Page 1: September 17th & 18th, 2016 · 9/18/2016  · Rosemary Byrnes Karen Dedman Mary Estelle Erika Ferrerithen the RCIA process Anthony Fiorita John Flynn Louise Ford Serena Herrick Marilyn

10100 NE 192nd Street Bothell, Washington

Rev. James Northrop, Pastor

Sunday Eucharist Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 am Domingo: 12:00 Noon Misa en Español Weekday Schedule Mass Mon, Wed, Thurs., Fri, Sat: 8:30 am Thursday: 6:00 pm Misa en Español Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesday, 6:00 pm Thursday, 9:15 am Saturday 3:00 pm or by appointment

Mission Statement

We, the St. Brendan Catholic community, are called to:

• Celebrate through Word and Sacrament; • Be formed as disciples and go forth as apostles; • Reach out to all with love and respect

In order to make visible the reign of God by transforming our world.


Nosotros, la comunidad católica de San Brendan estamos llamados a:

• Celebrar a través de la Palabra y Sacramento; • Ser formados como discípulos y seguir adelante como apóstoles; • Llegar a todos con amor y respecto

Todo esto para hacer visible el reino de Dios transformando nuestro mundo.

September 17th & 18th, 2016

Page 2: September 17th & 18th, 2016 · 9/18/2016  · Rosemary Byrnes Karen Dedman Mary Estelle Erika Ferrerithen the RCIA process Anthony Fiorita John Flynn Louise Ford Serena Herrick Marilyn

ST. BRENDAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 425-483-9400 Pastor Rev. Jim Northrop | ext #2647 [email protected]

Deacons José Blakeley Eamon Parsons Pastoral Associate/Adult Faith Linda Haptonstall | ext #2645 [email protected] Administration Kerri Foust | ext #2642 [email protected] Children & Family Ministry Andrea King [ ext. 2648 [email protected] School Principal Brian Bradish [email protected] Facilities Supervisor Frank Fewel | ext #2650 [email protected] Receptionist/Facilities Scheduler Lennie Treichel | ext #2640 [email protected] Pastoral Secretary Diane Moran | ext #2646 [email protected] Office Manager/Development Director Cristen Lambert [email protected] School Secretary Karyn Murnane [email protected]

Funeral Masses and Burial Rites To arrange for a funeral Mass or memorial service, please contact the

Parish Office, or ask the funeral director to do so.

Ministry to the Sick and Homebound To arrange for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick or to

receive Holy Communion at home, please contact the Parish Office.

Misas para Funerales y Ritos del Entierro Para hacer arreglos para Misa para funeral o servicio

conmemorativo, por favor contacte la Oficina de la Parroquia, o

pregunte al director de los servicios funerarios.

Ministerio para los Enfermos Para hacer arreglos para el Sacramento de La Unción de Los

Enfermos o para recibir la Santa Comunión en casa, por favor

contacte la Oficina de la Parroquia.


Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-noon; 1:00-4:30 pm

Phone: (425) 483-9400

Fax: (425) 486-9735

Address: 10051 NE 195th Street

Bothell, WA 98011-2931

School Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-4:00 pm

Phone: (425) 483-8300

Fax: (425) 483-2839

Address: 10049 NE 195th Street

Bothell, WA 98011-2931

Important Announcements:



Page 3: September 17th & 18th, 2016 · 9/18/2016  · Rosemary Byrnes Karen Dedman Mary Estelle Erika Ferrerithen the RCIA process Anthony Fiorita John Flynn Louise Ford Serena Herrick Marilyn

Readings I



Am 8:4-7

Tm 2:1-8

Lk 16:1-13

25 OT

Prv 3:27-34

Lk 8:16-18

25 OT

Prv 21:1-6, 10-13

Lk 8:19-21

St. Matthew

Eph 4:1-7, 11-13

Mt 9:9-13

25 OT

Eccl 1:2-11

Lk 9:7-9

25 OT

Eccl 3:1-11

Lk 9:18-22

25 OT

Eccl 11:9—12:8

Lk 9:43b-45



Am 6:1a, 4-7

Tm 6:11-16

Lk 16:19-31

Please pray for the sick:

