
DownUnder GeoSolutions focuses on producing accurately imaged

seismic data that is ready for input into amplitude and inversion

studies. We have developed key technologies in coherent and

incoherent noise removal, velocity model building, data regularisation,

residual moveout and migration to meet this goal, including:

Seismic Processing

We have over 3000 nodes, a petabyte robotic drive and more than 550 terabytes of clustered global storage.

This allow us to process any size dataset. Our largest PSTM project from raw tapes was over 3000 sq km.

Swell Noise Removal (wavelet based)DUG SNR :

Linear Noise RemovalDUG LNR :

Frequency Dependent Noise AttenuatorDUG OSAMA :

Regularisation and Interpolation

(downward continuation)


Anisotropic Residual Moveout



True Azimuth 3D SRMEDUG 3D SRME :

Reflection TomographyDUG TOMO :

Anisotropic PreSDM

(Kirchhoff and Beam)


Original processing

DownUnder reprocessing

43 Competitor’s RMO DUG RMO


plus our migration

Competitor’s vector binning

plus their migration

1 Raw shot record After DUG LNR

1500 ms

2000 ms

2500 ms

0 1000 m 2000 m 0 1000 m 2000 m

Figure 2.This is an apples for apples comparison of DUG REG + DUG PreSDM vs one of our

competitor’s COV binning + their PSDM.

Figure 3.This image compares a DUG RMO output stack to a leading

competitor’s equivalent.

Figure 4.Reprocessing of land data showing fault definition and general clarity.

* Picture courtesy of Stuart Petroleum

Figure 1.DUG LNR is extremely effective at attenuating very strong coherent events.

This data comes from the Carnarvon Basin in Western Australia, and the raw

shot record is dominated by extremely high amplitude linear noise. DUG LNR

has effectively removed this noise while leaving the primary data intact.

Note: both pictures are at the same scale.

DownUnder GeoSolutions offers two depth migration algorithms:

a Kirchhoff and a Gaussian beam. Both are true amplitude, operate

in isotropic or VTI mode and handle turning rays. We have an RTM

in development. The velocity building toolkit contains automated dip

field and residual picking combined with excellent visualisation tools

for QC. Multiple iterations of reflection tomography are run to refine

the velocity field. Constraints for the reflection tomography include,

but are not limited to, smoothing lengths, faults and horizons.

Depth Imaging

Initial migration6

Courtesy of Ophir Energy

Auto-­picked RMO RMO vectors displayed for QC QC of the dip-­field5

Contact Us

You'll find DownUnder GeoSolutions at Plus we have offices

in all corners of the world.

Check the website for the location

nearest to you. Or contact our head office

in Perth Australia on

tel +61 8 9287 4100, fax +61 8 6380 2471,

email [email protected].

Figure 5.The RMO is auto-­picked using a wavelet

based algorithm and the size and magnitude

of the vector is displayed on a stacked

section for QC. The dip field auto-­picker

is very robust and handles steep dips

extremely well.

Figure 6.Multiple iterations of reflection tomography

are run to optimise the velocity model.

These figures show how the tomography

updated the model with a low velocity zone

coinciding with a volcano, resulting in

an improved image and more accurate


After 3 tomographic updates
