  • Running head: Self Assessment in Cultural Competency 1

    Self Assessment in Cultural Competency Development:

    an Aboriginal Child Welfare Orientation

    by Laurie Harding,

    E.C.E, BA CYC CWS, MSW candidate

    Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

    MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK, Indigenous Specialization

    In the Faculty of Human and Social Development MSW Committee advisors: UVIC School of Social Work, Dr. Leslie Brown Dr. Jeannine Carriere UVIC School of Child and Youth Care Dr. Sibylle Artz CFNCS Executive Director, Linda Lucas MSW April 30, 2010

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    Name: Laurie Harding BA CYC MSW candidate Researcher Degree: Masters of Social Work Indigenous Specialization Title of Project: Self Assessment in Cultural Competency: an Aboriginal Child Welfare Orientation Supervisory Committee: Dr. Leslie Brown Associate Dean Faculty of Human and Social Development University of Victoria _____________________________________ Linda Lucas MSW Executive Director Caring for First Nations Children Society Victoria BC _____________________________________ Date of Approval: ______________________________________

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    Table of Contents

    APPROVAL .......................................................................................................... 1 Table of Contents ................................................................................................ 3 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................ 5 Dedication ........................................................................................................... 5 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 6 Location of the Researcher (personal ethical considerations) ....................... 7 Research Project Rationale ............................................................................. 14 About Caring for First Nations Children Society (CFNCS) ............................ 20 Mandate ............................................................................................................. 20 Aboriginal Social Work Training ...................................................................... 21 Institutional Context ......................................................................................... 25 Child Welfare Delegation Process ................................................................... 26 Delegated Aboriginal Child & Family Service Agencies ................................ 26 Ethics and Indigenous Research ..................................................................... 29 Literature Review .............................................................................................. 31 Cultural Awareness .......................................................................................... 33 Cultural Competency Skill Development ........................................................ 35 Research Question ........................................................................................... 38 Research Design ............................................................................................... 39 Steps in data collection, analysis and dissemination ................................... 40 Research Findings ............................................................................................ 42 Demographics of the Study ............................................................................. 43 Practical and Supervisory Experience of Respondents ................................ 44 Delegation Training Experience and Cultural Competency .......................... 45 Self Awareness and Cultural Competency Development .............................. 47 Self Awareness, Healing and Self Care ........................................................... 48 Specific Resources ........................................................................................... 50 Next Steps ......................................................................................................... 52 Proposed Outline .............................................................................................. 53 Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 54

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    Recommendations (for curriculum development) ......................................... 56 Intention of the Orientation Package .............................................................. 57 References ........................................................................................................ 60 Appendix 1: Aboriginal communities served by the delegated Aboriginal agencies. ........................................................................................................... 66 Appendix 2: Survey Respondents .................................................................. 69 Appendix 3: The Delegation Process in British Columbia ............................ 70 Appendix 4: Proposed DRAFT Foundational Competencies for Child Welfare Workers MCFD January 2007 ............................................................. 75 Appendix 5: Authorization letter from CFNCS ............................................... 78 Appendix 6: Introductory Letter to Delegated Aboriginal Agencies in British Columbia ........................................................................................................... 79 Appendix 7: Survey Sample ............................................................................. 81 Appendix 8: Consent Form .............................................................................. 83 Appendix 9: Outline and Introduction for Orientation Package .................... 86 Appendix 10: Self Assessment in Cultural Competency ............................... 89 Appendix 11: Pre Training Evaluation ............................................................ 93 Appendix 12: Post Training Evaluation .......................................................... 97

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    This work would not have been possible without the support of many teachers, both academic and otherwise. I must thank all of the instructors from the UVIC Indigenous program at the School of Social work. I didnt realize how important and perfect this venue was for my learning when I started this journey. I must also specifically thank;

    The many children, youth and families who have taught me about resilience, strength and humour in the face of imposed colonization and trauma.

    Leslie Brown for being my initial teacher at the start of this degree and the last one helping me to complete this project; she has been unflagging in support, emailing me on weekends, holidays, and evenings to get this work completed. I am very grateful for your support.

    Linda Lucas as an employer, giving me the opportunity to do this work. I could not have done this without your support.

    Cheryl Ward, for challenging me to look within, to see my own culture and recognize my own white privilege. Your teaching has made a world of difference and continues to inspire me.

    The facilitation team at CFNCS: Carol McFadden, Kim Grzybowski, Chris Pearson, Melanie Scott, and Ian Clark. Your skill, knowledge, and expertise have helped me to critically assess what I stand for.

    All of the participants in the Aboriginal Social Work training program; you bring a relational emotional level of learning to our cultural awareness training.

    My partner, Russell White, for showing me what true partnership is and sacrificing your time for mine.

    Thank you all for supporting my cultural consciousness.


    This work is dedicated to my children, Kailee and Thomas Gow, who have

    supported me through this academic learning journey, eating fast food, and

    missing good night hugs when I was working on papers. I am very proud of them,

    as avid learners, critically assessing their own cultural awareness and engaged

    in their own learning journey.

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