Page 1: Seven big data predictions for 2015

url: Title: Seven Big Data Predictions for 2015

Data is that the fuel that launches firms earlier than the pack—often so much ahead. people who will collect, analyze, associated quickly build use of knowledge can have an ever-increasing competitive advantage. That’s the promise of huge knowledge.

But to create that promise a reality for your business, wherever do you have to focus your attention in 2015. per Oracle’s knowledge specialists, there square measure seven key areas that provide a wealth of chance this year. These square measure the ways, capabilities, and approaches that may place the advantages of huge knowledge a lot of in reach for enterprises that square measure ready to require advantage.

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1. Corporate boardrooms will talk about data capital, not big data. Data is as necessary for making new product, services and ways that of operating as money capital.

2. Big data management will grow up. Hadoop and NoSQL can graduate from principally experimental pilots to straightforward elements of enterprise information management, taking their place aboard relative databases.

3. Companies will demand a SQL for all seasons. SQL is not just a technology standard. It’s a language based on 100 years of hard thinking about how to think straight about data. 

4.Just-in-time transformation will transform ETL. New in-memory streaming technologies amendment the speed at that we will act on information, inflicting a re-examination of extract, transform, and cargo (ETL) activities.

5. Self-service discovery and visualization tools will come to big data. New knowledge discovery and image tools can facilitate folks expertly within the business, however not in technology use massive knowledge in daily selections.

6.Security and governance will increase big data innovation. New knowledge discovery and image tools can facilitate folks expertly within the business, however not in technology use massive knowledge in daily selections.

7. Production workloads blend cloud and on-premises capabilities. Once corporations see enterprise security and governance extended to superior cloud environments, they’ll begin to shift workloads around as required.

Page 2: Seven big data predictions for 2015


// “We believe 2015 are going to be the year of massive knowledge. knowledge is that the new style of capital. nowadays we've got associate index that talks regarding the worth of a complete. Going forward, we are going to see associate index that talks regarding the worth of information. Businesses can begin talking regarding knowledge capital as a result of having the correct data regarding folks, places associated things are going to be important for an enterprise to create the competitive edge and succeed” //

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