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Plot Summary: Welcome to Allen’s farm in Kansas, where it’s always blue skies and happy times! Here on the farm, you’ll be in awe of the world-famous wheat, flourishing corn fields, and spectacular sunflowers. There’s hardly ever a cloud in the sky, but even Allen’s farm can fall victim to the unpredictable Kansas weather. The crops have been calling this hustling and bustling farm home since 1955. Between the wild wheat and clumsy corn, Farmer Allen’s stern but loving guidance keeps the crops growing strong. As Allen heads out on vacation, the wheat wish him safe travels and trust that the farm will be safe under Scarecrow’s careful watch. Without Allen’s direction to keep the wheat in their rows, the field’s golden boy, Walter Wheat, jumps at the opportunity to let loose with his rambunctious friends. Walter’s crew loves to have a good time and may just keep the good times rolling until Allen returns. Everything seemed to be running smoothly under Scarecrow’s supervision, until a lightning storm strikes the neighboring cornfield, igniting a fire and introducing the villainous Flame. With Allen gone, Flame seizes her opportunity to burn free and overtake the farm. As danger looms in the distance, the fate of the fields now rests in the hands of scatterbrained Scarecrow. With the help of his friends, Sunny, Orville, Walter, and Wendy, Scarecrow leads the charge against Flame in an attempt to save the farm that Allen has spent decades building. As Flame grows stronger and her blaze moves ever closer to the wheat field, the gang’s hope starts to dwindle as time runs out. Just as they realize they have no choice but to get together or get out, Sunny’s positive energy and attitude inspires them to think differently and work together. The wheat field knows that they have power in numbers, but they aren’t quite sure how to use it. That is, until an unlikely hero presents an odd, yet strangely sensible solution. Will the farm be lost to a fury of flame? Or can the field band together in time to protect their beloved home?

Design Restrictions: - Free Moving (all parts can be taken on and off the stage in under five minutes) - Packable (all parts must be built off-site and re-assembled in the Lied Center) - Cost Effective (the set must be built for under $2,000) - Multi-Leveled (the set must include levels and blocking aids for actors)

Solution: The Wheatside Story set revolves around the classic red bard found throughout the state of Kansas and the Midwest. The set includes a barn facade complete with a working door and hay pulley. All set parts will be built in sections and affixed to six inch casters. The backdrop will be purchased from Kenmark Backdrops. Fake wheat bundles will be affixed to the raised back platform to tie the backdrop into the set dimension, creating a wheat hill for actors to dance on.
