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Three Churches Changing the World

Discarded Children in South Asia Find a Home

Bible Storytelling, a Strategic Tool in India

C h u r c h e s L a r g e a n d S m a l l , G e t t i n g G o d ’ s Wo r d t o t h e Wo r l d T h r o u g h B i b l e Tr a n s l a t i o n

seedlinksGod’s Word For Every Language —In This Generation!

W o r d s f r o m R o y

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Cover: Churches, large and small, are sharing God’s Word around the world through Bible translation.

All Scripture quoted is from the New Living Translation unless otherwise noted.

Her words pierced our hearts.

R o y L . P e t e r s o n | P r e s i d e n tFollow Roy on @RoyLPeterson

“I cannot accept,” the grandmother said, as she turned away from the oppor-tunity to receive Jesus as her Savior. We heard her words during a recent trip to South Asia. Rita and I wanted the opportunity to wrap our arms around the elderly people we met and rescue them from the fear that keeps them in bondage — protect them from the crushing oppression in the region where they live.

In this land of incredible beauty and stunning vistas, we also saw a dramatic contrast between light and darkness. It was painful to watch desperate people buying sacrifices from sidewalk “priests,” hoping to appease the gods. People were ringing bells in a futile attempt to wake up these deities, then spinning “prayer wheels” hoping their prayers were heard.

This experience awakened in us an even greater sense of urgency to get Scripture into the heart languages of people groups still waiting. We are so grateful to God for our partners who are helping make that happen. In this SeedLinks, you’ll meet several as you read about large and small churches marshaling forces to support translation teams around the world.

You’ll also read about a few unlikely translators from Papua New Guinea who are taking Bible storytelling near and far; enjoy an interview with Dr. Alex Philip, leading the New India Evangelistic Association; and read many stories of life-transformations around the world.

We know the Light of the glorious Gospel is shining brighter each day! More and more, God’s Truth is consuming the darkness … which will be utterly destroyed with the brightness of His coming (2 Thessalonians 2:8).

Thank you so very much for your partnership in bringing God’s Word to the Bibleless people of the world.


“For God, who said, ‘Let there be light in the darkness,’ has made this light shine in our hearts

so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the

face of Jesus Christ.” — 2 Corinthians 4:6

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Churches, Large and Small,Are Engaged With Bible Translation When churches help a people group experience transformation through

God’s Word in their heart language, the hearts of church members also stir with the

joy and excitement of being part of Bible translation and Great Commission work.

Churches are getting involved in ending Bible poverty — and loving it.

Monte Vista Chapel Turlock, CA

‘In It for the Long Haul’“Prayer is absolutely the best way we can come alongside the translation team,” Gary, a missions pastor shared. “There’s a real emotional connection that occurs. Our involvement with this people group has opened our eyes … the entire Church needs to be involved in reaching the least reached.”

Monte Vista Chapel in Turlock, California, has been involved with a Bible translation project since the late 1990s. They chose to adopt a project in a region where Christians are routinely persecuted. In the fall of 2000, a team from the church visited translators in person to see how they could help. It changed their lives.

Now, Monte Vista’s missions team continues to make pilgrimages halfway around the world to encourage translators and others who risk it all to live out the

Gospel in this culture where intertribal vengeance is common.

For instance, when one man heard Scripture in his mother tongue, he was shocked to discover that if he refused to forgive others,

the heavenly Father would not forgive him. “This is a difficult command,” he said. “But if that’s what it means to follow Christ, we’ll do that.”

Prayer is a vital support to the translation team and to new believers, who put themselves on the line every day as they teach and live God’s Truth.

“We go in humility,” Gary said, “and our hearts are open to learn from them. We’ve been engaged in this work for 12 years … and we’re in it for the long haul.” x

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Horizon ChristianFellowship

Rancho Santa Fe, CA

“If we do this together, we can accomplish the reason why we’re here,” Pastor Bob said. “That’s to go into all the world and share the Gospel.”

Horizon Has Vision — ‘We link arms and go for it!’

When Pastor Bob Botsford introduced his congregation to Bible translation, their response was overwhelming. Members of Horizon Christian Fellowship in Rancho Santa Fe, California, sponsored the entire Gospel of John for the Fa d’Ambu people of Equatorial Guinea — in one weekend!

