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Selah Momentss a c r e d p a u s e s for y o u r s o u l

A J O Y F U L L I F E S T U D Y by A I M E E W A L K E R

Page 2: Selah Moments - The Joyful Life Magazine · 2019-06-26 · selah moments | 9 READ Psalm 3. The Selah pauses occur after vv. 2, 4, and 8. Study Note: Psalm 3 is categorized as a ‘personal

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w w w . j o y f u l l i f e m a g a z i n e . c o m

ed ited by t i ffany edmonds

cover image BY Carolyn watson


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Standard Vers ion ( ESV ) u nless noted .

Page 3: Selah Moments - The Joyful Life Magazine · 2019-06-26 · selah moments | 9 READ Psalm 3. The Selah pauses occur after vv. 2, 4, and 8. Study Note: Psalm 3 is categorized as a ‘personal

Selah Momentss a c r e d p a u s e s for y o u r s o u l

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DAY 1 | An Evaluating Pause 8

DAY 2 | A Spacious Pause 13

DAY 3 | A Searching Pause 19

DAY 4 | A Solemn Pause 25

DAY 5 | A Victorious Pause 33


A Thankful Pause 38

DAY 6 | A Consecrating Pause 45

DAY 7 | A Blessed Pause 51

DAY 8 | A Meaningful Pause 57

DAY 9 | A Loving Pause 63

DAY 10 | A Still Pause 68


An Honoring Pause 74

table of contents

table of contents

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You , Yahweh , have become

my shield ; You take me and

s u rrou nd me w ith You rself . . .

Ps . 3 : 3 ESV

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I t ’s a beauti ful , i f not somewhat myster ious, word. A word that beckons and invi tes us to s low down; to l inger and pause in God’s presence; to pay attent ion not only to our own stor ies, but to Him.

Throughout this study, you are invi ted to record the names and attr ibutes of God spoken of in each Psalm in a l is t you’ l l f ind at the back of this devotional . This was an exercise I did a number of years ago that expanded my understanding of who God is , causing me to marvel at His complex

beauty. I hope i t wi l l do the same for you.

I t is my prayer that as we explore these f i rst twelve ‘Selah’ psalms, that your l i fe and fai th are strengthened. But more than anything, that your

love for Him is deepened and enlarged.

May Selah not just be a word, or even a moment, may i t become the rhythm of your l i fe.


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day one

An Evaluat ing Pause


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Psalm 3. The Selah pauses occur after vv. 2, 4, and 8.

Study Note: Psalm 3 is categorized as a ‘personal lament.’ It is David pouring out his heart in the midst of the events that are recorded for us in 2 Samuel 15-18. David’s own son, Absalom, had turned against him and sought to take the throne for himself. This fulfilled what Nathan had prophesied over David in 2 Samuel 12:11, that “God would generate evil against him out of his own household” as a consequence of his adultery with Bethsheba. Absalom began to turn the people of Israel against his father with false words (2 Samuel 15:1-4), and he continued to sow lies for a period of four years before publicly turning against David. In light of this, it is fitting that at the close of this psalm that David invites God to strike his enemies on the jaw—the place where their sin originated.


Misunderstood. Rejected. Betrayed. David knew well the deep pain that comes when those who are meant to care for us, meant to stand with us, instead turn against us. He’d spent much of his younger years on the run from King Saul, a man he’d looked up to and served not only as his king but also as a father. Now, as he pens this psalm, his own son Absalom has conspired to overthrow him and take the throne for himself. The betrayal that started within his very walls has spread throughout the kingdom gaining strength and numbers. Once again, David is on the run, fearing for his very life.

Not only has David been told that “the hearts of the men of Israel have gone after Absalom” (2 Samuel 15:13), now they murmur that God has forsaken him. That He will not act to save David.

This is the backdrop against which the very first Selah of Scripture is framed. Betrayal, rejection, shame, and overwhelming despair as well as seemingly insurmountable odds. Yes, the very first Selah invites us to join with David in pausing to take

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stock—to face the reality of where we find ourselves, to hear the accusations and murmurs against us, and to allow ourselves to feel all the emotions that accompany that. However, it doesn’t invite us to stop there.

As Charles Spurgeon writes, “His [David’s] faith does not attempt to underestimate the number or wisdom of his enemies. He numbers them but his fear is of the Lord.”

David knew that no matter what his life looked like, God was still for him. And so after he has faced the reality of his situation, he turns his attention to what I like to call the ‘But God truth.’

Yes, he was surrounded, but he wasn’t surrounded solely by enemies, he was first and foremost surrounded and shielded by God. Yes, he had been rejected and betrayed by those he loved and trusted, but God was drawing him to Himself. Yes, he had lost his throne, but God was giving him His glory. And yes, there were reasons to be downcast and ashamed, but God was lifting his head high.

So while others lifted their voices against David, David chose to lift his voice to the Lord, confident that He would answer his cry for help.

And he allowed himself once again to pause and to Selah—this time in the truth of who God is and His heart towards David.

Some believe that in addition to the traditionally held interpretation of the word Selah as a pause, that it could also mean: to lift up the strain; sing more loudly; pitch the tune upon a higher key; there is nobler matter to come, therefore retune your harp.

Pausing offers us a unique opportunity to retune our hearts and to adjust our perspective. As David fixed his eyes back on who God was, peace replaced his anxiety. He was able to lie down and sleep in the midst of this battle. He was able to keep going—to keep waking up to face each new day because the Lord sustained him (v. 5).

David looked to God to define his identity and value. He

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looked to God for the strength to persevere and he looked to God and not man for deliverance. So as he numbered his enemy, he chose faith over fear. He rejected the lie that God would not save him and stood firm on the truth that God was His deliverer. David found rest as he paused to recalibrate his heart—as he paused to consider the magnitude of all that God is—and so can we.


Take some time to Selah and take stock of your own current reality. What burdens and/or hurts and disappointments do you need to acknowledge and entrust to God today? Lift your voice and share these with Him, confident that He hears and He answers.

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Read v. 3. What is the ‘But God’ truth that God is inviting you to hear today?

Record the names and attributes of God in this Psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list on page 79. Choose one to ponder and worship God with today.

Father, I thank You that You are my shield. That no matter what I have done or what is happening to me, You draw me close and You surround me with Your presence. Thank You for sustaining me and giving me the strength I need to face today. I choose to Selah at this moment, to pause and remember the truth of who You are and all You have promised. I acknowledge that You alone are my Savior. In

Jesus’ name, Amen.

