Page 1: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

ActivitiesA logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out.

Title Description Type Related Elements

Abrogate coordination with the original accepting ATSU Following the agreement of a set ofcoordination data, the controller teamabrogates the...


Accept coordination revision The controller accepts the requestedrevision to the coordinated flight level viaground-ground...


Accept release of flight The controller team at the TransferringATSU accepts the release request via theHMI. The...


Acknowledge clearance resume report The controller acknowledges the reportfrom the flight crew that the aircraft hasresumed the...


Acknowledge flight crew report The controller acknowledges the flight crewreport.


Acknowledge go-around The tower controller acknowledges thereception of the go-around report.


Acknowledge ILS/GLS/LPV approach clearance The pilot acknowledges the ILS/GLS/LPVapproach clearance.


Acknowledge instruction Flight crew confirms that the instruction isfeasible and the A/C will follow it.


Acknowledge landing clearance The pilot acknowledges the landingclearance to the tower controller. In thecase of a PinS...


Acknowledge pilot notification The controller acknowledges the pilotnotification.


Acknowledge resolution advisory report After the flight crew has reported the RA orthe aircraft has departed from itsclearance, the...


Acknowledge RNP to ILS/GLS/LPV approach procedurerequest

The approach controller acknowledges theflight crew request for a RNP toILS/GLS/LPV approach...


Activate appropriate guidance mode The pilot activates the selected Runway orFATO, Approach (ILS/GLS or LPV) and VIA(RNP segment...


Activate ARES Prior/with the mission entering the VPA inorder to start with their training theTRAMON...


Adapt sector configurations - Activity

Adjust arrival WT separation according to WDS rules The WT separation may be reduced orsuspended according to the Weather-Dependent Separation...


Adjust departure WT separation according to WDS rules The Wake-Turbulence separation may bereduced or suspended according to theWeather-Dependent...


Advise time constraint no longer achievable The aircraft FMS alerts the crew to apotentially Missed RTA (e.g. the agreedCTA is considered...


Advise time constraint no longer required Destination ATSU assesses the sequenceand the constraint is no longer needed.


Agree collaboratively selected solution - Activity

Agree coordination actions Except with the new collaborative controlprocedures where the traditionalrequirement to...


Agree entry coordination Inform previous sector and tacticalcontroller that the coordination is accepted(can be fully...


Agree to the runway configuration Approach ATC Supervisor is aware oftraffic demand, the runway and weatherconditions, and for...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 1 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 2: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Allocate STAR to arrivals ATS unit determines the flights arriving tothe aerodrome that are affected by therunway...


Analyse Alert/Warning The APOC supervisor, or the Airport towersupervisor assesses the situation and ifaction is...


Analyse Alert/warning/report and create OIM - Activity

Analyse and update ARES change proposal A CDM negotiation starts between AMC,and WOC and AMC makes theproposal and explains it with...


Analyse and update Long Term Planning CDM if required to support impactassessment and planning adjustements


Analyse crisis - Activity

Analyse Crisis Event request [DOD 7.2 modelling] The Network Managerand/or the Flow Manager analyse thesituation in order to...


Analyse DCB Imbalance [DOD 7.2 modelling] The Local TrafficManager and/or the Flow Manager analysethe demand versus...


Analyse Hotspot Sequence List - Activity

Analyse imbalance and/or complexity issue [DOD 7.2 modelling] The Local TrafficManager and/or the Flow Manager performan analysis of...


Analyse impact of multiple AMANs information - Activity

Analyse latest information at local level [DOD 7.2 modelling] At DCB managementlevel, the Local Traffic Manager and/or theFlow Manager...


Analyse latest information at Network level [DOD 7.2 modelling] At NetworkManagement level, the Network Managerwill check the latest...


Analyse planning data - Activity

Analyse the Network Demand and Resources and Capabilities [DOD 7.2] The Network Managementanalyses the traffic demand and theresources and capabilities...


Analyse the updated Demand and Resources and Capabilities [DOD 7.2 modelling] Taking into accountmodifications due to update in demand andresources and...


Analyse the updated Network Demand and Resources andCapabilities

[DOD 7.2 modelling] The Network Managerevaluates the updated potential imbalancesat Network...


Anticipate imbalances at local level [DOD 7.2 modelling] Following the analysisof the demand and resources andcapabilities, the...


Anticipate imbalances at Network level [DOD 7.2 modelling] Following the analysisof the demand and resources andcapabilities, the...


Apply additional spacing to take into account abnormal speeddifferentials

Adequate spacing between aircraft mayneed to be added in order to take intoaccount the catch-up...


Apply additional spacing to take into account speeddifferentials

Adequate spacing between aircraft mayneed to be added in order to take intoaccount the catch-up...


Apply ATFCM scenarios [DOD 7.2 modelling] When needed by DCBManagement, the Network Managementactivates ATFCM...


Apply CAT II/III separation [Baseline] In case of Low VisibilityConditions, the separation between twoaircraft must be...


Apply Minimum Separation using RSP With Required Surveillance Performance(RSP), the standard minima separationbetween two aircraft...


Apply PWS separation By taking into account static aircraftcharacteristics of the lead and followeraircraft (such as...


Apply PWS separation (Step 2) - Activity

Apply RECAT EU separation By redefining 6 wake turbulence categories([RECAT EU]), compared to the traditionalICAO...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 2 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 3: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Apply reduced CAT II/III separation - Activity

Apply regulations [DOD 7.2 modelling] On demand from DCBManagement, the Network Manageractivates requested...


Apply separation to take into account flow rate restrictions overdeparture routes

Mail sent. Waiting for an answer. Activity

Apply separation to take into account sid interactions Mail sent. Waiting for an answer. Activity

Apply standard Minimum Pair Separation [Baseline] A standard minima separation,measured in time, must be applied betweentwo aircraft...


Apply standard Minimum Pair Separation in Approach [Baseline] The standard minima separationto be applied between two aircraft on thefinal...


Apply standard WT separation ICAO defines 4 wake turbulence categories(H, M, L, J). Depending on the category ofthe lead and...


Apply TRACT CTO proposal - Activity

Approve and publish UDPP proposal at A-CDM level [07.02 D28-Step 1 Release 4DOD]§ NMF and Airport will refuseor accept the proposed...


Approve and publish UDPP proposal at Network level [07.02 D28-Step 1 Release 4DOD]§ NMF and Airport will refuseor accept the proposed...


Arm approach flight control mode After receiving the ILS/GLS/LPV approachclearance, the flight deck arms the ILS,LPV or GLS...


Assess acceptability of contract Upon reception of the ADS contractrequest, the aircraft determines if it canfulfil the demands...


Assess AMAN planning The controller in the upstream sector ispresented with the TTL from the AMAN or,in the multiple...


Assess Amended IM Clearance The flight crew, with the help of the IMairborne function, assesses the feasibility ofthe...


Assess and Coordinate tactical change Following the request for additionalairspace or if a change to the actual planoccurs update is...


Assess and determine resolving action when needed If the distance between the three-dimensional positions of two aircraft ispredicted to be...


Assess ATC clearance The flight crew assess the impact of theclearance from a safety/flight executionperspective and...


Assess ATC instruction The issued instruction is assessed by theflight crew, from safety and flightexecution...


Assess coordination counter-proposal The controller team assesses the counter-proposal and can either accept it or reject it.


Assess coordination proposal The controller team assesses thecoordination revision proposal and caneither accept it or make...


Assess CTA Cancellation Instruction The flight crew assess the impact of thereceived CTA cancel instruction.


Assess deviation cause/implications When ATCOs detect a deviation and safetyis not immediately compromised, theyanalyse it,...


Assess entry conditions and desired/planned profile throughAoR/AoI

The planning controller looks at thecharacteristics of the flight and its expectedtrajectory...


Assess feasibility of CTA The flight crew assess the impact of thereceived CTA proposal.


Assess IM clearance The flight crew, with the help of the IMairborne function, assesses the feasibility ofthe IM...


Assess limitation or reason for air/ground trajectory contractrejection

If the contract was rejected (or only partiallyaccepted), the ATSU assesses thelimitation (if...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 3 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 4: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Assess Load The TMA Manager tool assesses thepredicted flow rates and complexity levelsat each TMA Exit...


Assess magnitude of bunching in En Route sector withconverging inbound streams to TMA

The CMAN checks if the bunchingregarding the restrictions applicable (e.g.90 seconds separation...


Assess need for resuming IM Operation The controller assesses the needs to eitherresume the IM operation or stop the on-going...


Assess pilot request ATC notify Flight 002 to standby while therequest is assessed. If ATC canimmediately assess...


Assess pilot request for network impact Local NM assess if the request can befacilitated within the agreed goals of thenetwork plan and...


Assess plan to facilitate AMAN advisory The planning controller in ATS unit B ismade aware of an AMAN advisory forFlight 003 through...


