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Mary Lowe

[email protected]






home 972-982-0041

cell 512-216-4384

Currently I am married living in Dallas Texas, where is am attending a community college. I have

two teenage daughters 16 and 19. The 16 year old is a special need child who has an intellectual

mind of an 8 year old. The 19 year old is attending the same community college I am currently

attending. I am the first of my sibling and family to go to college. I have two boys from first

marriage, who was 6 and 11 when they died. Youngest was killed in parking lot when he was ran

over by a car. And 11 months later the oldest was told he had Ewing Sarcoma cancer that seems to affect males. And died 18 months later. I am a survivor of family rape at the age of 4-14.

My experiences in life has helped with many obstacles in my way, and I have learned how to deal

with difference degrees of obstacles without the need for drugs and alcohol. I am someone who

is able to control a situation rather than allow a situation to control me. I am someone who is

mature, candid and believe in integrity. I thrive to improve myself and my skills. I aim to keep

lines of communication open and am concerned with the needs of others and try to uncover

what is truly wanted by others. I do not believe in procrastinating. I have taught my children to

never give up and never stop trying, most of all it does not matter how slow you go, or how long

it takes:as long as you do not stop. And I believe that by completing school, it will have a big

impact on the education success of my children. Education is a gift that will impact individuals for a lifetime. I want my kids to look up at me and say thank you because of you I did not give up.

Because I am a full time mom and a full time student, it has taught me to be more of a

multitasker. My biggest challenge was picking up the scatter pieces of my life and returning to

school after been a home mom for many years as well as been 56 years old who is starting over.

My mine focus is to protect children from abuse, cancer and disability of all children. And I am

not sure if this is my weakness or strength. But the fact that I love being busy that often make me

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miss out on some fun moments with friends and family. I seem to feel the need to push myself because no one is going to. I don’t call myself a healer, or doctor. I do think I am a mechanic.

I am the candidate for any situation you would not expect. You can simple have corporate

clones, or you can have someone who will bring something difference. That differences is me. My

motivation to go back to school at my age is for my girls and the need to help children live life to

their fullest. I have help at schools as member of the PTA for 11 years. I was also the youth group

leader for the church I attended for 5 years. I have helped the SPCA for 18 months. I was a nurse

at a drug treatment center, hospitals, nursing homes and private home care. Later I became my

son’s nurse when he got cancer. I was my sons massage therapist while he was sick and fell in

love doing it, so much that I was massaging other children in hospital who also had cancer. One

child told her mother that I could do magic with the touch of my hands. I would very much like to

be a massage therapist. I would like to not only learn to prefect strokes such as, Fan Stroking,

Light Circle, Deep stroking. I would especially love to focus on Feather and Cat Stroking. Because

when children don’t feel good sometime the slightest touch hurts. But Feather and Cat could be

the calming effect they need to feel better. I had started an online class of massage therapy a few

years back before I ran out of funds. One of my big concern is that as my age and arthritis

catches up with me that it could slow me .Then I will be the one who is in need of a massage

therapy. But like other obstacles in my life, it too will be handled like other obstacles have had to

handle. For, I know my hands where made to help others feel better. When thinking about

candidates please think of an older yet confident candidate who is sincere about getting things done, with a compassion warm heart Thank you for your time.