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day two

A Spac ious Pause

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R ead

Psalm 4. The Selah pauses occur after vv. 2 and 4.

Consider v. 4 in the KJV:

Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. (v. 4 KJV)

Study Note: Like Psalm 3, Psalm 4 is a personal lament of David and widely believed to also be about Absalom’s rebellion. Psalm 3 is often referred to as a morning psalm whereas this psalm is written for the evening.

Its title provides the first mention in the Psalms of the ‘Chief Musician.’ The functions of this role are recorded for us in 1 Chronicles 6:31-32; 15:16-22, and 25:1-7. The title and instructions to the Chief Musician that this psalm was to be accompanied by stringed instruments, reminds us that even our seasons of distress and discomfort can be turned into a thing of beauty when we choose to worship.

This Psalm also includes the only reference in the Psalms to the Lord as ‘God of my righteousness’ (v.1). This name spoke not only of God’s righteousness but was also a reminder that David’s righteousness came from God. It was a statement of confidence; David understood that even though these events were a direct consequence of his sin, he had been forgiven and made right with God and could therefore still expect God to work on his behalf.


With night comes an inevitable pause. Activity ceases, and in the stillness, we often find that we can no longer keep our thoughts, feelings, and anxieties, at bay. Our minds can become shadowy places where the darkness lurks and overwhelms us—what felt manageable in the light of day now weighs us down and hems us in.

Yes, pauses are not always comfortable.

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Sometimes, the Psalmists ask us to Selah where we’d rather press on. They invite us to answer questions about ourselves that at first glance we’d prefer to avoid.

As night fell around David, he cried out to God to save him. It was no timid cry but the plea of a man who has been here before; who has known this same distress and has no desire to go back there. But he has also known God’s faithfulness before, and so he declares, “thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me and hear my prayer” (v. 1, KJV).

David returns to the truth of ‘God, You have done it before and I know that You can do it again.’ His confidence is in knowing that he has been set apart, chosen by God, and that God delights not only in hearing but in answering the prayers of His children. It is this trust in the heart of God that brings a sense of peace and security amidst the dark shadows of this night season.

He understands though that not all have this trust. That there are those who turn the glory of trusting God into a shameful thing; who mock and deride those whose confidence is in Him. That there are those who choose instead to look to delusions of grandeur and their own importance.

So he asks the sons of men, those who were pursuing him and who had been deceived by the lies of Absalom, how long they will love vain words and seek after lies? (v. 2)

Leaving us for a moment in this awkward silence, to feel his anguish and to ponder the fate of those who seek their own glory, he then urges us to be utterly convinced of who we belong to—to contemplate the sheer wonder of who our God is.

Patrick Woodhouse writes, “The psalmist tells the reader to stand in awe, reminding us that recovering a sense of wonder–something natural to children–is fundamental to what it means to live in God.”

It is keeping the wonder of who God is in the forefront of our minds and hearts that will keep us from sinning when we find ourselves hard-pressed.

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It is standing in wonder that makes the silence of night not a place of fear but of discovery. That allows our hearts to become a spacious place even before our circumstances have changed.

It is this posture of wonder and awe that He has chosen us as His own that invites the light of His face to shine upon us (v. 6, NIV); that causes joy to spring up in the midst of adversity.

Yes, wonder is a safeguard for our souls. And when we take the time to pause, to push through the darkness of our thoughts and circumstances towards the light of His presence, we find victory in defeat and hope in our hopelessness. In the stillness, awe is reignited.


Is there anywhere in your own life where you need God to enlarge you and bring you into a spacious place? Invite God to shine the light of His face—which represents His favor and His approval—into this dark place and take some time to recall the ways He has been faithful to bring relief in the past.

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While we wait for deliverance, David exhorts us to offer right sacrifices and trust in the Lord. The offering of sacrifices was giving an action to their internal position of trust. What right sacrifices—what action—is God inviting you to take in your own waiting?

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Record the names and attributes of God in this Psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list on page 79. Which one most inspires a sense of ‘awe’ in you today?

Father, I pause today to stand in awe at who You are. To recall Your faithfulness to me in the past and to trust that You will be faithful again. I ask You to let the light of Your face shine upon me; to let the beauty of who You are and Your favor towards me illuminate my darkness. Enlarge me, Lord. Lead me into greater freedom and security in You. In Jesus’ name,


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day three


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I n the Psalter you learn about

you rself . You f i nd dep icted i n

i t all the movements of

you r sou l , all i ts changes , i ts

u ps and downs , i ts fa i lu res and


St . Athanas ius

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R ead

Psalm 7, Psalm 139:23-24 and 1 Peter 2:22-24. The Selah pause occurs after v. 5.

Study Note: The title of this Psalm, A shiggaion of David, which he sang to the Lord concerning Cush, a Benjamite, is an interesting one. The word shiggaion is somewhat obscure, occurring only one other time in Scripture in Habakkuk 3:1. One of the ways that it is translated is as a ‘variable song,’ referring to the erratic nature of the composition. Spurgeon favors this definition and writes, “Truly our life-psalm is composed of variable verses; one stanza rolls along with the sublime metre of triumph, but another limps with the broken rhythm of complaint.”

While Cush is not directly referenced in Scripture apart from this title, he is believed to be one of the many informants that Saul bribed to spy on David. In this Psalm, David is appealing to God as his judge for justice and vindication from the false accusations against him. In many of the psalms, the Psalmists write of God’s judgment as a joyous thing. They did not envisage a criminal court where they were on trial and would be found wanting, but a civil one, where as the plaintiff they could bring their claim to God. Their expectation was that He would bring victory on their behalf.


I couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth. She was misconstruing my actions; adding to our conversations and interactions. I had thought that she knew me—that she understood my heart—but her words told me otherwise. Each one felt like an arrow of accusation leaving me stunned and wounded. And so I just stood there, torn between running away and standing my ground—fighting back. Did everyone else believe this was who I was too?

David had felt first-hand the injustice of being maligned. Twice, when he had the opportunity to take Saul’s life and place himself on the throne, he had chosen to spare him

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instead (1 Samuel 24 and 26). Yet Saul continually chose to listen to those who said, “David is bent on harming you” (1 Samuel 24:9). Their false testimonies inflamed his insecurities, leaving David vulnerable to attack. Fuelled by their lies, Saul would persecute and pursue David until the day he died.