Assess planned profile constraints or agreed coordinations Assess whether there are any plannedconstraints or agreed coordination actionsto consider in...


Assess planned/desired profile for problems within AoR/AoI Determine whether there are any problemsbetween the aircraft’s trajectory profile andother...


Assess Predictability and uncertainty of Demand Forecast [DOD 7.2] Based upon any assumptionsmade within the process of compiling anyforecast demand...


Assess release of flight request The Transferring ATSU system retrieves therelease request from the updated FlightObject and...


Assess request for flight on frequency - Activity

Assess restarting IM execution instruction The flight crew reassesses the feasibility ofthe resume instruction and accepts orrejects it.


Assess suitability of the WT separation applied The suitability of the Wake-Turbulenceseparation determined by applying theprevious rules...


Assess tactical feasibility against traffic situation The controller in the upstream sector ispresented with the TTL from the AMAN or,in the multiple...


Assess taxi route change request In some cases, the Flight Crew mayrequest a change of Taxi-in Route. It will beexamined by the...


Assess the tactical feasibility of CTA against traffic The current controlling ATS unit retrievesthe CTA Proposal from the Flight Objectand notifies...


Assess TRACT resolution applicability - Activity

Assess traffic complexity This activity is run periodically to assessthe complexity of the current and futuretraffic...


Assess Traffic Situation The Controlling ATSU, due to the evolvingtraffic situation, may elect to cancel theCTA.


Assess trajectory profile through the AoR for tactical controllersuitability

The planning controller looks along theflight path in his/her AoR to assess whetherthe...


Assume communications with flight The executive controller in the AcceptingATSU enters the assumption ofcommunication for the...


Assume control of flight The aircraft passes the coordinationpoint. The Accepting ATSU assumescontrol of the flight and...


Assume control of the flight A two-way R/T has been established withthe flight crew and the runway controllermay issue ATC...


ATM Environment and Constraints Service Provision This functional activity involves the NetworkManagement providing to the FOC (uponFOC's...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 4 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 5: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

ATM Environment and Constraints Service Provision, TrafficDemand Computation, DCB

Description: This activity involves NetworkManagement providing of information onATM...


Automatically update status of ARES - Activity

Build the list of ATSUs to be notified analysing their AoR withEFPLN 4DT

NM builds the list of ATSUs to be notified,analysing their area of interest intersectionwith...


Calculate a departure sequence The DMAN allocates the departuresequence. The estimated taxi-times(EXOP) provided by surface...


Calculate an accurate pre-departure sequence DMAN derives TSAT from TTOT. [06.08.04D17]


Calculate an arrival sequence The AMAN, as master, will be in charge ofcalculating the arrival sequence(considering the...


Calculate Baseline Delay - Activity

Calculate UDPP Combine and Apply SFP and FDA torecalculate sequence Calculate PrioritisedDelay UIBT, UOBT


Call Approach Controller [Baseline process] Initiate a communicationwith the new controller in charge of theaircraft.


Cancel ADS-C contract - Activity

Cancel ARES The user of the airspace or the responsiblesupervisor cancels the ARES


Cancel point and update flight object When no longer required, the ATSUcontroller cancels the point function via theHMI, and removes...


Capture Airport ops environmental data [DOD 7.2] The Airport Ops Supportcaptures data relevant to the airportoperational environment...


Capture laterally the final approach path The pilot captures the ILS/GLS/LPV finalapproach trajectory laterally not later thanthe FAP/FAF...


Capture local ops environmental data [DOD 7.2] The Local CapacityManagement captures data relevant to thelocal and sub-regional...


Capture LTM Airspace change request - Activity

Capture Mission change request - Activity

Capture Network ops environmental data [DOD 7.2] The Network Managementcaptures data relevant to the wider regional(European and out...


Capture Network, Airport and ANSP Resources andCapabilities

[DOD 7.2] The Regional/Sub-regionalNetwork Management captures thecapacity resource and...


Capture new Airspace Configuration - Activity

Change frequency and contact tower controller The pilot changes the frequency andcontacts the tower controller. In the case ofa PinS...


Change Mission Trajectory - Activity

Change Reference Trajectory - Activity

Change RTF frequency The flight crew acknowledge the instructionto transfer communications and respondwith a WILCO.


Change runway configuration for ADES The Tower notifies the appropriateupstream ATS units of the configuration ofthe runway(s) at...


Check and agree route proposal to resolve route discrepancy - Activity

Check and validate iSBT/iSMT [DOD 7.2] A planned trajectory will bechecked within the Network Managementenvironment,...


Check AU Performance - Activity

Check conformance to planned constraints Both executive and planning controllers,assisted by a conformance monitoring tool,monitor the...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 5 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 6: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Check coordination data against LoA conditions The planning controller manually checksthe coordination offer against the LoA andcurrent...


Check current flight data The flight crew checks flight data and on-board systems availability. In case oferroneous manual...


Check revision against LoA conditions The ATSU planning controller manuallychecks the revised coordination againts theLOA and current...


Check that request is compatible with workload C-ATSU controller receives the requestfrom D-ATSU 3 to re-clear the flight inaccordance with...


Check that the runway is clear By visual reference and using the ATMsystem, the Tower Runway Controllerverifies that the...


Check the Network effect of UDPP proposal [07.02 D28-Step 1 Release 4DOD]§ NMF and Airport will assesswhether the rules are...


Check UDPP proposal in terms of A-CDM rules for departure [07.02 D28-Step 1 Release 4DOD]§ NMF and Airport will assesswhether the rules are...


Check UDPP proposal in terms of rules for the exchange ofATFM slots

[07.02 D28-Step 1 Release 4DOD]§ NMF and Airport will assesswhether the rules are...


Choose the most restrictive separation Considering the different separations rulesthat may be applied (the one due to waketurbulence,...


Clear aircraft for approach [Baseline] Clear the aircraft for anapproach.


Clear aircraft for ILS/GLS/LPV approach During the intermediate segment, thecontroller clears the aircraft for theILS/GLS/LPV approach.


Clear aircraft for RNP to ILS/GLS/LPV approach The approach controller clears the aircraftto fly the RNP to ILS/GLS/LPV approachprocedure....


Clear aircraft to requested level The executive controller clears the aircraftto the new cruise level. The pilotacknowledges the...


Collaboratively coordinate local DDCB measure with partners.Assess DDCB measure impact

[DOD 7.2 modelling] The Local TrafficManager and/or the Flow Managercoordinate through a CDM...


Collaboratively refine Airspace Allocation - Activity

Collaboratively validate DCB solutions [DOD 7.2 modelling] The CDM processallows the validation of the DCB/dDCBsolutions by all the...


Collaboratively validate DDCB solutions [DOD 7.2 modelling] The CDM processallows the validation of the DCB/dDCBsolutions by all the...


Collect and analyse Airspace demand data The AMC receives the civil and militaryrequest and detects interfering request. Incase of...


Collect and validate draft AUP/UUP - Activity

Communicate CTA The controller communicates the CTA viavoice or via CPDLC using the HMI to uplinkthe...


Communicate CTA Cancellation The Executive Controller issues an explicitinstruction to the flight crew to cancel CTA.


Compare actual vs planned operations - Activity

Compare deviation vs alert/warning THR KPI - Activity

Complete the OIM - Activity

Confirm aircraft type See the description of Contact ApproachController.


Confirm correlation and highlight of flight The ATSU checks that it canunambiguously correlate the retrieved flightinformation to a...


Consolidate DCB repository [DOD 7.2 modelling] Following the CDMprocess, the Network Managerconsolidates the DCB solutions...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 6 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 7: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Consolidate DDCB repository [DOD 7.2 modelling] Following the CDMprocess, the Local Traffic Manager and/orthe Flow Manager...


Consolidate the Airport Resource Allocation Plan - Activity

Consolidate the airport resource availability plan - Activity

Consolidate the airport schedule - Activity

Contact ATS unit The aircraft establishes communicationwith the Accepting ATSU. The flight crewreport their c


Contact Tower Runway Controller The Flight Crew contacts the next controllerin charge of the aircraft.


Contact Tower Runway Controller at departure The Flight Crew contacts the next controllerin charge of the aircraft.


Coordinate and implement crisis measure - Activity

Coordinate ATFCM measures at regional/sub-regional level [DOD 7.2 modelling] A measure at sub-regional or regional level is required byDCB Management.


Coordinate DDCB solutions with partners [DOD 7.2 modelling] The preparedDCB/dDCB solutions are collaborativelycoordinated with...


Coordinate de-complexing solution Coordination may involve different actorsdepending on the de-complexing solutionincluding...


Coordinate initial arrival sequence The En Route controller checks the initialarrival sequence provided by the approachcontroller....


Coordinate STAM - Activity

Coordinate STAM with LTMs, AUs, TWRs and NM if needed after having selected the appropriateDDCB measure to solve the problem, theINAP function...


Coordinate with D-ATSU3 - Activity

Correct ground data In case of clearance input mistake on theground: the controller corrects his/herinputs, in...


