Page 1: Sedation Dentistry Fort Lauderdale

What You Need To Know Dental Implants Procedurein Fort Lauderdale

Dental Implants in Fort Lauderdale procedure is a process of restoring tooth functionality.

Titanium made root devices are installed in the restoration procedure. Because of their

behaviour, look-alike feel and nature, dental implants are considered durable and strong;

besides they are similar to the natural teeth and cannot be distinguished from them. They

can hold number of teeth via an overdenture or bridge. Excessive teeth wearing, gum

diseases, tooth decay, congenital defects, mouth trauma or root canal failure might require

dental implants. Dental Implants in Fort Lauderdale involve two procedures:

osseointegrated and fibrointegrated; osseointegrated being the most preferred one.

Before commencing the procedure, detailed planning is required for identifying the

important structures i.e. shape and dimension of the bone in the gums, inferior alveolar

nerve, sinus, prior to the implant procedure, to-dimension radiographs namely

orthopantomographs or periapicals are taken. In few cases, CAD or 3D CAM or CT scan is

done for accuracy. Basic Dental Implants in Fort Lauderdale procedure involves implantation

of artificial teeth like structure via precision having high speed to lessen the pressure. After

some time, for growth of the bone on the surface of the implant, crowns are placed on that.

Detail Dental Implants in Fort Lauderdale procedure is a little complicated. The dentist drills

a hole in the edentulous jaw. Drilling itself involves numerous steps. Wider drilling is done

to expand the hole depending on the length and width of the implant. Although, a good

amount of care must be taken to avoid causing damages to bone cells by overheating.

Saline spray or cooling water is used to keep the body temperature constant or below 47

degrees. Overheating might lead to death of the bone and eventually dental implant failure.

Surgical Incisions: In this process, the dentist makes an incision over the crest where the

implant is placed. This incision is known as flap. Few dental implants allow flapless

procedure where in punching of mucosa is done from the implant. This method takes less

time to heal. There is less bleeding and faster healing.

Healing Time: Recovering of the implant before its restoration differs widely based on the

dentist. Usually, it takes about 3-6 months to recover after a dental implant. There are

precautions to undertake before and after the operation.

Surgical Timing: Different procedures are used to place the implant after tooth extraction.

These are immediate; immediate which means about 2-3 weeks after tooth extraction and

late post-extraction which means 3-4 months after tooth extraction. The time taken to

complete Dental Implants in Fort Lauderdale differs depending on the time implant is made.

You must remember that dental implants are rigid unlike the natural teeth as they are

individually attached to single periodontal ligament.General dental practitioners,

Endodontists, periodontists and oral surgeons who are trained and have necessary

certification can perform this service.

Page 2: Sedation Dentistry Fort Lauderdale

Undergoing Dental Implant Surgery To Improve Your Smile

Teeth can get damaged at an early age if proper care isn’t taken or with age automatically.

However, if in case you happen to lose teeth in an accident or because of any oral disease,

you must consider the option of replacing it. Today, the most common replacement or tooth

restoration operation is Dental Implants in Miami. These offer more support as well as look

more natural. Consult an experienced dentist can help you understand detailed procedure

about the dental implants, its cost and advantages.

Dental Implants in Miami aren’t the right choice for all. The patient should have proper oral

health or have sufficient healthy bone for supporting dental implants. The dentists examines

the patient’s teeth, takes necessary X-rays for teeth molds after initial consultation. Dental

implants require a few surgical incisions and thus, the patient must provide with details

about the list of medications he/she takes as well as give an honest assessment about their medical condition.

The dentist gives local anesthesia initially. Then, he makes a small cut in the gum in the jaw

to reach the jawbone. Then, a drilling is done in the bone prior to the implant placement.

Few X-rays are taken for accuracy. Over a period of time, the bone slowly heals around the

placed implant. After the bone joins with the implant, another small hole is made in the

bone. The screw that was installed previously is replaced with a small abutment. This takes a few weeks to heal. Then, a crown or a bridge is installed in the final stage of the surgery.

Issues That You Might Face

Dental Implants in Miami will come with some complications and many of these are simply

remediable. For example, the bone may not attach to the implant or probably the patient

gets an infection. Sometimes the problem arises if the dentist touches the nerve that goes

through the jaw bone during the surgery. That can leave a long lasting effect on your teeth.

Thus, ensure that you visit a competent dentist and not just any doctor that claims to do dental work.

Advantages of Dental Implant

Dental Implants in Miami last for many years and are a perfect solution for missing teeth.

Dental implants being placed in the roots, they are more permanent replacement for

missing tooth. One of the major benefits of dental implant is comfort. An implant will look

exactly like the natural teeth since there are no extra wires or adhesives; these are placed

directly in the jawbone. Besides, the patients will also experience speech improvement with

these artificial teeth. When there is a gap in between teeth, patients may tend to slur words

or mumble. Dental implants fill that gap and allow easy communication and clear speaking.

People undergoing Dental Implants in Miami also gain self-confidence. Missing teeth

certainly weakens a person’s confidence, makes him/her feel embarrassed and they become self conscious. With dental implant, they can smile back gracefully.