This psalm tells us that David felt all the emotions that we too would feel: fear, injustice, and anger. Yet David didn’t allow these emotions to cause him to become like the ones who had wronged him. Instead, he sought refuge with God. Like our Savior, he entrusted himself to the One who judges justly (1 Peter 2:23), looking to Him for vindication and deliverance.

However, before he begged God to judge his enemies, he first invited God to judge his own heart. Just as he anticipated that the trouble his enemies were causing would recoil on them (v. 16), he was also willing to accept the consequences if he had committed evil in God’s eyes. So he paused and allowed God to search his mind and his heart.

At times in my own journey, I have resisted opening myself up to God and allowing Him to search my heart. I have feared what He might uncover; I have feared that my failings and inadequacies will be discovered and I will be rejected. Unwanted. But God’s heart is not to expose us—it is to heal us. To place us firmly on the path that will draw us closer to Him.

David had an unshakeable confidence in the heart and character of God which enabled him to lay himself bare before God and seek out His judgment on this matter. He knew that God is not only a righteous judge (v. 11), but that righteousness marks out all that He does.

Yes, He arises in anger and expresses His wrath. Yes, He sharpens His sword and bends and strings His bow. But He does so in order to exercise justice; to stand against that which would seek to destroy His people and to ensure the violence of the wicked comes to an end (v.9). Like David, we

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should rejoice and give thanks that God is not undisturbed by evil, but that He has acted to break its power and continues to do so. We too can find comfort and refuge in knowing that one day there will be justice for the wrongs of this world.

Our God is Elohiym, the Lord Most High. Nothing escapes Him; He sees it all. We can trust Him with our hearts and with our hurts. He is our Shield and our Defender.


Meditate on 1 Peter 2:23-24. Are there any situations, past or present, that you need to entrust to God with confidence that He will judge justly?

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Make Psalm 139:23-24 your prayer today. Invite God to search and know your heart and record what He speaks to you. Remember that while the Spirit will bring conviction He will never speak condemnation.

Record the names and attributes of God in this Psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list on page 79. Which ones do you gravitate to and which do you wrestle with? Invite the Holy Spirit to bring understanding and help you to see the beauty in the fullness of God’s nature.

Father, I invite You to search my heart and my mind. Examine me and place my feet firmly on the path that brings me closer to You. I entrust myself to Your care. I give You my hurts and injustices, knowing that You are the only one who can judge justly. Thank You for being my shield—the place of

my protection. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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day four

a solemn pause

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The most valuable th i ng the

Psalms do for me i s to express the

same delight i n God wh ich made

Dav id dance.

c . s . l ewis

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Psalm 9 and Revelation 21:3-5. The Selah pauses occur after vv. 16 and 20.

Study Note: Psalm 9 is addressed to the Chief Musician and there are varying views on what ‘The Death of the Son’ refers to. Many translations include the words ‘to the tune of’ in the title, favoring the view that this was an instruction as to how the Psalm was to be sung, while others suggest that it was a reference to the death of Ben, one of the Levitical singers referenced in 1 Chronicles. Some early traditions treat Psalm 9 and 10 as one because of the Hebrew alef-bet acrostic pattern found in every second verse in each of theses psalms. Psalm 9 contains the first half of the Hebrew alphabet and Psalm 10 the remainder.

The first Selah pause in this psalm is prefaced by the word Higgaion which can mean meditation or a solemn, resounding sound. There is much in this psalm that invites us not only to pause, but to pause and pay serious attention to what David has said.


Some days, praise just seems to fall from my lips and worship feels like breathing—second nature, effortless, life-giving. Other days, my heart feels numb, and honestly, praise seems an impossible ask. Yet worship was never meant to be connected to our fickle emotions but to the unchanging truth of who God is.

David had learned the power of praising God and maintaining a heart of worship no matter his season. He could praise God on the mountain tops and in the valleys; he could praise Him in joy and in pain; he could praise Him when his plans were succeeding and when everything he was and had was opposed. Time and time again, David chose to worship, chose to rouse himself to give God the praise He deserved.

If ever a verse summed up what David saw as his purpose,

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perhaps it is this one: “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart” (v. 1). David’s heart did not belong to God in part but in full. He was a man who cultivated a heart of worship throughout life’s varied seasons; who exuberantly and unashamedly danced with all his might before the people, not caring what others thought of him (2 Samuel 6). A man who refused to offer God a sacrifice that had cost him nothing (2 Samuel 24:24). David was far from perfect, but he was sincere in his desire to please God and bring Him glory. So much so, that as he contemplates death at the hands of his enemies, he cries out for mercy and deliverance for the sole purpose of being able to continue to declare God’s praises (vv. 13-14).

It wasn’t simply God’s activity in his life that David celebrated; his heart had been captivated by who God is. His many experiences with God caused him to understand the extent of God’s character and the power of His name in an ever-deepening way, increasing His love for God. He knew God as Lord, as the Most High, as Judge, as a refuge and a stronghold. God had done wonders, avenged wrongs, protected, and continually been faithful. David knew that no matter what was happening around him, that the Lord sits enthroned forever (v. 7).

This deep knowing of who God is led him to see life through the lens of eternity. To recognize that while kingdoms come and go, while nations rise and fall, while all else changes, God remains the same. His truth never changes; He is not fickle and unreliable like man; He is steadfast.

And so, David invites us to join him, not just in singing praise to the Lord, in proclaiming to the nations what He has done, but also to solemnly pause and consider the fate of those who forget God.

It’s not only the wicked that can be guilty of forgetting God. If we’re honest with ourselves, with all that clamours for our attention we can lose sight of His greatness too, our worship becoming half-hearted and luke-warm amidst the struggles and busyness of life. Sometimes, our hearts need a solemn pause to be reminded that this world is not all there is. That

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one day, this part of His-story will be wrapped up and He will live with us, making everything new with the beauty of His presence.

Our praise matters, not just because God is worthy of it, but because it is our testimony to the nations. It is our opportunity to remind all that God is good and that He longs to show them mercy, lifting them up from the gates of death too (v. 13).


Write out vv. 1-2, and as you do, pay attention to the words that God is highlighting for you. What are the four things that David resolved to do? Which is God inviting you to explore and pursue today?

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Re-read vv.16-17. Is it any wonder that David placed between them a Higgaion Selah?! Who in your world has ‘forgotten God’? Record their names and make it a priority to intercede for them and to pray that God would be gracious to them and lift them up from the gates of death, that they may recount all His praises and rejoice in His salvation (vv. 13-14).

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Record the names and attributes of God in this psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list on page 79. Which do you need to trust in today? Invite God to reveal Himself to you in that way today.

