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Page 1: Session 1: David Stuckler

UN High Level Meeting on non-communicable disease

Page 2: Session 1: David Stuckler

Political Declaration

Page 3: Session 1: David Stuckler

What are people saying?

#UNSummit #NCDs Declar. = No targets No commitments No Money No hope for patients in dvelopng world.

“This meeting has made the world sit up and take notice of the huge global burden that NCDs are placing on all countries”

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Some highlights

Recognize that effective non-communicable disease prevention and control require leadership and multisectoral approaches for health at the government level, including, as appropriate, health in all policies and whole-of-government approaches across such sectors as health, education, energy, agriculture, sports, transport, communication, urban planning, environment, labour, employment, industry and trade, finance and social and economic development;

Whole-of-government approach

Advance the implementation of multisectoral, cost-effective, population-wide interventions in order to reduce the impact of the common non-communicable disease risk factors, namely tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol, through the implementation of relevant international agreements and strategies, and education, legislative, regulatory and fiscal measures

Fiscal, regulatory, and legislative measures

Social determinantsRecognize that the conditions in which people live and their lifestyles influence their health and quality of life, and that poverty, uneven distribution of wealth, lack of education, rapid urbanization and population ageing, and the economic social, gender, political, behavioural and environmental determinants of health are among the contributing factors to the rising incidence and prevalence of non-communicable diseases;

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Not everyone agrees…“While regulation and tax both played important roles, a free society could not simply legislate those health problems out of existence.  People and businesses must be engaged, and the food and drinks industry should be seen, not just as part of the problem, but part of the solution.  Further, the healthy choice must not just be the right choice, but the positive, easy and fun choice. An emphasis on prevention, physical activity and personal and corporate responsibility could, alongside unified Government action, make a big difference.”

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HIV-2001 NCD-2011

constitutes one of the major challenges for development

constitutes a global emergency

“Global Crisis – Global Action”

Political declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases

Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS

Solemnly declare our commitment to address the HIV/AIDS crisis by takingaction as follows, taking into account the diverse situations and circumstances in different regions and countries throughout the world;

Call upon WHO, in collaboration with Member States through the governing bodies of WHO... building on the work already under way, to prepare recommendations for a set of voluntary global targets for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, before the end of 2012;By 2005, reduce the proportion of infants

infected with HIV by 20 per cent, and by 50 per cent by 2010, by ensuring that 80 per cent of pregnant women accessing antenatal care have ...

Accelerate implementation by States parties of the WHO FrameworkConvention on Tobacco Control

A long road ahead

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Main Results

• WHO is going to develop a comprehensive global monitoring framework and voluntary targets by the end of 2012

• Secretary-General to submit a report at its 67th session on options for strengthening and facilitating multisectoral action

• Secretary-General to submit a report at its 68th session on progress and impact on internationally agreed development goals, in preparation for the 2014 comprehensive review of progress

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Many Calls to Action on NCDs...+1?

-Adapted from Ebrahim IJE

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Continuing Low Funding



No significant relationship between aid and burden of disease e.g. Stuckler et al Lancet 2009; Sridhar and Batniji Lancet 2009; Suhrcke et al Bull WHO 2009

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Where Next?

• No money

• No targets

• No grassroots

…building a social movement?

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Re-frame debates

“We plead for lifestyle changes”

– Margaret Chan 2

“Processed foods, very high in salt, trans fats, and sugar, have become the new staple food in nearly every corner of the world. They are readily available and heavily marketed. For a growing number of people, they are the cheapest way to fill a hungry stomach. The world certainly needs to feed its population of nearly 7 billion people. But it does not need to feed them junk food.”

– Margaret Chan 1

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Create and identify political opportunities

Ban Ki Moon, “I especially call on corporations that profit from selling processed foods to children to act with the utmost integrity. I refer not only to food manufacturers, but also the media, marketing and advertising companies that play central roles in these enterprises.”

Ann Keeling, “The good news is we now have more political momentum – and we have cost-effective solutions for addressing both the risk factors, such as tobacco use and salt intake, and the diseases themselves. It’s vital that we continue to build on this momentum, to forge a new partnership between governments, the UN, NGOs and the private sector, to tackle the very preventable causes of this global epidemic”.

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Mobilising Resources

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End of the beginning?

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