  • 7/24/2019 SEPSIS Case 2014 - August-2



    Humberto M. Guiot, MD, FACP

    Infectious DiseaseUPR School of Medicine

  • 7/24/2019 SEPSIS Case 2014 - August-2



    To discuss the definition of sepsis

    To differentiate between bacteremia, systemicinflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), severe

    sepsis, septic shock, and multi-organdysfunction syndrome

    To establish strategies for management and

    treatment of patients in sepsis

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    Vignette A 69-year-old is brought to the emergency by his son

    because of hypoactivity and drowsiness. On physical examination, temperature is 40.1C, heart

    rate is 132 bpm, respiratory rate is 32/min, and bloodpressure is 76/34 mmHg. The patient looks critically ill

    and lethargic. Pulse oxymetry reveals an oxygensaturation of 78%.

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    Q: What is thedifferential diagnosis?

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    Definitions SIRS systemic inflammatory response syndrome to a

    variety of severe clinical insults, most commonlyinfectious, but also non infectious pancreatitis, ischemia, multiple trauma, and tissue injury,

    hemorrhagic shock, immune-mediated organ injury, andexogenous administration of inflammatory mediators (tumornecrosis factor or other cytokines).

    2 or more of the following: T > 38 C or 90 beats/min RR > 20 breaths/min or pCO2 < 32 mmHg

    WBC >12,000 cells/mm3, 10% bands

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    Definitions Sepsis SIRS to an infection.

    Severe sepsis Sepsis associated to an organdysfunction, perfusion abnormalities (lactic acidosis,oliguria, AMS), or hypotension (systolic BP

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    Vignette The patient is immediately intubated and placed on

    mechanical ventilation with 100% oxygen. Lungs showbilateral fine expiratory ronchi. The extremities are coldand clammy with evidence of cyanosis.

    The patient has a history of type-2 diabetes mellitus and

    benign prostatic hypertrophy. According to the son, hewas recently complaining of urinary hesitance, dribbling,and suprapubic abdominal pain.

    Immediate fluid challenge with 2L of 0.9% saline

    solution is started After 30 minutes, blood pressure is 82/50 mmHg

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    Vignette CBC:

    WBC 23,000 cells/mcL

    Hct 17.2 g/dL PTL 80,000 cells/mcL


    pH 7.180 pCO2 56.7 mmHg

    pO2 67.8 mmHg

    HCO3 13.2 mEq/L

    Electrolytes: BUN 98 mg/dL

    Creat 5.4 mg/dL

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    Q: What is theprecise diagnosis now?

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    Sepsis and Septic Shock

    13th leading cause of death in U.S. 500,000 episodes each year

    35% mortality

    30-50% culture-positive blood

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    Factors Associated withHighest Mortality

    Respiratory > abdominal > urinary Nosocomial infection

    Hypotension, anuria

    Isolation of enterococci or fungi

    Gram-negative bacteremia

    Body temperature lower than 38C Age greater than 40

    Underlying illness: cirrhosis or malignancy

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    Predisposing UnderlyingDiseases

    Heart disease-rheumatic or congenital


    Intraabdominal sepsis Septic abortion or pelvic infection

    Intravenous drug abuse


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    Most Common Etiologies

    Gram-negative bacilliE. coli

    Klebsiella pneumonia


    Gram-positive cocci

    Gram-negative anaerobes

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    Organisms Responsible for Septic

    Shock in Relation to Host Factors

    Asplenia Encapsulated organismsPneumococcusspp.,Haemophilus influenzae,Neisseria meningtidis,

    CapnocytophagiacanimorsusBabesiosisCirrhosis Vibrio, Yersinia, and

    Salmonellaspp., other

    Gram-ne ative rods GNRsencapsulated organismsAlcoholism Klebsiella spp.,


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    Diabetes Mucormycosisand Pseudomonasssp.(malignant external otitis), Escherichiacoli

    Steroids Tuberculosis, fungi, herpesvirus

    Neutropenia Enteric GNR, Pseudomonas,Aspergillus, Candida, and Mucorspp.,

    Staphylococcus aureusT-cell abnortmalities

    Listeria, Salmonella, and Mycobacterias . her es virus rou her es sim lexvirus, cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster


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    Vignette The patient persists on mechanical ventilation

    with 100% FiO2.

