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Your Software Testing PartnerWe help you build better software

Service virtualization is helping in

transformation: An overview

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About QA InfoTech

• An independent software quality assurance and testing company, founded in 2003, currently employing 700+ QA engineers

• Five testing “Centers of Excellence” across the USA and India

• Active member of NASSCOM

• Experience working with Fortune 500 clients

• World-class testing labs

• Objective test metrics leading to reliability in the test effort

• Continuous value-add and technical excellence driven by R&D, test process improvements and training

• 100 Best Companies to work for in 2010 and 2011 & 50 Best Companies to work for in 2012*

• ISO 9001:2008, CMMI Level 3, ISO 20000-1:2011and ISO 27001:2005 certified

Slide 2 * Study conducted by Great Places to Work for Institute, India

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QA Service Offerings – an Overview









Test Design









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Functional Testing

Performance Testing

Globalization Testing

Security Testing

Automation Testing

Usability and Accessibility Testing

Mobile Testing

Cloud Testing

Crowd sourced Testing

Courseware and Content Testing

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Cloud Testing

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“Testing in Cloud” is a term that can be inferred in various ways. At QA InfoTech, we leverage the cloud to augment our test

services empowering us to improve our testing efficiencies – be it test bed setup time, tester’s productivity, access to high

end infrastructure, software.

We extensively work with several cloud offerings including some of the leading ones such as Amazon EC2, Microsoft

Azure. We have leveraged the cloud for several of our client assignments for areas such as functional, performance,

compatibility, globalization testing. At QA InfoTech, cloud testing is an important area of interest for ongoing Research

and Development (R&D) and we continue to share our knowledge with the community through our blogs, white

papers, key note sessions in conferences etc. besides sharing the benefits with our clients through our test solutions.

For additional details on cloud testing services, please visit our Knowledge Center or write to us at

[email protected]

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Functional Testing & Performance Testing

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FUNCTIONAL TESTING: We have brought in significant savings to our clients both in test bed / infrastructure setup time

and costs by being an early adopter of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). We use the cloud both for manual and

automated testing, including remote execution that we schedule through our comprehensive automation framework .

PERFORMANCE TESTING: To offer the best of breed services to our clients, we have integrated our performance testing

framework with cloud offerings, over the last few years. To also ensure we offer an uncompromised solution at a very

affordable cost, we have leveraged open source tools and technology to build our Performance Engineering IP. Here’s a

quick peek on how we leverage the cloud for our performance test scenarios. For additional details, please refer to our

Performance Testing Services, Case Studiesand White Papers.

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Service virtualization is helping in transformation: An overview

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Complex Applications may have several components being developed by separate individuals and teams

working in parallel at the same time. Each of these components may be at a different stage of progress and so

may not be ready to test yet. However, if one waits till the end when all the components or modules are

completed, then it would be too late. Organizations are increasingly focusing on Early Testing and adoption

rather than leaving it for too late. Moreover early testing leads to defect prevention which can further save


Service virtualization allows simulation of components that are not yet ready for Integration Testing. Since the

components are virtual, they can be brought up or down easily and tweaked per your requirements.

Moreover, they are very inexpensive. This overall helps in reducing cost, reducing dependencies and early test

adoption to avoid project and product risks of missing their deadlines.

Cloud Computing has been instrumental in offering various such Service Virtualization initiatives. It's been

immensely helpful in some forms of testing while gradually gaining prominence in other forms as well. For

instance, in Performance Testing, utilizing the Capacities offered by Cloud Service Providers at run-time can

help reduce cost by avoiding investment in building such servers and maintaining them. Similarly, for

Compatibility Testing, you can find any or all OS, browsers and devices one can think of on the Cloud to be

utilized as and when required.

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These technological advancements are completely revolutionizing the way Software QA Testing happens today. The

When, Who, Where and How decisions can be easily made at the click of a mouse.

Today applications are very complex and they are supposed to be compatible with various devices and

environments. So in order to make sure that these applications can work with multiple devices it is the duty of the

testing company to check its compatibility with them. It is very difficult for the companies to set up different

environments on different devices as it is often very costly. So Cloud testing is the best choice to perform this

activity as it virtually provide different environments and devices which is also very cost effective.

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