Lillian Blanks

Rosemary Byrnes

Karen Dedman

Mary Estelle

Erika Ferreri

Anthony Fiorita

John Flynn

Louise Ford

Serena Herrick

Marilyn Hein

Ben Ibach

Wally Irvin

Joyce Kostelecky

Tony Merlitti

James Moran

Fr. Gary Morelli

Bill Paulson

Anita Rendon

Natalie Smith

Dave Syson


Dean Treichel


And for those who have


Laura Lee LaRiviere

Phil Sturholm

Clyde Tiken

Week of September 18, 2016

Sunday, September 18

10:00 am All-Parish Mass

Parish Picnic

Monday, September 19

8:30 am Mass

Tuesday, September 20

10:30 am Liturgy of the

Word @ Chateau

Wednesday, September 21

8:30 am Mass

Thursday, September 22

8:30 am Mass

6:00 pm Spanish Mass

Friday, September 23

8:30 am Mass

Saturday, September 24

8:30 am Mass

3:00 pm Penance

5:00 pm Baptism Mass

Sunday, September 25

8:00 am/10:00 am Baptism


12:00 pm Spanish Baptism




CATHOLIC Have you thought

about becoming

Catholic or wondered

what Catholics be-

lieve? If you have,

then the RCIA process

is for you! The RCIA

process is a flexible

and multi-step process

that meets people

where they are and

guides them in dis-

cerning whether or not

God is leading them

into full initiation into

the Catholic church.

We begin sessions on

September 19 in

Lower Brendan

House. Come and

see! For more informa-

tion, contact Pat Ibach

at the Parish Office or

[email protected]

MALAWI MOMENTS “Back to School” Part 2

Secondary School (like our high school grades 9 to 12) is called Form 1 through 4. Government pro-

vides it but it is not free. The fees pose a huge burden to families in Malawi who struggle to raise

enough money. There are not as many secondary schools. Only 13% of students go beyond primary

school. Students take a test at the end of Form 2 and must pass to receive their Junior Certificate of

Education (JCE) to proceed on to Form 3 & 4. They then graduate after Form 4 if they pass the exams

to receive the Malawi Secondary Certificate of Education, MSCE. Students study English, math, agri-

culture, physics, biology, geography, history, bible knowledge, social studies and Chichewa, the native

language. Schools struggle with poor student to teacher ratio, access to books and learning materi-

als, adequate classroom facilities and trained teachers. Please continue to send travel mercies to the

delegation preparing to take the longest journey of their lives to visit us October 1st. Questions?

Marie at 206-948-5166.

Page 4: September 17th & 18th, 2016 · 9/18/2016  · Rosemary Byrnes Karen Dedman Mary Estelle Erika Ferrerithen the RCIA process Anthony Fiorita John Flynn Louise Ford Serena Herrick Marilyn


Andrea King

Children & Family


RCIA for Children

Family and Godparent Prepa-


Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Little Disciples – Pre-K Faith


Nursery & Childcare

Family Preparation for First

Reconciliation and First


Disciples Club – Elementary

Faith Formation


RCIA para Niños

Preparación Bautismal y Pre-

paración de Padrinos

Liturgia de la Palabra para


Discípulos Pequeños – Forma-

ción en la Fe para Niños


Guardería y Cuidado de Niños

Preparación para Eucaristía

Preparación para Reconcilia-


Club de Discipulos—

Formacion de Fe para Niños

DO YOU KNOW—Our Salvation History: A Chosen People

(answers next week)

1. Who are some of the first Chosen People in the Bible? (Genesis 1: 27; Genesis 12: 2-3; Exodus 3: 4) 2. Who were the people chosen by Jesus? (Mark 9:35; 10:32; 11:11; John 6:67–71; 20:24). 3. Are we chosen by God? How do we know? (1st Peter 2: 9; Ephesians 1: 4-5) 4. Paul reminded Timothy that he was chosen for ministry by the laying on of hands. Which Sacrament is this? (1Timothy 4: 14)

OLD TESTAMENT FRIENDS—ADAM & EVE GINGERBREAD MAN: The gingerbread man does not create him-

self but rather is created. Gingerbread people remind us of God’s

creation of Adam in the Garden of

Eden, and God’s creation of each of

us. Spices, reminiscent of those men-

tioned in the Old Testament, make the

gingerbread man the color of earth

(Adam was created from the dust of

the earth). Like us, gingerbread peo-

ple are not immortal. They are des-

tined to be eaten and thus to unite

with their creators. God does not eat

us (rather we consume His Body and

Blood in the Eucharist), but our mortal

bodies, like that of the gingerbread

man’s, will not live forever. God created us for eternal union

with Him after we die. Gingerbread people remind us to look be-

yond ourselves to our Creator with whom we will one day be

united. (reprinted from http://

Disciples at School— Here’s a cool

way to follow Jesus. School has already

started and there are people in your class you

don’t know. Introduce yourself!