Father, I choose to worship You today. To celebrate the wonders You have done in my life and to rejoice in who You are. Forgive me for the times that I forget You—for when my worship grows cold. I want to worship You with ALL my heart and proclaim Your constant faithfulness in my life to the world around me. I declare that You are on Your throne—that You rule and reign forever and I invite You to rule in my life

today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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The Psalms offer us a way of

jo i n i ng i n the chorus of pra i se

and prayer that has been go ing on

for m i l lenn ia .

N . T . Wr ight

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day five


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Psalm 20. The Selah pause occurs after v. 3.

Study Note: Psalm 20 and 21 are most likely written of the same event. The first records the ceremony that took place before a battle while the second regards the celebrations that took place after the battle was won. The first five verses of Psalm 20 are the people’s prayers for their king which are then followed by the king’s response in vv. 6-8, concluding with a closing request from both the king and the people. Moses had given the people instructions for going to war in Deuteronomy 20, and we see David’s obedience to what God had commanded presented in the ceremony and exhortation of this psalm.


Obstacles and opposition. All of us experience these things at some point in our lives. No one is exempt, because the simple truth is that living in a fallen world means experiencing hardship and suffering. Sometimes these things are like a pebble in your shoe, somewhat irritating and uncomfortable, while other times it can feel like you are in the battle of your life—fighting just to survive.

Battles are unavoidable, but those who trust in the name of the Lord (v. 7) must hold on to this truth: Because of Him, we rise and stand upright (v. 8). We don’t go out to fight alone, we go out in His strength and in His favor. Consequently, how we navigate such seasons and challenges should look different because we live and fight under the banner of Christ’s victory.

David and his army were preparing for war as the priests and the people gathered around them to pray and commit the battle to the Lord. Their enemies possessed chariots and horses, but the Israelites had been expressly prohibited from acquiring great numbers of horses because to do so would have required them to go back to Egypt (Deuteronomy 17:16). They were going to war seemingly on the back-foot—under-equipped in comparison to their opponents.

As they lift their voices in prayer, they are reminding the troops,

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reminding us, of where our help and protection really come from: the name of the God of Jacob (v. 1). This is a familiar name for God, woven throughout the Scriptures, and more than a mere statement that God had been the God of their ancestor Jacob—it was a powerful reminder that God works on behalf of those who are weak and in special need.

Israel could expect God to send help from His sanctuary; to send support; to remember all their sacrifices and burnt offerings, because God wasn’t just the God of Jacob—He was also their God and they were His people. They were so confident of this that the people anticipated the victory in advance, declaring: “We will sing for joy over your victory, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners” (v. 5, NASB).

Their anticipation was in no way presumptuous. God had promised David that during his reign He would give him rest from his enemies (2 Samuel 7:11). Standing on the truth of God’s Word and in the trustworthiness of His name, David affirms their expectation of victory saying: “Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving might of His right hand” (v. 6). The language of this verse was such that translated literally it reads: the Lord has saved. David was so certain of the future that he spoke of it as if it had already happened.

How much more ought we to expect and celebrate victory in our own lives. We have seen fulfilled what David only saw foreshadowed. And unlike the Israelites, we do not need to worry if our efforts and offerings will be enough—if they will please God and convince Him to show us favor—because not only is Jesus the King who leads us in battle, He became the sacrifice that God has accepted on our behalf.

When we face obstacles and opposition we need to Selah, to pause and consider the cross. To remember His great love for us in dying upon it; to recall its all-sufficiency to make us right with God, and to realize its power over darkness. What took place at the cross is His promise to us that the war has been won—so let’s stand firm and raise our victory banners high, trusting in the name of our God alone.

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How are you currently relying on your own efforts and offerings for success and breakthrough? Allow yourself to pause and Selah on what Christ did on the cross. What does His sacrifice mean for you and your circumstances today?

Think about the obstacles and battles you currently face, what are you expecting God to do in these situations? As you meditate on this psalm, write your own ‘I know...’ statement like David.

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Record the names and attributes of God in this Psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list on page 79. Take some time to lift up His name as your banner of victory.

Father, I thank You that I can trust in Your Name. In it is the protection, the help, the support that I need. Jesus, I thank You for being my sacrifice and my victory. I shout for joy! I lift up my banner and I celebrate that You have made me able to rise up and stand firm. I rejoice in how you are helping me now and I look forward to the day when Your victory is fully

realized amongst us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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weekend reflection

a thankfu l pause

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O Lord , i n You r strength the k i ng rejo ices ,

and i n You r salvat ion how greatly He exu lts !

2 You have g iven h im h i s heart ’ s des i re

and have not w ithheld the requ est of h i s l i ps .

Selah3 For You meet h im w ith r ich bless i ngs ;

You set a crown of f i ne gold u pon h i s head .

4 He asked l i fe of You ; You gave it to h im ,

length of days forever and ever .

5 H i s glory i s great through You r salvat ion ;

splendor and majesty You bestow on h im .

6 For You make h im most blessed forever ;

You make h im glad w ith the joy of You r presence .

7 For the k i ng trusts i n the Lord ,

and through the steadfast love of the Most H igh he

shall not be moved .

Psalm 2 1 : 1 - 7

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Growing up, my father never allowed us to get down from the dinner table without first thanking my Mum for the meal. When we were younger, it was little more than a habit, something we had to do to be able to continue on our way, but as I grew, I came to understand that my parents were trying to cultivate gratitude within me.

Gratitude. It seems like such a simple thing but it is an attitude imbued with power, keeping us connected to God and mindful of His activity in our lives.

David had returned from battle. The prayers that he and all of Israel had offered up in Psalm 20 had been answered. Fittingly, he pauses to celebrate and give thanks to God for hearing their prayers; to acknowledge that it is because of His strength that the battle was won.

In Deuteronomy 8, Moses imparted this wisdom to the Israelites:

When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land He has given you... Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery… You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands, have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth…” (vv. 10, 12-14 and 17-18, NIV).

It can be easy to forget that so much of what we enjoy today is the fruit of answered prayers —not only our prayers, but also the prayers of those who have come before us. The fruit of God’s goodness and generosity towards us.

David didn’t stop with thanking God for granting the desire of his heart, he began to get very specific about the many ways that God had blessed him. And as he allows himself to meditate on these unending blessings (v. 6, NIV), it builds an expectation for the future. David is confident that whatever is yet to come, God’s love is strong enough and deep enough to hold him firm. That he will not be shaken.

