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Page 1: Seniors Fillups PSM

•Beriberi is caused by the deficiency of vitamin-B1.

•3D sympotms i.e dementia,dermatitis ,diarrhoes are thought to be the characteriationof pehgra or niacin deficiency.

•All the physical and anatomic changes in menopause are relevent tothe funtional weekening of ovary. especially the decrease of estrogen.

•the categories of health risk behaviors Bad life style , disease behavior pattern , Adverse behavior to trat disease , illegal behavior.

•Head circumference is related with growth brain and skull .

•The trends of motor development include : cephalo caudal , proximodistal.

•Child physical growth is usually asseased in following three aspects development level , growth velocity , proportion of body

•Longer term(High levels) exposure to benzone can result in hematological problems in humans, and can affect the tissue that is responsible for productingbloods cell.-the bone marrow some of the problems that can develp include excessive immune system defciencies and Aplastic anemia

•Occupational Hazards contain physical, chemical , biological psychological

•Long term Benzne exposure mainly leads to hematological system damage.

•Defination of health is a state of complete physical , social & mental well being and not mercly the absence if diesease.

•Teching delay means that’s the first teeth of baby does not crupt until >13m

•The three energy-yielding nutrients are carbohydrate , protein , fat

• Rickets can be seen among children who are deficient in vit-D people who do not get enough vit-A may have a hard time seeing at night,which we call night blindness.

•Three main different kinds of pneumoconiosis contain SILICOSIS , ASBESTOSIS ,COAL WORKERS PNEUMOCONION’S

•Abnormality f anterior fontanel include small size or early closre LETE CLOSURE ,BULGING FONTANAL , SUNKEN FONTANAL

•Chest circumflence is related with the development of THORAX and LUNGS

•Child motor development include two aspects GROSS MOTOR and FINE MOTOR

•The crucial period for taste development is 4-6 CM

•Fatty acid can be classified by degree of ansaturation as SATURATED , MONOUNSATURATED , POLY CYNUSATURATED

Page 2: Seniors Fillups PSM

•Energy provided by charbohydrate should account for 55-65 of total energy.

•Scatury can be seen amoung people who are deficiencet vitamin-c.

• today, the most pressing health problems in development countries are CHRONIC such as hearts dieseas, cancer, diabetes.

•Body cannot produce or synthesize vitamin except vit-D

•Only two fatty acid are essential to human. They are LINOLEIC ACID and VALIN ACID

•Macronutrients involved carbohydrate , protein , fat

•The major site for drug biotransformation is LIVER

•Carbonhydrate in a reasonable diet should provide more than 4Kcal/gm calories

•there are two kind of iron in food they are hemeiron and nonhemeiron

•longer term exposure to benzene can result in hematological symptoms in humans.


•silicosis X-ray shows multiple small round opacities.

•the biological value of protein in diet mainly depends on the content of Amino acid

•the components of a typical water purification systems: STORAGE,FILTRATION,DISINFECTION

•two major sources of vitamin A include performed vit-A and pro vit-A

•the main task of occupational health is IDENTIFICATION and ASSESSMENT.of the risk from health hazards in the workplace.

•In healthy, nonsmoking women, use of oral contraceptives does not increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.

•Use of oral contraceptives is associated with important noncontraceptive benefits, including prevention of ovarian and endometrial carcinoma.

•Use of progestin-only contraceptives, including Depo-Provera, “minipills,” and implants is appropriate in lactating and other women in whom contraceptive doses of estrogen should be avoided.

•The copper T IUD is as effective as sterilization and does not cause infertility.

•The copper T IUD prevents pregnancy through a spermicidal action which prevents fertilization; the risk of ectopic pregnancy is lower than in women using no contraception.

• Fat_ has the highest energy density of the 3 energy-yielding nutrients.

• If more energy is ingested than is needed to fuel body activities the extra energy is stored as Fat and Obesity occurs.

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