Page 1: Seabee eCourier Dec. 20, 2012

Naval Construction BattalionCenter (NCBC) Gulfport recentlyannounced Culinary Specialist 1stClass (SW/AW) Kenneth McClen-don, Jr., Colmer Dining Facility,Leading Culinary Specialist (CS),as their 2012 Sailor of the Year.The Sailor of the Year program

was established in 1972, by then-Chief of Naval Operations Adm.Elmo Zumwalt and then-MasterChief Petty Officer of the NavyJohn Whittet, to recognize an indi-vidual Sailor who best representedthe ever-growing group of dedi-cated professional Sailors at eachcommand and ultimately theNavy. When the program began,only the Atlantic and Pacific FleetSailors were recognized. Within 10years, the Sailor of the Year pro-gram was expanded to include theshore establishment and Navy Re-serve Sailors.Master Chief Culinary Specialist

Calvin Dukes, Colmer Dining Facil-ity leading chief petty officer andacting NCBC command masterchief, said it was McClendon’slevel of responsibility, along withhis command and community in-volvement that made him theright choice for SOY.

“When I checked in back in JulyI realized he’s filling a billet as aLeading CS, which is definitely a

Chief Petty Officer billet, and hewas performing at a high level. Hewas also able to keep the galleymaintained at a 5-star level overthe last couple years. Those typesof things are qualities you find ina Chief Petty Officer,” said Dukes.Having someone from your divi-

sion often will encourage and mo-tivate junior Sailors to perform tothe best of their ability, being en-couraged by seeing one of theirleaders recognized. Dukes saidthat is especially true for the CSsstationed on a Seabee base. “With his selection, for them

[coworkers] they were very happythat a culinary specialist got se-lected for the CBC Sailor of theYear. That says a lot. That saysthe CS’s are a big part of what’sgoing on at this command, andthey were very happy about thatwhen they heard about it.”Shortly after his selection, Mc-

Clendon finished his tour of dutywith NCBC Gulfport and trans-ferred to Naval Mobile Construc-tion Battalion (NMCB) 11, wherehe will join the CSs in S-4 Depart-ment.

Twenty Culinary Specialists (CSs) earned a total of 65 Foodand Beverage Certifications duringthe first Master Certified Food andBeverage Director Symposium(MCFBDS) held at the Colmer Dining Facility on board NavalConstruction Battalion Center(NCBC) Gulfport, Dec. 3 - 12. MCFBDS is a classroom based

training that covers culinaryterminology and math. It is ac-credited by organizations such asthe Global Food Service Instituteand National Restaurant Associa-tion. Retired Lt. Cmdr. Edward Manley,

director of EHS Manley and Asso-ciates, has been facilitating MSF-BDS since 2003. Manley haspresented MCFBDS to more than4,000 students worldwide, ofwhich approximately 90 percentwere military members, andawarded 9,000 certifications. According to Manley, MCFBDS canbe very beneficial during a CSsNavy career and in their personallives.“MCFBDS provides Sailors with

information they can use on thejob. It prepares them for promo-tions outside the Navy and ad-vancement in the Navy. Somematerial covered in the MCFBDS ison the advancement exams up toE-6,” said ManleyCulinary Specialist 1st Class

David Mckeown, assigned toNCBC, received certifications in

each of the eight classes offered,and is the first person in Missis-sippi to become a Master CertifiedFood and Beverage Director(MCFBD). Mckeown said he reallyenjoyed the class and believesearning the title of MCFBD will beextremely beneficial to his career. “The training was very informa-

tive and interesting. The knowl-edge I gained from MCFBD willhelp me when I go up for chiefand in the civilian sector when Iretire,” said Mckeown.

The eight-day class was offeredto 20 first and second class pettyofficer Culinary Specialists.Amongst those who attended wasCulinary Specialist 1st ClassMichael Luzunaris, assigned toNCBC. Luzunarius believes the fiveaccreditations he earned will im-prove his job capabilities.“It’s a good accomplishment to

make. It means you are well-rounded in food service andmakes you more marketable in alldivisions,” said Luzunarius.

