Page 1: Secondary research into my target audience

Secondary research into my target audience

For my film opening I have chosen the film genre of a zombie apocalypse movie for this I need to understand the target audience I will aim my movie at. Within this I will analyse secondary data to understand the demographics of my target audience for example the age, gender and social class of my audience and weather it will be a niche or mass audience. When I understand what my target audience is I will ask in-depth about my target audiences Psychographics and what they dislike and like about my chosen genre. After doing with I will be able to mould and edit my film opening so that it both interests my target audience and is successful at reaching the conventions that makes up an effective zombie apocalypse movie opening.

UK Film Council

I have looked and analysed secondary information from the UK film council’s information within this I am able to establish my target audience so I am able to effective attract my audience. However when analysing the secondary data from the UK film council my genre was not mentioned within their research however I used a mixture of different genres that I believe combine to make up the same genre as mine due to the same conventions and themes as the genre of ‘zombie’ these include horror, thriller/suspense and disaster this mixture of genres means there may be a mixture of target audiences however I think this will make the target audience mass and mainstream so that everyone will enjoy our movie.

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Within this we can see that the three genres’ I have picked vary from being popular to fairly unpopular thriller/suspense at 4th most popular has a large target audience of 53% of the 1,978 people surveyed enjoy this genre of movie this means it is a popular film choice and a good genre to use within my film opening. The other genre choice is horror this is also fairly popular with 32% of people enjoying the genre this again means there is a mass audience what would be interested in watching my movie opening and finally the last genre I have chosen is disaster what only 28% of people enjoyed this mean that the market for this type of movie is a lot smaller and may appeal to a smaller target audience however my idea to do a film that incorporates conventions from a mixture of these genres to appeal to the audience.

Again within this clip from the UK film council we can see the demographics of people who enjoy different genres and specifically the ones I believe are a good compromise for my zombie apocalypse movie. For starters thriller/suspense movies seem too enjoyed by everyone but specifically women over the age of 35 of a middle class. However the genre horror is preferred by females younger than 35 who again are middle class other than this we can see the difference in disaster movies where both males and females of middle class enjoy the genre. From this I conclude I will try to target a mass audience of both genders of all ages above 16 of a social class off middle class.

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Within this I can see that my genres again varies from being very popular to fairly unpopular for starters thriller/suspense movies are second favourite movie genre of the sample taken at 26% of the sample love thriller/suspense movies and this is very good for me as I want my movie to be popular and reach a large mass market. Secondly horror films was the favourite genre for 15% of the sample taken this again is good for me as I would like to mix these genres this means I should be able to appeal to reach a large target audience. Finally disaster movies have a smaller percentage of the sample and 5% however I believe with a mixture of the three genre’s will attract a large majority of people due to all together taking 46% of the sample’s favourite genres.

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Again within this we can see the demographics of the target audience’s that prefer different genres. Above my three chosen genres are highlighted what will help me understand who to target my zombie movie at. Thriller/suspense movies over all males over 35 said that this genre was there favourite with 37% saying it was their favourite also their social class was not too specific with both lower and middle class enjoying the film genre. Horror films was favoured by females under the age of 35 however is seems as though everyone enjoys this genre apart from the higher class. Disaster movie was not preferred by a specific gender or class.

Overall from the information I have analysed within the UK film company I believe I can target my zombie movie at a wide range of people and at a mass market I feel that everyone will enjoy the movie genre of my choice. So my film will be aimed at both males and females of all ages and social class. This will reflect in my movie opening as I will try to bring balance to my movie opening so that it can include everyone’s tastes.

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Box office

Within the box office website I could see sales and popular films within my genre of zombie I thought this was quite pleasing to see that my genre was established so I could understand and analyse their records. Within their website I can both see the about a film made as well as how popular the film was through this.

Within the zombie genre we can see that within the last 5 years there has been 5 very popular zombie themed movie that have done incredibly well statistically with World War Z in 2013 making $202,359,711 and hotel Transylvania making $148,131,048 this shows that there is a market for my genre and that it can be successful however there doesn’t seem to be a large amount of movies for my genre this makes me think that there is a gap allowing me to fill this gap and update the market for this genre of movie.

The numbers

When analysing the numbers website for information on my genre I couldn’t not find my genre of zombie movie so again I compromised this by using genres such as horror and thriller from this I was able to understand weather there was a market for my movie and whether or not I would be able to pull of my genre by using a mixture of them.

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From this table we can see the sales of thriller movie within the years over all from this we can see that thriller and suspense movies are popular and always being produced throughout the years however there seems to be a dip.

Box office mojo

When doing my secondary research I looked at the website of the box office mojo and looked at movie’s within my genre and their ratings.

Within this we can see the world war z ratings and that there is a target for my genre type. This movie was released in 2013 and had huge profits of $202,359,711 this shows the movie had a large target audience and sold very well. The movie also stars Brad Pitt who is a highly paid actor this attracted a large audience but also shows there is room for this genre in the big budget movies. This shows my movie can be big like world war z.

Secondly within the box office mojo site I looked at the film zombie land that was released in 2009. On its opening weekend the movie was rated number one and over all made a profit of $75,590,286 this again was a highly budgeted movie and stared many well-known actors such as Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Amber Heard and Bill Murray this shows the movie has a large audience and the genre will appeal to almost everyone due to its rating of being number one.

Overall from my secondary research I have decided that I will aim my zombie movie at a large range of people but specifically people between the ages of 16-35. I can see from my research that there is a gap in the market for my genre and that if done correctly should be successful

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From reviewing the Idmb website we can see the on Most Popular TV Series/Feature Films/TV Movies ratings the walking dead TV series is 4th on the ratings this shows that there is a huge fan base for zombie movies and has a huge market. From this I know that drama and horror incorporated within a zombie movie is very effective and I will use this within my movie.