Create ARES according to the VPA principle, associated routenetwork and management rules of the ARES

HLAPB is responsible for analysing andpossibly modifying the design of ARESaccording VPA...


Create AUP/UUP and publish in the NOP Description: This activity involves theNetwork Management (CADF) receivingthe Draft AUP/UUPs...


Create Early Intent Information Description: This activity produces the EarlyIntent for the mission activity. In SESARStep 1...


Create expected Operational Airport Context - Activity

Create Preliminary eFPL - Activity

Create/update iSMT improved OAT FPL referencing ARESVPA allocated

Description: This activity involves the WOCcreating or updating the OAT flight plan(also...


DCB/dynamic DCB This activity involves traffic demand andcapacity balancing, by identifyingdemand/capacity...


De-activate ARES As soon as all ARES user finally left thearea (with the end of the booked usagetime latest) the...


Decide and agree to the application of TBS Approach Supervisor is aware of the windconditions, and for deciding and agreeing tothe...


Decide and agree to the application of WDS Approach Supervisor is aware of the windconditions, and for deciding and agreeing tothe...


Decide for landing or missed approach If the required visual references are notestablished at the DH, the pilot decides tostart the...


Decide on the application of TBS to reduce separation Approach Supervisor is aware of the windconditions, and for deciding and agreeing tothe...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 7 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 8: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Decide on the application of WDS Approach Supervisor is aware of the windconditions, and for deciding and agreeing tothe...


Decide whether to terminate, suspend or amend the IMOperation

The controller decides if it is preferable tosuspend the IM operation, to have achance to...


Define Airport Future enhancement plan - Activity

Define an ARES as a combination of airspace modules inaccordance with mission needs

the military identifies and identifies a needfor a restricted or segregated airspace toprotect...


Define an ARES in accordance with mission needs the users / pilots refine the planning, definethe ARES for each mission and start thebooking...


Define and publish new Airspace Configuration - Activity

Define and update Airport resources and capabilities [DOD 7.2] The Airport Ops supportanalyses the operational environment datawith respect to its...


Define and update local resources and capabilities [DOD 7.2] The Local CapacityManagement analyses the operationalenvironment data with respect to...


Define ARES needs Description: This activity involves the WOCdefining the ARES needs for a missiontrajectory, and...


Define Standard Capacity Values - Activity

Delegate to LTM - Activity

Deselect TPO The pilot deselects the TPO automaticallyin case of closed-loop instruction, manuallyotherwise.


Designate target aircraft The flight crew designates the TargetAircraft and enters the Target AircraftIntended Flight...


Detect and resolve conflicting ARES requests The ASM identify a conflict between 2requests. It highlights it to be taken intoaccount by the...


Detect DCB Imbalance The Local Traffic Manager and/or the FlowManager monitor the balance betweendemand and capacity...


Detect Demand & Capacity imbalance - Activity

Detect demand and capacity imbalance vs KPI - Activity

Detect runway vacation Vacate the runway and report that therunway is vacated if requested by the towerrunway...


Detect touchdown The Ground System detects touchdown,records the information and makes thisinformation available...


Determine Airborne Intended Exit A preferred runway exit is calculated by theEBS. An alternate runway exit may beproposed by the...


Determine Airport Demand - Activity

Determine Airport Future Demand - Activity

Determine Airport Resources and Capabilities - Activity

Determine CTA feasibility The destination ATSU retrieves the ETAmin/max information (directly from aircraftor...


Determine de-complexing solutions When the traffic situation involves anunacceptable level of complexity, it isnecessary to...


Determine default runway exit Baseline process to determine the defaultrunway exit when the aircraft is notequipped with EBS.


Determine estimated taxi time The calculated planned taxi-out route isused by the ATC system to calculate anestimated taxi...


Determine estimated taxi time and refine EIBT The planned taxi-in route is used by theATC system to calculate an accurate taxitime. This taxi...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 8 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 9: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Determine planning problems at offered entry conditions Looking along the flight path within his/herAoR, the planning controller assesses theentry...


Determine revision to ground route and propose via WIFO Depending upon the impact (e.g. theirsector only, limited to the AOR of the ATSU,or impact...


Determine safe potential exit conditions The planning controller looks at thecharacteristics of the flight and its expectedtrajectory...


Determine taxi-in route The Route Generation Algorithm ([RGA]) isinformed by the ATC system that theassigned landing...


Determine taxi-out route The Route Generation Algorithm ([RGA]) isinformed by the ATC system that theassigned departure...


Determine the runway configuration Tower Supervisor is responsible forensuring runway conditions, and plannedand forecast changes...


Determine the sequence pattern and AFI size It is decided at local level if it is theapproach supervisor or the towersupervisor who should...


Determine TRACT CTO proposal - Activity

Develop ad-hoc candidate solution - Activity

Disable FRT functionality from the FMS The FRT functionality is deactivated on theconcerned waypoint. This may happen incase of strong...


Disable RF functionality from the FMS The RF functionality is deactivated on theconcerned waypoint. This may happen incase of strong...


Disable the RWSL system In case of heavy rain / snow, the towersupervisor shall have the possibility toswitch off...


Disengage RTA Function The flight crew disengages the RTAfunction in the FMS. Note: as a result ofcancelling the CTA...


Display abrogation to controller - Activity

Display confirmation to controller The upstream ATSU retrieves theindication, and displays the confirmation onthe controller team...


Display coordination counter-proposal response to controller - Activity

Display coordination data to controller The ATSU retrieves the coordination datafrom the Flight Object and displays it on thecontroller...


Display coordination offer to controller team The Accepting ATSU system retrieves theWIFO and presents the proposedcoordination and planning...


Display coordination response to controller The ATSU controller team is made awarethat the coordination revision is eitheraccepted or...


Display coordination to controller The controller in the ATSU is made awarethat coordination has been made. NOTE:At this point,...


Display CTA Status on HMI All controllers handling the flight are madeaware of the CTA through the HMI.Controllers need...


Display point to controller The ATSU retrieves the point indicationfrom the Flight object.


Display rejection of release to controller The Accepting ATSU system retrieves therejection from the updated Flight Object,and presents it...


Display release to controller The Accepting ATSU system retrieves therejection from the updated Flight Object,and presents it...


Display revision proposal to controller team The ATSU system retrieves the WIFO andpresents the proposed coordinationrevision and planning...


Display Traffic on the Aircraft Moving Map If aircraft equipped (optional), [ATSA-SURF] traffic display of aircraft on theairport moving...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 9 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 10: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Disseminate updated Flight Data - Activity

Distribute accepted FPL - Activity

Distribute eFPL - Activity

Distribute iRBT to identified ATSUs NM distributes the iRBT information to eachof the identified ATSUs.


Downlink EPP An ADS-C-EPP contract is established withthe controlling sector. The aircraftdownlinks the...


Downlink Reliable ETA Min/Max The aircraft downlinks the reliable ETAmin/max.


Downlink resolution advisory In the event of an RA, it is automaticallydownlinked to the ground for controllers tobuild the...


Engage RTA function Flight Crew loads the RTA in to the FMSand adjusts the flight’s trajectory accordingto the CTA...


Enrich and publish demand forecast with incoming iSMT data Description: This activity involves NetworkManagement re-computing traffic demandover traffic...


Enrich Demand Forecast with incoming FPL Improve the accuracy of demand forecastwith incoming FPL information. Linked to pr


Enrich Demand Forecast with incoming iSBT/iSMT [DOD 7.2] An initial demand forecast isadded to and progressively replaced byreal business and...


Enter into the Runway Zone [AO-0105] There are different proceduresat different airports when it comes to enterand drive...


Establish necessary separation Determine what actions need to be takento maintain necessary separation.


Establish Performance Indicators and associatedAlert/Warning Thresholds

- Activity

Establish pre-seasonal Capacity declaration - Activity

Establish preferred airport operational configurations - Activity

Execute ATC clearance The airborne trajectory in the FMS activeflight plan is updated with the clearance,which may...


Execute ATC instruction The pilot applies the instructions providedby ATC (such as radar vectoringinstructions, speed...


Execute ATC instructions or comply with target time at IMP The flight crew consults the FMS todetermine whether any adjustment to theflight trajectory is...


Execute Automated Braking during roll-out On roll-out the aircraft's automatic brakingsystem manages the deceleration toachieve the...


Execute Go-Around The pilot executes and follows the missedapproach as defined in the approach chart.


Execute ground movement The Tow vehicle driver contacts the TowerGround Controller by R/T and requests aclearance to...


Execute IM clearance The flight crew monitors the progression ofthe IM Operation to achieve and/ormaintain the...


Execute lateral separation instruction The pilot applies the lateral separationinstruction provided by the ATC.


Execute Line-Up - Activity

Execute RNP clearance and report established Flight Crew performs actions to executetransition/approach clearance and report‘RNP...


