Page 1: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut

Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector

Development of the

South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation(SEESARI)

Dennis Schut – Research Manager UIC

Bucharest, 6 & 7 October 2015

Page 2: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut


My organisation – the UICMy organisation – the UIC

WCRR 2016


The SEESARI initiative

Next steps: implementation

Page 3: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut

1921 Intergovernmental (diplomatic) conference in Portoroz, Slovenia

1922 Intergovernmental conference in Genoa, Italy

October 1922 Constitutive Assembly of UIC (Paris):  UIC Statutes adopted by 51 Railway administrations from 29 countries (Europe, Asia)

2015 240 Member railways on 5 continents

1921 Intergovernmental (diplomatic) conference in Portoroz, Slovenia

1922 Intergovernmental conference in Genoa, Italy

October 1922 Constitutive Assembly of UIC (Paris):  UIC Statutes adopted by 51 Railway administrations from 29 countries (Europe, Asia)

2015 240 Member railways on 5 continents

UIC - A long history at the service of member railways

and international railway cooperation

Page 4: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut


UIC in 2015


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The UIC today 240 Members in 95 countries

3,000 billion passenger kilometers

10,000 billion ton-kilometers

1 million kilometers of lines

7 million rail personnel

Cooperation with over 100 institutions

700 UIC Leaflets ( IRS - International Railway Standards)

85 congresses, conferences, workshops


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The UIC missionPromoting the development of rail transport at world level,

in order to meet challenges of mobility and sustainable Development

Key Challenges in terms of


Page 7: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut

A strategic vision for the rail development in every region of the world


Page 8: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut

Synergies developed by UIC with leading institutions



UICConsultative status to UN,ECOSOC

UIC DG Member of HL- Adv Group to UN SG on Sustainable Transport


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StationsCommercial & Services

High Speed & Conventional


Rolling StockInfrastructure



Expertise Development

Communications, Institutional Relations, HR and Social, Finance



Page 10: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut


My organisation – the UICMy organisation – the UIC

WCRR 2016


The SEESARI initiative

Next steps: implementation

Page 11: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut

Huge Rail Investments in SEE Countries needed One single “Future European Railway System”


EC map of the TEN – T Corridors

NB: South Eastern Europe – Blank!

Page 12: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut



1. During a Rail Investment in South East Europe in October 2014 in Belgrade the plan was developed and presented to develop, update, link and innovate the transportation networks in South Eastern Europe (SEE) with a specific focus on rail. The plan was presented by Dr. Peter Verlic, Director of the Prometni Institut in Ljubljana, Slovenia. 2. The need for cooperation within the SEE region was presented and discussed. It was decided to set up a platform on which to build a structure that will support the SEE Area in identifying, developing and implementing innovative solutions for the South East European Railway System as part of the Future European Railway System.

Looking at the new TEN-T corridor map: It cannot remain a blank area!!! 3. This development would most possibly lead to provision of increased financing conditions for research, innovation and implementation that will help to develop the SEE Area.  4. In order to have any positive effect and to deliver true innovation there needs to be involvement from a wide range of stakeholders from the SEEA. This must include suppliers, operators, customers, financiers, administrators etc to work in close collaboration for the mutual benefit of the stakeholders and the economy of the SEEA. 

Page 13: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut


The SEESARI Initiative

1. Following the Belgrade congress many interested organisations from the SEE region, including a number of railway operators but also universities, construction companies and others have contacted Mr. Verlic and have shown their interest in participation in and contributing to the Alliance. The project is supported by the UIC!

2. A first meeting was organised by Mr. Verlic in Ljubljana in April 2015 to set up a first core-group to develop the activities needed and bilateral visits have been established with several other potential between partners. At this moment there are 35 35 partners from Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Romania and Turkey while also Deutsche Bahn OBB have shown their interest in this initiative.

5. The identified priorities would need to be of business interest to the wider range of stakeholders and would cover issues that are supporting not only the physical and hardware issues related to infrastructure and rolling stock but especially also to the softer issues of delivery of services to the customers, planning and marketing the services,

These are all points that are core to the integration of the railway system so that it is safe, efficient, attractive and sustainable – value for money and the preferred mode of transport..


Page 14: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut

UIC Mission

Isolation in EuropeWeaker economyRole of rail downRole of road upUnemploymentCongestionHigh costs

Strong railway net- work & potential.Strategic North-South link between Europe, Middle East and Asia through TurkeyAvailable knowledge

Neglected infra- structure maintenanceOutdated rolling stockLack of fundingNo cross-border cooperation & planning

Will to cooperateTo develop Rail into the transport system back-bone Connect harbors & airportsCommon planningCommon procurementLower costsStronger economyPotential CEF funds

Page 15: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut


My organisation – the UICMy organisation – the UIC

WCRR 2016


The SEESARI initiative

Next steps: implementation

Page 16: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut



2. The Strategy will build on:

• Experiences of ERRAC, SRRIA, R&I Roadmaps• The UIC Challenge 2050 vision and the Rail Technical Strategy Europe - RTSE• The 2011 Transport White Paper objectives• The Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme characteristics• PPP initiatives such as Shift2Rail • and of course the project and priorities of the SEE Area

3. Looking at the “Shift2Rail” initiative, it is the plan to develop SEESARI as a PPP involving investment from the rail sector as well as independent businesses that are interested in and would expect benefits from involvement in the rail sector

1. Identify, develop and implement innovative solutions for the Future European Railway System and support the economic growth of the South East Europe Area A Vision and Strategy is under development as well as an Action & Implementation Plan with clear priorities. A questionnaire has been prepared and sent out to identify related regional projects and priorities.

Page 17: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut



4. Once this SEEA Strategy and Innovation & Implementation Plan – taking into account the costumer needs and business requirements – has been drawn up, it would also be wise to carry out a mapping exercise to see what, if anything, is being already done or planned in the H2020 and Shift²Rail initiatives or by the UIC and its members. Also the various EC funding instruments should be checked for their possible support.

  5. It is important to involve all the key stakeholders in this region such as rail operators, infrastructure managers, manufacturers and suppliers, academia & R&D institutes, financial institutions and administrations.

6. Organisations and Companies present here today could still express their interest in participation and further development. We could still use a few more key stakeholders from Albania, Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria.

7. The official kick off meeting for the SEESARI initiative will be arranged before the end of this year – possibly hosted by the Serbian Railways in Belgrade.

Page 18: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut


My organisation – the UICMy organisation – the UIC

WCRR 2016


The SEESARI initiative

Next steps: implementation

Page 19: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut


11TH WORLD CONGRESS ON RAILWAY RESEARCHResearch and Innovation from Today Towards 2050

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936 Scientific papers from 38 countries

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by Session

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by Theme – Vision & Future

Page 23: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut


by Theme – Today’s Research

Page 24: Setting up strategies for growth in the railway sector Development of the South East European Strategic Alliance for Rail Innovation (SEESARI) Dennis Schut

Thank you for your attention


Dennis Schut - [email protected]


Involve all stakeholdersInvolve all stakeholdersDevelop a common vision – strategy – action & implementation plan – set prioritiesDevelop a common vision – strategy – action & implementation plan – set priorities

influence policy and funding influence policy and funding implementationimplementation

Don’t lose anymore time – be part of the Future European Railway System!Don’t lose anymore time – be part of the Future European Railway System!
