Page 1: Searching For My Home… Msgr. Klaus Gamber’s Comments on a · Joseph Gelineau, one of the most influential members of the

Searching For My Home… Msgr. Klaus Gamber’s Comments on a Man Who Left the Church in Decades


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The Traditional Latin Mass: Truly Outstanding…But Not Out Of

The Ordinary.

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The Latin Language…

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Versus the Vernacular or Mother Tongue….

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What is the Oldest Type of Work?

• A) Physician

• B) Architect

• C) Liturgist

Answer: C CHAOS!!

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From One Language Of Faith And


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To multiple vulgar tongues…

Latin’s gone, peace is, too; Singin’ and shoutin’ in every pew…

The Membership of the Modern Catholic Church fails to understand just how important linguistic unity is in building up the unity of a vast assembly of men

from many different nations.

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Language of International Flights is Only English. Common Language

Unites Pilots and Air Traffic Control.

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Importance of Learning English for Immigrants Coming Into Our Nation…It

Helps Unify People.

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With Vernacular You Get Many New “Rites”

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• Etymology

• From Latin vernāculus (“domestic, indigenous, of or pertaining to home-born slaves”), from verna (“a native, a home-born slave (one born in his master's house)”).

• The common language used in everyday speech by the ordinary people, the hoi-polloi.

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Pope Paul VI…A New Rite of Mass

New Order of Mass – Novus Ordo Missae

Address of Pope Paul VI to a General Audience, November 26, 1969

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Our Dear Sons and Daughters: We ask you to turn your minds once more to the liturgical innovation of the new rite

of the Mass. This new rite will be introduced into our celebration of the holy Sacrifice starting from Sunday next which is the first of Advent, November 30 [in Italy].

A new rite of the Mass: a change in a venerable tradition that has gone on for centuries. This is something that affects our hereditary religious patrimony, which seemed to enjoy the privilege of being untouchable and settled. It seemed to bring the prayer of our forefathers and our saints to our lips and to give us the comfort of feeling faithful to our spiritual past, which we kept alive to pass it on to the generations ahead.

It is at such a moment as this that we get a better understanding of the value of historical tradition and the communion of the saints. This change will affect the ceremonies of the Mass. We shall become aware, perhaps with some feeling of annoyance, that the ceremonies at the altar are no longer being carried out with the same words and gestures to which we were accustomed–perhaps so much accustomed that we no longer took any notice of them. This change also touches the faithful. It is intended to interest each one of those present, to draw them out of their customary personal devotions or their usual torpor.

We must prepare for this many-sided inconvenience. It is the kind of upset caused by every novelty that breaks in on our habits. We shall notice that pious persons are disturbed most, because they have their own respectable way of hearing Mass, and they will feel shaken out of their usual thoughts and obliged to follow those of others. Even priests may feel some annoyance in this respect.

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Archbishop Annibale Bugnini

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Fr. Annibale Bugnini, who said: “It is not simply a question of restoring a valuable masterpiece, in some cases it will be necessary to provide new structures for entire rites…it will truly be a new creation.”[10] Bugnini’s assistant, Fr. Carlos Braga, also stated that the New Mass has “an entirely new foundation of Eucharistic theology” and whose “ecumenical requirements” are “in harmony with the Church’s new positions.”[11] Fr. Joseph Gelineau, one of the most influential members of the commission, also said: “To tell you the truth, it is a different liturgy of the Mass. This needs to be said without ambiguity: the Roman rite as we knew it no longer exists.”[12] Therefore, both Paul VI and his appointed authors of the Novus Ordo admitted that the New Mass is not the rite “received” from tradition, but rather a rite created by innovation – an entirely unprecedented act in the history of the Church.

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Msgr. Klaus Gamber

Monsignor Gamber has summed up in one devastating sentence: At this critical juncture, the traditional Roman Rite, more

than one thousand years old, has been destroyed…

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Cardinal Ratzinger

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From the Preface of Gamber’s Book What happened after the Council was something else entirely: in

the place of liturgy as the fruit of development came fabricated liturgy. We abandoned the organic, living process of growth and development over centuries, and replaced it - as in a manufacturing process - with a fabrication, a banal on -the-spot product…The pastoral benefits that so many idealists had hoped the new liturgy would bring did not materialize. Our churches emptied in spite of the new liturgy (or because of it?), and the faithful continued to fall away from the Church in droves." And again: "In the end, we will all have to recognize that the new liturgical forms, well intentioned as they may have been at the beginning, did not provide the people with bread, but with stones."

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One priest spoke to a bishop. The

priest stated that he accepted that

the pope could form a New Rite, but

he wondered why the pope had to

suppress the Old Rite. The bishop

answered, “dear father, if they had

not gotten rid of the Old Rite, no

one would have gone to the New


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Bi-Ritual or Bi-Formal

Old Rite vs. New Rite….

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One of the Changes That Caused Confusion….No More Latin!