Execute runway crossing The vehicle driver requests a runwaycrossing via R/T. The vehicle driverreceives the clearance...


Execute speed instruction The pilot applies the speed instructionprovided by ATC.


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 10 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 11: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Execute start-up and push-back The Flight Crew contacts the Tower GroundControl via R/T and prepares for push back.The Flight...


Execute Take-Off - Activity

Execute taxi-in Manoeuvre the aircraft from the runway exitpoint to the stand following the taxi inguidance,...


Execute taxi-out When the start-up is completed, the FlightCrew request taxi instructions by R/T ordata link....


Execute vehicle route Baseline process to follow a route. Activity

Execute vertical separation instruction The pilot applies the vertical separationinstruction provided by the ATC.


Extended Flight Plan Creation, Updating & Publishing [7.6.2 Anna Cagidemetrio] Description:This activity consists of creating, optimisingand...


Extended Flight Plan Validation & Re-validation This activity involves first validating anExtended Flight Plan or update uponrequest of the...


Extract Flight Performance Data - Activity

Facilitate push-back execution Baseline process to execute the push-backoperation.


File eFPL - Activity

Finalise Solution Message - Activity

Finalize coordination with another ATSU When the flight reaches a predeterminedtime/distance (as set by LOA) from thecommon ATSU...


Flight briefing This activity involves the flight crew beingbriefed for al available flight information assoon...


Flight Information Distribution This activity involves distributing Extendedand Reference Flight Plan information to allATS...


Flight Information Reception & Maintainance This activity involves receiving flightinformation (like Extended Flight Plans andupdates,...


Flight Intention Creation & Updating This activity involves creating and updatingflight intentions. Starting from 6 monthsbefore the...


Flight Intention Reception & Processing This activity involves receiving andprocessing flight intentions from the AU'sFOC. Flight...


Fly according to IFR clearance After IDF (PinS departure) point, therotorcraft will fly the next departuresegment and the...


Fly agreed trajectory with CTA The flight crew enters a RTA and the FMScontrols the aircraft to the time constraint,until the...


Fly aircraft on approach route The pilot conforms to the planned route orto the vectoring instructions provided byATC during...


Fly aircraft on initial approach route The pilot conforms to the planned route(initial approach segments as published,including RF...


Fly aircraft on the final approach route Maintain the aircraft on the glide anddescend to the runway.


Fly and Monitor adherence to RNP route During the transition, the pilot monitors theadherence of the aircraft to the RNP routewhile...


Fly CCO procedure The pilot flies the aircraft according to theCCO operation procedure.


Fly CDO procedure The pilot flies the aircraft according to CDOprocedure, which can start at the entrypoint of...


Fly on FRT track Aircraft flight path will be determined by thespecific en route waypoint (which will be...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 11 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 12: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Fly on the initial departure path The pilot conforms to the planned route orto the vectoring instructions provided byATC during...


Fly on TPO route The aircraft flies in an automatic mode on aparallel ghost route.


Fly RF procedure Aircraft flight path will be determined by thespecific TMA procedure (which will bepublished as...


Forecast Traffic Demand based on historical data [DOD 7.2] Utilising old flight data from apast period with similar characteristics tothat being...


Gain situation awareness on the occurring conflict Downlinked RA is displayed on CWP andcontrollers are made aware of the situation.Controllers...


Get Landing Data At a specified time before TOD (10-15minutes) the Flight Crew initiate (manually)the upload of...


Give line-up instruction The Tower Runway Controller checks thatthe departing aircraft can comply with itsTTOT [TS-0202]...


GUFI provision Description: This activity involves providinga GUFI (Globally Unique FlightIdentification) for...


Highlight pending TRACT conflict to controllers - Activity

Highlight solved TRACT conflict to controllers - Activity

Hotspot awareness - Activity

Identify a need of exchange of ATFM slots [07.02 D28-Step 1 Release 4DOD]§ When deemed convenientby an Airspace User, it is...


Identify a need of exchange of departure times [07.02 D28-Step 1 Release 4DOD]§ When deemed convenientby an Airspace User, it is...


Identify a need of regulation and send ATFM slots [07.02-D28-Step1 Release 4 DOD] §2.2.7:When demand for air traffic services isexpected to...


Identify aircraft to apply separation techniques on As part of the current operations, thecontroller identifies the aircraft that will haveto be...


Identify and Publish declared hotspot [7.2 Etienne de Muelenaere] From theactivity « Analyse imbalance » aninformation element must...


Identify arriving aircraft for the departure runway An appropriate actor (e.g. SequenceManager, Group Supervisor) supported byArrival Management...


Identify crisis event at Crisis Cell level - Activity

Identify crisis event at Network level - Activity

Identify discrepancies that affect AoR and highlight to ATCO If there is a 2D route discrepancy in anATSU’s AoR, an indication is provided onthe HMI to warn...


Identify discrepancies that start in AoR The D-ATSU 3 controller is warned of theroute discrepancy and uses the HMI toassess its...


Identify Future Airport Demand and Capacity Imbalance - Activity

Identify most efficient solutions - Activity

Implement agreed solution - Activity

Implement and fine-tune DDCB measure - Activity

Implement any other STAM - Activity

Implement crisis measure at local level - Activity

Implement DDCB measure [DOD 7.2 modelling] The Local TrafficManager and/or the Flow Managerimplement and promulgate...


Implement de-complexing dynamic re-sectorisation At the appointed time the new SectorConfiguration is implemented to re-distribute traffic...


Implement selected solution - Activity

Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 12 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 13: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Implement the select airport DCB solution 1. DCB will use the capacity distribution(and possibly altered demand location) ofthis solution...


Implement trajectory management solutions This includes the management of individualtrajectories (re-routeing, change of FL,allocation of...


Implement/Update/Cancel STAM - Activity

Indicate in FO that EPP is 'not ok' for affected AoRs, withinconsistency start and end points

The C-ATSU system updates the FlightObject with the results of the consistencycheck (in this...


Indicate in FO that EPP is 'ok' for all AoRs The C-ATSU system updates the FlightObject with the results of the consistencycheck (in this...


Inform ATC of the go-around The pilot informs the controller of the go-around.


Inform of runway wind conditions The Tower Runway ATCO informs theFlight Crew of the runway surface windconditions including...


Inform the controller of non A-RNP capability In the case of failure of A-RNP capability,the flight crew informs the controller of lossof...


Initiate a Solution Message - Activity

Input airspace status change The ATC Flight Data Operator in ATS UnitB enters the airspace status change to theATC system.


Input filed speed change The planning controller in the upstreamATSU enters the new speed via the HMI.The upstream ATSU...


Input New Priorities - Activity

Input P-RNAV procedure in the FMS and compute optimalvertical profile

The pilot inputs the P-RNAV procedure inthe FMS. Closed loop proceduressupported by P-RNAV...


Instantiate AOP - Activity

Instruct a crisis measure - Activity

Instruct a procedure associated with a 'not closer than' spacinginstruction

The controller sends an instruction (CDO,CTA, etc.) associated (if necessarty) with a'not...


Instruct deviating aircraft to return to its course In the event that aircraft are observed (orpredicted) to deviate towards the NTZ,instructions...


Instruct flight to contact next unit The executive controller in the TransferringATSU uses a CPDLC message (oralternatively a verbal...


Instruct threatened aircraft to perform a break-out manoeuvre In the event that aircraft are observed (orpredicted) to blunder/infringe into theNTZ,...


Integrate New Hotspot Solution List - Activity

Integrated Airspace Organisation and Management(AOM) &Airport Operations (AO) & Demand Capacity Balancing (DCB)(Trajectory Network Impact Assessment)

Description: Integration of all AirspaceOrganisation and Management (AOM),Airport Operations...


Intercept final approach path and start final approach The pilot intercepts the final approach path(ILS/GLS/LPV) at or before FAP/FAF,possibly through...


Issue clearances The agreed conditions are implemented byissuing one or more clearances.


Issue Demand/Capacity imbalances' alerts - Activity

Issue Go-Direct Instruction The executive controller in ATS unit issuesa go-direct instruction to a flight.


Issue resolving action instruction In case a resolving action is needed, theflight will be provided with the determined...


Line-up and Hold Baseline process for lining-up and hold. Activity

Maintain AOP - Activity

Maintain separation in final approach The Tower Runway ATCO checks thespacing set up from when both aircraft areestablished on the...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 13 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 14: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Maintain two-ways communication with the approach controllerduring the transfer to tower controller

It is important that handover proceduresbetween Final Approach Controller andAerodrome/Tower...


Make coordination offer to downstream sector Having identified appropriate exitconditions, coordination offer is made tonext planning AoR...


Make EPP available to ATCOs and tools The ATSU system retrieves the EPP data,and check status, from the FO. The ATSUtool


Manage Advisory/Caution alert for pilots continue if it is assessed that there is stilltime to see how the situation evolves (Thecrew...


