
Sell online today with

What is Ecwid?

It is an e-commerce platform

It helps to create easy to

use online store

Start selling anywhere online or in-person

Ideal for small and medium

sized business

No set up charges and no

transaction fees

Go to your browser

Enter the word Ecwid here

Click here to go to the website

This is the homepage

Click here to sign up

This page will appear

Click here to sign up with Facebook

Click here to sign up with Google

Or sign up using your email address

Enter your full name

Enter your email address

Enter your password

Click here to continue

Complete your registration here

Click here once finished

Your account has been created

Let’s set up your store

This will appear

Click here to add a product

This will appear

Enter product name here

Enter product price here

Click here to add product image

Select product image

Click here to upload image

Click here to add more product

Click here to add more details about the product

Click here to save

Awesome! You’ve added 1 product

Click here to continue

This will appear

Click here for now

Let’s create your online store

Ecwid can be added to existing website or blog

Or will create one for your online store

Let’s try to click here

Enter your store name here

Enter your store name here

Congratulations on your new website

Click here to proceed

Customize your store for your local market

Verify your geographic settings

Click here to edit

Save your settings here

Set your company info

Enter Online store here

Enter Company Name here

Enter phone number here

Enter mailing address here

Click here to save

Let’s set up shipping

No need to set up shipping…

…if you sell digital goods or services

Click here to set up shipping…

…for your physical goods

Set custom flat rates

Enter shipping rates here

Click here to add new rate

Click here for more shipping options

Click here to proceed

Setting up payment options

Set up payment options

Click here for payment set up

We will just use paypal option for now

Enter email address here

Click here to continue

Your store is open!


Share this banner

Let’s try twitter

You will be redirected to your twitter page

Click here to share

This is your Dashboard

Click here to monitor your sales

This will appear

Click here to track orders

Click here to monitor customers

Click here for your product list, categories an types

Click here to expand your Sales Channel

Sell on your Website

Sell on Facebook

Sell on other Marketplaces

Click here to visit your storefront

You will be redirected to a new page

You can edit this page to personalize it

Click here to edit site

This will appear

Here’s my storefront preview

Click here or scroll down

You can add your store logo here

You will see your products here

Congrats on your

new online store!

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to

an environment where excellence is expected.”

- Steve Jobs