Pastor Bob’s primary reason for selecting the Fa d’Ambu people, who speak the Annobón language, is very simple. “I chose the Annobón because no one else had chosen it,” he said. Bob noted that this people group is roughly the size of Horizon’s congregation. With just under 10,000 speakers, the Fa d’Ambu are among the last and least people groups to have God’s Word translated into their heart language. Through a matching grant for the “Least of These,” Horizon’s contributions will be doubled.

“We were blown away by the response of our church,” Bob said. The church hung 21 large boards in the court-yard with the entire Gospel of John inscribed on them

and a space for the sponsor’s name by each verse. In Pastor Bob’s words, the congregation “gobbled up and sponsored” every verse in one weekend.

Next the church decided to help the Rowba of South Asia. Members jumped at the opportunity to make a difference in this

region that has been called “the graveyard of missionaries.” Again, Horizon sponsored the Gospel of John in one weekend.

Explaining his church’s involvement, Bob said, “We do it in obedience to the vision the Lord brings our way. God opens a door, He gives us a heart for something, and together as a church we link arms and go for it … and we see it done for His glory.”

Bob said, “Without vision, people perish.” Horizon has vision … they’re already planning to sponsor the Gospel of John for two more languages in 2013. x

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Brushy CreekBaptist Church

Sparks, GA

“It isn’t the growth in numbers that matters, but rather the spiritual growth people experience,” Pastor Jimmy said. “When we grow spiritually, God’s kingdom grows.”

» Learn how your church can make a lasting difference for the Least of These at

Sermon in Small Church Echoes Around the World

Brushy Creek Baptist Church in Sparks, Georgia is surrounded by acre after acre of peanut and cotton fields in an arbor of stately oak trees. And while its white steeple has risen as a high standard for 113 years, with an average attendance of 80, the church was experiencing a time of trial just a few years back — a financial low point.

That is, until Senior Pastor Jimmy Parker prayerfully hit on the idea of establishing a Bible fund to give God’s Word to those who need it.

As he researched how to get this done, he spoke with missionary Craig Nalls who suggested Pastor Jimmy consider supporting Bible translation. Later, Craig shared with the church a slideshow of his recent visit to Mozambique. When Brushy Creek members heard about the great need for Scripture in Mozambican languages, Pastor Jimmy’s search was over.

The church set a goal of $5,000 toward the Nyungwe New Testament translation project. Then members sprang into action. They organized yard sales, collected a vacation Bible school offering, and set up a grass hut in the church foyer boasting signage that spelled “HUT”

(Help Us Translate), crafted from wood scraps. Ten months later, the church had contributed $6,800 to Bible translation.

Now Brushy Creek is prospering in many ways. “We have more than enough for upkeep and mission-minded giving,” missions leader Kim Cone said. “No

one wanted to stop giving! It became a different kind of goal.”

Pastor Jimmy’s perspective: “It isn’t the growth in numbers that matters, but rather the spiritual growth people experience,” he said. “When we grow spiritually, God’s kingdom grows.”

Today, should you step across the threshold of Brushy Creek Baptist, you may hear a silent sermon from God’s Word echoing throughout the sanctuary: “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38, NIV). x

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L E M A N ’ S L E G A C Y

D i s c a r d e d K i d s F i n d a H o m e

Two squatted with rusty, tin bowls in hand, waiting for generous passersby. A taller girl held a malnourished child on her skinny hip.

Leman stared without considering their plight. These discarded kids had become part of the landscape, forag-ing in garbage heaps, darting in and out of foot traffic, staring big-eyed at people eating at courtyard tables.

A privileged man in this region, Leman owned land. His master’s degree in horticulture gave him the enviable chance to travel. Yet he was so restless … dissatisfied. Something intangible — spiritual — eluded him.

As a man accustomed to finding answers, Leman sought out teachers of various religions when he traveled.

Though each offered valuable lessons, none of their insights filled the emptiness he felt. Until one day, a man told Leman about Jesus.

Peace then soothed the ache in Leman’s heart and his life took a radical turn. “The old life is gone; a new life has begun! And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconcil-ing people to him” (2 Corinthians 5:17-18).

