  • 8/2/2019 Secret Chapter - Occupy the Church



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  • 8/2/2019 Secret Chapter - Occupy the Church


    Foundations For Occupying The Church

    Frustrated and fed up with the economic climate (crisis), a group of concerned

    individuals gathered at a park in Manhattans financial district. This groups focusand purpose centered on fighting the corrosive power of major banks and

    multinational corporations over democratic process. Seemingly overnight, a

    grassroots movement that became known as Occupy Wall Street (OWS) spread

    like wildfire throughout the United States and the world igniting an

    inextinguishable flame in a faction of people who had come together under the

    auspice of human liberation and economic dignity. Moved and no doubt amazed

    at their definitive focus and purpose, I was surprised at how the world stopped

    and took notice. Social networking sites were trending while mainstream media

    outlets buzzed about this new cause that had been born; or should I say re-born.

    Shortly after the inception of OWS, I began writing the book Occupy the Church.

    Like OWS, I had a desire to share my views and introduce innovative concepts of

    occupying space, industry and consciousness. However, unlike OWS, for me,

    this was not a movement but rather a mandate (Luke 19:13).

    Prophetically, I envision a people, the church, overcoming their fears and

    reclaiming their collective and collaborative voice. These people would shun the

    lesser mentality that had been bestowed upon them by oppressive hierarchs and

    reject the superficial systems that were put in place to keep them enslaved.

    These people would understand the true meaning of Jeremiah 1:5; Before I

    formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I

    ordained you a prophet to the nations. I envision a people who not only recognize

    their greatness but also know and understand that their contribution matters. Not

    only do their contributions matter, but they are relevant and much needed if we

    are ever going to eradicate the snares and pitfalls that have kept us (the people)

    bound and unproductive citizens in the Kingdom of God.

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    For this cause alone, I write this vision as a prophetic roadmap for the Kingdoms

    re-occupation of the church that will engage every relevant sector and issue in

    society. In order to do this, we must explore some foundational constructs and

    truths that will be necessary for you and I to fully embrace if we are going to be

    able to execute the best practices and repositioning necessary to manifest our

    collective definitive purpose in the earth.

    Love: The Currency of the Kingdom

    Our nations, the world and the church are facing an unprecedented economic

    crisis. This is not a monetary crisis in the way that it is perceived by most but

    rather a character crisis. Love, the authentic currency of the Kingdom and the

    measuring rod of our character, has been replaced by hate that is fueled by self-

    hatred, envy and greed. It is astounding how at this point in history, we have

    become yet again stripped morally to the point of insanity that we can witness

    injustice and not be moved to take a stand or action for fear of economic loss.

    Seemingly our actions and or involvements are measured by potential monetary

    intake and maintenance. This isolating mentality has negatively disrupted all of

    our lives and caused us to drift away from the contribution our definitive purpose

    toward the greater good.

    In this human condition, it is imperative that we begin to understand that we are

    the very money that we seek to obtain and keep at any cost. When I use the

    word money, I am not referring to the traditional perception of money as in dollar

    bills and coins. I am defining money or currency as anything that flows and can

    be exchanged or traded. In this case, the currency is love. So, money is

    synonymous with love. Love is the currency of the Kingdom of God as is service,

    innovation and collaboration. When we serve, innovate, collaborate and most

    importantly love, we exemplify the very essence of the Kingdom of God

    (righteousness, peace and joy). These intangible currencies are the values

    required to experience and inhabit Gods manifested Kingdom here in the earth.

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    With all that had taken place, I found myself at a mental impasse. To ease my

    mind of the horrific events that had taken place, which had left an indelible mark

    upon my memory and no doubt the memory of countless, others, I turned to two

    written sources. Of course, my first source of reference was the Word of God.

    However, my second source of literary comfort came from the writings of

    Napoleon Hills work entitled Outwitting the Devil. Hill, most famously known for

    Think and Grow Rich, along with Sharon Lechter discusses a conversation that

    he (Hill) undertook with enemy. Yes, THE enemywho is also known as Satan,

    Beelzebub, Slew foot and the Governor of Hades to name a few of his aliases.

    To have a conversation with the enemyis a far cry from the teachings of most

    Believers - a thought that would probably be frowned upon by most. Yet, an

    intelligent stroll down the halls of antiquity reveals a multiplicity of conversations

    between the enemywho is revered as the perceived antithesis of God and the

    archenemy of the Creator of the Universe. Let us not forget Eve in the Garden of

    Eden (Genesis 3:1-5) and most notably Christ, himself (Luke 1:1-13).