Manage Alert for Conflicting Clearance An alert message shall be automaticallytriggered when [some CATC] are detectedby the ATC...


Manage Alert for HIGH SPEED [The alert is triggered] when a high speedon a taxiway is detected and where it couldendanger...


Manage alert for LANDING ON WRONG RUNWAY An arriving aircraft is detected to be alignedto a runway that differs to the assignedrunway....


Manage Alert for LINING UP ON WRONG RUNWAY A departing aircraft is detected lining up ona runway that differs to the assignedrunway. When...


Manage Alert for NO CONTACT [An alert is triggered] when the flight istransferred and the aircraft fails to contactthe...


Manage alert for NO LANDING CLEARANCE Aircraft is detected at a certaindistance/time (e.g. 0.5 miles or 15 seconds)from the runway....


Manage Alert for NO PUSHBACK APPROVAL [The alert is triggered] when the aircraft ismoving from its stand. [The alert iscancelled]...


Manage Alert for NO TAKEOFF CLEARANCE Aircraft is supposed to line up and wait butis detected moving outside of a specifiedarea on...


Manage Alert for NO TAXI APPROVAL [The alert is triggered] 1. When the aircraftis starting to taxi after its push-back or


Manage Alert for NO TRANSFER According to local implementation, thetriggering condition could be: ·


Manage Alert for RED STOP BAR CROSSED A mobile is detected crossing a red stopbar, which can be positioned at anintermediate holding...


Manage Alert for ROUTE DEVIATION [The alert is triggered] when the Mobile isdetected deviating from the cleared taxiroute on the...


Manage Alert for RUNWAY CLOSED [The alert is triggered] when a selectedrunway is declared as closed within thesystem and a...


Manage Alert for RUNWAY/TAXI TYPE [The alert is triggered] when the crosscheck to see if the runway or taxi route issuitable for...


Manage Alert for RWY INCURSION [The alert is triggered when a] mobile [is]detected within the RPA without aclearance (e.g....


Manage Alert for STATIONARY [The alert is triggered when] 1. The A-SMGCS detects if a mobile is given aninstruction


Manage Alert for TAXIWAY CLOSED [The alert is triggered] when a selectedtaxiway, or segment of the taxiway, isdeclared as...


Manage Alert for Vehicle Drivers When a user receives an alert he shallapply the adequate procedure according tothe alert level.


Manage CM coordination receipt Network management receives the requestfor coordination, assesses the ACC’sdecision and...


Manage CM coordination requests Coordination requests are sent to therelevant actors, including if necessary thenetwork manager.


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 14 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 15: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Manage Critical Event [DOD 7.2 modelling] The Local TrafficManager and/or the Flow Manager identifythat the situation...


Manage mid-air collision alert Appropriate characteristics of each intruderare assessed to determine whether or not itis a...


Manage RWSL issues ATC should have a procedure describinghow they should react for individual lightsthat are...


Manage TBS alert The system shall provide support for theautomatic monitoring and alerting ofdeviations from the...


Manage the AOP - Activity

Manage Trajectory Information by ATS This corresponds to the management ofTrajectory information/data (e.g. EPP data,ADS-B data,...


Manage Warning alert for pilots Require immediate flight crew attentionand immediate flight crew response [09.14D36]


Measure Wake Turbulence To increase the awareness about waketurbulence encounter risk in real time, thewake turbulence...


Measure Wake Turbulence on board To increase the awareness about waketurbulence encounter risk in real time, thewake turbulence...


Modify taxi route For different reasons, the taxi route mayneed to be modified. It may be re-calculated by the...


Modify trajectory - Activity

Monitor aircraft and assess traffic situation The Executive Controller constantlyassesses the traffic situation, monitoring allflights and...


Monitor Airport Conformance The introduction of Electronic Flight Strips(EFS) means that the instructions given bythe ATCO...


Monitor and Separate Traffic This corresponds to the tasks of controllersto provide separation corresponding tothe...


Monitor arrivals and request late tweaks ACC/Approach supervisor. Responsibilitiesin coupled AMAN/DMAN context.Coordinate with Airport...


Monitor CCO procedure execution The controller monitors the flight to detectdeviations from the expected aircraftbehaviour.


Monitor CDO procedure execution The controller monitors the flight to detectdeviations from the expected aircraftbehaviour. If...


Monitor changes at airport level [DOD 7.2] Local Capacity Management andAirport Ops Support monitor regularly theevolution of...


Monitor changes at local level [DOD 7.2] Local Capacity Management andAirport Ops Support monitor regularly theevolution of...


Monitor clearance implementation The ATC system FDP updates the planningtrajectory to include the clearanceimplementation...


Monitor Conflicting Clearance Any clearance input in the ATC system willbe a triggering event for the ATC system todetect any...


Monitor crisis measure - Activity

Monitor de-complexing solution implementation Activity related to the monitoring of the de-complexing solution’s implementation andimpact. If...


Monitor departure Monitor the spacing between departingaircraft before transferring them to the TMAControllers.


Monitor departures and request late tweaks Airport Tower Supervisor. Responsibilitiesin coupled AMAN/DMAN context.Coordinate with Approach...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 15 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 16: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Monitor distance from designated aircraft while executing thespecific procedure

The flight crew manages the aircraft speedaccording to the spacing instruction (in timeor...


Monitor IM clearance execution The controller monitors the execution of theIM Operation until the Planned TerminationPoint is...


Monitor landing trajectory and landing roll Both Planning/MSP and ExecutiveControllers monitor the required flightadherence to cleared...


Monitor measures [DOD 7.2 modelling] Following theirimplementation, ATFCM measures aremonitored through relevant...


Monitor missed approach trajectory The pilot monitors the missed approachand adjusts if needed the trajectory untilabove MSA...


Monitor Network Demand and Capacity - Activity

Monitor potential and actual infringements in the NTZ Final Approach Controller monitors the NTZ(for potential infringements, likelysupported by...


Monitor resolving action After the provision of the required ATCinstruction, the implementation is verifiedand the...


Monitor STAM - Activity

Monitor surrounding traffic [SURF-ITA] will utilize surveillance data thatare available at sufficient quality and...


Monitor TBS Operations Approach controllers are required to beprovided with the means to check andamend the sequence...


Monitor the application of DCB/DDCB measures [DOD 7.2 modelling] Following theirimplementation, dDCB measures aremonitored through relevant...


Monitor the crisis - Activity

Monitor the Network effect [DOD 7.2 modelling] Following theirimplementation, ATFCM measures aremonitored through relevant...


Monitor TPO execution The controller monitors the execution ofTPO.


Monitor traffic while executing a vehicle route [AO-0105] An alert is triggered when thevehicle is moving behind an aircraft on thesame...


Monitor trajectory until DH The pilot monitors the approach until DH,looking at the availability of guidance,adherence to...


Notify ARES de-activation - Activity

Notify ATC of impossibility to continue IM operation The Flight Crew notifies ATC that they areunable to continue the IM operation, andwaits for ATC...


Notify ATC of onboard IM operation termination After a flight crew-initiated termination ofthe IM execution, the flight crew notifiesthe...


Notify next unit of change of frequency The Transferring ATSU automaticallyupdates the Flight Object to indicate thatthe flight has...


Notify of abnormal approach speed See the description of Contact ApproachController.


Notify of abnormal landing statibilisation speed profile See the description of Contact ApproachController.


Notify Priority Error (incompatible) - Activity

Offer coordination The Transferring ATSU controller teamproposes coordination to the AcceptingATSU via the...


Open New Routes When a predicted flow rate or complexity isclassified as Low but there is a lot ofdemand from...


Operate according to RNP 1 SID - Activity

Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 16 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 17: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Operate according to RNP 1 STAR Aircraft flight path will be determined by thespecific STAR selected in the FMS and willoperate...


Optimize the sector configuration [DOD 7.2 modelling] The Local TrafficManager and the Flow Manager identify theoptimum sector...


Perform 2D comparison of EPP route against FO route acrossIOP area

C-ATSU system retrieves the groundplanning trajectory from the Flight Object.C-ATSU system...


Perform a task inside the Runway Zone [AO-0105] The vehicle performs differentoperations inside the Runway Zone :runway inspection,...


Perform AIRAC cycle update of hte local ASM system - Activity

Perform collision avoidance manoeuvre In the event of an RA, it is automaticallydownlinked to the ground for controllers tobuild the...


Perform conflict detection within AOI The conflict detection tools in ATS unit Ause the latest revised flight intent for Flight002...


Perform conformance monitoring The conformance monitoring tools in ATSunit detect that the actual progress of theflight...


Perform consistency check at Regional level NM performs a network impact assessmentand provides the result back to the Sub-regional/National...


Perform CTA cancellation The Controlling ATSU, due to the evolvingtraffic situation, may elect to cancel theCTA. The...


Perform internal consistency check - Activity

Perform potential mid-air collision detection The surrounding collaborative traffic isdetected and the relative positions of thecorresponding...