Seeing a Different View

Leman could hardly wait to share the Good News of salvation with his family. Leman is the only son in a houseful of sisters. Upon hearing his

Leman sat beside the front window of his South Asian home,

mindlessly watching a half-dozen ragged kids with dirty faces huddled

against the plaster wall across the street.

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» Learn how you can bring God’s hope to the families of South Asia at

Love opened their hearts to the needs around them. For the first time, Leman really saw the street kids.

testimony, his mother and sisters also trusted Christ. Love opened their hearts to the needs around them, and for the first time, Leman saw the street kids.

Not all these children were orphans in the traditional sense. Many of them had living parents, but because of poverty, abuse or other situations, they were left to fend for themselves. Not for long, however.

As God’s Word began working in Leman’s life, he and his family opened their home to the children. Leman then realized the kids needed an education to break the vicious cycle of poverty. He helped one of his sisters finish her training so she could become a teacher. The family then started a school.

The greatest work is still ahead for Leman: getting the Gospel into his language. He and one of his sisters are part of a team that has started translation efforts with Bible story-telling. They have a big vision, and a solid commitment to a faithful God. Through His Word, true and lasting change can come to Leman’s growing family. x

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“I will follow the one true

God. Jesus died for my sins.

I understand this now and I

will never let it go.”

— Branchu speaker

B i b l e Tr a n s l a t i o n I s Evange l i sm

Puapapingi was bursting with joy and singing with gusto.

Marciano sat up a little straighter. He turned to look at Puapapingi. Recognizing the presence of the Holy Spirit in his young son, Marciano’s spirits lifted, his worries evaporated and hope filled his heart. The song, based on 2 Timothy 2:15, was a passage Marciano and other members of the Aché team were translating.

What is there to worry about? Marciano thought. God’s Word in Aché is already bearing fruit for the next generation. x

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .» The Aché New Testament is fully part-nered, but the neighboring Toba people need your help. Find out how you can help at

Marciano, an Aché Bible translator, sat beside the cooking fire, staring into space. Beside him sat Puapapingi, his 4-year-old son, who had seen that look before. The dancing flames reflected in his dad’s eyes could not hide his sadness as he pondered the many unmet needs of his people. Marciano’s face and sagging shoulders had “worry” writ-ten all over him. Puapapingi wanted to cheer him up.

Suddenly, he remembered the song his dad recently taught the Aché children. He had really liked it and memorized it quickly.

Quietly at first, the young boy began to sing, “Chidja mondo, chidja mondo …!” “Do your best, be a good worker ...!” He sang a little louder. Then louder. Before long,

Sing a Little Louder … With Gusto!AMERICAS — PARAGUAY | 1,500 Aché speakers

‘Thank You to the Lord and to the Dagara Project!’

AFRICA — BURKINA FASO | 80,000 Dagara speakers

Like many Dagara households in Burkina Faso, Africa, Malindi’s* family endured the recent famine in the Sahel region of Africa, and suffered through hunger and increasing poverty. They could not afford chemical fertilizers to produce healthy crops in the meager rainfall, and they knew of no alternatives.The family couldn’t even grow enough food to feed themselves.

When Malindi heard the Dagara Bible translation project was offering a literacy class, she was skeptical. Reading was for children, not for mothers her age. But when she saw older women attending, she decided to enroll.

Malindi completed the class quickly and accomplished her goal.

Using her new skill, she began to discover ways to improve her family’s circumstances. She learned to make organic fertilizer at almost no cost!

“Today, we produce enough [veg-etables] for ourselves and for sale!” Malindi said. She’s also making her own soap and [fabric] dye.

With Scripture in her heart language as part of the literacy pro-gram, Malindi has learned spiritual truths as well as practical skills. “We are much more committed to the things of God,” Malindi said, “and we can also give to the church. I say ‘thank you’ to the Lord, and to the Dagara project!” x

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*Pseudonym used due to sensitivity of the region.

» The Dagara project is fully partnered, but speakers in the same region still need prayer partners. Learn more about the West-ern Malinke IG project at

G O D’ S W O R D C H A N G I N G L I V E S —

A R O U N D O U R W O R L D is filled with more stories about the ways God is changing lives here and abroad. Add your experiences and your ideas now … and share them with others!

