of Uruguay DrJulio MaJ1a Sangui netti , and hi s w ife Madame Marta Ca nessa De Sanguin ett i who v isited the Libra ry o n 4'" July 1996. More recently, in early November 1998, H is Exce llency, the Yang Di Pertua Negeri Pul au Pin ang, the Head of State o f Penang, Tun Dato' Seri Dr. Hj . Hamdan Bin She ikh Tahir and his wife, Toh Puan Dato ' Seri Hajjah Za inab Binti Hj . Baharuddin , v isited the National Library.

Sekitar Perpustukaall


Perpustakaan Negara Ma lays ia has been fairly act ive in publ ishi ng over the last 3 year period. 30 titles were pub lished in 1996 , includ ing 2 t itles on CD- ROM and 10 titl es in ta lking or aud io boo ks form at and 25 ti tl es. incl uding I CD- ROM tit le were pub li shed in 1977. There were less tit les pu b lished in 1998 d ue to the economic recess ion.


Pu bli c sector reform s in Mal ays ia are la rge ly gov­e rnm ent driven. As a fcderal depm1ment under the Mi ni stry of Ed uca ti o n Ma lays ia, Pe rpustakaan Negara Ma lays ia has been acti vely implementing programm es introdu ced to im prove the q ua l it y of its pub lic serv ices. T hese include :-

( i) C li ent s C lu1I1er (ii) Q ual ity Day (i ii) Exce llent Serv ice A\Va rds ( iv) TQM Working G ro up (v) Im plementat ion of ISO 9000 (vi) Mod ified Budgeti ng Systcm - progra mme

rev iew & eva luation

Fo llowi ng the appointment ofthe Di rector, Suppor1 Serv ices as Management Representati ve or qua lity manager in Ma rch 1988. the im pl emcntati on of MS ISO 9002 is we ll underway for the Nati onal Libra ry's core process Development of the Natiol1al Col/ection for which the Libra ry hopes to rece ive ce rtifi cation by .iune 1999.



Over the last three yea rs from 1996-98, Perpustakaan Ncgara Ma laysia has been act ive ly invo lved in th e parti cipation as we ll as organisation of regional co­operative activi ties. The h ighlight of these acti v it ies was the Tcnth Congress of So utheast As ian Librar­ians he ld in Kua la Lumpur from 21 -25 May 1996. The Congress was jo intly organ ised by the Library Assoc iatio n of Malays ia (PPM) and Perpustakaan Nega ra Ma lays ia in co nj un c t io n w ith th e Tenth

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Consa l Executive Board. 560 participants fro m South­east As ia. the As ia- Pac ifi c region. Europe and th e Un ited States pa rtic ipated in th e Congress, whi ch was offi c ia lly opened by the Deputy Prime Mini ster o f Malays ia. As Chairman of the Organis ing Commit­tee, The Director Genera l of the National Library, Dat in Ma riam Abd ul Kad ir played a leadin g role in tile Congress and in obtaining suppOl1 from va ri o lls sectors in Malays ia. The tremendous success of the Congress was ac hieved w ith th e overwhe lming sup­port and unity o f the libra ry frate rnity in Malays ia. Proceed in gs of the Congress were published in the same year.

• ASEAN COllllllitteeoll Culture al/(I !J~f() rl1l11fioJl

Perpustakaa n N egara Malaysia was the secretariat for a nati o nal semi nar on ' Books For All : ASEAN Con­fere nce On S oo k De vel o pm e nt ' he ld in Ku a la Lum pur fro m 13- 15 August 1996.

• N lltiollal Libraries Group - South East Asill

Me m bers o f t he gro up from Brune i Daru ssa lam. Cam bodia, Ph ilippines, Indones ia, Laos, Singapore, Thail and and V ietn am met in Kuala Lumpur on 20 May 1996. Per pu s takaan Nega r a M al ay s ia coord inated the pub li cation of the fo llowi ng two di ­rector ies o n beha lf of the group :-

(i) N LG-SEA Directory on ' Computer systems, so ftwa re and databases in Southeast As ian Li­brari es ,' 1996.

( i i) Pro fi Ie of National Librar ies Group- South East As ia. 1997.