Naval Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport, Mississippi December 20, 2012Vol. 52 No. 30

NCBC Culinary Specialists earn 65Master Food, Beverage CertificationsBy CECN Lucina L. MoiseNCBC Public Affairs

CS1 McClendonannouncedNCBC Sailor ofthe Year

CS1 (SW/AW) Kenneth McClendon

By MCC (SCW/SW/AW)Ryan G. WilberNCBC Public Affairs

Ed Manley, instructor for E.H. Manley and Associates,teaches a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points(HACCP) class to Culinary Specialists (CS) assigned to NCBCGulfport, Colmer Dining Facility, on board NCBC Gulfport,Dec. 4. HAACP is one of the nine professional certificationsoffered during the first Master Certified Food and BeverageDirector Symposium (MCFBDS) held at the Colmer DiningFacility. The CSs earned a total of 65 food and beverage cer-tifications. (U.S. Navy photo by Construction Mechanic 3rd ClassKatchen Tofil/Released)

Page 2: Seabee eCourier Dec. 20, 2012

“Oh, the weather outside isfrightful…”Though we are enjoying

sunny and mild days here inGulfport lately – not exactlyfrightful -- a glance at thecalendar and the decorationsfestooning local stores do in-deed tell us that the year isdrawing to a close. The holi-days are here! The holidayseason carries great meaningfor many of us. It’s a time togather with family andfriends, a time to celebrateholy days, and a time tocount our blessings. It mayalso be a poignant time forsome, especially for thosewho are far from their lovedones. Celebrating the holi-days with your Seabee de-ployed is no fun – phonecalls, Skype and Facetimejust aren’t the same as hav-ing your loved one there inthe living room, laughing andopening presents. Nonethe-less, I hope that our de-ployed Seabees and theirfamilies can find a way to feelclose even though the geo-graphic distance may begreat.

As we and most of our fel-low Americans celebrate theholidays here, our servicemembers stand watch aroundthe world so our fellow citi-zens have the freedom to cel-ebrate. I consider it a greatblessing that we have somany men and women whoare willing to serve our na-tion. In choosing to defendour country and its way oflife, they and their familiesmake great sacrifices. Knowthat those sacrifices are rec-ognized and appreciated. A few of our folks are even

going above and beyond byhelping orphanages and

doing other volunteer proj-ects while deployed. That isthe real spirit of giving. Whenpeople truly give of them-selves – their time and theirhard work – for the benefit ofothers, they themselves reapthe benefits tenfold in theirhearts. Right here at home, our

folks are taking the time tovolunteer and help wherethey can. Volunteer opportu-nities abound this time ofyear. Whether it is building awheelchair ramp, helpingconstruct a homeless shelteror gathering and donatingtoys, our base personnel aredoing remarkable things tohelp others. The Seabee“Can Do” spirit is especiallyappreciated at this time ofyear!I wish you all a very happy

holiday season. Thank youfor your service to our coun-try and for your work in mak-ing NCBC Gulfport a greatplace to live and to work.Enjoy your time off – safely,please! – and look out foreach other over the break.We need each of you backnext year. Merry Christmasand Happy New Year to all!

Navy leaders launched NavyPlan of the Day announce-ments, a new resource on theNavy's flagship web page,, Dec. 19.The initiative is intended to

get current, relevant informa-tion to deckplate Sailors sothey can be proactive in man-aging their careers."We have to keep finding

new and better ways to makesure our people are fully awareof Navy policies and programsthat affect their careers andfamilies. This initiativelaunches a new page called Navy Plan ofthe Day (POD) announce-ments, dedicated to giving Ex-ecutive Officers good materialto choose from when puttingtogether their POD," said RearAdm. John Kirby, Navy Chief ofInformation.The POD announcements

page is divided into three sec-tions. The first includes specificPOD notes on issues that are

of fleet-wide interest. The sec-ond is a list of upcoming datesand deadlines from the NavyLeader Planning Guide. Thefinal section is devoted to"This Date in Navy History"notes."We realize Sailors at sea are

incredibly busy carrying outtheir daily responsibilities andmay not have time to activelyseek out this critical informa-tion for their Navy career," ex-plained Kirby. "This initiativewill help put that critical infor-mation in the hands of Chiefsto present to their Sailors atmorning quarters throughoutthe fleet."Coordinators will update the

online version as they receiveinput. In addition to maintain-ing the Web page, people cansign up for a weekly e-mailthat includes POD informationfor the coming week This willmake the information availablefor Sailors at sea who mayhave difficulty accessing theinternet. The weekly e-mailwill also include the full text ofstories associated with PODnotes in order to ensure localcommands are synchronizingtheir communication effortswith the same messages usedin local PODs.