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A sharp rap at the door startled translator Henry* and others gath-ered at the burgeoning home Bible study around heart language Scrip-ture. Henry and his wife opened their door to find a frantic young couple they’d never met holding their two-year old daughter. The parents explained that the toddler’s arms and legs were stiff, as if frozen. She could not move them and neither could they. Henry’s wife

took the child in her arms, and Henry placed his hands on the little girl and began praying. He asked for “healing through the mediation of the Living Intercessor — who is the Word of God and who is alivein heaven.”

Immediately God’s power swept through the toddler’s body. As she began to move her arms and legs, relief and gratitude swept over the parents.

Henry explained to them that he had no power of his own. He then instructed the couple to pray every morning and evening to Jesus, the Living Intercessor, who alone has the power to heal.

While drafting Hebrews, the translation team is seeing God’s Word work mightily!

Toddler Healed by the Word of God EURASIA

Because Jesus lives forever, his priest-hood lasts forever. Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf. — Hebrews 7:24-25 x

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*Pseudonym used due to sensitivity of the region.

A Chuwabu leader in Mozam-bique sought out publishers of a grammar booklet his son had given him. “Who was it that made this book, which mentions things we use in Chuwabu?” the leader asked the translator. “I will pay you any price! I didn’t know that in this small

book one can find such inter- esting things.”

The translators were elated. They’d hoped the booklet in Chu- wabu would draw interest in their

translation of mother tongue Scrip-ture. Now this important leader of a religion generally antagonistic toward Christianity was intrigued.

“Please inform us about any material you produce in Chuwabu,” the leader continued. “We want to study that God in our own lan-guage!” Translators eagerly agreed. Mark’s Gospel and Genesis are in process.

“When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!” — Matthew 13:46 x

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Name Your Price!AFRICA — MOZAMBIQUE | 947,000 Chuwabu speakers

» Partner with Chuwabu translators and help translate God’s priceless Word at

Grandmas Hona and Doreka, along with team member, Julie (far left), have been powerful voices of hope to the Maiwala people.

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Grandmas Doreka and Hona, along with younger team member, Julie, climb aboard a canoe, take up their paddles and begin to row. Flooding is common in the East Papua river delta that has been home to Maiwala people for generations. Twenty minutes later, the ladies arrive at higher ground where they wait another half-hour or more to catch a public bus for a 30-45 minute ride into the regional capital where they’ll participate in training for Bible storytelling.

The tedious trip is well worth it to this faithful trio. They’ve seen God powerfully use His Word through Bible storytelling to bless their Maiwala people. And to their amazement, they’ve watched God take them further than they ever imagined!

The Journey of Telling: From Children’s Church, to Schools, to Training Others

After an initial Seed Company training workshop, Doreka, Hona and Julie shared Bible stories with their children, grand- children and elderly Maiwala friends who couldn’t attend

church services. Before long, area church leaders heard about their talents and invited them to share stories with the children in their churches.

As they increased their repertoire of Scripture stories, oppor-tunities to tell Bible stories mushroomed. The local primary school headmaster invited the women to speak in religious education classes. Students then asked to hear more — the stories told in their own language were understandable and interesting.

The Journey of Crafting: On to Higher Skill, High School and the Pulpit

In March 2012, the Bible Translation Association of Papua New Guinea (BTA), sent the team an invitation to participate in an intensive workshop so they could become trainers. They were to learn Bible story “crafting” ratherthan just Bible storytelling. Doreka and Julie were able to go.

HOUSEWIVES Hit the Waterways, Highways

& Airways

T h e S t o r y o f a F a i t h f u l Tr i o i n P a p u a N e w G u i n e a

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» Read about the art of crafting Bible stories at

When the two returned home, denominational church leaders approached them. “Could you lead an Easter camp for older high school students?” they asked. The answer was “Yes!”

Hundreds of Maiwala youth attended. As a result of the camp’s impact, church leaders have now approved the storytellers as pulpit speakers. God equipped these women with the boldness to stand before Maiwala congregations on Sundays to deliver His messages.

The Journey of Soaring!

Next, the team organized training sessions in response to requests for more Maiwala storytellers. While preparing, Julie received an invitation for a workshop in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Now instead of paddling a canoe, Julie took her first airplane ride!