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This is the power of pausing to be grateful: It fills today with contentment and enables us to look with hope toward tomorrow.


Meditate on v.2. In what ways has God given you the desires of your heart and answered your own prayers? Take some time to be thankful and allow His love to hold and sustain you in the places where you are still waiting.

Take a moment to reflect on the different pauses we’ve explored this week. Which is God most asking you to prioritize in this season? What does this look like practically?

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Record the names and attributes of God in this Psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list on page 79 at the back of your devotional. Which one are you most thankful for today?

Father, I am so grateful that you not only hear the cries of my heart, you answer them. Thank You for the unending blessings that You have filled my life with. I pause today to celebrate and honor Your goodness and grace towards me; to acknowledge You as the giver of every good gift in my life and to thank You for Your incredible love. In Jesus’ name,


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I n my deepest wou nd I saw you r

glory , and i t dazzled me .

St . August i ne

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day six

A Consecrat ing Pause

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Psalm 24. The Selah pauses occur after vv. 6 and 10.

Study Note: The title of this psalm reveals very little other than that it was written by David. Like so many of the psalms, it has a literal historical meaning while also foreshadowing the Messiah. It is widely believed that it was written to accompany the return of the Ark to Jerusalem, as recorded in 2 Samuel 6 and 1 Chronicles 15. The early Church also designated it as a messianic ascension psalm and in fitting with this tradition, it is often read to celebrate Ascension Day, 40 days after Easter. Its imagery reminds us that the gates of Jerusalem were opened wide to welcome the Ark, the presence of God, as were the gates of Heaven for Jesus’ return.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve battled with feeling unworthy—unfit—for vocational ministry. There are days where the enemy dredges up the past, presenting me with a back-catalogue of every sin I’ve ever committed, taunting me with my weaknesses and convincingly arguing his case as to why I should be disqualified from serving God. But time and time again God has also presented His verdict and reminded me that what once was true about me is now a lie because of my faith in Jesus Christ.

It’s been an object of fascination throughout the ages, inspiring movies, literature, and even real-life treasure hunts: the Ark of the Covenant. In this episode of its history, after having been captured by the Philistines and then housed in various locations throughout Israel for many years, it was finally ready to return to its rightful home—Jerusalem. With great excitement, David and his men set off to complete the task of bringing the Ark home. But their excitement quickly turned to fear as they experienced the consequences of their disobedience and lack of care as to how God had commanded for the Ark to be treated. One of David’s men, Uzzah, had reached out to steady the Ark when the cart had stumbled, but his presumption in touching the Ark caused the Lord’s anger to burn against him and he was immediately struck dead.

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In our modern context, we can read accounts like this and think that perhaps God overreacted. But the Ark was holy. It was the footstool of God’s throne, representing His presence amongst His people and was therefore not to be approached lightly. It was not meant to be placed in an ordinary cart pulled by oxen but carried reverently upon the shoulders of the Levites who were consecrated and set apart to serve the Lord.

“Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in His holy place?” David asks us (v. 3). The answer: only those with clean hands and pure hearts, who are honest and faithful to worship God alone. That day, mindful of man’s woeful inadequacy to be in the presence of God, the Levites only took six small steps with the Ark upon their shoulders before pausing to offer sacrifices to God. They would make further offerings when they arrived in Jerusalem.

There is no offering that we can make to God that will not need to be offered again and again. Nothing we sacrifice can ever fully deal with the issue of our sin or change the fact that our hands are anything but clean, our hearts anything but pure in the eyes of a holy God.

But Jesus changed all of that. We have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all (Hebrews 10:10). We have been washed and purified by the blood of Jesus—every accusation of the enemy forever silenced. And now, God’s very Spirit dwells within us, enabling us to live faithful lives, enabling us to draw near. We have become His royal priesthood, consecrated to serve Him and carry His presence (1 Peter 2:5).

David invites us to Selah, to pause and consider the gap that exists between us and God but also to remember the blessings that are ours when we allow Him to become our Savior. He invites us to be a generation whose hearts are set on intimacy with Him, who seek His face (v. 6)—opening our lives up to the King of Glory.

Who is this King of Glory?

He is the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle, the Lord Almighty (vv. 8 & 10).

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Surely this is one of the nobler matters to come that the Selah pauses invite us to ready ourselves for. The One who owns the earth and all that is in it—the One who founded and established the seas descended to earth to make His home amongst us. The King of Glory offered His life that we might become those who can ascend the hill of the Lord, who can stand in His presence, but now, now He waits for us to allow Him in.

The ancient doors of Heaven were opened wide to welcome back their victorious King and now He asks, will our hearts be opened wide for Him also?


David’s questions in v. 3 require us to face our sin while the subsequent verses invite us to consider and receive God’s great grace and to live in His presence. Where in your life do you need to stand firm on the truth that Jesus has made you holy?

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To seek the face of God was to pursue intimacy and relationship with Him. As you reflect on the invitation of this psalm to open wide the doors of our hearts and allow the King of Glory to come in, how open is your own heart? What would it look like for you to prioritize seeking Him in this season?

Record the names and attributes of God in this Psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list on page 79. How do they reveal His glory to you? Allow yourself to feel the grandeur and greatness of who He is.

Jesus, I praise You today as my Savior. Thank You for sacrificing Your body to make me holy; to enable me to live in and carry Your presence. I open the doors of my heart wide today and invite You to come in and take up residence as the King of Glory. Rule and reign in every area of my life in all Your strength and power. I acknowledge that all I am and

all I have is Yours. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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I t i s i n the confess ion of

ou r brokenness that the

real strength of new and

everlasting l i fe can be

aff i rmed and made v i s i ble .

Henr i Nouwen

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day seven

a blessed pause

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Psalm 32 and 1 John 1:5-10. The Selah pauses occur after vv. 4, 5 and 7.

Study Note: Psalm 32 is the second of the seven ‘Penitential Psalms’ or ‘Psalms of Confession.’ David wrote it after confessing his sins of adultery, murder, and deception to God (2 Samuel 11-12), giving it the title, ‘A Maskil.’ Maskil is a word used frequently in wisdom literature to mean instruct or make perceptive. In Psalm 51:13, David declared his resolve to share what he had learned out of trying to conceal his own sin to teach transgressors God’s ways so that they would return to God, and in this psalm, David makes true on his promise, teaching us the power of confession.