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By Capt. Rick BurgessCO NCBC/Cmdr 20th SRG

Capt. Rick Burgess

Skipper’s Log

The Seabee Courier is a weekly author-ized on-line publication for members ofthe military services and their families.Content does not necessarily reflect theofficial views of the U.S. Government,the DoD or the U.S. Navy and does notimply endorsement thereof. The ap-pearance of advertising in this newspa-per, including inserts or supplements,does not constitute endorsement bythe U. S. Government, DoD, the Navyor NCBC Gulfport of the products andservices advertised. All content in thisnewspaper shall be made available forpurchase, use or patronage without re-gard to race, color, religion, gender, na-tional origin, age, marital status,physical handicap, political affiliation orany other non-merit factor of the pur-

chaser, user or patron. If a violation orrejection of this equal opportunity pol-icy by an advertiser is confirmed, thepublisher shall refuse to print advertis-ing from that source until the violationis corrected. The Seabee Courier solic-its news contributions from military andcivilian sources, but the Public Affairsstaff reserves the right to edit and/orrewrite material selected for publicationto conform with journalism standards. The deadline for material is close ofbusiness every Friday. Your commentsare always welcome. The SeabeeCourier office is in Building 1, Room205. The mailing address is 4902 Mar-vin Shields Blvd., Code 15, Gulfport, MS39501. Phone: 228-871-3662., E-mail:[email protected]

NCBC/20SRGCommanding Officer

Capt. Rick BurgessPublic Affairs Officer

Rob MimsEditor

Bonnie L. McGerrMass Comm. Specialist

MCC (SCW/SW/AW) Ryan G. Wilber

Special ContributorsCM3 (SCW) Katchen Tofil

CECN Lucinda Moise

22 NCRCommander

Capt. Darius BanajiPublic Affairs Officer


25 NCRCommander

Capt. Darius BanajiPublic Affairs Officer

MCC (SW/AW) Scott Boyle

NMCB ONECommanding Officer Cmdr. Chad M. BrooksPublic Affairs Officer

Lt. Brian GatesMass Comm. Specialist

MC1 (AW/NAC) Aron TaylorSpecial Contributor

CE1(SCW) Joshua Thonnissen

NMCB ELEVENCommanding OfficerCmdr. Maria Aguayo

Public Affairs OfficerLt.j.g. Brian Myers

Mass Comm. SpecialistMC1(AW) Jonathan Carmichael

NMCB SEVENTY FOURCommanding Officer Cmdr. David McAlisterPublic Affairs Officer

Lt.j.g. John Parizek Mass Comm. Specialist

MC2 Ryan Williams


Cmdr. Nicolas D. YamodisPublic Affairs Officer

MC1(SW/AW) Steven Myers

NCTC GULFPORTCommanding OfficerCmdr. Scott Anderson

Public Affairs OfficerLt. J. Johnson

Happy Holidays Navy launchesnew Navy PODannouncementsFrom Defense Media Activity - Navy

Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline InformationDue to limited IG resources throughout the Southeast Region,all Fraud, Waste and Abuse hotline work will now be handledby the Region. To report Fraud, Waste and Abuse, contact theRegion at: Toll Free 1-877-657-9851 Comm: 904-542-4979DSN 942-4979 FAX: 904- 542-5587, E-mail: [email protected] NCBC on Facebook and Twitter

Page 3: Seabee eCourier Dec. 20, 2012




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“Playing football with mycousins on Christmas Eve.”

Kirk Kelly

Liberty Center

Hometown: Tchula, Miss.

“Going home and spendingtime with my family and hav-ing time to relax.”

BUCN Cassandra Null


Hometown: Deer Park, Ohio

“Preparing the holidayfeast.”

