  • 1. The economy Primary Sector = Raw materials Fishing, Mining, Forestry, Arable Farming Livestock Farming Secondary Sector = Manufactured Products Factories, Artisans Workers, Leather Workers Tertiary Sector = Service Sector Dentist, Policeman, Lawyer, Lorry Driver
  • 2. Primary Sector Fishing Coastal Deep-sea fising Arable farming Dryland or Irrigated Livestock Farming Intensive or Extensive Forestry Mining Quarries Undergroung Mines
  • 3. Fishing Coastal They cath small fish They return to their hauses in one day Deep Sea fishing They have refrigerators They cath big fish They return to their hause in two or more weeks
  • 4. Livestock Farming Food Crops Irrigated Non- food crops Dryland
  • 5. Livestock Farming Extensive Intensive Avian PorcineOvine Caprine Bovine
  • 6. Is the explotation of forest to extract plant productslike cork cellulose and resin
  • 7. Mining Quarries Undergroung Mines
  • 8. They produce manufactured products using raw materials Renewables sources They are unlimited Wind Sunlight Water Non-renewable sources Oil, Coal, Natural gas, Nuclear energy and Petroleum are non- rewable sources. They are limited
  • 9. Itermediate goods Others Factories Tertiary Sector Consumer goods Tertiary Sector