    Notwithstanding, the conversation, between Hill and the enemy, carries great

    relevance because this enemy is the mental manipulator of Gods greatest

    creation: you and me.

    Like Eve, Christ and Job who also had his struggles with the enemy, we have the

    right to converse with and question this enemyof our minds. This will be our

    opportunity to prove to the enemythat the actions of the past, present and the

    future all lead to one purpose; the manifestation of Gods Kingdom in the earth as

    all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called

    according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). So I implore you to converse with the

    enemy. Learn of his exploits and the tricks of his trade. As well, I encourage you

    not to enter into this conversation blindly. You must know and understand your

    definitive purpose in the earth, as this conversation will prove the enemy of your

    soul to be a liar. It will prove that the physical and mental bondage to his

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    currency of hate and greed can be loosened from us through the gaining of real

    currency - Gods eternal love. Herein exists the realization of your eternal life in


    Kingdom Intelligence: 7 Questions to Outwitting the Enemy

    The following seven questions are designed to initiate a conversation with the

    enemy that will lead to the knowledge of how to defeat him in every area of our

    lives. These are also a means of helping to bring us closer to manifesting the

    Kingdom of God here in the earth. The precedence that is established in

    addressing The Prince of this World(and our world system) is the reality that the

    enemyis already defeated in every area of our lives. Entering into the

    conversation with this truth accompanied by scripture faith and action will aid us

    in thwarting the plans and attacks of the enemy that is to distract us from

    evolving into the men and women God has created us to become.

    The 7 Questions:

    1. What are you?

    2. Which fears serve you most?

    3. How much of mankind is under your control? Why?

    4. How do you control mankind?

    5. How do you gain this control?

    6. What is your most powerful weapon just now?

    7. How do we overcome?

    Here is an example.

    1 - What are you?

    Satans Answer:

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    I consist of negative energy and I live in the minds of people who fear me. I am

    no beast with a forked tongue, pitchfork, and spiked tail. One of my most clever

    devices for mind control is fear; the fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of

    love, old age and death.1

    No, Satan, the Lord rebukes you.

    Zechariah 3:2 reminds us the LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you,

    Satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a

    burning stick snatched from the fire?

    2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and

    of love, and of a sound mind.

    Romans 10:17 So, then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of



    Fear is a mind killer. The acronym often used to describe fear (False Evidence

    Appearing Real) bodes true as we are being bombarded with a culture of political

    extremists who are attacking our nation and president under the auspices of

    freedom and morality touted in an Evangelical conservative context. As of late,

    the Seven Mountains Movement has made its way into the mainstream. This is a

    newly formed global Protestant reformation aiming to be a Christian organization

    grounded in biblical doctrine. As of note, this group projects the total erosion of

    secular society by taking back control of seven key sectors: education,

    government, media, business, arts and entertainment, religion and the family.

    And let us not forget the Tea Party Movement that has gained great momentum

    most notably affiliated with Grand Old Party (GOP) candidates, Ron Paul and

    1 Hill, Napoleon and Sharon Lechter, Outwitting the Devil, (Sterling June 2011)

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    of the worlds most complex questions. We possess the knowledge and the

    wisdom to be financially stable and business astute. God has given us the

    acumen to navigate the terrains that He has ordained we occupy.

    Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? (Isaiah 21:11). In

    this text, the Babylonians subdued the Edomites as well as the Jews. They

    inquired of the prophet as to how long their subjection would last. A befitting

    ending to this chapter as I have come to share with you that the subjection to

    oppression, depression or whatever the issue is that has been stifling your

    progression and keeping you from walking into the fullness of who God has

    ordained you to be has now ended. If we will fully embrace the power of Gods

    currency of love and submit ourselves to service, innovation and collaboration,

    we will gain insight on how to navigate throughout culture and emerge

    triumphant. Through strategic undertakings and the wise counsel of learned

    individuals, the church (the people) will begin to abound and rise as an edifice of

    wealth, power, integrity and knowledge. Like Eve, we too, will encounter our

    share of serpents, men/women/organizations, whose purpose is to distract and

    cause us to detour from our definitive and focused paths. But know that in this

    day God has raised up some Watchmen. Watchmen that have sat perched on

    the walls gaining expertise in specific areas of society; Watchmen who are ready

    and willing to share their wisdom that will thrust us closer to the will of God for all

    of our lives which is the manifested Kingdom of God in the Earth. With this, it is

    with great hope that I have peaked your interest and desire to continue on this

    journey as we prepare to Occupy The Church!

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