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Stanford Social Entrepreneurship StartupLED Lighting Project

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Fuel-Based Lighting causes many problems

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Kerosene Lamp IncandescentFlashlight






/ U


Total Light Output per $

Source: DRAFT: Evan Mills, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

0.2 1.8















s / U


Useful Light Output per $

LEDs are a more efficient technology

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LEDs Rapid Advancement and Low Power

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Sell LEDs through market for lasting impact

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Stanford Social Entrepreneurship StartupLED Lighting Project

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The Market

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The Market

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User Feedback Process

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Example Feedback: Kerosene Replacer

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Example Feedback: Kerosene Replacer

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Example Feedback: Light Upgrader

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Example Feedback: Light Upgrader

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Indian target segments

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The Competition: Kerosene


Electric bulb KeroseneLamntern

Kerosene lamp

Lighting Sources in West Bengal, 24 Parganas region

Source: IDE Need Analysis Survey, 1999

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Our Proposed Solution: User Benefits

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Key Assumptions Tested

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Definition of product concepts

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Stanford Social Entrepreneurship StartupLED Lighting Project

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China Roadmap

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CHINA: Entrepreneurship is Everywhere


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Credit is informal

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Lighting market is highly fragmented

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Target Market Progression

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Night Traders Lighting Needs

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The Business Case

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Stanford Social Entrepreneurship StartupLED Lighting Project

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Mexico Presentation

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The Opportunity

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Special Considerations

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The Offering

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Implementation Strategy



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Stanford Social Entrepreneurship StartupLED Lighting Project

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Design Overview

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Design Overview

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Design Overview


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Design Overview


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Design Overview

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Design Overview

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Design Overview

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Design Overview

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Stanford Social Entrepreneurship StartupLED Lighting Project

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Design Parameters

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Prototype: “El Cheapo”

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Page 49: ses final presentation · LEDs Rapid Advancement and Low Power , ’˘#’ ˚ ˚ ˘-./ˇ0 1223 -2ˇ0 122- ˙˜ " $ 1 " 4 ’5 4

Prototype: “El Cheapo”

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Prototype: China and India

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Prototype: China and India

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Prototype: Mexico'����������0 ��� �� ��� ������ �309��5�����������������51�������������0 ������

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Prototype: Mexico

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Stanford Social Entrepreneurship StartupLED Lighting Project

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NEXT STEPS: Funding to continue


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Longer-term Vision for SES

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Immediate Need: Scaling up for Global Impact

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