She worked hard to prepare for this trip. Julie was familiar with PNG’s Tok Pisin language, and she studied to improve her fluency. When she arrived, Julie worked with seven teams of translators to share what she had learned. When that workshop was over, all seven teams took portions of God’s Word with them to share throughout their country.

What happens when three faithful Papuan housewives begin learning and sharing and crafting and teaching stories from God’s Word? Plenty! x

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“He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much” — Luke 16:10 (NAS).

They’ve seen God powerfully use His Word

in story form to bless their Maiwala people.

They’ve watched God take them further than

they ever imagined!

C a m p a i g n i n g f o r C h r i s t

Political campaigning can be a messy business in a

democracy, even in developing democracies like Papua

New Guinea. In the buildup to last year’s election,

tensions ran high. Most people care deeply about their

country and its future, and they wanted to vote for

the right candidates. But sorting out what to believe

wasn’t easy as campaigners made promises and stoked

tensions in an effort to sway voters. Though some

scattered violence erupted, voters still turned out.

After the election, political “wounds” remained open.

In the month prior to the elections, Bible storytellers

Julie and Doreka were invited to speak at area churches.

They were delighted to have this opportunity to share

Bible stories. Trained to consider context — the audi-

ence and the need — the women chose to discuss

stories of Saul and David. As the women had developed

these stories, their eyes had been opened to God’s

standards for leadership.

Despite potential danger, Julie and Doreka soldiered

on to share this message in churches. The stories gen-

erated lively discussion, and challenged assumptions

and traditional prejudices about earthly governance. As

people heard Bible stories in their heart language, they

started to ponder the scriptural model of leadership. x

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Despite dangers, Julie and Doreka soldiered on to share this message in churches.

When you write

the Word, a neat thing

happens. You become

very particular about

making your journal look

nice. You care that you

cross your T’s and dot

your I’s — just like

Bible translators do.

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Get Engaged!Do you have a passion for God’s Word? Are you looking for a way to get involved?

1. WriteTheWord: Dotting I’s & Crossing T’s

Looking for a way to grow richer in God’s Word? Consider doing this: WriteTheWord. It’s a simple, unique way to engage with God’s Word and raise awareness of Bible poverty. Started by our own Seed Company Bloggers, WriteTheWord is a devotional practice of handwriting Scriptures, letting God’s Word transform you as you write.

Blogger Jodi McKenna shares, “When you write the Word, a neat thing happens. You become very particular about making your journal look nice. You care that you cross your T’s and dot your I’s — just like Bible translators do.” That focus can lead to praying “for real people in the field actively translating the Bible,” Jodi says.

All you need to WriteTheWord is a Bible, a notebook and a pen. It’s simple! Start anywhere in the Scriptures.

You can even join an online fellowship of others who are handwriting Scriptures. Together they are raising awareness of Bible poverty … and it’s making waves!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » Get involved in the Facebook WriteTheWord Community at

Connect on Twitter or Instagram using #WriteTheWord or #EndBiblePoverty.

2. ‘God enables, equips, and empowers me to love to pray!’Open your heart and let your faith soar as

you read about one prayer warrior’s* rich journey of intercession for Bibleless people.

What happens in your heart as you pray for the Bibleless people groups?

The more I pray for the Bibleless, the more I want to pray for them. I never lose the sense of urgency at seeing that every people group has God’s Word. This is paramount to fulfilling God’s Great Commission.

Why do you love to pray?

God enables, equips, and empowers me to love to pray! Years ago I asked God over and over to give me the desire to pray, and

He is! He continues to teach me, lead me, and refine my praying. The desire to pray never diminishes. That’s how I know it is supernatural.

What has God shown you about prayer?

So many things! He has shown me that it doesn’t matter if my faith is “as small as a mustard seed” when I pray; He will rush in

Creative Ways to Engage Others3

in Bible Translation

3. VBS Kids — Keepin’ in Step With the Spirit!Want your children motivated to love

God’s Word — and to share it with others?

Now your kids can “step it up” through vacation Bible school with the Go Fish Guys! The Gospel-centered, energetic, media-enhanced VBS curriculum is packed with fun and inspiration featuring all new music, videos and an exciting Seed Company missions component.

