Page 1: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

Section 2 Objectives Students will learn . . .

1. why the 1st Eng. colonies were established.

2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive.

3. how VA grew and changed during the 1600s.

Key Terms and People the following terms and people:

joint-stock company, John Smith, Powhatan,

Pocahontas, John Rolfe, headright, House of Burgesses,

indentured servant, Bacon’s Rebellion

Page 2: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

The Lost Colony of Roanoke

What happened to the colonists of Roanoke Island?

Sir Walter Raleigh was an adventurer, a poet, and a favorite of Queen Elizabeth at court. With her permission, he sent several expeditions to the Atlantic coast of North America. He named the entire region Virginia—after Elizabeth, known as the “virgin queen.”

Early attempts at settlement failed, but in 1587 Raleigh sent out a new expedition of soldiers and more than 100 settlers, mostly families. The group’s governor, John White, wanted to create a self-sufficient colony. They settled on Roanoke Island, a three-mile-wide strip of land off present-day North Carolina, and became friendly with Manteo, leader of the local Croatoan Indians. Soon after the colonists landed on Roanoke, White’s granddaughter Virginia Dare was born. She was the first English child born in North America.

The English settlers had landed too late in the season to plant crops, so White headed back to England for supplies. What happened next is one of the great mysteries in American history.

Page 3: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

England was at war with Spain, so White had to wait three long years before obtaining a ship to return to Roanoke. In August 1590 he and his men approached Roanoke Island. They saw a light in the darkness and rowed toward it, blowing a trumpet and singing English songs to let the settlers know they were friends. There was no answer.

In the morning they landed and found the village in ruins, overgrown with trees and shrubs. The only clue White found was the word Croatoan carved on a post. The settlers had buried chests full of pictures, books, maps, and other goods. These chests now lay strewn about, destroyed.

White hoped to find the settlers, including his family, on nearby Croatoan Island, but bad weather forced him away. No trace of the lost colony was ever found.

People have tried to solve the mystery of Roanoke Island ever since. Perhaps the settlers sought refuge with local Indians, or were killed by Indians. Maybe they were wiped out by a violent storm or severe drought. But so far, no one knows the true fate of the lost colony of Roanoke.

Page 4: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive
Page 5: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive


a. Explain Virginia’s development; include the Virginia Company, tobacco cultivation, relationships with Native Americans (such as Powhatan), development of the House of Burgesses, Bacon’s Rebellion, and the development of slavery.

Page 6: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

Explain Virginia’s Development


The first attempt by the England to settle North America (1585).

Walter Raleigh was in charge of this expedition


Charter rights were given to the London Company

Page 7: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

Joint-Stock Company-

A company formed which gathers money from investors for exploration,

settlement, and profit.

Responsible for governing and maintaining colonies

In return got most of the colonies profit.

. Plymouth Co. and the London Co. (joint stock companies)

responsible for colony and took home the profit from


Explain Virginia’s Development Cont.

Page 8: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

The Virginia Company(the old London Company)

Jamestown Established-


1st permanent Eng. colony in N. America.

Jamestown Survives-

Disease, manual labor, Natives, and swampland made

the first two years difficult.

Page 9: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

The Virginia CompanyJohn Smith-

Saves Jamestown

“those who do not work, do not eat”

Rigid discipline, strengthened defenses, encouraged farming

Due to bad government near chaos, Smith was eventually elected president of the local

council in September 1608.

He helped trade for food with Indians, build houses, and explore the area.

organized raids to steal food from the Indians.

He said that he was captured by some Powhatans and was about to be killed but was saved

by Pocahontas

Smith was accidentally burned with gun powder and had to return to England

Page 10: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

Tobacco Cultivation and Jamestown

John Rolfe-

Brings tobacco seeds from W. Indies

Becomes Jamestown main cash crop (crop grown for profit)

new wave of immigration into the colony


Married John Rolfe.

helped Jamestown colonists plant tobacco and served

as a translator

Page 11: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

Pocahontas Powhatan

Page 12: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

Virginia’s Relationship with Native AmericansChief Powhatan-

Leader of the Native American tribes in VA

Father of Pocahontas

1st who fought the settlers then traded with Jamestown (short


Why do you think Powhatan had a change of heart?

Conflict in Virginia

Fighting b/w VA and Native Americans continued throughout the


Page 13: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

Virginia continued to grow

headright system- 50 acre grants of land

- each family received one headright for each family

member and servant they had

Anyone who paid for another person's passage got an additional headright

1619 - VA. Co. brought 1st women (100) and artisans to help VA grow 1st slaves brought

Page 14: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

Development of the House of Burgesses

representative government-A government in which the

people elect their own officials.

Inalienable (Natural) rights of citizens- people have

rights that no government can take away.

“salutary neglect”- The British government’s policy of

letting the colonies govern themselves.

Page 15: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

House of Burgesses Cont.

House of Burgesses-1619

1st elected assembly (governor and appointed


Only white male land owners could be a member

Had the Power to raise taxes and make laws

America’s 1st legislature

Page 16: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

Bacon’s Rebellion

Indentured Servant-

Immigrant from Europe who agreed to work in exchange for passage

to North America.

Made up a large part of the VA population

Following Bacon’s Rebellion, the number of indentured servants

decreased dramatically.

Page 17: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

Bacon’s Rebellion

Nathaniel Bacon-

Aristocratic leader of the 1676 rebellion in Virginia.

Bacon’s Rebellion-

Armed conflict over land disputes between settlers

and Native Americans bringing fighting from western

Virginia to Jamestown.

The result was a large reduction of indentured


Page 18: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

The Development of Slavery

slave system-

System in which Africans were brought to

the Americas to perform laborious work

(primarily agriculture in the South).

Following Bacon’s Rebellion (1676), the

number of slaves arriving to the colonies

increased dramatically.

Page 19: Section 2Section 2  Objectives Students will learn...  1. why the 1 st Eng. colonies were established.  2. what helped the Jamestown colony survive

The Development of Slavery

plantation system-

Large self-sufficient farms used grow one or

more cash crops for profit.

Found primarily in the Southern Colonies.