“What is your favoriteholiday tradition?”

CM3 Eric Williams


Hometown: Louisville, Ky.

By CECN Lucinda MoiseNCBC Public Affairs


Volunteers for Inspector-Instructor (I&I), 3rd Platoon, A com-pany, 4th Assault Amphibian Battalion (AABN) sort throughmore than 10,000 toys collected for the Marine “Toys for Tots”campaign at Naval Operation Support Center (NOSC) on boardNCBC Gulfport Dec. 17. Toys for Tots is receiving donations untilDec. 22. Drop off boxes are located throughout Harrison, Han-cock and Stone Counties, at the Keesler Air Force Base Ex-change, and on NCBC Gulfport at the Navy Exchange and NavyFederal Credit Union. (U.S. Navy photo by Construction ElectricianConstructionman Lucinda L. Moise/Released)

Capt. Rick Burgess, left, commanding officer, NCBC Gulfport and com-mander, 20th SRG, presents Cmdr. Brian Nottingham, NCBC Gulfportpublic works officer, a Department of the Navy (DoN) 2012 Energyand Water Management Gold Level of Achievement award. Theaward is given for excellent achievement in energy and water man-agement, successful use of energy and water efficient equipment andsignificant energy awareness. Gold level is the second tier of threein the DoN Energy Program. Also, pictured from the right are: PhillipSoria and Lester Hagerdon, both NCBC Gulfport building energymanagers, and Gene Baker, NCBC Gulfport utilities and energy man-agement (UEM) commodity manager. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief MassCommunication Specialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released)


Buzz on

the Street

Subcontractors from Air Masters working with DCD Construction outof Ocean Springs, excavate drainage lines using an excavator anddump truck on board NCBC Gulfport, Dec. 11. Excavating the drainageditch will allow for better water flow during heavy weather, and helpprevent flooding. (U.S. Navy photo by Builder Constructionman Whitney J.Snider/Released)

Page 4: Seabee eCourier Dec. 20, 2012

To bring joy into the lives of lessfortunate children, Marines as-signed to Inspector-Instructor(I&I), 3rd Platoon, A company,4th Assault Amphibian Battalion(AABN) on board Naval Construc-tion Battalion Center (NCBC) Gulf-port are partnering with theSalvation Army Toys for Tots cam-paign. Donations are being ac-cepted through Dec. 22.Toys for Tots was created by Re-

tired Marine Col. William Hen-dricks in 1947. Since then, MarineCorps Reserve units across thenation have conducted Toys forTots campaigns in their communi-ties. Marines collect new, un-wrapped toys during October,November and December eachyear and distribute those toys asChristmas gifts. To date, Marineshave distributed more than 452million toys to more than 209 mil-lion needy children for Toys forTots since its inception.Recently, active duty Marines

stationed near Reserve Centershave gotten involved in Toys forTots as well. Gunnery Sgt.Christopher Clee has been a partof Toys for Tots for the last fiveyears. “I volunteer to give back to the

community, especially to the chil-dren,” said Clee. For some Marines, Toys for Totshas been a family tradition. LanceCpl. Jonhtan Kirkman has beenparticipating in Toys for Tots sincehe was a child.“My dad was a Marine and I re-

member as far back as five, goingwith my dad to collect toys forToys for Tots,” said Kirkman.

This year’s goal of collecting8,000 toys from the area hasbeen exceeded with more than10,000 toys collected to date. Time is running out though -

there are only two days remainingfor this year’s drive. Monetary do-nations are also appreciated. To make a monetary donation,

or for more information on Toysfor Tots, visit

Sailors attached to Naval Con-struction Battalion (NMCB) Gulf-port and 20th Seabee ReadinessGroup (SRG) have found a wayto give back to the communitythrough volunteer service in theGulfport Police Department Re-serves.Reserve police officers attend a

