Page 1: Sermon Outlines The Home - · The Master's Message On Marriage (Matthew 19:1-6) ... Her Submissive Role (Vs. 1a-c)

By Pastor Ronnie Brown

The HomeSermon Outlines

Page 2: Sermon Outlines The Home - · The Master's Message On Marriage (Matthew 19:1-6) ... Her Submissive Role (Vs. 1a-c)

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Grace and Peace through Jesus, Pastor Ronnie Brown

Copyright © 2015 by Ronnie Brown Ministries.

All rights reserved. Published by Ronnie Brown Ministries 82 Vandiver Road, Rossville, GA 30741

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Table of Contents

Essential Ingredients Of A Godly Home, The (Joshua 24:14-15) ........................... 3

The Master's Message On Marriage (Matthew 19:1-6) ........................................ 4

Husbands Love Your Wives (Ephesians 5:25-33) ................................................... 5

Children Honor Your Father And Mother (Ephesians 6:1-3) ................................. 6

A Word To The Wives (1 Peter 3:1-4) .................................................................... 7

The Right Way To Bring Up A Child (Ephesians 6:4) .............................................. 8

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Essential Ingredients Of A Godly Home, The (Joshua 24:14-15) Proposition: Every family represented in this room today can have a lasting Christ-honoring, God-pleasing family be following the three essential ingredients found in these few verses.

I. Examine the Roots of a Godly Home

A. A Determination to Honor the Lord (Vs. 14a)

B. A Decision to Hold to the Lord (Vs. 15a-b)

II. Exhibit the Resolve of a Godly Home

A. A Clear Separation (Vs. 14b-e)

B. A Committed Service (Vs. 14-15)

III. Include the Requirements of a Godly Home

A. A Collective Pursuit (Vs. 15g)

B. A Continuing Progression (Vs. 15f)

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The Master's Message On Marriage (Matthew 19:1-6) Proposition: Every one of us here today can secure our marriages and insure our homes against destruction by acknowledging and heeding the three eternal truths Jesus gives us concerning marriage in these few verses.

I. Jesus gives a Clear Definition of Marriage (Vs. 4)

A. The Constitution of Marriage (Vs. 4b-c1)

B. The Construction of Marriage (Vs. 4c2)

II. Jesus gives a Careful Description of Marriage (Vs. 5-6)

A. A Marriage Starts Together (Vs. 5a-b)

B. A Marriage Sticks Together (Vs. 5c-d)

C. A Marriage Strives Together (Vs. 6c)

III. Jesus gives a Cautious Declaration for Marriage (Vs. 6)

A. Marriages are Sovereignly United (Vs. 6a-c)

B. Marriages are Sinfully Divided (Vs. 6d)

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Husbands Love Your Wives (Ephesians 5:25-33) Proposition: Every husband in this room today, can be the godly husband God intends for you to be by following three instructions that He lays out in this text.

I. Follow the Standard to loving our wives (Vs. 25a-c)

A. The Example of Love

B. The Expression of Love

II. Furnish the Sacrifice for loving our wives (Vs. 25d-27)

A. A Sacrificial Love's Extent (Vs. 25d)

B. A Sacrificial Love's Intent (Vs. 26-27)

III. Find the Simplicity in loving our wives (Vs. 28-33)

A. An Inseparable Bond (Vs. 28, 31)

B. An Individual Benefit (Vs. 29)

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Children Honor Your Father And Mother (Ephesians 6:1-3) Proposition: This divine obligation can be fulfilled by following three instructions drawn out of these texts.

I. Recognize the Declaration of this Command (Vs. 1b-c)

A. God's Authenticity

B. God's Authority

II. Remember the Direction of this Command (Vs. 1a)

A. To Adolescent Children

B. To Adult Children

III. Retain the Description of this Command (Vs. 2-3)

A. A Prescribed Respect (Vs. 2a)

B. A Promised Reward (Vs. 2b-3)

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A Word To The Wives (1 Peter 3:1-4) Proposition: If we will carefully study this passage, we find in it some very practical and very helpful insights into how a woman can be the wife that God intended her to be. In this passage there are three characteristics that paint for us the picture of a godly wife.

