  • 1. Sepsis Alerts for PhysiciansOrientation
    Holy Cross Hospital
    May 2011

2. Sepsis Alerts for Physicians
New functionality in Cerner
Will begin on June 1st, 2011
Part of Sepsis Initiative @ Trinity Health
Identify and treat septic patients early
First Net/Power Chart will generate alerts for patients with potential sepsis
3. Clinical Decision Support
Electronic reminder system intended to improve care
Triggered by clinical data
Sepsis alerts are hospital wide
Patients must be >18 years old
4. The Sepsis Alerts-- Overview
Phase 1 Alert Triggers
Phase 2Sepsis Alerts
Phase 3Sepsis Power Plans
5. Phase I - Alert Triggers
Sepsis alerts triggered by nursing and lab data in Cerner system
Must have at least 2 SIRS criteria
Nurse queried for signs of infection
Additional alerts for organ dysfunction
6. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)
Temperature > 100.9F or < 96.8
HR >90
Plasma Glucose >140
WBC >12K or 40
Pulse ox 2
Change in mental status
Platelets 1.5
Bilirubin >2.0
Ileus or edema
Lactate > 2
10. Organ Involvement Sepsis Alert
11. Phase 2 Sepsis Alerts
What will happen when an alert triggers?
Upon opening the patient chart, you will get a sepsis risk alert
You must respond appropriately to proceed
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Phase 3Sepsis Power Plans
Alerts will generate specific Power Plans
Sepsis Power Plansbased on goal directed Rx
Will eventually contained HCH specific antibiotic recommendations
Power plans are suggested, must be accepted in order to be used
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Available Sepsis Power Plans
Several sepsis power plans from Trinity
Learn & use two order sets
Sepsis Initial Evaluation
Sepsis Ongoing Management
22. 23. 24. Sepsis Alerts -Closing thoughts
Confusing/frustrating initially
Easier with time
Ultimate goal is improve care
Hopefully will help providers