Last year, VBS kids raised $92,500 for Bibleless people groups! After more than half of that amount was doubled through the “Least of These” initiative, 5,483 verses were

sponsored. That’s the equivalent of all four Gospels, Acts, Romans, and 2 Corinthians.

VBS kids became motivated to help chil-dren in another culture receive God’s Word.

Matt Collins, senior pastor of Hope Church in Dubuque, Iowa, summed up their VBS mission experience: “Partnering with The Seed Company through our Summer Bible Day Camp allows us to help kids put lovein practical motion.”

The new 2013 Go Fish “Gotta Move” curriculum will focus on “Keepin’ in step with the Spirit.” While the Guys usher kids into a deeper walk with God and His Word, the missions component will open their eyes and hearts to Bibleless people groups around the world.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » For the latest information, check out Or call 866-663-8377 and our Partner Relations team will bring you up to speed!

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and attach His omnipotence, omniscience, righteousness, and justice to my every prayer. By the time I say “amen,” my prayers are absolutely perfect and incredibly powerful! Prayer makes the impossible, accessible. Intercessors are co-laborers with God Himself.

Praying for Bibleless peoples

and the souls of men is the most

valuable thing I can do.

God has shown me that I belong to a precious, global army of intercessors and that members of that army should never stop asking Him to raise up more to join our ranks.

Will you join up? Will you pray for people groups and translation teams that His Word

might go forth to every language on the Earth?

*Name withheld by request of partner.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » Read more of this interview that will help draw you into a supernatural place in prayer to discover its rich rewards at

Y O U C A N !1. Share how handwritten Scripture makes a world of difference!

2. Pray powerfully for Bible translation.

3. Learn about our new Scripture-based VBS material.


V i s i o n : God’s Word transforming lives in every language in this generation.

M i s s i o n : To accelerate Scripture translation and impact for people without God’s Word through Great Commission partnerships.

C o r e Va l u e s : • Honoring God in all we do. • Valuing individuals and relationships. • Partnering effectively. • Encouraging creativity and innovation. • Managing for quality results.

Our Commitment to You: We commit to always maintain the highest ethical and financial standards. The Seed Company is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), and complies fully with their rules for Christian ministries.

3030 Matlock Road, Suite 104Arlington, Texas 76015-2934Toll free 877-593-7333Fax 817-557-2393

A Wycliffe Bible Translators affiliate

W h e n t h e L i g h t S h i n e s B r i g h t e s tIn the beginning, God shattered the darkness with, “Let there be light.” He com-missioned another “light” to shine brilliantly today — to represent Christ to a fallen world and share the Good News with love. We are ...

The Church.

God’s Word proclaims to His Church: “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising” (Isaiah 60:1-3, NAS).

This is God’s glorious destiny and desire for the Body of Christ. In this historic hour, the Church is growing at an unprecedented pace. Across the globe, believers — from handfuls in private homes, to thousands in public places — are joining together to seek Jesus and proclaim His glory among the nations.

Can you see the light rising, growing brighter, and overtaking the darkness in the world? Foreseeing future opposition, Jesus boldly promises, “I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it” (Matthew 16:18).

Jesus is faithfully preparing the Bride for His return. To do so, He’s invited you and me to bring the nations as His inheritance. When it’s darkest, light shines the brightest. It’s time for the Church to radiate God’s love and fulfill Her prophetic destiny in Christ.

Will you intercede for the Body of Christ to arise and shine? Pray for:

• Increased engagement in the translation and distribution of mother tongue Scriptures. • Protection, strength and empowerment in fulfilling the Great Commission in their community.

Will you sign up to pray for our featured people group the Mixteco de Jicaltepec.


L a u r a G i s h | Manager of Prayer

A M E R I C A S , M E X I C O

Speakers: 20,000 Project goal: Old TestamentProject start: 2012Est. completion: 2020

The Mixteco people of Jicaltepec, Mexico have retained their Aztec an-cestry through cultural music, dances, crafts and songs. Although most are Christians, the shadow of their past also hangs across their faith. Many sacrifice to spirits of the forest and cling to belief in personal animal guardians. You can help strengthen their foundation.

Call 866-663-8377, or visit to support this team in prayer.

“GOD speaks Mixteco de Jicaltepec”