Page 1: Session 1 Unit 1 ¥ Session 2 God Created People · 2018. 10. 26. · Unit 1 ¥ Session 2 7^WaZ Hidgn [dg IdYYaZgh God made the world in six days. On the sixth day, God said, ÒLet

&% #BCJFT���5PEEMFST�-FBEFS�(VJEFUnit 1 • Session 2

Unit 1 • Session 1Unit Title

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Unit 1 • Session 2

7^WaZ�Hidgn�[dg�IdYYaZghGod made the world in six days. On the sixth day, God said, “Let us make man in our likeness.” God made a man out of dirt. He breathed and made the man come to life. The man’s name was Adam. God gave Adam a garden where he could live, work, and care for the animals. But Adam was alone. God did not think this was good. God made Adam fall asleep. God took one of Adam’s ribs and made a woman. Adam was so happy! The woman became Adam’s wife. Adam named his wife Eve. God blessed Adam and Eve and told them to have lots of children to fill the earth. Everything God made was very good! God rested on the seventh day.

<dheZa�<Zbh BGod made people in His likeness. BGod loves and cares for the people He made. BGod made people to love Him and others.

God Created People

7>7A:�E6HH6<:/ Genesis 1–2

@:N�E6HH6<:/ Colossians 1:16b

HIDGN�ED>CI/ God made everything.

8=G>HI�8DCC:8I>DC/ God made people to know and love Him through Jesus.

God Created Everything

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