
My second analysis of a magazine advert is the back cover spread of the Fall Out Boy advert for their new album ‘Save Rock and Roll’. The genre of this album matches the genre of my own music video and is even mentioned in the title of ‘Rock’. Fall Out Boy were widely known for their unique style, intricate song lyrics and the high tone/ pitch that the main singer can accomplish – allowing them to achieve distinctive music.

In 2010 the band declared a hiatus so that they could participate in side projects they felt they couldn’t move on to whilst their attention was on the band. But on the 4th of February the official announcement of the end of the hiatus came out along with information on their new album, which is what’s being advertised here.

The image shows the band throwing records into a fire in the middle of what seems like a park in winter. This references their first music video released since the hiatus were women could be seen throwing their instrument and old souvenirs into a large fire. The dull white and grey of the background allows the band to stand out in their matching black clothes, which links to the stereotypical expectations of their genre, and matches the title above. The background also helps the fire stand out as it is being used to symbolise the new start they are taking.

The lack of colour helps to attract a more mature audience that may also empathise with the style shown through the genre. This and the fact that the bands name takes up a third of the page means that the old Fall Out Boy fans that listened to their music before they went on a break will definitely spot the advertisement straight away. All together the stylistic visuals of the advert are eye catching to the correct target audience.

The band name and the album release date have the same font and colour, helping to keep consistency and an appearance of professionalism. The purposely added colour of the blue strip that highlights when the ticket go in sale shows the importance of this information as they are breaking away from the black and white theme to make sure people read it. The rest of the information and links can be seen at the bottom with less space and smaller fonts, these things include the links to the Fall Out Boy web page and the official logo and link for the record label.