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  • 7/23/2019 Session+15 (1)


    Free Markets andMorality

    Ricardo and Marx

  • 7/23/2019 Session+15 (1)


    Free markets and Utility: SocDarwinism

    Social Darwinism

    Survival of the ttest in human societies

    Governments interference in cometitive markewould imede ro!ress

    "conomic mists should not #e !iven !overnme

    $riticisms of the idea Survival of the ttest is not necessarily survival of the

  • 7/23/2019 Session+15 (1)


    Free %rade and Utility: Ricardo

    Seciali&ation and free trade #oost total economoutut and everyone can share in this increased

    $riticisms Resources move from one country to another

    (roduction costs are not constant

    )orkers su*er when a comany closes down

    %he role of )%+

  • 7/23/2019 Session+15 (1)


    ,)%+ -ills Farmers.

    ,My warnin! !oes out to all the citi&ens that hum#ein!s are in an endan!ered situation that uncomultinational cororations and a small num#er o)%+ mem#ers o/cials are leadin! an undesira#!lo#ali&ation of inhuman0 environment1destroyinfarmer1killin! and undemocratic' 2t should #e stoimmediately otherwise the false lo!ic of the neoli#eralism will erish the diversities of a!riculturedisastrously to all human #ein!s'.

  • 7/23/2019 Session+15 (1)


    Marx and 3ustice

    $aitalism necessarily roduces extremes of ine%wo sources of income

    Sale of ones la#our

    +wnershi of means of roduction

    %he ro#lem of alienation (roducts that workers roduce are taken away

    Dissatisfyin! and unfulllin! work

    Forced into anta!onists relations

    False views of human needs and desires

    5our!eois and roletariat classes

  • 7/23/2019 Session+15 (1)


    Marx and 3ustice6

    $ommodity Fetishism ,7 commodity aears at rst si!ht an extremely o#v

    trivial thin!' 5ut its analysis #rin!s out that it is a verthin!0 a#oundin! in metahysical su#tleties and theoniceties'.

    2n #ecomin! a commodity0 a thin! #ecomes 8a#sfrom the conditions in which it was roduced

    $ommodities are the roduct of a secic set of relationshis

  • 7/23/2019 Session+15 (1)


    Marx and 3ustice'''

    %he urose of !overnment (rotect the interests of the rulin! economic class

    "conomic su#structure Materials and social controls 9forces of roduction and relation


    (roduction relations deends on the kinds of forces of roduct

    Social suerstructure Government and oular ideolo!ies

    7ll ma;or historical chan!es are roduced #y chan!es inforces of roduction

  • 7/23/2019 Session+15 (1)


    $aitalism in the =>st$entury

    %homas (ikettys ma!num ous Shar increase in income ine4ualities over the last =? years

    7 fundamental con@ict #etween free markets and democracy%he #ottom ABC of the US oulation has only ?C of the wealth

    %he to ?C has = C

    )hy is it soE r !

    "uroe u until the rst world war is a icture of 8atrimonial ca

    From >A to =B>H0 the !lo#al rate of return on the wealth owneavera!e adult was ='> er cent

    Durin! that same eriod0 the rate of return on wealth owned #y avera!e #illionaire was more than I'? er cent'

  • 7/23/2019 Session+15 (1)



    $ritics claim there is a #asic hyocrisy in the ecoolicy of )estern !overnments

    Devastatin! results of exeriment of the ast HB