4-month Reserve Academy,training for four hours on week-day evenings and eight hours onSaturdays, and work alongsidefull-time police officers and atcommunity events. They receiveno pay for their service.Each person has their own rea-

sons for volunteering. Somemay be following in the foot-steps of family and friends, suchas Electronics Technician 3rdClass Brenden Sharp, 20th SRG,and Master-at-Arms 1st ClassRodolfo Gallardo III, NCBC Se-curity Department, while someare working toward a profes-sional goal. One thing they allhave in common, however, isthe desire to serve the commu-nity through law enforcement.“I’ve always had an interest in

criminal justice, and when I getout of the military I want to dosomething in forensics, so I fig-ured this was a good way togive back to the community andto do something that is in my in-terest,” said Martin. “I feel as if Istill have a lot to give back,”added Retired Equipment Opera-tor 1st Class Karsteen Kris-tensen.George Chaix, Gulfport Police

Department, Support Bureaudeputy commander, said he feelsthat the military members serv-ing as reserve officers really addvalue to the police force, andthe Navy core values of honor,courage and commitment easilytranslate to policing.“The reserves bring a lot to the

table, especially coming fromthe Navy. They have so muchexperience . . . Vieques,Afghanistan, Iraq, detention fa-cilities in Cuba. We learn asmuch from them as they learnfrom us. They are a very valu-able asset,” said Chaix. “Theydon’t leave that “Can Do” atti-tude on base. They take it withthem out there. They don’tleave their core values on base.When they come out thesegates, they take their core val-ues with them, and that reallyhelps us out a lot.”According to Lt. Phillip Kincaid,

Gulfport Police Department, re-serve officer-in-charge, thereare currently eight militarymembers of 25 reserve officersserving in the Gulfport PoliceDepartment. He said he likesmilitary members as reserve of-ficers for their dependability, re-liability and commitment to thejob.Being a part of the reserve

force is also beneficial for themilitary members command.Gallardo said he feels that theexperience has helped him buildmore leadership, character andprofessionalism that he can useon active duty. Sharp agreed.“You learn how to have more

confidence in yourself, you learnhow to become a better leader,and I am able to pass that on toa lot of the younger guys in myshop,” said Sharp.Martin said she has fun serving

as a reserve officer and feels likethere is a good camaraderie inthe department. She said thatshe encourages anyone whowants to serve the communityand have fun doing it to join.For more information about theGulfport Reserve contact Kincaidat 228-868-5900 extension6189, or visit to fill out anapplication.




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Sailors give back to thecommunity throughreserve police serviceBy MCC (SCW/SW/AW)Ryan G. WilberNCBC Public Affairs

Lt. Phillip Kincaid (center), reserve officer-in-charge for the Gulf-port Police Department, pauses for a photo with members of thereserve police force attached to NCBC Gulfport and 20th SRG, andretired military full-time officers at the Pass Road Gate SeabeeDec. 14. Reserve police officers attend a 4-month Reserve Acad-emy and work alongside full-time police officers and at commu-nity events, but receive no pay for their volunteer service. (U.S.Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan G. Wilber/Re-leased)

Donations of new, unwrapped toys for needychildren are being accepted through Dec. 22 atdrop off boxes located throughout Harrison, Hancock and Stones Counties, as well as KeeslerAir Force Base Exchange, and Naval Construction BattalionCenter (NCBC) Navy Exchange and Navy Federal Credit Union.

Toys for Tots deadline Saturday

Staff Sgt. Marvin Perez-Diaz, of I&I, 3rd Platoon, A company, 4th AABNand volunteers Desirae (left) Abby (center), and Van Syckel (right)sort out toys donated to the Toys for Tots campaigns at the Naval Op-erations Support Center (NOSC) on board Naval Construction BattalionCenter (NCBC), Dec. 17. Drop off boxes are located throughout thecoast, as well as Keesler Air Force Base BX and at the NCBC GulfportNavy Exchange and the Navy Federal Credit Union. (U.S. Navy photo byConstruction Electrician Constructionman Lucinda L. Moise/Released)

NCBC Marines continue legacyof service with Toys for TotsBy CECN Lucinda L. MoiseNCBC Public Affairs

