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Getting Ready to Work

When you first start your job, you

want to arrive on time and be readyto work.

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Getting Ready to Work

Set your alarm clock

Choose a clean, professional outfit to


Make transportation plans, includinggetting a bus pass, setting aside

money for gas and parking, ormaking carpool arrangements

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Getting Ready to Work

Make a back-up transportation plan

Arrange for daycare needs

Make a back-up daycare plan

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Getting Ready to Work

Decide how your children will gethome from school or daycare

Make a back-up plan for how yourchildren will get home

Prepare a sack lunch or set asidemoney for lunch

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Making a Good Impression


Always make an effort to: Look your best

Shower or bathe every day.

Use deodorant.

Keep your hair neat.

Brush your teeth every day If you wear perfume or after-shave, don’t

use too much.

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Making a Good Impression


Always make an effort to:Dress right for your job.

Ask how you should dress.

Dress neatly. Wear clean clothes.

If you wear jewelry, wear only small,simple items.

If you wear uniforms find out who is

responsible for cleaning them.

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Making a Good Impression


Always make an effort to:Show up for work when you’re schedule

to. Always understand your employer’s

policies for: Sick time *Vacations *Holidays

Asking for time off for doctor visits, schoolmeetings, etc.

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Making a Good Impression


Always make an effort to: Be sure you get to work and get there on time.

Let your supervisor know if you are going to be

late. Have a positive attitude. Come in ready to

work and do your best. Employers likeworkers who have a positive attitude.

Only make personal calls during breaks or

lunch. Ask your supervisor which phones youmay use.

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Making a Good Impression


Always make an effort to:Act professionally

Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be polite.

Control your emotions.

Be honest.

Take responsibility for what you do. Avoid talking about your personal life on work


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Making a Good Impression


Doing all of these things tellsyour employer that youwere the right person to


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Getting along with your Supervisor 

It is important to have a good

working relationship with yoursupervisor.

You can do this

if you:

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Getting along with your Supervisor 


Follow instructions carefully. Learn to do your job correctly.

Learn employer’s work rules and policies.

Keep a notebook and write down things as

you learn them.

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Getting along with your Supervisor 

Ask questions.

If there is something you don’tunderstand about your job, askyour supervisor. Asking questionshelps you prevent mistakes.

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Getting along with your Supervisor 

Keep your supervisorinformed. Tell him or her when:

You’ve finished a task

There is a problem

You’re not sure how to handle a situation

Share your ideas for improvements, too(such as ways to save time or cut costs.)

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Getting along with your Supervisor 

Keep busy.

When you finish a task, ask yoursupervisor what else needs to be done.Never stand around waiting forsomething to do. For example yourcould clean up your work area.

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Getting along with your Supervisor 

Work as a team Sometimes your supervisor may ask you

to: Work a different shift Stay late or come in early Help with a task that you normally don’t do.

It’s good to help out when you can. Think of yourself, your supervisor and your co-workersas a team.

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Getting along with your Supervisor 

Accept criticism. If your supervisor tells you that you made a


Listen to what he or she tells you.

Ask questions if you’re not sure aboutsomething.

Tell him or her you will try to do better nexttime.

Don’t take it personally. Your supervisor is onlytrying to help you do your job.

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Working Well with Others

You will like your job a lot more if youget along with your co-workers. Itwill help if you:

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Working Well with Others

Get to know them

Introduce yourself to the people youwork with. Talk with them duringbreaks

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Working Well with Others


Let them “show you the ropes”

Experienced workers can help show youbetter ways to do certain parts of your job.

Ask them for help when you need it.

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Working Well with Others

Treat everyone with respect.

You may work with people of differentages, cultures and ethnic backgrounds.

Treat everyone with respect– the wayyou’d like to be treated.

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Working Well with Others

Don’t spread rumors

Some workers may talk about otherworkers. It’s never a good idea togossip

It hurts others – it hurts you.

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Working Well with Others

Give support.

Help other workers when you can.

Say thank you when they help you.

Give credit to other workers who help

you with a task.

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Working Well with Others

Make friends.

You will get along with some workersbetter than others. If possible, havelunch or take breaks together.

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Working Well with Others

Find a mentor

A mentor is an employee who can workwith you to improve your jobperformance.

Your supervisor may pair you with amentor.

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Dealing with Difficult


If there is someone you don’ t getalong with, remember:

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Dealing with Difficult


You don’t have to like that person.

You do have to try to work as ateam.

Keep your conversations work-related.

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Dealing with Difficult


If you feel that someone is harassing

you – not just kidding around –askhim or her to stop. But don’t getinto an argument with that person.Talk to your supervisor if the person

doesn’t stop.

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Tips for Lasting Success on the Job


Doing so helps you remaininterested, positive, and excitedabout your work and makes you abetter worker and a happierperson.

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Stick with It.

Don’t give up!


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Stick with It.

A positive attitude is important.

Keeping a good attitude will help youget through tough times.

Believe in yourself.

You can be a success!

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Stick with It.

Everybody has bad days.

Talk with your supervisor or your employer’s

human resources department

Ask if your workplace has an employeeassistance program (EAP)

Consider talking to a counselor

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Stick with It.

Find ways to reduce stress will help.Break big jobs into smaller tasks.

Use time wisely.

Take slow, deep breaths if you feelyourself getting stressed.

Keep in touch with friends when you’re

not at work.

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Stick with It.

Learn all you can about your job.Make sure you understand your


Learn about different procedures andsafety rules.

If you have a suggestion for doingsomething better, talk to yoursupervisior.

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Stick with It.

Doing your best is in your bestinterest.Show you employer you were a good

person to hire.

Establish a good work history.

Feel good about your job.

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Stick with It.

Be patient. Every job has good points and bad

points. But when you stay on the job

you can: Learn news skills

Build good references

Meet new people

Have a better chance for a pay raise orpromotion.

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Stick with It.

Take things one day at a


You can do it!

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Give your job a chance

Give yourself a chance to

