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Self-Tuning Wireless Network Power


CSC 547 - Fall 2013, University of ArizonaSumin Byeon

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• Wireless card shortens battery life

• Obvious solution: turn it off!

• Power management can degrade performance

• Critical for latency sensitive applications

• No one-fits-to-all solution

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Previous Work

• Power Saving Mode (PSM) in 802.11

• Will refer this as “PSM-static”

• Does not adapt to power characteristics of the network and mobile devices

• Does not adapt to usage patterns

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• Self-tuning power management module that adapts to

• Usage patterns

• Network interface characteristics

• System (i.e., hardware)

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Design Principles

• Know application intent

• Be proactive

• Respect the critical path

• Embrace the performance/energy tradeoff

• Adapt to the operating environment

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Know Application Intent

• Not knowing intent of applications - Leads to either too conservative or too extravagant power management

• Allow applications to disclose “hints” - STPM can work more efficiently

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Be Proactive

• Reactive strategy - Cost of transition between modes must be low

• Transition time 200-600ms; exceeds perception threshold (50-200ms)

• STPM performs cost-benefit analysis based on hints

• Not always possible

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Respect the Critical Path

• Perception threshold - generally 50-200ms

• Foreground transfer - latency sensitive, interactive, synchronous

• Background transfer - latency tolerable, asynchronous

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Performance-Energy Tradeoff

• Inherent tradeoff between performance and energy conservation

• Static threshold won’t work

• STPM provides mechanism to adjust priorities

• Is performance your priority? Or energy conservation?

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Adapt to Environment

• Global optimization

• Excessive power saving on network interface may lead to inefficient energy usage on other components

• Consider base power usage

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• Implemented as Linux kernel module

• Inputs:

• Base power and current tradeoff between energy conservation and performance

• Device-specific power usage characteristics and transition costs

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Power Cost Analysis

1. Base power

2. Power usage for each mode

3. Translation cost between modes

4. Power usage for data transfer in each mode

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• Assume network card only supports two modes: CAM and PSM

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Transition to CAM

• Delay tolerance is less than the maximum latency of PSM (i.e., beacon interval)

• Forthcoming transfer will be large enough

• Forthcoming transfer will be large enough, and STPM expects that there will be enough subsequent short transfers

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Transition to PSM

• No transfers in progress

• No application specified delay tolerance

• Network card will be idle long enough

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General Model

• Some network cards support more than two modes

• Number of possible strategies proportional to square of number of modes

• Calculates the lowest cost policy that transitions to each mode

• Calculates the lowest cost hybrid policies then make a further transition at some later time

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• Question: How much did STPM improve the power efficiency? What was the impact on the performance?

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• Coda (distributed file system)

• NFS (Network File System)

• Xmms (audio streaming)

• Thin client using remote X

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Remote X

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Effect of Think Time

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Potential Weakness

• In their experiments, they made modifications on applications to emit hints

• Unrealistic to modify every single application in the world

• How would have STPM behaved if applications were not modified? (i.e., no hints)

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• Power management may degrade performance, and even increase total energy consumption

• Power management must be tuned to reflect application intent and characteristics of network interface card

• Can’t expect users to manually tune power management algorithm

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Conclusion (cont.)

• Results show that STPM improves both performance and energy conservation

• Future work: adapt STPM to other network cards and different system components (e.g., disks)