• Ref:ivll a/ Ne/workfor /h e Exchauge of lI~ror­llta/ioll lIlId Experiellce ill Science alld Teelt IlIIloKY ill Asia IIl1d th e Pacific Regioll ( ASTTNFO )

Thro ugh cooperatio n wi th ASTINFO Lia iso n o ffic­crs fo r Iran and the Repu blic o f Chin a, a proj ect to lrace Ma lays iana materia ls in several institutions in these coulllr ies were success fully undertaken in 1966. A Librar ian from the In stitute o f Sc ience and Tech­nology ( ISTIC ) in China a lso received practical tra in­ing at Perpustakaa n Negara Ma laysia in November

Sekitur PerpustuAUl1II

1996. Ms. Zawiyah Saba Director Support Serv ices was appo inted the new ASTIN FO Lia ison Omeer for Ma lays ia from September 1998. A programm e of study vis its to libraries in Malays ia was organised for a de legati on from The Nati onal Centre fo r Sci­ence Tec hn o logy Information and Docum entati on (NAC ESTID ) , in Hanoi, Vietnam in November 1998.


Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia continue to be repre­sented by the Director General and Deputy Director General at IFLA General Conference in Beijing, 1996 and Copenhagen in 1997. Due to budget constrai nts, only the Deputy Director General represented PN M at the I FLA Conference in Amsterdam in Augnst 1998.

C ik Shahar [lanun laafar , Deputy Director General , Perpustakaan N cgara Malays ia, a member ofthe Com­mittee fo r Informati on Techno logy trans la ted the eomm ittee ' s brochure into Malay fo r di stribu tio n to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam.

The fo llowing were some o f the papers presented by offi cers of Perpustakaan Negara Ma lays ia at IFLA General Confe rence in 1996 and 1997 :-

( i) ' A new vista on library se rv ices to the v isua lly impa ired in the deve loping co untries of As ia: A Ma lay s ia n Parad ig m ' by S he ll a t ay Devadason, 1996.

(i i) Accnltrat ion of in fo nn ation techno logy through li brary serv ices : the Malays ian experience' by Sha har Banun l aafar, 1997.

( ii i) ' Marketing information techno logy products and services in libraries : Malays ian experiences' by Shahar Banun l aafar, 1997.

Perpustakaan Negara Ma laysia o rgani sed the IFLAi U BCIM Regiona l Sem inar on Bibl iographi c Contro l on 9-1 2 Ma rch 1998 in wh ich a ll cou ntries in South­east Asia partic ipated. Resource persons were from IFLA Secti on on Cata loguing and Di v is ion of Bib­liographica l Contro l, IFLAi US C IM Programme Of­fice , IFLAiALP Programm e Office and Mr.Alan Hopk inson from Hiddl esek Uni versity Brita in . Pro­ceed in gs o f th e Co ngress we re publi s hed by Perpustakaan Negara Ma lays ia a fter the Seminar.


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Malaysiall Resource Cell/res Overseas

The Malaysian Resource Centre at the University of Ohio, United States, established in 1989, continue to develop with additional resources provided by Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia in 1966, 1997 and 1998, including microfilm of three major Malaysian national newspapers.

The new Malaysian Resource Centre was established in the Netherlands at the Royal Institute of Linguis­tics and Anthropology (KL TV) in Leiden, Nether­lands in 1997. The Centre was officially opened by the Malaysian Ambassador to the Hague, Mr.S Ganapathy, in March 1998. Also present were the Director-General Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, Datin Mariam Abdul Kadir and the Head of the Le­ga l Depository Centre, Ms. Siti Zakiah Aman. The Centre received 903 titles of Malaysian publ ications as well as 2 national newspapers on microfilm. A third Malaysian Resource Centre is envisaged for New Zealand at the University of Victoria in Wellington.


Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia continue to play its role as the national centre for ISBN and ISSN in Malaysia. The table below shows an increase in ISBN and ISSN issued for local publications as well as the number of new publishers regi stered with the na­tional centre, indicative of increase in publishing activity in Malaysia :-

Category/ Year

ISBN ISSN New Pub I ishers



10806 284 235


14,765 323 263

1998 ( Jan.-Oct.) 8,611

199 230

Although there are posi tive signs of an economic re­covery in the near future, Perpustakaan Negara Ma­laysia as in the case of other public serv ice organisations need to approach the future with the possibility of continued budgetary constraints. In these circumstances, the immediate challenges would be to maximise existing resources , while althe same

Sekitar Perpustakam,

maintaining the quality of services.

Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia will focus its effOlts over the next two yea rs on consol idating its resources

to meet the cha llenges of the new millenium . Towards this end, Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia hopes to accomplish the following plan of action which is now already underway :-

(i) Review of the National Library legis lati on within regard to purpose, functions and role to en ­sure its continued relevance and effectiveness. It is hoped that the revised Act will be tabled in Parlia­ment before the end of 1999;

( ii) Redefine its mission and strategies in line with its purpose, role and fu nctions:

(iii) Initiate the review of the implementation ofthe Nat ional Policy for Library and Info rmation Services over the last decade in o rder to plan and coordi nate strategies for future development of library and in­formation services in Malaysia. It is envisaged that a strategic plan for LIS development wi II be subm itted for the 8'h Malaysia five-year Plan (200 1-2005) ;

(iv) Systematic integration of quality programmes and measures in the management of the libraries. The cenification on PNM's core process, Develop­lIIel1l of the Not ional Collection under MS ISO 9000 is envisaged before the end of 1999;

(v) Develop and upgrade the IT capabi lity of Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia and libraries in Ma­laysia to ensure its full participation in the multime­dia sllpercorridor ( MSC) project;

(vi) Encourage the development orloeal content by libraries in the development of databases;

(vii) Foclls on two key target groups in the national reading promotion programmes sc hool-going ch il­dren and government officers; and

(v iii) Training and retraining of library personnel in esseillialmanagement, IT and self development ski ll s so as to playa more effective ro le in the management of library and information services.


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SeAillir PerpW,fllAtltlll


5,h Conference of Directors of National Libraries of Asia and Oceania. Towards the year 2000: vision and reality. Coumry Reports. Kuala Lumpur, 23-26 November 1992. Kuala Lumpur: Perpustakaan Negara Malays ia, 1992.

J FLAIUBCIM Regional Seminar 011 Bibliographic Comrol, Kuala Lumpur, 9-12 March 1998. Proceedings. Kuala Lumpur: Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, 1998.

Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia. Belanjawan Persekutuan 1999. Kuala Lumpur: Kementerian Kewangan Malays ia. 1998.

Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. Laporan Tahunan 1997. Kuala Lump~r : Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, 1998. Draft.

Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. Laporan Tahunan 1996. Kuala Lumpur: Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, 1997.

Perpuslakaan Negara Malaysia. Warisan Ifmu: Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia =A Heritage o/Knowledge: the National Library o/Malaysia . Kuala Lumpur: Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, 1994.

Pustaka: Buletin Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, biLI/l998. Kuala Lumpur: Perpustakaan Negara Malay­s ia, 1998.

Sekilar Perpustakaan, biL 23/ 1996. Kuala Lumpur: Perpu stakaan Negara Malaysia, 1996.

Sekita r Perpuslakaan, biL21 / 1995 . Kuala Lumpur: Perpusta kaan Negara Malaysia, 1995.

Sek itar Perp ustakaan biL1911994. Kuala Lumpur: Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, 1994.

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Seki/ar Perplistakaml

Appendix r


National Library

State Public Libraries Main State Public Library Territory Libraries Branch Libraries Town Libraries Village Libraries Mobile Libraries

Rural Community Centre Libraries KEMAS, RlSDA, FELDA Libraries Under Local Government Authorities Others (mosque, etc)

University Libraries Government Private

University Branch Campus

Institute of Higher Learning Libraries (College/Institute, Polyteclmic, Teachers Training College, MARA Junior Science College)

Special Libraries Ministry/Government Department Statutory Body/Private Agency

School Resource Centres Secondary Schools Primary Schools


Note. ( ) Estimatedfigure

Number o/Libraries


14 3

92 54

247 97

216 201 258

11 3



186 (207)

(1,538) (7,084)



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Seliitar PerplI.' .. takUtlll

Appendix II

Based on the Ma lay head dress (tengko lok) and book which symbolises knowledge which is the basis for the birth of a deve loped soc iety and readi ng cu lture.


Layer of Book symboli ses a cooperative soc iety to inspire and ensure Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia 's goal in reaching its Sllccess.

Pyramid Shape symbo li ses the peak of success, consistency and stability.

Compact Line symboli ses information technology.

Layers of structured lines sym boli ses harmony and un ity between the society and Perpustakaan Negara Malays ia.


Blue symboli ses stability and harm ony .

Red symbol ises strength, aggresivenes and dynamism.

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Sekilar Perpu . .,akaall

Appendix III




SECRETARY - GENERAL I ------------------r-----------------



















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