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tyntec Research: Brazilian and Russian Social Media Users Are

Concerned About Identity Theft – UK and US Counterparts

Worry Most About Lack of Information Control

This July 2013 representative survey was conducted by YouGov and sponsored

by tyntec, polled more than 4,000 participants aged 18-55+ in the US, UK,

Brazil and Russia

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Table of Contents


Global Security Findings

Top Social Media Security Concerns

Key takeaways

About tyntec

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In its second annual recent “Mobile Messaging and Social Networking Survey,” new international research from tyntec and YouGov reveals in this representative survey that despite security concerns, the majority of consumers in the US and UK are reluctant to share their mobile number with Internet companies.

tyntec and YouGov surveyed over 4,000 participants aged 18-55+ in established mobile phone markets: the US and UK, and countries of imminent mobile market growth: Brazil and Russia.

When it comes to concerns with social media, consumers in emerging markets are most troubled about identity theft, whereas consumers in developed markets are most concerned with the lack of control over what information is shared.

Russian users display the most vulnerability to social media hacks with 35% of respondents claiming that their own online account had been hacked at some point – that number was nearly triple that of the other nations surveyed: Brazil (12%), UK (7%), and US (12%).

Internet companies should commit to educate end-users about the security of their individual social accounts and the importance of sharing their mobile number in order to launch SMS-based two-factor authentication.


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International Security Findings

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Russia & Brazil Are Most Willing to Share Numbers for Security

Given the option:46% of respondents from Brazil and 42% from Russia, respectively were willing to share their mobile number for increased security of their accounts with online application providers.

Only 12% of UK respondents and 11% of US respondent said they would share their numbers.

In all countries surveyed, women display the most risk-adverse behavior when it comes to sharing their mobile numbers.


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Russians Are More Susceptible to Hacks

In Russia, 35% of respondents claimed their social media account has been hacked — significantly greater than any other country.

12% of Brazilians, 7% of UK and 12% of US said their accounts have been hacked.

39% of UK and 35% of US respondents stated they knew of someone else whose profile had been hacked.


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Two-Factor Authentication

All countries were unfamiliar with the terms 2-factor authentication or 2-step

authentication:78% in Brazil, 79% in Russia, 77% in the UK and 72% in the US











Brazil Russia UK USA



Do you know what 2-factor authentication or 2-step authentication is?

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Top Social Media Security


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Identity Theft: Biggest Security Concern

Brazil and Russia respondents claimed identity theft tops the list of greatest social media concerns, with 44% and 28% respectively.

UK and US respondents identified the lack of control over sharing as most concerning, at 36% and 38%, respectively. 23% of Brazilian respondents and 18% of Russian respondents identified this concern.


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Key Takeaways

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Key Takeaways

In an effort to combat security threats, many Internet companies like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Twitter are turning to SMS-based two-factor authentication (2FA) to augment their existing systems due to its user-friendliness, cost efficiency and effectiveness.

Internet players need to educate end-users on security and make clear the necessity of to sharing mobile numbers in order to deploy 2FA and gain more security on their individual accounts.

Mobile numbers are considered highly sensitive information as it is a "personal identifier" – Internet players are urged to respect this particular point to mitigate the churn risk resulting from "online only" security issues.

If 2FA should be successfully implemented, internet players are obliged to ensure that mobile numbers are treated appropriately.


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About tyntec

tyntec is a mobile interaction specialist, enabling mobile service providers, enterprises and Internet companies to integrate mobile telecom services – voice, SMS and phone numbers - in a reliable, global and easy-to-integrate manner.

We leverage our expertise in telecom services for American companies looking to provide telecom services in multiple countries, especially U.S. and Europe.

tyntec is an 11-year established, experienced player – operating since 2002.

500+ corporate customers in Europe, Asia, US, India, Australia, Africa and Middle East, specializing in Web 2.0, OTT (Over The Top) and Internet companies, mobile operators, including Astrium/EADS, Neustar, GameDuell, Get.IT and Elephant Talk.

More than 150 employees; Offices in UK, Germany, Singapore, and San Francisco with an R&D team composed of experts in SS7, IP, TDM, SIGTRAN and others.

Investors: HarbourVest, an independent global investment firm and an SEC-registered investment advisor, and Iris Capital, leading pan-European growth fund specializing in technology, media and telecommunications.

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PR contacts: [email protected] (US) [email protected] (UK)