It is also the second of the ‘Beatitude Psalms.’ The first, Psalm 1, pronounces a blessing on the obedient but this psalm reminds us that we can also be blessed if after disobedience we confess our sin and allow ourselves to receive God’s forgiveness.


We’ve all pretended at some point in time. Pretended that we’re okay. Pretended that everything is under control—that we’re under control. But all this pretending—the energy that goes into keeping up this facade of perfection, of hiding our messes—is exhausting. Crushing even.

David fell for another man’s wife. He took what was not his and hiding his sin only led to more sin. His very bones groaned under the weight of it all; his strength and vitality were sapped.

He can’t help but pause as he remembers the pain of keeping silent; of keeping all his brokenness inside. He wants us to feel the pain with him because he knows that we cannot fathom the joy of being forgiven if we do not first feel the burden of trying to carry our own sin.

However, it’s the joy of being forgiven that David wants us to focus our attention on, for he began this psalm by declaring:

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Oh, what joy for thosewhose disobedience is forgiven,

whose sin is put out of sight!Yes, what joy for those

whose record the Lord has cleared of guiltwhose lives are lived in complete honesty! (vv. 1-2, NLT)

How do we know this joy?

Through the pathway of confession.

From the beginning of time, God has sought to make provision for our sin and to cover our weakness. When Adam and Eve realized they were naked and exposed, God made garments of skin for them and clothed them (Genesis 3:21). He sacrificed an animal to cover them—to make atonement for their sin—and ultimately, He offered up His own Son so that we might be forever clothed in His righteousness. What we try to cover up festers but what God covers over is transformed. It was only when David chose to stop trying to cover up his sins and instead allowed them to be covered by the grace of God, that he experienced the blessing of forgiveness.

God doesn’t just forgive what we’ve done wrong, He forgives the guilt of our sin (v. 5, NIV). The Hebrew word for forgiveness had the connotation of lifting or taking off. This is the heart of our Father—to lift off the guilt and condemnation that accompanies our sin so that we can walk forward unhindered by its burden.

Again, David invites us to Selah. This time to move from feeling the weight or our sin to feeling the lightness of our new life in God.

David was not quick to confess his sin with Bathsheba—he had been stubborn like a mule and God had to use others to bring him to a place of repentance. He exhorts us to learn from his mistake and to offer prayer to God while there is still time (v. 6); to embrace a lifestyle of confession and short accounts so that we will not need to experience God’s hand of discipline on our lives.

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God’s heart in exposing the sin of David’s life was not punishment but healing. He wanted to come into his broken places and wrap His love around them in order to bring wholeness. And He wants to do the same for us. He doesn’t want us to hide from Him but in Him. He wants us to know that He’s for us—protecting us and championing us as He sings songs of deliverance and victory over our lives.

David invites us to enjoy one more Selah. This time to hear the song that God is singing over us and to allow it to give way to a song of our own. A song of rejoicing and gladness in all that God has done for us.


Why do you think we try to deal with our sin on our own? How has trying to cover up your sin or hide from God affected your own life?

Check your heart: Is there anything that you need to be honest with God about in this moment? Invite His unfailing love to surround you as you confess. Receive His grace and forgiveness.

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Record the names and attributes of God in this Psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list on page 79. Which brings you the most joy today? Take some time to celebrate God and rejoice in all He has done for you.

Father, I pause today to celebrate that I am blessed. Thank You for the blood of Jesus that covers my sin—that purifies me and makes me whole. Thank You for lifting the weight of sin and guilt and condemnation off of my life. I am so grateful that I don’t have to hide my brokenness—that I can be honest with You knowing You will wrap Your arms of love around me and surround my life with Your songs of deliverance. I am

blessed. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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I s my earthly p i lgr image so br i ef ?

Then let me watch every step of

i t , that i n the l ittle of t ime there

may be much of grace.

Charles Spu rgeon

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day eight

a mean ingfu l pause

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Psalm 39 and 2 Cor. 4:16-18. The Selah pauses occur after vv. 5 and 11.

Study Note: Little is known about the historical context of this psalm. We can surmise that David was in physical pain (v. 10) and that he attributed his suffering to his sin and divine discipline, but we do not know if there were other events that also contributed to this intensely personal lament.

David’s sin and God’s subsequent rebuke caused David to feel like he dwelled with God as an alien, a stranger, as all my fathers were (v. 12, NIV). The terms ‘aliens’ and ‘strangers’ were used of non-Israelites who were permitted to reside among God’s people but who had no inheritance and enjoyed few rights. David used such terminology to paint a picture of the painful barriers between him and God at this time. We, however, do not need to feel alienated from God when we experience His discipline and correction in our lives because as Hebrews 12:5-11 teaches us, God disciplines those He loves and views as His true sons (vv. 5-8), and His heart in doing so is that we can share in His holiness and reap a harvest of righteousness and peace (vv. 10-11).


Pain. C.S. Lewis famously said of it, “We can ignore even pleasure. But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

David attempted to keep silent in the midst of his own pain. He was determined not to sin either by grumbling and complaining or by discrediting God in the presence of the wicked. Yet in the silence, his anguish only increased. All this internal wrestling needed an outlet. It needed to be processed.

Who we process our doubts and uncertainties with is vital. Not only do the listeners have the power to shape our perspective, but we have the power to shape their view of God. David

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understood this and he knew that he needed to guard both his words and his ways at this difficult juncture; rather than speak out of disappointment, he needed to meditate on truth in order to discover what God was wanting him to learn through this pain.

When he couldn’t keep quiet any longer, he poured out his heart first to God saying:

“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered—

how fleeting my life is.You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.

My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” (vv. 4-5, NLT)

Sometimes the suffering and hardship of this world makes you want to put the pedal down and accelerate through this life as fast as you can. Other times, it reminds you of life’s brevity and fragility, causing you to want to make every moment count.

In writing this Psalm, David surely felt both of these things, but it was the latter that was burned into his heart. As David contemplated the brevity of life, he also came to realize how much of it is wasted in the pursuit of what cannot last. How we fill our lives with so much noise that we lose the meaning. He couldn’t help but pause and contemplate that in the light of eternity our lives are but a breath.

Twice, he would stop to Selah on this thought.

If this life is but a breath; if this world is filled with fleeting shadows, then how do we discover meaning?

In the pain, in the burning silence, David came to realize this truth: his hope was in God. God was who he was searching for. He was the answer to living a meaningful existence.

Paul put it this way in Colossians 2:17 when he addressed all the rituals that had previously been a measure of their righteousness: “These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.”

