


City Year’s highest value is “service to a cause greater than self.” One of the most important ways we publicly share our commitment to this value is through the City Year AmeriCorps member uniform.

While the City Year AmeriCorps member uniform has evolved over the years—most

recently with City Year’s 30th anniversary Student Success Coach uniform, launched in

2018—it has always represented idealistic teams of diverse young Americans who have

dedicated a year of their life to serve where they are most needed.

The City Year uniform represents a big idea—that from year to year, school to school, city

to city and generation to generation, there is an unbroken chain of idealism expressed

by the young people of City Year through service to students, schools, communities

and country.

In your red and yellow jackets, you are the stewards of this big idea, and highly visible

representatives of our mission, work and organizational values. Your uniform serves as a

public display of your personal commitment to service—and the collective commitment

of the entire City Year corps—and brings about the commitment of others.

When one commits to a cause “greater than self,” there are some elements of personal

sacrifice and individual expression that one accepts—and ideally embraces—for the

greater good. The City Year uniform is no exception. The standards associated with how

the uniform is worn are in place to foster a spirit of unity and common purpose, build

trust with the students we serve, promote young people as professional service providers

in education and promote your safety and comfort. The standards are also an important

part of expressing our commitment to the students we serve, who deserve our fullest

commitment to their success.





The iconic City Year jacket is the signature piece of the City Year uniform and a fundamental symbol of our service and values. Thirty thousand young people have

worn the City Year jacket. For the students and schools we serve, it signifies hope and

inspiration, caring and support.

You will receive your City Year jacket at a special Dedication Ceremony during Basic

Training Academy, when you will have an opportunity to dedicate your jacket to someone

or something important to you. There is a special pouch inside of the jacket where you

can place your dedication, keeping it close to your heart during service.

City Year AmeriCorps members in our California sites—Los Angeles, Sacramento,

and San José/Silicon Valley—wear yellow City Year jackets due to pre-existing gang

associations with the color red in these communities, while AmeriCorps members from

other sites wear red.

We hope that you will wear the City Year jacket every day and with great pride. While it is

not required that you wear it at all times, there are times when it will be required.


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Your Student Success

Coach UniformThe centerpiece of your

uniform complement is

the City Year AmeriCorps

Student Success Coach

uniform, which you wear

while serving in schools.

This uniform identifies

you in school as a trusted

partner and a full-time

tutor, mentor and role

model to the students

we serve.

Your Training UniformThe City Year AmeriCorps

member training uniform

is a simple and comfortable

uniform designed to

promote unity of purpose

during training sessions

that you will receive

throughout your year of

service. Please note: there

may be some occasions

when you will be asked

to train in your Student

Success Coach uniform.

Your Physical Service

UniformYou will be engaged

periodically in physical

service projects that

transform public spaces

used by our students,

schools and communities,

including painting school

and community meeting

rooms, refurbishing

school libraries and

renovating playgrounds.


The City Year AmeriCorps member uniform program has three distinct uniforms, each

for a different aspect of your service and training experience.


Is your uniform clean? Your name tag straight, in the right place and easy to read?

How we wear the uniform speaks the loudest about how we feel about our work,

our values, ourselves and commitments.

ELEMENTS COMMON TO ALL THREE UNIFORMSThere are a number of uniform pieces that are meant to be worn or used with all three

uniforms, including your City Year jacket, City Year AmeriCorps name tag, City Year

layers (including cardigan, vest and full zip), shoes, belt, all-weather shell, backpack and

winter accessories.




City Year Jacket

Socks: Express yourself! Please keep any graphics appropriate for schools and in line with

AmeriCorps and City Year policies.

City Year Layers: The black cardigan (button down or full zip up), red or yellow vest, red

or yellow full zip or (for returning AmeriCorps members) black full zip.

City Year All-Weather Shell

City Year Beanie and Other Winter Accessories: May be worn outside only. Winter

accessories should be plain black; neutral colors and minimal patterns also allowed.

Stick to what's listed above. No additional items.


City Year Polo or Oxford: Tucked is the

preference, but if you go untucked, it must

look neat and should not show out of the

bottom of the City Year jacket when worn.

Black Pants or Black Skirt:

Pants: Pants should ideally fall straight,

just above the sole of the shoe. No jeans,

leggings, yoga pants or sweatpants.

Skirt: Knee length or longer. Black or

neutral tights or leggings may be worn

with skirts.

City Year AmeriCorps Name Tag: Clean,

visible and straight. Positioned on the

opposite side of the City Year logo.