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It is here that the greatest newness is going to be noticed, the newness of language. No longer Latin, but the spoken language will be the principal language of the Mass. The introduction of the vernacular will certainly be a great sacrifice for those who know the beauty, the power and the expressive sacrality of Latin. We are parting with the speech of the Christian centuries; we are becoming like profane intruders in the literary preserve of sacred utterance. We will lose a great part of that stupendous and incomparable artistic and spiritual thing, the Gregorian chant.

We have reason indeed for regret, reason almost for bewilderment. What can we put in the place of that language of the angels? We are giving up something of priceless worth. But why? What is more precious than these loftiest of our Church’s values?

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BUT WHY? For the Sake of the Apostolate…For the

Sake of Man…

The answer will seem

banal, prosaic. Yet it is a

good answer, because it

is human, because it is


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More Pope Paul VI on Latin…

Understanding of prayer is worth more than the silken garments in which it is royally dressed. Participation by the people is worth more–particularly participation by modern people, so fond of plain language which is easily understood and converted into everyday speech.

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If the divine Latin language kept us apart from the children, from youth, from the world of labor and of affairs, if it were a dark screen, not a clear window, would it be right for us fishers of souls to maintain it as the exclusive language of prayer and religious intercourse? What did St. Paul have to say about that? Read chapter 14 of the first letter to the Corinthians: “In Church I would rather speak five words with my mind, in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue” (I Corinthians 14:19).

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Pope Pius VI Contra Jansenists

Error CONDEMNED by Pope Pius VI in "Auctorem Fidei": "The proposition asserting that 'it would be against apostolic practice and the plans of God, unless easier ways were prepared for the people to unite their voice with that of the whole Church'; if understood to signify introducing of the use of popular language into the liturgical prayers, [is condemned as] false, rash, disturbing to the order prescribed for the celebration of the mysteries, easily productive of many evils." (Errors of the Synod of Pistoia, This error was condemned by Pope Pius VI in the Constitution "Auctorem Fidei", Aug. 28, 1794 A.D.)

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Bishop Duschak – Philippines

Asked whether his proposal (for Mass in the vernacular) originated with the people whom he served, he answered, "No, I think they would oppose it, just as many bishops oppose it. But if it could be put into practice, I think they would accept it."

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Comme le Prevoit Leads to ICEL: Vernacular Leads to Loose Translations Comme le prévoit, a carefully formulated document

approved by Pope Paul VI, stipulated that a dynamic-equivalence approach should be taken in the translation of liturgical texts. Formal equivalence tends to emphasize fidelity to the definitions and grammatical structure of the original language. Dynamic equivalence, by contrast, tends to favor a more natural rendering, for instance when the readability of the translation is more important than the preservation of the original grammatical structure.

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Well…If The Reason For The Change In Language Was For the Sake Of The Apostolate….What Are The Results?

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New Springtime? New Pentecost? No…Empty Pews!

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Last One Out, Turn Out The Lights

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Though the Mass contains much instruction for the faithful, it has, nevertheless, not been deemed advisable by the Fathers that it should be celebrated everywhere in the vernacular tongue”

[Canons and Decrees of the Council of

Trent, 22nd Session, Chapter VIII].

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Pope Pius VI Contra Jansenists

Error CONDEMNED by Pope Pius VI in "Auctorem Fidei": "The proposition asserting that 'it would be against apostolic practice and the plans of God, unless easier ways were prepared for the people to unite their voice with that of the whole Church'; if understood to signify introducing of the use of popular language into the liturgical prayers, [is condemned as] false, rash, disturbing to the order prescribed for the celebration of the mysteries, easily productive of many evils." (Errors of the Synod of Pistoia, This error was condemned by Pope Pius VI in the Constitution "Auctorem Fidei", Aug. 28, 1794 A.D.)

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The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Is First and Foremost About Worship, Not

Catechesis….It’s Primarily About Giving Thanks Not Pedagogy.

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The Altar Is Supreme, Not the Pulpit…

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Pope Pius XII – Mediator Dei

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It has pained Us grievously to note, Venerable Brethren, that such innovations are actually being introduced, not merely in minor details but in matters of major importance as well. We instance, in point of fact, those who make use of the vernacular in the celebration of the august Eucharistic Sacrifice…

The use of the Latin language, customary in a considerable portion of the Church, is a manifest and beautiful sign of unity, as well as an effective antidote for any corruption of doctrinal truth.

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Why The Latin Language?

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The Holy Mass considered in

Itself could assuredly be

celebrated in any language, but

by the Providence of God Latin

became the chief language of

Divine Worship in the Latin


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Latin, Greek, and Aramaic Consecrated By Coming Into Contact With the Holy Cross….

Introibo….Amen, Alleluia….Kyrie Eleison.

Catholicism was born Aramaic, rapidly became Greek, and was then Latin for so long that Latin

had become second nature.