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Christ is what is real and what is lasting. He is our hope. When we give ourselves to Him, He shows us how to spend our days with meaning. He enables us to endure the pain and suffering of this world because we know that He not only understands, but that in the light of eternity they are but momentary trials and are preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison (2 Corinthians 4:17).


Reflect on what pain has taught you. How have you found words to be a blessing or a stumbling block in such seasons? If you have unprocessed pain, take some time to pour that out to God and to invite His perspective.

Meditate on vv. 6-7. Who or what are you spending your life pursuing?

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Record the names and attributes of God in this Psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list on page 79. Note that in this psalm they are more implicit than explicit. How has God been your own source of hope?

Jesus, sometimes the pain of this world seems anything but light and momentary, but I thank You that though outwardly I am wasting away, inwardly I am being renewed day by day. Help me to fix my eyes on what is eternal and to spend my days pursuing You. Thank You that though this life is brief, You bring meaning to it. You alone are my hope. In Jesus’

name, Amen.

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For I am s u re that ne ither death

nor l i fe , nor angels nor ru lers ,

nor th i ngs present nor th i ngs

to come , nor powers , nor he ight

nor depth , nor anyth ing else

i n all creat ion , w i l l be able to

separate us from the love of

God i n Chr i st Jes us ou r Lord .

Romans 8 : 3 8 - 39 ESV

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day nine


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R ead

Psalm 44 and Romans 8:28-39. The Selah pause occurs after v. 8.

Study Note: Written by the Sons of Korah who were Levitical musicians in charge of Temple worship under both David and Solomon, this psalm is a national lament following a great defeat in an unidentified battle. Some speculate that because of parallels with Psalm 60 that Edom and the Arameans were the enemies involved, but we cannot know definitively.

It is also another of the thirteen psalms that include the title Maskil and offers us wisdom and comfort for times of unexplained suffering.


It was a chapter in my life that at the time I wished I could fast forward or skip altogether. Life seemed to be throwing us one thing after another, and while there were some things that were direct consequences of our youth and inexperience, there were other things that honestly, I just didn’t think I deserved to have to walk through. Like the Israelites, I questioned why all this was happening to me even though I hadn’t forgotten God and my heart had remained true to Him.

My experience did not match my expectations—my expectations of what I felt I deserved in life, and my expectations not only of what God was able to do, but of what I believed He should do for me. This gap between my experiences and my expectations ushered in a season of disillusionment and disappointment—of questioning God’s plans for my life and His heart towards me.

The Psalmists and all of Israel had heard what God was capable of doing as generation after generation faithfully passed down the testimony of all He had done on their behalf. They were well aware that they did not possess their land because of their own merits or abilities, but because God had planted them there, crushing their enemies and enabling them to flourish. And they understood that the reason He had done all of this was simply because He loved them.

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As a new generation faced their own battles, they professed their own confidence in God as their source of victory, promising to give thanks to His name forever (v. 8). It is at this high point that they Selah, pausing to remember all that God has done and to anticipate what He is yet to do.

Then came the test of their vow to perpetually praise the Lord: But now You have rejected us and disgraced us and have not gone out with our armies (v. 9). The Psalmist goes on to pour out verse after verse detailing God’s perceived inaction and even action against them, all the while adamantly professing Israel’s innocence and continued faithfulness.

Implicit in it all is the question that has been on the lips of God’s people throughout the ages. How can a good God allow bad things to happen to the people that He loves? Why, when He is more than able, does He not always act?

It is a natural response on our behalf to feel rejected and abandoned by God in such times and seasons. To think, perhaps, that we are no longer loved by Him; that maybe we have unknowingly displeased Him. It is not, however, true.

For those who are in Christ, there is absolutely nothing that can separate us from His love. This is the truth that we must cling to when we suffer. We must steadfastly believe that He is for us and whether we can see it or not, He is continually working all things for our good.

His love does not dispel our questions but creates a safe place for us to voice them. As love becomes the centerpiece of our lives—His love for us, and our love for Him—Paul teaches us that we will be able to emerge victorious. That our hardships need not crush us, rather they can become a place of glory.


God had commanded the Israelites to talk about His faithfulness; to pass down His faithfulness and the mighty things He had done for them so that each generation would be encouraged to keep serving Him. How has God been faithful

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to you personally? As you reflect on all He has done for you, ask Him to strengthen you to remain faithful to Him.

Where have you allowed your circumstances and experiences to make you feel separated from the love of God? Re-read Romans 8:28-39 making a note of the truths it teaches you about how God feels towards you. Declare these truths over your life today and allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of God’s heart towards you.

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Record the names and attributes of God in this Psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list on page 79. What do you want to boast about and praise God for (v. 8)?

Father, I thank You for the truth that no matter what I am facing today, You love me and You are for me. I believe that You are decreeing victory over my life through Your son Jesus, and in the places where I don’t yet see that victory made manifest, I choose to trust that You are working it all together for my good because of Your unfailing love for me. I declare that You are worthy of my praise at all times because You are good. May every season of my life bring You glory. In Jesus’

name, Amen.

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day ten

a st i l l pause

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Psalm 46 and John 7:38. The Selah pauses occur after vv. 3, 7, and 11.

Study Note: This is another of the Psalms attributed to the Sons of Korah and was part of the temple liturgy. The title also includes the word alamoth which was a musical term instructing that the song be sung in female or soprano voices.

In Numbers 16, Korah and a group of 250 Levites grew to disdain their roles and had challenged Moses and Aaron for the priesthood. God had opened up the ground to swallow them in judgment, but had spared his sons. Korah’s descendants now powerfully profess in this Psalm that they know God is to be exalted and revered—even if the earth were to quake and give way as it had on their forefathers.


Mountains falling and waters raging as the earth gives way.

Nations are in uproar as kingdoms and governments descend into chaos.

This psalm reads much like the headlines of any newspaper today and we should read it and come away feeling overwhelmed, burdened, perhaps even paralyzed by fear.

Yet we don’t.

For one simple reason: The focus of this psalm is not on the trouble that Israel faced but on the God who was fighting for them—on the Lord of Hosts who was protecting them.

From the very outset, the Psalmist hones in on who God is, reminding us that whatever life might hold, God is our refuge and our strength. His opening words evoke a sense of calm and peace, even in the chaos, depicted as he focuses our attention on the One who is always with us. On the One who is our very present help in trouble (v. 1).