Perform short-term conflict detection The current and predicted three-dimensional positions of aircraft withpressure-altitude...


Perform Strategic Network assessment and major event de-confliction

NM performs a network impact assessmentand provides the result back to the Sub-regional/National...


Perform Syntax and Semantic Checks - Activity

Perform TRACT conflict detection - Activity

Perform Trajectory Validation - Activity

Plan Arrivals The destination AMAN calculates andupdates the arrival sequence and theadvisories (e.g. TTL)...


Plan Departures Each airport creates a sequence ofdepartures. A-CDM and DMAN create thesequence at large...


Plan vehicle route The [RGA] (Route Generation Algorithm)calculates a planned route in automaticmode, based on...


Plan/execute long-range arrival pre-sequence The AMAN receives flight progressinformation for every aircraft bound for thearrival-managed...


Plan/Update Arrival Sequence The planning and updating of the arrivalsequence can involve one single AirportAMAN in a single...


Point flight to 3rd ATSU The upstream ATSU controller team pointsthe flight to the Third Party ATSU via theHMI. The...


Point flight to D-ATSU The upstream ATSU controller team pointsthe flight to the downstream ATSU via theHMI, along...


Pre-notify activation of the ARES The TRAMON then activates the TAXI Callfunction via the ATC System choosing atime frame...


Predict Load and Complexity at TMA Exit Fix The TMA Manager Tool continuouslymonitors predicted flow rates and trafficcomplexity at TMA...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 17 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 18: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Predict magnitude of bunching at En Route sector withconverging inbound streams to TMA

The CMAN of the formerly called E-TMA,predicts the magnitude of bunching usingAMAN inputs,...


Prepare Airport DCB scenarios - Activity

Prepare and coordinate DCB solutions at Network level [DOD 7.2 modelling] DCB solutions areprepared sufficiently in advance at networklevel and...


Prepare and select de-complexing solution implementation Among the potential de-complexingmeasures, EAP will make a full evaluationof the solution for...


Prepare Draft AUP/UUP At x time, the AMC user prepares the DraftAUP/UUP for the D-day. The DraftAUP/UUP consists of...


Prepare STAM after having performed theimbalance/complexity analysis, the INAPfunction analyzes the possible...


Present separation to Arrival Controller The separation to be applied in approach isthe results of multiple customisation ofseparation...


Present separation to Tower Controller The separation to be applied for departureis the results of multiple customisation ofseparation...


Proceed visually or VFR until the PinS point The Rotorcraft crew flies the initialdeparture segment in VFR or proceedingvisually, until...


Promote draft AUP/UUP to ready status Once the draft AUP/UUP is consideredmatured and the planned airspaceallocation consolidated,...


Propose a crisis measure at Crisis Cell level - Activity

Propose a crisis measure at Network level - Activity

Propose alternative solutions according to rules defined instrategic phase

Static Data: In case the static data is notconsistent, update the static data,coordinate it...


Propose CTA The AMAN of the destination ATSUcalculates the required time constraint (timeand fix) for the...


Propose Departures Restrictions When a predicted flow rate or complexity ata fix is classified as High, the TMAManager will...


Propose exchange of ATFM slots and/or departure times [07.02-D28-Step1 Release 4 DOD] §2.2.7:ATFM Slot Swapping Enhancement: Theenhanced S


Propose revision to coordination level The ATSU controller team proposes arevision to the coordinated level via theHMI. The ATSU...


Propose revision to route and coordination point The ATSU controller team proposes adirect routing across the AoR boundary tothe target ATSU via...


Provide 2D RNP clearance Aircraft are cleared to perform the 2D(lateral) transition/approach procedure fromthe IAF to...


Provide 3D RNP clearance Aircraft are cleared to perform the 3D(lateral/vertical) transition/approachprocedure from the...


Provide ADD Once the aircraft is airborne and detectedby the ATS unit’s surveillance, the ATSunit...


Provide additional FOC data - Activity

Provide Advisory/Caution alerts The situation can still be considered asnormal but the current trend is that, ifnothing...


Provide aircraft with instructions according to TTL or target timeadvisory at IMP

When it is possible to transfer a significantdelay (more than 12 minutes) from theTMA to the En...


Provide Amended IM Clearance and check acceptance The controller communicates to the flightcrew the Amended IM Clearance. If it isaccepted by the...


Provide arrival procedure clearance The En Route controller provides the pilotwith an arrival procedure clearance. Thisfollows and...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 18 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 19: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Provide ASM support (AMC) Description: This activity involves analysingthe airspace demands (originating from thevarious...


Provide departure clearance (Rotorcraft) The controller, accordingly to the filled flightplan, provides the departure clearanceand...


Provide departure information to AMAN Satellite airport within Eligibility Horizonprovides the AMAN with information on therelevant...


Provide ETA Min/Max The current controlling ATS unitautomatically updates the Flight Object withthe downlinked...


Provide ETO Min/Max - Activity

Provide guidance on apron In some airports, the movement on theapron area is under the responsability ofAirport. In this...


Provide hold short at runway guidance Tower ground controller instructs via R/Tthe Flight Crew to hold short at runwayhold...


Provide initial arrival sequence The approach controller provides the EnRoute controller with the initial arrivalsequence. This...


Provide instruction to carry out the arrival sequence Following the arrival sequence given byAMAN and thanks to the differentseparations techniques...


Provide landing clearance The tower controller provides the landingclearance as well as the wind informationwhile...


Provide lateral separation instruction The controller may provide lateralseparation instructions in order to ensuresafe operations and...


Provide Local Impact Assessment Analyse AUP/UUP change proposal on thelocal situation.


Provide Network Impact Assessment The Draft AUP/UUP is sent to the NMsystems for validation. Errors/warnings, ifany, are sent...


Provide pilot response The pilot responds to an ATC instruction. Inthe context of a CTA allocation, the flightcrew


Provide radar vectoring instructions In order to ensure safe operations,exceptionally, the controller intervenestactically and...


Provide REL/RIL/THL lights RWSL commands the field lighting systemto turn on and off the lights of each RWSLfunction...


Provide resources and equipment capabilities - Activity

Provide resume to CTA instruction The Executive Controller instructs theaircraft to resume own navigation and toresume to its...


Provide retain CTA and tactical instructions The Executive Controller issues an explicitinstruction to retain CTA (keep RTA inbackground)...


Provide Retain/Resume CTA instruction The Executive Controller issues an explicitinstruction to retain CTA (keep RTA inbackground)...


Provide runway crossing guidance The Tower Runway Controller receives arequest to cross a runway via R/T. Heinforms the system...


Provide SBT - Activity

Provide speed instruction The approach controller can give a speedrestriction to all involved aircraft to get auniform...


Provide start-up and push-back instructions Upon ATSU system receipt of a push backrequest, the request is displayed on theTower Ground...


Provide Tactical Instructions - Activity

Provide executive control data Whenever the tactical controller at theTransferring ATSU issues a tacticalinstruction to the...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 19 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 20: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Provide tactical situational awareness to controller The downstream ATS unit is made awareof the updates to the executive control datain the Flight...


Provide tactical instructions to flight crew The controller provides directives for thepurpose of requiring a pilot to take aspecific action...


Provide take-off clearance The Tower Runway Controller issues thetake-off clearance to the Flight Crew usingR/T [06.02...


Provide taxi route clearance The Tower Ground Controller issues thetaxi instruction via R/T or data link bymaking an input...


Provide taxi-in route [On request of the Flight Crew,] the plannedtaxi-in route is automatically uplinked.The...


Provide taxi-out route When the Flight Crew requests ATCDeparture Clearance and Planned Taxi-outroute, the Tower...


Provide TPO instruction Controller instructs flight crew to executeTPO (right or left by specified number ofNM).


Provide vehicle position The vehicle must be equipped with ADS-Bout to send position reports. [06.07.01 D39]


Provide vehicle routing guidance [When receiving a request from the Towvehicle driver], the Tower Ground Controllerverifies the...


Provide vertical separation instruction The controller may provide verticalseparation instructions mainly as a meansto ensure safe...


Provide Warning alert The role of a warning alert is to inform pilotsof an imminent risk of collision they maymiss...


Provide weather information This activity involves handling requests andproving weather information concerning theflight or...


Publish Airport Seasonal Schedule - Activity

Publish Airspace availability - Activity

Publish airspace data in the NOP - Activity

Publish and update Airspace Configuration in the NOP The Regional Network Plan is approvedand promulgated by the Sub-RegionalManager. Airspace is...


Publish and update the NOP DCB solutions are listed and theirdescriptions are published in the NOP.


Publish ARES activation in the NOP - Activity

Publish ARES activation status update in the NOP - Activity

Publish ARES de-activation in the NOP - Activity

Publish ARES pre-activation in the NOP - Activity

Publish Capacity Constraint Situation - Activity

Publish CTA status The current controlling ATS unitautomatically updates the operationalstatus of the CTA in the...


