
Selection Sort

Alyce Brady

Kalamazoo College

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Find the next smallest element. Swap it with the second element.

Find the next smallest element. Swap it with the third element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort

sort this

Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Selection Sort


Find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.

Among the rest of the data, find the smallest element. Swap it with the first element.