Belt: Plain, black, with a simple buckle.

Must be worn if pants or skirt has visible

belt loops.

Shoes: Professional and safe. Black, closed

toe. Your shoes should not limit your

service with students. We prefer all black

footwear, but if there are accents, please

have them be neutral colors. No brightly

colored options.

City Year Backpack


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City Year Jacket

Socks: Express yourself! Please keep any graphics appropriate for schools and in line with

AmeriCorps and City Year policies.

City Year Layers: The black cardigan (button down or full zip up), red or yellow vest, red

or yellow full zip or (for returning AmeriCorps members) black full zip.

City Year All-Weather Shell

City Year Beanie and Other Winter Accessories: May be worn outside only. Winter

accessories should be plain black; neutral colors and minimal patterns also allowed.

Stick to what's listed above. No additional items.

REQUIRED TO BE WORN DURING TRAININGSImportant note: There may be some occasions when you will

be asked to train in your Student Success Coach uniform.

City Year T-Shirt: Founding Story Shirt

or City Year Skyline Shirt. Tucked is the

preference, but if you go untucked, it must

look neat. It should not show out of the

bottom of the City Year jacket.

Black Pants or Black Skirt:

Pants: Pants should ideally fall straight,

just above the sole of the shoe. No jeans,

leggings, yoga pants or sweatpants.

Skirt: Knee length or longer. Black or

neutral tights or leggings may be worn

with skirts.

City Year AmeriCorps Name Tag: Clean,

visible and straight. Positioned on the

opposite side of the City Year logo.

Belt: Plain, black, with a simple buckle.

Must be worn if pants or skirt has visible

belt loops.

Shoes: Professional and safe. Black, closed

toe. Your shoes should not limit your

service with students. We prefer all black

footwear, but if there are accents, please

have them be neutral colors. No brightly

colored options.

City Year Backpack





City Year Jacket

City Year Layers: The black cardigan (button down or full zip up), red or yellow vest, red

or yellow full zip or (for returning AmeriCorps members) black full zip.

City Year All-Weather Shell

City Year Beanie and Other Winter Accessories: May be worn outside only. Winter

accessories should be plain black; neutral colors and minimal patterns also allowed.

Stick to what's listed above. No additional items.

Please note: These additional uniform parts are also worn as part of your Student Success

Coach and training uniforms. Please do your best to ensure that these items remain clean and stain-free during your physical service.


City Year T-Shirt: Founding Story Shirt

or City Year Skyline Shirt. Tucked is the

preference, but if you go untucked, it must

look neat. It should not show out of the

bottom of the City Year jacket when worn.

City Year AmeriCorps Name Tag: Clean,

visible and straight. Positioned on the

opposite side of the City Year logo.

Khaki Pants

Belt: Plain, black, with a simple buckle.

Socks: Express yourself! Please keep any

graphics appropriate for schools and in line

with AmeriCorps and City Year policies.

Shoes: If you are participating in service

that could result in stains, please do not

wear your in-school shoes. Comfortable

sneakers or shoes you are willing to get

dirty may be worn.

City Year Backpack




The City Year AmeriCorps Member uniform is a public symbol of your commitment to

the students and communities we serve, and an inspiration to all. City Year appearance

standards are intended to foster a spirit of unity, support the professionalism of the corps

and ensure your safety. As in any workplace, you are expected to present a professional

appearance while in uniform, making sure all uniform parts are clean, wrinkle-free and

in good condition.

City Year welcomes and respects the practice of wearing articles of clothing or

accessories that express one's religious faith. Any variation to the uniform necessary for

medical reasons should be discussed with your impact manager or impact director.

HAIRIt should be neat and clean.

JEWELRY AND ACCESSORIESIn order to present a uniform look and increase safety, the following is our approach to

jewelry and accessories while in uniform:

• Necklaces should be worn under your shirt.

• Small studs or small hoop earrings are preferred. Ear disks should be solid.

• One simple nose stud is permitted. Jewelry for all other facial, lip, mouth, tongue and

septum piercings must be removed while in uniform. Clear spacers or retainers can

be used.

CITY YEAR BACKPACK Your City Year backpack is an important part of your uniform—a tool you will need with

you every day. Feel free to use tags or ribbons to identify your bag. Buttons or pins that

advocate a political, religious or personal issue are not allowed. However, buttons or pins

that are issued by City Year or your school or are directly connected to City Year's or your

school's culture are welcome and encouraged.