    No urine output has been reported.

    V/S: BP: 88/56 mmHg; HR: 122/min; RR:28/min; T: 34 degrees

    A thermal blanket is placed and the nephrologistis consulted

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    Q: What is the mostappropriate next step?

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    Surviving Sepsis Campaign

    International initiative:

    To reduce mortality rate

    To improve standards of care

    To secure adequate funding

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    Initial Resuscitation Begin as soon as the sepsis syndrome is recognized.

    CVP 8-12 mmHg Mean Arterial Pressure > 65 mmHg Urine output >0.5mL/kg / hr Central venous pressure venous oxygen saturation

    >70% If not achieved with fluid resuscitation (CVP 8-12 mm HG)

    during first 6 hours, then transfuse PRBC (to achieve HCT >30%) or admister vasopressors

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    Fluid Resuscitation

    Natural or artificial colloids (Dextran, gelatin) or

    crystalloids (NSS, D5W, Lactate) No evidence to support one over the other

    Resuscitation with crystalloids requires more fluid(because Vd is much larger)

    Fluid challenge (500 1000 cc over 30 min) in

    patients with suspected hypovolemia

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    Vassopressors When fluid resuscitation fails to restore BP and organ perfusion

    To sustain life and maintain perfusion in life-threateninghypotension even during fluid challenge

    First choice vasopressor: norepinephrine and dopamine(through central catheter)

    Both are preferred over epinephrine Norepinephrine is more potent than dopamine and may be more


    Vasopressin for refractory shock despite adequate resuscitation

    and high dose conventional vasopressors

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    Inotropic Therapy

    Dobutamine may be used to increase cardiac

    output. If used during low blood pressure, it should be

    combined with vasopressor therapy

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    Vignette V/S are now: BP: 92/61 mmHg; HR: 102/min; RR:

    22/min; T: 36 degrees

    B/C: positive for GNB in 2 hours

    U/A: turbid urine with sediments. WBC are TNTC,many bacteria, positive nitrites, positive leukoesterase

    Abdominopelvic CT scan shows an enlarged prostate.There is bilateral obstructive ureterolithiasis withhydronephrosis and prominent perinephric fat stranding

    suggestive of bilateral pyelonephritis.

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    Q: How should theinfection be treated?

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    Diagnosis!!! Cultures are to be obtained before antimicrobials are

    started At least 2 B/C (one peripherally and one through

    central catheter)

    Culture of other sites (CSF, urine, wounds, respiratorysecretions)

    Imaging studies and sampling of likely sources ofinfection should be performed, but some patients may

    be too unstable.

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    Antibiotic Therapy Started within 1 hour of recognition

    One or more drugs with activity against themost likely pathogens and that penetrate thepresumed source of sepsis

    Guided by susceptibility pattern Use of procalcitonin (or similar markers) to

    assist clinicians in the discontinuation ofantibiotics

    Re-assess after 48-72 hours with the aim ofnarrowing spectrum

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    Antibiotic Therapy Duration: 7-10 days and guided by clinical

    response (longer courses in MRSA, some fungaland viral infections in immunodeficiencies,patients with slow clinical response, etc)

    Combination therapy against Pseudomonas andAcinetobacterand in neutropenic patients

    Stop antibiotics if clinical syndrome isdetermined not to be infectious

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    Antibiotic Therapy Urosepsis

    (Piperacilllin/tazobactam, higher generalcephalosporin or carbapenem) aminoglycoside

    Intra-abdominal infection

    (Piperacilllin/tazobactam, higher generalcephalosporin or carbapenem) aminoglycoside metronidazole

    Pneumonia (Cefepime, meropenem or impinem) PLUS

    (aminoglycoside or quinolones) (vancomycin or


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    Antibiotic Therapy CNS infection

    Vancomycin PLUS (ceftriaxone or cefotaxime orcefepime or meropenem) ampicillin acyclovir