Page 3: Sedation Dentistry Fort Lauderdale

Why Consult A Periodontist For Severe Gum Diseases?

When you are diagnosed with gum diseases, consult a Periodontist in Fort Lauderdale to

treat that issue and avoid its reoccurring. There are numerous risk factors that raise a

person’s chance of getting periodontitis or gingivitis, which needs to be addressed

immediately. If not treated on time, it causes severe oral pain and even leads to teeth loss.


Gingivitis is the first stage of any gum disease. Everybody has bacteria in their mouths.

Flossing and brushing teeth regularly is very important to remove the accumulated build-up

on teeth that is left by bacteria. In case of gum diseases, plaque forms on the teeth initially

and then it gets hardened and becomes tarter. Tarter is very stubborn and innumerable

times of rinsing, flossing or brushing can eliminate it. For its cleaning, the patient will have to consult a Periodontist in Fort Lauderdale.


If delayed in treating gingivitis, the disease gets complex and finally turns into periodontitis.

The surrounding area of the teeth is inflamed and the gums get distant from teeth. It

almost creates a gap between the teeth and the gums. This gap is often visible and gets

infected easily. It is known as pocket by the periodontist. The body tries are fights the

infection until it gets totally cured. However, this disease attacks tissue and bone that hold the teeth together. This weakens the teeth and many a times, they require to be pulled out.


Usually, people experience gum diseases in late 40’s. However, lack of teeth care can lead

to gum diseases in early age too. The most common symptom of gum disease is bad

breath. It will be so severe that in spite of numerous attempts of brushing, rinsing and

flossing, the bad breath will linger. The gums tend to get red and swollen. Sometimes, they

may bleed when touched. In the final stages, the teeth may get weakened and the patient

will find it difficult to bite or chew food. If it is ignored, the teeth just fall off. It can be a confidence killer so seek help at the right time.


A Periodontist in Fort Lauderdale can help the patient treat the gum disease and take

measures to ensure that it does not happen again. The initial step involves treating the

infection. Once the infection is treated, the periodontist cleans all the teeth and gives ways

for oral hygiene. In severe cases, deep teeth cleaning are involved. The Periodontist in Fort

Lauderdale scrapes the tarter stuck on the teeth and gum line. This keeps the gap between the teeth and gums away from cultivating bacteria.

In case you feel any of the above symptoms, it is very essential to schedule an appointment

with your dentist and get it treated soon. Gum diseases are problems within themselves and

are also a sign that the person may suffer from oral problems in future.

Page 4: Sedation Dentistry Fort Lauderdale

What Are The Symptoms And Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Impacted wisdom also known as impacted third molars are those wisdom teeth which due to

the blockage from other teeth are not able to erupt fully. Wisdom teeth need an open

connection to the mouth in order to avoid any kind of pain, discomfort or damage to the

adjacent teeth.

Wisdom Teeth in Hollywood FL are the last teeth to come into the mouth, generally during

late adolescence. They are the third molars at the back of the mouth, both on the top and

the bottom. The problem occurs only when these teeth do not find enough space to grow

naturally thus making them impacted.

The difference between the size of the teeth and that of the jaw cause the wisdom teeth to

become impacted.The presence of wisdom teeth is checked by means of clinical examination

or x-rays. Antibiotics or soft tissue surgery could be temporary solutions to the infection

caused by the impacted wisdom teeth. Permanent solution being removal.

However extraction of impacted Wisdom Teeth in Hollywood FL is not as easy as extraction

of normal teeth. It is in every more challenging. Hence not all general dentists tend to

possess the required skills to extract an impacted tooth. Most of them may have to resort to

the expert services of an oral surgeon.

Impacted wisdom teeth extraction may cause acute pain in the mouth of the patient. As a

shield to this pain, patients generally opt for sedation or general anesthesia while getting

the tooth removed.Not all wisdom teeth become impacted. In the same way not all

impacted wisdom teeth cause pain,damage or the unpleasant symptoms. Therefore

recognition of the presence of these teeth becomes important. For this very reason,

practitioners without the facility, equipment and expertise required to provide sedation or

anesthesia cannot carry out the extraction process.

Some of the common symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth are pain in the mouth,bad

breath, swelling around the mouth, infection in the mouth causing pain that may range from

mild to very severe.Swollen or bleeding gums are also one of the symptoms of impacted

Wisdom Teeth in Hollywood FL. This could be a result of internal infection leading to

tightening of gums. This may cause discomfort in brushing and flossing. As a result of it,

maintaining good dental hygiene becomes a difficult task.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth in Hollywood FL may also lead to headaches and jaw aches due to

the pressure on nearby teeth. Swollen lymph nodes on the neck are also common.Bad

breath and unpleasant taste in the mouth due to decay and bacteria caused by impacted

wisdom teeth are also counted as common symptoms.If you happen to across any of the

above symptoms, you are advised to see a dental professional immediately in order to avoid

the problem from becoming severe.