The “Dos”Each City Year AmeriCorps member is expected to demonstrate the following qualities

throughout their City Year experience:

• Build authentic, empathetic relationships with your teammates, students and school and site staff

• Embrace a growth mindset for your students and yourself—commit to continuous learning and self-improvement

• Be flexible and resilient—persevere through challenges

• Suspend judgment—serve with an open heart and open mind

• Connect and communicate in a meaningful and consistent manner

• Demonstrate strong personal organization skills

• Participate fully in all aspects of the City Year experience; plan and prepare for your work

• Make the time to reflect and to think critically about the challenges facing your students and schools

• Take responsibility and hold yourself accountable to high standards

• Be on time and dependable—practice effective time management and punctuality

• Have a positive, constructive “can do” attitude—including professional body language

• Show respect and courtesy for all


RULES AND EXPECTATIONS FOR ALL CITY YEAR AMERICORPS MEMBERSAs members the City Year community, as members of our school communities, as

role models to students and as ambassadors of City Year, you are required to conduct

yourselves professionally and demonstrate City Year values and Power Courtesy (see page

19) at all times.

Please note that the above list does not represent the AmeriCorps Prohibited Activities policy in full. For a comprehensive list of

prohibited activities, please refer to page 158 in this handbook, along with City Year’s Nonpartisanship and Political Participation

policies found on page 182.

Headphones: The use of headphones is not allowed on your school campus (except

in your City Year specific planning space), during training sessions, team meetings or

collaboration times. If your site serves as transit ambassadors you may be asked to refrain

from wearing headphones during your commute. For your safety and as a courtesy to

others, we ask that when you do wear headphones the sound does not disturb those

around you and you remain alert and available to be of service to others.

Jaywalking: For your safety, and so as not to impede traffic while traveling in groups,

please no jaywalking.

Gum: Please no gum chewing while serving in our schools or while interacting with

others when serving as an ambassador of City Year.

The “Don’ts”While in uniform or on City Year time, City Year AmeriCorps members must represent

our organization professionally in public settings and adhere to AmeriCorps guidelines.

While in uniform, you may not:

• Purchase, chew, smoke or vape tobacco

• Purchase, possess or deal weapons

• Undertake political activity

• Swear or use offensive, rude or crude language, gestures or actions

• Purchase, possess or consume alcohol, marijuana (even if legal) or any illegal substance

• Engage in public displays of affection of a sexual nature



WHAT YOU WIILL RECEIVE AND WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO BUYMost elements of the City Year AmeriCorps member uniform program will be provided to

you free of charge. Some elements you will need to purchase yourselves.

City Year will provide every AmeriCorps member with the following items, free of charge:

• 1 Red or yellow City Year jacket

• 1 Red or yellow all-weather shell

• 2 Gray oxford shirts

• 4 Gray polo shirts

• 1 Red or yellow full zip (black for returning AmeriCorps members)

• 1 Red or yellow vest

• 1 Black cardigan (choice of button up or zippered)

• 4 City Year founding stories t-shirts

• 1 City skyline t-shirt

• 1 Pair of khaki pants

• 1 City Year backpack

• 1 City Year AmeriCorps name tag

• 1 Black winter hat

Please note, if you alter, lose or damage a required uniform part you may be issued a new

part at your expense. Please take care of your uniform.

HOW TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL UNIFORM PARTS:The number of uniform pieces provided by City Year is intended allow for a full week of

service without laundry, meaning that you are able to save laundry for weekends.

If you would like to replace or purchase more uniform parts, they can be purchased

through the Aramark uniform portal, which can be accessed via cyconnect. Please note,

non-California sites may not wear yellow pieces. Uniform parts should only be purchased

for yourself—they may not be gifted to family and friends.


City Year AmeriCorps members will need to purchase the following items:

• Black pants and/or black skirts

» Pants: Pants should ideally fall straight, just above the sole of the shoe. No jeans,

leggings, yoga pants or sweatpants.

» Skirts: Knee length or longer.

• Black belt: A plain black belt with a simple buckle.

• Black closed toe shoes: We prefer all back footwear, but if there are accents, please

have them be neutral colors. No brightly colored options.

• Socks: Express yourself! Please keep any graphics appropriate for schools and in line

with AmeriCorps and City Year policies.

• Tights or leggings: Black or neutral tights or leggings may be worn with skirts.

• Winter accessories: Preferably plain black; neutral colors and minimal patterns

also allowed.