Very. It’s an easy word to skim over, but in the Hebrew it meant

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exceedingly, greatly, up to abundance, to a great degree, with muchness. It’s a generous and abundant offer of help from God, which the text implies is available whenever we need it.

Contrasting the stability of God against the instability of the world, the first of the three Selah pauses in this psalm creates a space for us to refocus and center our lives on the truth that God is our only constant. In this moment of accepting the refuge and help that He offers us, fear is dispelled. We come to realize that though the earth might give way, we will not fall because God not only surrounds us, He is in the midst of us (v. 5).

Beneath Jerusalem, the city of God, was a system of shafts and tunnels that the kings built to ensure that even when they were besieged they could still access the water that lay outside the city walls. God’s presence in our lives is likened to rivers and streams—but unlike the earlier mentioned waters that roar and foam causing destruction, the rivers of God are a source of life and joy. And Jesus teaches us that all we have to do for these living waters to flow in us and through us is to believe in Him.

Faith connects us to the very presence of God enabling us to draw on the provisions that we need for each season. Our faith grows as we learn to hear what He is saying. In His voice is creative power—it has the ability to bring an end to the chaos within and without. When He speaks strongholds dissolve.

This is who we have on our side. The Lord Almighty fights for us and speaks on our behalf.

The Psalmist weaves in another pause to allow us to lean in and hear what God is saying before entreating us to “Come, behold the works of the Lord, how He has brought desolations on the earth” (v. 8).

It is likely that you and I do not want to see works of desolation. But look closely at what He is destroying. God is busy making wars cease. He is breaking the bow and shattering the spear. As Patrick Woodhouse points out, “God destroys what is destructive… and so ends the chaos of conflict.” What we are ultimately being invited to behold is God working to bring His

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shalowm peace and wholeness, not only to our lives, but to all of His creation.

Yet it is only when we learn to cease our striving, to be still, that we are able to know in the depths of our being that He is God. That no matter what the landscape of our lives might currently look like, He will be exalted. His plans and purposes will be realized.

It is in the stillness, in the Selah pauses of life that we recognize and understand who God truly is.

The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress (v. 11).

Oh the wonder that this is the One who is with us, always. Selah.


Each of the three Selah pauses in this psalm invite us to consider a particular aspect of our relationship with God. The first invites us to recognize His presence and His help. The second invites us to hear what He is saying, while the third invites us to see what He is doing; to behold Him exalted. Take some time to consider the following today:

How do you need God to help you today?

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What is God saying not just about your season, but what is He saying to the obstacles you face?

What works of God in your life can you currently see?

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Record the names and attributes of God in this Psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list on page 79. How do they release you to be still and trust Him today? Take time to exalt Him.

Father, thank You that I do not need to live afraid because You are both with me and within me. I thank You that even now You are fighting for me—protecting me and working on my behalf. Help me to live a life of being still, focused on who You are and leaning into what You are saying and doing. I believe in You Jesus and I want Your living water to flow in me and through me, releasing Your joy to this world.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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weekend reflection

an honor ing pause

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Clap you r hands , all peoples !

Shout to God w ith lou d songs of joy !

For the Lord, the Most H igh, is to be feared,

a great k i ng over all the earth .

He s u bdu ed peoples u nder us ,

and nat ions u nder ou r feet .

He chose ou r her itage for us ,

the pr i de of Jacob whom he loves .

SelahGod has gone u p w ith a shout ,

the Lord w ith the sou nd of a trumpet .

S i ng pra i ses to God , s i ng pra i ses !

S i ng pra i ses to ou r K i ng , s i ng pra i ses !

For God i s the K i ng of all the earth ;

s i ng pra i ses w ith a psalm !

God re igns over the nat ions ;

God s its on H i s holy throne .

The pr i nces of the peoples gather

as the people of the God of Abraham .

For the sh ields of the earth belong to God;

He i s h ighly exalted !

Psalm 47

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Joy is the fruit of a life that has learned to take their time and linger in His presence. A life that has learned to weave sacred pauses into the very fabric of their being, allowing Him to speak, to correct, and to encourage in every season.

As Selah moves from being a momentary and fleeting interlude to becoming the rhythm of our lives, joy flows from what we discover within the Selah. In the pausing, we learn to not only pay attention to our own story, we learn to pay attention to Him.

Five times in these nine verses the psalmist exhorts us to ‘sing praise,’ but the last time they tell us to sing ye praises with understanding (v. 7, KJV). We need to slow down and recognize who it is that we are singing to. To pause to feel the weight of His glory and splendor and the wonder that we are His beloved people. We must not rush our worship. We need to take the time to offer Him the worship that He is due. Heartfelt, genuine praise.

For the Jewish people, joy had a sound. It could not be contained but made itself known through their instruments, through their movement, through their voices. They shouted and clapped. The trumpets were sounded and their voices sang praise. The King of all the earth, their King, deserved nothing less.

The Selah invitation is to live our whole lives in His presence, holding nothing back. Not our disappointment or our jubilation. Not our brokenness or our strength. Not our questions or our confidence. He wants us to bring it all before Him. To engage the totality of who we are in our worship.

One day, we will see Him reigning over the nations. One day, at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10). But we have the joy of bowing now. Of exalting Him now. Of allowing Him to reign now.

Sing praise to God! Sing Praise to your King!

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R espond

Record the names and attributes of God in this Psalm in the ‘Names of God’ list. As you look at your now-completed list, what have you learned about who God is? Honor the gift of who He is and sing praise to your King with understanding today.

Take a moment to reflect on the different pauses we’ve explored this week. Which is God most asking you to prioritize in this season? What does this look like practically?

How awesome You are Jesus, my Lord and my King. Help me to slow down and really see You. To worship You with understanding as I grow in my revelation and the wonder of who You are. Let my whole life be a song of praise to You. In

Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Names and Attr i butes of God

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Aimee Walker is the Community Manager and Bible Study Teacher for The Joyful Life and also serves on the print editing and devotion writing teams. She is a former pastor turned writer and kiwi girl living by the beach in Auckland, New Zealand with her husband Dave and three of their four children.

These days you’re most likely to find her with a strong cup of coffee in hand as she juggles writing alongside homeschooling and navigating the toddler and tween years! A total word girl, but most of all a lover of His Word, Aimee is passionate about helping people understand and encounter the truth of the Scriptures so that they can live in the fullness of all God has planned and purposed for their lives.

You can read more from Aimee on her blog at

or connect with her on Facebook and Instagram at @onbecomingesther

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w w w . j o y f u l l i f e m a g a z i n e . c o m