    Skin infection

    (linezolid or vancomycin) (piperacillin/tazobactam or cephalosporins orcarbapenem)


    depending on organism

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    Source control Evaluate the presence of a focus of infection amenable for

    source control measures within 12 hours, if feasible Drainage of abscess Debridement of infected necrotic tissue Removal of infected device

    Source control with the least physiological effect

    Percutaneous rather than surgical drainage, for example Source control as soon as possible following initial resuscitation

    GI perforation Intestinal ischemia

    Promptly remove infected central lines/intravascular devices

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    Vignette The patient was administered meropenem and

    gentamicin On the following day, the patient undergoes

    hemodialysis. Urologic Surgeon performs a bilateral double-J catheter


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    Q: What otherstrategies are

    recommended in thetreatment of sepsis?

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    Corticosteroids IV Hydrocortisone (200-300 mg/day) is recommended for 7 days in patients

    with septic shock requiring vasopressors

    Three or four divided doses or continuous infusion Rationale: a trial showed shock reversal and reduction in mortality in patients

    with relative adrenal insufficiency (post-adrenocorticotropic hormone cortisolincrease 9mcg/dL increase in cortisol). No

    steroids for responders, as these patients do not have relative adrenalinsufficiency. Taper steroids after resolution of shock Other authorities taper doses of corticosteroids at the end of therapy No high dose hydrocortisone (>300 mg/day)

    No shock = no steroids Dexamethasone does not interfere with ACTH test

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    Activated Protein C Recombinant human activated protein C

    (rhAPC or drotrecogin alfa, Xigris) wasrecommended in patients at high risk of death(APACHE II>25, sepsis-induced MOF, septic

    shock, or sepsis-induced ARDS) with noabsolute contraindication (mostly related tobleeding or risk of bleeding).

    Withdrawn from the US Market on October2011 due to failure to show survival benefit

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    Blood Product Administration After initial resuscitation

    PRBC transfusion for Hb < 7 g/dL to a target of 7-9 g/dL Erythropoetin is not recommended as specific treatment of

    anemia associated to severe sepsis No FFP in the absence of bleeding or planned procedure

    Antithrombin administration is not recommended for thetreatment of severe sepsis and shock

    Platelet transfusion 50,000 for surgery of invasive procedure

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    Glucose Control BS < 150 mg/dL

    Studies have used continuous infusion of insulin andglucose

    Best results with BS between 80-110 mg/dL

    Glucose should be monitored frequently afterinitiation of the protocol (every 30-60 mins) and ona regular basis (every 4 hours) once BS has beenstabililized.

    Nutrition protocol with preferential use ofenteric route

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    DVT Prophylaxis Severe sepsis patients should receive prophylaxis

    with low-dose unfractionated heparin orLMWH.

    In patients who have contraindications for heparin

    use, mechanical prophylactic device (compressionstockings, intermittent compression device) isrecommended

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    Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis Should be given to all patients with severe sepsis

    H2 receptor blockers are more efficacious thansucralfate

    PPIs have not been assessed in a direct comparisonwith H2 receptor antagonists

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    Vignette 72 hours after admission:

    Vasopressors could be discontinued Creat is now 1.5 mg/dL and dialysis is put on hold

    FiO2 has been decreased to 40%

    Final B/C and U/C report: MDSE. coli

    WBC are 11,000 cells/mcL while PTL count is 140,000cells/mcL

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    Q: What is the mostappropriate next step?

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    Q: What would bedone if the course had

    been different?

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    Consideration for Limitation of Support

    Advance care planning (communication of likely

    outcomes and realistic goals) should bediscussed with patients and relatives.

    Decisions for less aggressive support orwithdrawal of support may be in the patientsbest interest.

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    References Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International

    Guidelines for the Management of Severe Sepsisand Septic Shock. Crit Care Med. 2013; 41:580-637.

    Surviving Sepsis Campaign: Guidelines for theManagement of Severe Sepsis and SepticShock. Crit Care Med. 2004; 32: 858-873.

    Gorbach SL. Infectious Diseases, 3rd edition.