A godly wife remembers...

I. Her Submissive Role (Vs. 1a-c)

A. This is an Assigned Arrangement

B. This is an Authoritative Admonition

A godly wife retains...

II. Her Spiritual Radiance (Vs. 3-4)

A. She Realizes that which is Vanity (Vs. 3)

B. She Reflects that which is Virtuous (Vs. 4)

A godly wife realizes...

III. Her Significant Reach (Vs. 1-2)

A. A Wordless Witness (Vs. 1d-e; 2)

B. A Spiritual Sway (Vs. 1f)

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The Right Way To Bring Up A Child (Ephesians 6:4) Proposition: Every parent here today, no matter how confusing parenting can be sometimes, can bring up their children the right way, by following three instructions drawn from this single verse.

I. Refuse to Demoralize your children (Vs. 4a-c)

A. The Routes to angering a child

B. The Results of angering a child

II. Remember to Discipline your children (Vs. 4d)

A. Consistently Chasten them

B. Carefully Counsel them

III. Resolve to Direct your children (Vs. 4d)

A. Don't Dismiss your influence

B. Don't Destroy your influence

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Other works from Pastor Ronnie Brown

The Exceptions of Jesus is now on sale! This e-

book is a 16 chapter study of each occasion

where the Lord Jesus uses the word “Except”.

Following each instance covers a wide verity of

topics and is rich in Biblical truth and personal

application. Click here for a sample chapter: An

Exception Concerning Belief. When you purchase

“The Exceptions of Jesus” from my secure online

sales provider (Gumroad), if you will use the word

exceptions2015 as the discount code, you will receive $7 off the sale

price, and buy the e-book for $10.

Here is what some have said about “The Exceptions of Jesus”

The Exceptions of Jesus is an excellent book. Ronnie

Brown has taken some key passages of Scripture and

opened them up brilliantly. This series of messages has

been well outlined and alliterated. Thorough study has

gone into each of these messages. You will be greatly

blessed and helped by these key messages. – Pastor Brian Haney,

Anchor of Hope Baptist Church Rossville, GA.

Pastor Ronnie Brown does a wonderful job of exploring a

word from the lips of Jesus that we might overlook, if we

are not careful. The word “except” binds these messages

together, but each chapter is a thorough study of a

different text and a valuable insight into the teachings of

Page 11: Sermon Outlines The Home - · The Master's Message On Marriage (Matthew 19:1-6) ... Her Submissive Role (Vs. 1a-c)

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our Lord on a number of different subjects. This book is a gospel-

saturated exposition of some very important passages of Scripture. – Dr.

Terry Trivette – Sharon Heights Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL

Anything that Pastor Ronnie Brown writes is filled with

wisdom and clarity. He is one preacher who stays true to

the eternal Word of God and has a God-given ability to

put the truths of the Word on the bottom shelf so anyone

can understand them. He uses alliteration in such a way

in his outlines to help you retain the great truths he is

expounding. No one will be disappointed in reading what Pastor Ronnie

Brown writes. – Dr. Jimmy Chapman, Victory Baptist Church of

Washington Ga.

Cries from the Cross is now on Sale! This e-book

is a 7 chapter study of the seven sayings of

Jesus from the Cross. While at Calvary, Jesus

spoke seven different statements; seven

significant sentences that express to us the very

heart of Jesus. In these cries we see the

humanity and the humility of Jesus. In these cries

we hear the suffering and the sacrifice of Jesus.

In these cries we realize the rejection of Jesus

and the redemption of Jesus. This digital package comes with the audio

files where Pastor Ronnie preached these messages. When you

purchase the book from my secure online sales provider (Gumroad), if

you will use the word cries2015 as the discount code, you will receive $7

off the sale price, and buy the e-book for $7.

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Check out these free resources from

“Lord I’m a Basket Case!”

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