
In the news…..

The traffic light system ..

Selling to the Meetings Market

Chapter 7

Trial close….

Agreement staircase

Major close…..

Which of the following is the most effective tool in selling to the meetings market? A) sales blitzes B) trade-show selling C) personal sales calls D) telephone selling

Industry Peer Testimonial Letter…. p227

Personal Referral…


Type 1: Qualify (see if interested)

Type 2: Market research ( what is needed)

Tips Sheet


90% of all planners go to the site before making a final decision

Corporations and organizations typically design their telephone call-routing systems to make sure only the most appropriate calls get through to decision-makers. Which of the following corporate personnel do hotel salespeople need to treat well on the phone to maintain good relations with a company? A) the company's salespeople B) the company's middle managers C) the company's receptionists D) the company's security guards

Illustrate a classic tai chi move (well, do your best). The challenge:come up with a move that illustrates a keyPoint in this lesson.


Chapter 8

Advertising to the Meeting Planner

The first step a hotel should take to advertise on the Internet is to:

A) set up its website, which includes its own web address. B) design an interactive tour of the property. C) send an email message to the chief executive officer of the Internet. D) collect the materials it wants to include in such an advertisement.

AIDA principle:

attention; interest; desire; action

Specialty advertising

40% recall factor up to

6 months !