My name is What’s yours?

Page 5: September 17th & 18th, 2016 · 9/18/2016  · Rosemary Byrnes Karen Dedman Mary Estelle Erika Ferrerithen the RCIA process Anthony Fiorita John Flynn Louise Ford Serena Herrick Marilyn


We will be registering teens for

Middle School Youth Group after the

5:00 pm and 10:00 am Masses!

There will be a Youth Group Social

Event next Saturday, Sept. 24. After

the 5:00 pm Mass, come eat, watch a

movie and have some fun! Grades

6th—12th welcome! In Narthex around 6:30pm.

Kickoff is October 5 at 6:00 pm in Lower Brendan House.

Food! Fun! Friends! Free swag! Don’t miss out!

Youth Minister Contact


Follow us on



Young Adults:

Eastside Disciples

Catholic Young Adults.

Venga a un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™ y permítele a Él entrar en Su corazón para poder darle su sanación. Del 7 al 9 de octubre del 2016 (Por favor, llame tan pronto como sea posible.)

Marisela 206.450.7814 deje un mensaje, lo man-

tendremos confidencial ¡Con amor eterno te he amado!

El Proyecto Raquel es un programa de la agencia de Catholic Community Services.

ST. BRENDAN WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB Looking for a light, uplifting book to bring you into

fall? Jan Karon’s first novel of the beloved Mitford

series At Home in Mitford will put a smile on your

face and warm your heart. We will discuss this

book in Dining Room of Brendan

House on Monday, September 26, at

7:00 pm. Questions? Call Berni at 425-

485-4893 or Anneliese at 425-486-



Saturday, September 24, 9:30 am—12:30 pm

St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Burien

$10 pre-registration or $15 at door

Register at Come hear Marie Dennis, peacemaker, mother, co-

president of Pax Christi International, theologian

and author. Discern your call as a peacemaker,

consider the evolving Church teaching from Just

War to Just Peace, hear local stores of transforma-

tion from violence, receive peacemaking and non-

violence resources. Optional afternoon session

1:15-3:30 pm, “Contemplative Dialogue Experi-

ence.” Register now! Contact Mary at win-

[email protected] or 425-489-0664 if

Interested in carpooling.

KNIGHTS CORNER “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the

best of men.”

A perfect example of doing good while having a great

time is the “Casino Night” we host at the Brittany

Park Senior Living Facility in Woodinville. For three

hours we turn the lobby into the hippest casino north

of Vegas, with fortunes of monopoly money won and

lost with the spin of the week or turn of the cards.

If you want to hang out with the coolest cats while

performing acts of charity, join the Knights by calling

Kevin Hollebeke at 206-240-0275. Next Sunday is

the 1st Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast

served after the 8am and 10am Masses.

Page 6: September 17th & 18th, 2016 · 9/18/2016  · Rosemary Byrnes Karen Dedman Mary Estelle Erika Ferrerithen the RCIA process Anthony Fiorita John Flynn Louise Ford Serena Herrick Marilyn

Cursillo Ultreya

Looking for spiritual growth?

Meet the 2nd Saturday of each

month at 8:00 pm in the



Sam or Melinda Affronte

(425) 481-5296

Ron Fernandes

(425) 821-3599

Ultreya en Español

3er Sábado del mes de 2-3 pm

en la Parróquia de San

Brendan.M ás información

con el Sr. José Blakeley al

(425) 868-3342.


YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Our Parish Outreach Ministries

request the following items:

SOS Thursday meal preparation in

need of volunteer facilitator to

coordinate weekly meal planning

and preparation of food for serv-

ing 150. If interested, call Larry at


DIAPER BAG PROJECT Diapers (nb or sm), disposable


ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 1lb tins of coffee, laundry soap,

TP, bar soap, large baby diapers



Meets every Wednesday,

7:30—9:00 pm in Church

Healing Ministry every

Third Wednesday of the



[email protected]

RESPECT LIFE—PRO-LIFE BILLBOARDS Pro-life messages can and do change minds. Where once the majority of

people through abortions were okay, the tide has turned and the majority

now stand with us. This is due, in part, to efforts like the billboard people,

“Prolife Washington” who through their messages have made a difference in

the live of the Unborn and their mothers. Educating the public via billboards

is an important means in the campaign to convince everyone that human life

is sacred. Please pick-up a baby bottle after Mass the weekend of October

1/2 and start saving your SPARE CHANGE FOR LIFE. The money from your

parish will purchase billboard space in your area. We will let you know where

these billboards are located through October and November. St. Brendan

donated enough money during the last campaign to pay for 5 billboards.