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Praying In Union With Our Ancestors… Latin Part Of Our Religious Patrimony

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Dead Language…

Latin is more suitable: 1) Language does not change or evolve (Examples: Awful, terrible, etc.). Unchanging Faith, Unchanging Language 2) Mysterious 3) Greater dignity, precision, richness. 4) Universal Language not attached to any one nation

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Sacrality of Latin: A Mysterious Veil

Temples and churches often have curtains or Iconostasis to veil the Holy Mysteries….

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Not A Language Of The Streets, But Of The Sanctuary….

Throughout History, People Have Always Worshipped In Language That Was NOT Their Mother Tongue…Vernacular Worship Highly Unusual….

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Abbot Dom Guéranger: The Father of the Liturgical Movement

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We must admit it is a master blow of Protestantism to have declared war on the sacred language. If it should ever succeed in ever destroying it, it would be well on the way to victory. Exposed to profane gaze, like a virgin who has been violated, from that moment on the Liturgy has lost much of its sacred character, and very soon people find that it is not worthwhile putting aside one’s work or pleasure in order to go and listen to what is being said in the way one speaks on the marketplace.

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Abbot Dom Guéranger: Anti-Liturgical Heresy

Since the liturgical reform had for one of its principal aims the abolition of actions and formulas of mystical signification, it is a logical consequence that its authors had to vindicate the use of the vernacular in divine worship.

This is in the eyes of sectarians a most important item. Cult is no secret matter. The people, they say, must understand what they sing. Hatred for the Latin language is inborn in the hearts of all the enemies of Rome. They recognize it as the bond among Catholics throughout the universe, as the arsenal of orthodoxy against all the subtleties of the sectarian spirit.

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St. Edmund Campion, Jesuit Martyr

As he was being heckled and mocked by the crowd during his bloody martyrdom, St. Edmund Campion prayed the Pater, Ave, and Credo in Latin. The bloodthirsty crowd became further enraged

and asked why he was praying in a language that was not the Mother Tongue. He responded by saying, I am praying in a language that God understands.

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An angry woman complained to a priest after the Latin Mass saying that she couldn’t understand what he was saying. The priest’s response…I wasn’t

talking to you, madam.

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Recent Prayer Event At Vatican…

1) Jewish Rabbi Prayed in

Old Hebrew…A Language

Not Spoken in Streets

2) Muslim Cleric Prayed in

Old Arabic…A Language Not Spoken Outside of the Mosque.

3) Catholic Prayed in common Italian, English, and Arabic…but NOT in Latin!

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Good Pope John

The Catholic Church has a dignity far surpassing that of

every merely human society, for it was founded by Christ the Lord. It is altogether fitting, therefore, that the language it uses should be noble, majestic, and non-vernacular.

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Veterum Sapientia

And We also, impelled by the weightiest of reasons -- the same as those which prompted Our Predecessors and provincial synods -- are fully determined to restore this language to its position of honor, and to do all We can to promote its study and use. The employment of Latin has recently been contested in many quarters, and many are asking what the mind of the Apostolic See is in this matter. We have therefore decided to issue the timely directives contained in this document, so as to ensure that the ancient and uninterrupted use of Latin be maintained and, where necessary, restored.

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We Dropped the Ball! Bishops and superiors-general of religious orders

shall take pains to ensure that in their seminaries and in their schools where adolescents are trained for the priesthood, all shall studiously observe the Apostolic See's decision in this matter and obey these Our prescriptions most carefully

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Apostles Were Not Kum Bah Yah Catholics….

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Apostles Witnessed the Solemn and Orderly Worship of the Jews of Old.

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Three Big Reasons For Latin…

1) Faith – Unchanging Faith Best Expressed with Unchanging Language…

2) Unity – Unity of Liturgy in all times and in countless places. Keeps us tied to Rome and avoids schisms.

3) Chant – Keeps the ancient chant alive. Music composed for Latin Lyrics…Psalmody, Modes.

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FAITH… A Precise, Clear, and Unchanging

Language needed…

Consider “Iota” Controversy and the term “consubstantialem.”

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More from Abbot Dom Guéranger

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The general introduction of the people's language in the Mass was the first act of separation from our Holy Mother the Church. This harsh statement is not mine, but was that of Abbot Dom Guéranger who is truly the father of the Liturgical Renewal. So here are his words: The separation of the liturgical language for some unexplained motive, which we do not know, has almost always done well in obtaining a dispensation from the Pope, to the schism and the complete separation of the Catholic Church.

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We lose, too, the greater part

of the admirable, incomparable

wealth of art and spirituality

contained in Gregorian chant.

It is with good reason, then,

that we experience regret and even distress.

Pope Paul VI On Introduction of Vernacular Mass.

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Searching For My Home… Msgr. Klaus Gamber’s Comments on a Man Who Left the Church in Decades


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Language Is The Most Important Material Cause

of Unity and Feeling At Home. Take Away The

Language Of Home, And Men Feel Out Of Place…

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Latin Will Help Us Find Our Way Back Home….

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The Traditional Latin Mass Is The Mass Of Rome…It Is The Mass Of Our Home,

The Church…

Mass In Latin Sounds


Ah…Gregorian Chant…

Back Home Again…
