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Significant Events

• -1842 commonwealth v Hunt gave the right to negotiate labor contracts with employers.

• -Northwest Ordinance 1787, procedure for turning old Northwest territories into States

• -Slave revolts in 1820's and 1830's had a lasting impact

• -1860 around 250,000 African Americans weren't slaves.

• -1800s immigration was increasing.

• -1848 a million germans seek refuge in America because of hardships.

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Important people

• -John Deere invented the steel plow.

• -McCormick invented mechanical reaper.

• -Eli Whitney invented cotton gin.

• -Nat Turner led slave revolt in 1831.

• -Denmark Vesey led slave revolt in 1822.

• -"poor white trash","hillbillies" supported slavery.

• -Aristocracy, had to own 100 slaves and 1,000 acres of land.

• farmers had around 20 slaves per several hundred acres of land.

• Native Americans were original settlers of the West.

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• -North Vs. South on slavery

• -Nativists reacted strongly against foreigners

• opposition to immigrants led to sporadic rioting in big cities and organization of a secret and foreign society, The Supreme order of the Star Spangled Banner.

• -Slaves were the reason most farmers were able to produce what they did at cheap costs.

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Religious Issues

• -Methodist and Baptist churches gained in membership in the South while splitting in the 1840's with their northern brethren. unitarians who fought slavery saw huge decline in memberships.

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Agricultural/industrial changes

• -the steel plow and mechanical reaper made farming more efficient and reduced the amount of effort needed.

• -industrial development increased, which meant people turned to factories and stopped farming.

• -cotton became more affordable once textile mills and cotton gin became available.

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• -African American families could be separated at anytime and this was justified by historical and religious arguments.

• In the south the “white trash” supported slavery because they wanted to be superior to someone and believed that they would one day would own slaves