Let’s again allow our change to change hearts and to build a Culture of Life.

Thanks so much for your support. Please return your bottles in 3 weeks—

October 22/23. Questions? Call Sam Affronte at 425-481-5296.

YOUNG AT HEART SENIORS Parishioners (60+) are invited to the

“Young at Heart” meeting on Tues-

day, September 27, from 11:00 am

—1:00 pm in the Church Narthex.

This will be a “sharing” meeting; of

summertime adventures and ideas

for future gathering. Bring a Potluck

dish to share for lunch. Please con-

tact Donna 425-488-1373 if you

have any questions. Please save

the date of October 11. On that

day, 21 Acres in Woodinville will be

the location of our gathering. We

will tour the facility, learn about how

it promotes sustainable living and

enjoy a special lunch prepared



volved with St

Brendan and com-

mit the least

amount of time due to your busy

schedule? We have just the oppor-

tunity for you. Be an Outside Door

Greeter for St Brendan. We need

volunteers at all of the masses

(5:00 pm Sat., 8:00 am, 10:00 am

and 12:00 pm on Sun.). Responsi-

bilities would require that you be

standing outside your assigned door

to greet visitors and parishioners 20

minutes prior to the mass for which

you have volunteered. Contact

Joyce Von Feldt by phone 410-207-

7292 or email [email protected]

for more information or to volunteer

to help.

CATHOLIC CEMETERY OPEN HOUSE You are invited to an Open House on Sunday, October 2, 12:00—4:00 pm at all

four of Catholic Cemetery locations. Tour your local Catholic cemetery, look for

your ancestor’s graves, pray for a loved one and take home a “Catholic Per-

sonal Planning Guide” or “A Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for

Health Care” booklet. Staff will be on hand to answer questions, help you lo-

cate a grave, provide a sign-up sheet for our quarterly newsletter and provide

refreshments. Please visit Holyrood Cemetery in Shoreline, Calvary Cemetery

in Seattle, Gethsemane Cemetery in Federal Way and St. Patrick Cemetery in

Kent. For questions, call 206-366-8834.

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12 Noon Monday

(Friday 4:30 pm when

Monday is a Holiday)

ONLINE GIVING Online Giving is offered

as an additional way to

give. Please visit

and click on the

“Online Giving” link.

It’s quick, secure, con-

venient, and easy.

Your support during the

summer helps

sustain our parish.


Weekly Budget Goal $23,077.00

Week of September 5-—11

Envelope Offerings: $17,619.50

Online Giving: $675.00

Total Weekly Sacrificial Giving $18,294.50

Over/Under Weekly Budget : - $4,782.50

Stewardship of Time: 63

Year—to—Date July 1 - September 11

YTD Budget Goal $253,847.00 YTD Sacrificial Giving $226,104.77

Over/Under YTD Budget -$27,742.23

Stewardship of Time 1251

2016 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL As of September 9, 2016, we have received $140,819.54 from 437 pledges (94.71% of

our assessed goal of $147,419). Thank you for your support!

Every dollar donated over the assessment comes back to St. Brendan to update and re-

store our campus outdoor lighting. For those who would like to donate to our parish pro-

ject, you’re not too late…Donations can be made online at: **Choose “St. Brendan

Parish”** DID YOU KNOW your Annual Catholic Appeal gift could be doubled? Many

companies MATCH gifts to the Annual Appeal! Check if your employer has a Matching

Gift Program and help us maximize our REBATE for our parish project. Once your gift

has been paid in full, you can apply for the match per your employer’s instructions. The

Annual Catholic Appeal, Archdiocese of Seattle, is a tax-exempt organization under Sec-

tion 501 ©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID: # 91-0778147. Call 800-809-4921

if you have any questions. Mailing address: Annual Catholic Appeal, PO Box 14964,

Seattle 98114. Thank You!

Page 8: September 17th & 18th, 2016 · 9/18/2016  · Rosemary Byrnes Karen Dedman Mary Estelle Erika Ferrerithen the RCIA process Anthony Fiorita John Flynn Louise Ford Serena Herrick Marilyn

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