Publish Demand Forecast - Activity

Publish Early Intent Informatiion Description: This activity involves the WOCsubmitting the Early Flight Intent toNetwork...


Publish Early Intent Information in Network Operations Plan Description: This activity involvespublishing Early Flight Intent information fora mission in...


Publish EPP with unchecked flags The ATSU system updates the Flight Objectwith the downlinked EPP data, and‘unchecked’ status...


Publish in the NOP - Activity

Publish iRMT in the NOP Description:This activity involves makingavailable via the Network Operations Planall...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 20 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 21: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Publish iSBT/iSMT - Activity

Publish Long Term Planning Data in NOP The LT planning data are available also inthe Network Operations Plan (NOP)


Publish Priority on Flights - Activity

Publish UDPP Hotspot List Solution (w UIBT UOBT) - Activity

Raise alert to relevant stakeholders - Activity

Raise D/C Imbalance Alert - Activity

Re-engage RTA (1) The flight crew reinstates the RTA andthe FMS updates its trajectory predictions.The flight...


Receive AMAN constraint The satellite airport receives a TTL figurefor the departure aircraft in the AMANarrival...


Receive CTA Rejection The destination ATS unit retrieves theupstream ATCO’s response to the CTAProposal from the...


Receive Early Intent Information Description: This activity involves receivingearly intent information on a missiontrajectory,...


Receive pilot reports The controller receives pilot reports.Specificallly in the approach context, whilefollowing a...


Receive Pilot Response The destination ATS unit retrieves thepublished CTA Status (i.e. flight crewresponse to their...


Receive resume to CTA instruction The flight crew receives and acknowledgesinstructions to resume own navigation andreturn to CTA.


Receive retain CTA and tactical instructions The flight crew receives and acknowledgesexplicit instructions to retain CTA (keepRTA in...


Receive RNP clearance Aircraft receive the clearance to commencethe RNP transition approach via R/T /voice.


Receive the updated information that can be shared (e.g. withairspace users)

- Activity

Receive TPO instruction Flight crew receives and acknowledgesinstruction (with readback).


Reception and distribution of AOP related Flight Planinformation

This activity involves handling all dataexchanges between the Airport OperationsCentre and...


Reception and update of Extended/Reference Flight PlanInformation

This activity involves the ATC FDPSsystems receiving the latest ExtendedFlight Plan updates or...


Reception of improved iSMT Information Description: This activity involves the ATCFDPS systems receiving the latestimproved OAT Flight...


Reconciliate Arrival information and propose solutions - Activity

Record and monitor ATFM slot exchange [07.02-D28-Step1 Release 4 DOD]§ The Network Manager monitorsthe flight exchanges and...


Record and monitor departure time exchange As for the Network Manager (Record andMonitor ATFM slot exchange), the CDMairport monitors the...


Record and publish STAM implementation - Activity

Record ATOT The ATM System detects take-off andrecords the ATOT [06.02 D122 DOD Step1Yearly Update 2014].


Reduce separation according to TBS rules When the arrival separation is a distancevalue, the separation (in time) between twoaircraft...


Refer to tactical who assesses problems The planning controller highlights issue tothe tactical controller. The tacticalcontroller...


Reference Flight Plan Publishing This activity involves the FOC including allagreed Extended Flight Plan informationinto the...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 21 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 22: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Refine Airport Resource and Capabilities - Activity

Refine Airspace Configuration - Activity

Refine resource and equipment capabilities - Activity

Refine Scheduled Flights (Updating SBT to RBT/ATV) - Activity

Refine/update ARES Description: This activity involves refiningthe airspace volume needed for themission,...


Refuse ATFM slot exchange [07.02 D28-Step 1 Release 4DOD]§ NMF and Airport will refuseor accept the proposed...


Refuse departure time exchange [07.02 D28-Step 1 Release 4DOD]§ NMF and Airport will refuseor accept the proposed...


Reject flight If the flight cannot be reasonably acceptedinto the sector the coordination is to berejected.


Reject pilot request The executive controller in ATS unit Binforms Flight 002 that ATC are unable togrant the...


Reject Proposed CTA If the controller assesses that they cannotfacilitate the aircraft flying on its ownspeed...


Reject release of flight The controller team at the TransferringATSU rejects the release request via theHMI. The...


Release of AUP/UUP When all AUPs/UUPs are in status Ready,the CADF (CADF position in the NM Opsroom is responsible...


Relinquish responsibility for flight The Transferring ATSU systemautomatically retrieves the updated transferstatus from the Flight...


Remove 3rd ATSU from distribution The point indication is removed from theFlight Object, and the Third Party ATSU isremoved from...


Remove discrepancy indication The controller is made aware through theHMI of the flight crew response to theuplinked Route...


Remove flight plan from expected flights The Accepting ATSU 1 system removes theflight plan from the ground system (ifappropriate),...


Remove highlight of the flight from HMI Following cancellation of the point function,the flight is no longer highlighted in theHMI.


Remove level constraint discrepancy indication The controller is made aware through theHMI of the flight crew response to theuplinked 3D Route...


Report change to filed speed The pilot informs the tactical controller inthe Upstream ATSU of a change to the filedflight...


Request a ground movement The Airport Operations Centre (AOC) plansthe Ground Movement in the system,stating the Starting...


Request ATFCM measures [DOD 7.2 modelling] When needed, theLocal Traffic Manager and/or the FlowManager ask the...


Request C-ATSU to re-clear flight If the controller decides to revise the routeheld by the aircraft, then the controller usesthe...


Request CDR2 availability and airspace restrictions Traffic demand is known (at least historicaldata are available). The FMP provides theneed in...


Request Crisis Event management [DOD 7.2 modelling] Following theimbalance analysis, the Local TrafficManager and/or the Flow...


Request cruise level change The pilot of Flight 002 requests a newcruise level to ATC in the current controllingATS unit...


Request demand change - Activity

Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 22 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 23: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Request departure clearance The Rotorcraft crew requests departureclearance and relative instruction,accordingly to the...


Request ETA Min/Max Upon receipt of the reliable ETA min/maxservice request, the current controlling ATSunit sends...


Request ETA Min/Max Service Upon request of the AMAN, the destinationATS unit automatically requests the reliableETA...


Request flight crew report The approach controller requires a flightcrew report upon path interception, finalcourse...


Request flight crew to disable FRT Instruction is passed to flight crew todisable FRT functionality via input to theFMS.


Request flight crew to disable RF Instruction is passed to flight crew todisable RF functionality via input to theFMS.


Request flight on frequency - Activity

Request network assessment ATC inform local NM of the request if timepermits / if the situation permits. Note. - thisis...


Request provision of EPP At a predetermined time and/or distancefrom the aircraft entering C-ATSU’s areaof...


Request provision of EPP to 3rd party ATSU At a predetermined time and/or distancefrom the aircraft entering C-ATSU’s areaof...


Request release of flight Following the agreement of a set ofcoordination data, the controller team at theAccepting ATSU...


Request revised coordination level Following the agreement of a set ofcoordination data, the ATSU controllerrequests a revision to...


Request RNP to ILS/GLS/LPV approach procedure After ToD (or better in the future, before),the pilot checks the approach and runwayin use and...


Request specific procedure The pilots request a specific procedurewhen they identify they could improve theirflight...


Request sub-regional or regional action [DOD 7.2 Modelling] The Local TrafficManager or the Flow Manager escalatesthe coordination to...


Request Support CDM if required to support impactassessment and airspace adjustements


Request taxi-in route The Flight Crew requests the Planned Taxi-In route. [07.07.02 D76]


Request taxi-out route The Flight Crew requests ATC DepartureClearance and Planned Taxi-out route viadata link.


Request the change of Airspace reservation - Activity

Request the change of Airspace Reservation/MissionTrajectory

- Activity

Request Trial - Activity

Resolve level constraint discrepancy through R/T The controller is made aware through theHMI of the flight crew response to theuplinked 3D Route...


Respond to cancellation request - Activity

Restore adherence to clearance If a detected deviation is considered assignificant, the controller takes theappropriate...


Resume assigned clearance The aircraft shall promptly return to theterms of the ATC instruction or clearancewhen the...


Resume conventional control The controller stops the on-going procedureand resumes conventional control.


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 23 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 24: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Resume IM operation After an IM suspension and temporaryconventional control, the controller canresume the IM...


Retain RTA in the background and follow ATC instructions The flight crew retains the RTA (holding it inthe background) and executes the ATCinstruction.


Retrieve EPP and consistency check status from FO D-ATSU system retrieves the latest EPPinformation, along with consistency statusinformation...


Retrieve revised coordination data and display it to controller The ATSU retrieves the revisedcoordination data from the Flight Objectand displays it on the...


Retrieve revised route from FO C-ATSU controller receives the requestfrom D-ATSU 3 to re-clear the flight inaccordance with...


Revise airborne trajectory with CTO - Activity

Revise aircraft 2D route The approach controller can revise theaircraft 2D route to ensure separation(possibly in...


Revise coordination level Following the agreement of a set ofcoordination data, the controller in theTransferring ATSU...


Revise coordination time The ATSU system automatically revises theFlight object with the updated planningtrajectory,...


Revise coordination time and point The ATSU system automatically revises theFlight object with the updated planningtrajectory,...


Revise entry conditions if needed in coordination with upstreamsector

Entry coordination is amended as requiredin agreement with offering sector.


Revise planned cruise level The planning controller in ATS unit B (ordelegated authority) revises the en-routecruise level...


Revise planned route ATS Unit revises the planned route in theFlight Object.


Revise planned trajectory with STAM measure D-ATSU1 concerned by the effect of thefuture execution of the STAM solution withinhis area of...


Revise TTOT If the TTL figure is not null, the satelliteairport revises the TTOT accordingly, whichdelays...


Roll and exit runway Baseline process. Activity

Roll-out Baseline process for rolling-out. Activity

Search and find pre-defined Candidate solution - Activity

Select appropriate DDCB measure [DOD 7.2 modelling] After havingperformed the imbalance analysis, theLocal Traffic Manager...


Select clearance to achieve desired profile If there are not planned constraints oragreed coordination actions to respect, theExecutive...


Select clearance to respect agreed constraints orcoordinations

If there are planned constraints or agreedcoordination actions, the ExecutiveController will...


Select DCB Solution 1. The DCB calculates KPI forecasts fordifferent alternative runway configurationsand capacity...


Select RNP to ILS/GLS/LPV approach procedure The pilot selects the Runway, Approach(ILS/GLS or LPV) and VIA (RNP segmentincluding RF) and...


Select TPO Flight crew selects aircraft TPO function. Activity

Send Landing Data Landing data (landing runway and runwayconditions) are sent by the Ground Systemto the Flight...


Separate traffic in approach [Baseline] Separate traffic during theapproach phase. The idea is to mergearrival streams. See...


Set-up IM operation The controller determines the interest andfeasibility of an IM operation for a given IMand...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 24 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 25: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Share airspace data with NM Static airspace data presented for NMimpact assessment


Share and analyse Airspace demand data AMC compares civil and military needs andidentifies possible imbalance betweendemand and...


Share declared hostpots [7.2 Etienne de Muelenaere] From theactivity « Analyse imbalance » aninformation element must...


Share FPL update in the NOP - Activity

Share Hotspot Sequence List - Activity

Share Hotspot with AUs - Activity

Share long term planning ASM data National and international exercises arecoordinated between military authorities.Data related...


Share Reference ARES planning - Activity

Share updated planned constraints with NM Each identified ATSU shares its updatedplanned constraints (if any) with NM,according to...


Specify ARES request [1] Squadron Tiger Leader requests anARES he defines: ·


Store inconsistency with the iSBT/iSMT - Activity

Store iSBT/iSMT [DOD 7.2] A number of iterations ofiSBT/SMT will be stored as reference datasuch as: very first...


Submit and update allocated airport slot data - Activity

Submit and update iSBT/iSMT [DOD 7.2] An operator is to input to acentral database any data available relatedto a...


Submit Approved ARES Reservation The WOC submits the ARES approved atnational level to the Sub-regional/nationalASM.


Submit iRMT Description:This activity involves the WOCincluding all improved OAT Flight Planinformation...


Submit iSMT Description: This activity involves sendingthe improved OAT Flight Plan to Network...


Submit request for ARES - Activity

Submit request or modification of ARES - Activity

Support NM consistency check CDM if required to support impactassessment and airspace adjustements


Support STAM Implementation (AOLO) if needed - Activity

Suspend IM execution The flight crew suspends the IM executionon ATC request.


Suspend IM operation The controller can suspend the IMOperation for traffic flow efficiency reasons,or due to...


Synchronize trajectories following EAP STAM implementation - Activity

Take-off Baseline process. Activity

Terminate IM execution The flight crew can terminate the IMexecution on ATC request. The Flight Crewcan also terminate...


Terminate IM operation The controller can terminate the IMOperation for traffic flow efficiency reasons,or due to...


Terminate TPO instruction Instruction is passed to flight crew toterminate the execution of the TPO.


Touchdown Baseline process for touchdown. Activity

Traffic Demand Computation This activity involves computing trafficdemand over traffic flows, significantpoints, airports...


Transfer flight to Departure Controller The transfer of control at least implies acommunication from the controller towardsthe Flight...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 25 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 26: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Transfer flight to tower ground controller The transfer of control at least implies acommunication from the controller towardsthe Flight...


Transfer flight to tower runway controller The approach controller transfers theaircraft to the control tower frequency.


Translate ARES Plan to Airspace availability - Activity

Transmit IM clearance and check acceptance The controller communicates to the flightcrew the IM Clearance Type (i.e., therequested IM...


Transmit target aircraft identification The controller communicates to the flightcrew the Target Aircraft Identification andTarget...


Trigger ARES pre-activation As soon as the aircraft planned for amission in the VPA start to taxi, the Towercontroller...


Turn on segments The AGL system turns on segments(equalling a distance not greater than 300mahead of the...


Update Airborne Intended Exit The Ground System confirms or proposesa different planned runway exit to the FlightDeck.


Update and share ARES status The ASM Support Systems subsequentlysends a notification to the NetworkManagement Function...


Update ARES planning The planning is updated accordingly andautomatically


Update arrival management information If the threshold is overtaken, theinformation is forwarded to the AMAN in theform an advisory...


Update ATFM slots and/or departure times Depending on the approval or refusal of thedeparture time/ATFM slot exchange [UC-NP-29], the...


Update controller awareness of transfer status The Accepting ATSU system automaticallyretrieves the updated transfer status fromthe Flight...


Update CWP with ARES activation - Activity

Update CWP with ARES activation status update - Activity

Update CWP with ARES de-activation - Activity

Update CWP with ARES pre-activation - Activity

Update eFPL - Activity

Update flight plan if needed - Activity

Update iRBT information (EFPL, TTA/TTO) NM updates the iRBT information (e.g.EFPL and TTA/TTOs) for transmission tothe concerned ATSUs.


Update iRMT ARES VPA - Activity

Update local planning trajectory The downstream ATSU system retrievesthe new speed from the updated FlightObject. The...


Update local/subregional LT planning data NM updates the long term planning basedon the outcome of the CDM process


Update planned constraints as needed Each identified ATSU uses the improvedplanned trajectory for updating its plannedconstraints as...


Update planning The Network Manger retrieves the revisedflight intent from the Flight Object andupdates their...


Update preliminary eFPL - Activity

Update Regional systems database NM updates the static airspace data baseon the outcome of the CDM process


Update sector planning ATS Unit retrieves the revised flight intentfrom the Flight Object to update its sectorplanning...


Update taxi-in parameters The planned taxi-in route is automaticallyuplinked and loaded into the aircraftsystem. The...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 26 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019

Page 27: SESAR | eATM Portal | Activities · Activities A logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Title Description Type Related Elements Abrogate coordination

Title Description Type Related Elements

Update taxi-out parameters The ATC Departure Clearance and theplanned taxi-out route are sent to the FlightCrew by the...


Update the CWP and share airspace status data Pre notification: visualization of theallocated ARES outlines in the ASMSupport Systems and at...


Update the NOP [DOD 7.2 modelling] The dDCB/DCBsolutions descriptions and their intendeduse are updated and...


Update trajectory ATS unit updates the trajectory estimates inthe Flight Object using the latest actualprogress...


Update trajectory with new filed speed - Activity

Update/Improve local planned trajectory by using the validiRBT information

Each identified ATSU updates/improves itsown planned trajectory by using the validiRBT...


Uplink descent clearance The ATC controller sends the CPDLCdescent when ready clearance uplink.


Uploading of Reference Flight Plan onto the aircraft FMS This activity involves the flight crewreceiving from the FOC the ReferenceFlight Plan, and...


Use FOC planning information and ADD to improve demandprediction

- Activity

Use FOC planning information and ADD to improve groundtrajectory prediction

- Activity

Use relevant EPP to improve ground trajectory prediction Each concerned ATSU uses relevant EPPinformation to improve the quality of itsground trajectory...


Vacate runway In case the Tower Runway Controller haspreviously made the specific request to theFlight Crew,...


Vacate the RPA Vacate the RPA following an alert or at theend of the task.


Validate civil and military FPL As FPL represents a iSBT/SMT, thisprocess should remain consistent with"Check and Validate...


Validate crisis measure - Activity

Validate iSMT Description: This activity involves NetworkManagement (in particular the IFPS)validating the...


Source: European ATM Portal - Report produced: 15-07-2020 - Date refresh: 18-DEC-2019 Page 27 of 27EATMA data version: EATMA V12.1 - ATM Master Plan data set version: Dataset 19 Public - MP L3 Edition: MP L3 Plan 2019