Page 5: Seabee eCourier Dec. 20, 2012

Instructors assigned to 20thSeabee Readiness Group(SRG), R-75, went out toCamp Shelby, Miss. for a crew-served weapons qualificationcourse Dec. 12-15 as part of aproposed Seabee MachineGunner course they are devel-oping.Crew-served weapons are an

important part of a battalion’splan of defense, but histori-cally a Seabee only receivestraining on one weapon at atime through separate 5-daycourses. Seabees also maynot receive training on allthree weapons systems in thetable of allowances - the M-2and M-240B automatic ma-chine guns and the MK-19 au-tomatic grenade launcher,during a homeport trainingcycle. Marine Capt. LearlinLejeune, 20th SRG militarytraining officer, and his team ofinstructors are working onchanging that through the de-velopment of a new course de-signed to streamline thetraining and create a moreversatile Seabee machine gun-ner.“In a way to make more flexi-

bility for the NMCB (Naval Mo-bile Construction Battalion) wehad an idea of just combiningall three weapons systems andturning around a Seabee ma-

chine gunner,” said Lejeune.“What we are proposing in thiscourse is a two week time pe-riod, and we will give back tothe battalion a Seabee who isqualified and competent on allthree crew-served weapons.”

Currently the R-75 instructorsare qualifying on all threeweapon systems themselves ina train the trainer-type courseof instruction, while also final-izing the course details fortheir proposal. Builder 1st

Class Earl Doan, 20th SRG, R-75 .50 caliber block leader,said he believes there are sell-ing points for both the 20thSRG and the NMCB, namelytime and cost savings. “I think it will be a cost sav-

ing tool, because we will beable to run less classes andtrain more people in the end. Ithink it’s going to be a goodcourse when it comes online,”said Doan. “It would give the battalion

the ability to leverage theirpersonnel, and versatility inthe organization itself,” addedChief Builder Troy Ratliff, 20thSRG, R-75 crew-servedweapons course manager.While developing the course,

the instructors are includingoptics and scopes in the train-ing, which are currently avail-able for use in the battalion,but some Seabees may not befamiliar with the equipmentthat could make their duties asa machine gunner easier andmore efficient.“Anytime you have equip-

ment that is there for youravailability and utilization, whynot use it if it makes the jobeasier? If you have the tech-nology and resources availableto you, why not use them?But, in order to use them youhave to know what the capa-bilities and functions of thething are,” said Ratliff.After becoming fully qualified

to teach the Seabee MachineGunner course and finalizingcourse details, the instructorswill present a formal proposalthrough the proper channelsand teach the course to a pilotgroup of battalion Seabees.




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20th SRG R-75 instructors propose newcrew-served weapons training

Instructors assigned to 20th Seabee Readiness Group (SRG), R-75, qualify on M-2 .50caliber automatic machine guns during a Crew-Served Weapons Qualification Courseat Camp Shelby, Miss., Dec. 13 as part of a proposed Seabee Machine Gunner coursethey are developing. The course is designed to streamline crew-served weapons train-ing that would graduate a Seabee Machine Gunner trained on all three weapons sys-tems in the battalion table of allowances, the M-2 and M-240B automatic machineguns and the MK-19 automatic grenade launcher. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Commu-nication Specialist/Released)

By MCC (SCW/SW/AW)Ryan G. WilberNCBC Public Affairs

Underwater Construction Team (UCT) ONE issearching for highly motivated Seabees and CEC Officers looking for a career and lifestyle change.

Join an ELITE force and travel as a small, pro-fessional team. Execute specialized construc-tion, diving and demolition skills with the latestand greatest technology and equipment.

Contact UCT CCC/Diver recruiting team @ (757) 462-3988/4313 or Email YNC Aberle at [email protected]; SW1 Dohse at [email protected] or visit for more information.

FREE Services:Fax - Send/Receive:228-575-5225CopiesSnacks/Drinks

United Through ReadingProgramComputers with web camsInternet and Email Access X-Box

GULF COAST USOGULF COAST USO901 CBC 3rd St., Building 114 228-575-5224

Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Saturday, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. (Closed Sunday)

Page 6: Seabee eCourier Dec. 20, 2012

Five Seabees from Naval Mo-bile Construction Battalion(NMCB) 133, Task Force An-chor, raised and lowered a his-toric battalion flag aboveCamp Krutke, Dec. 7, in re-membrance of the 71st an-niversary of Pearl Harbor.Chief Hospital Corpsman

Nicholas Noviello, the currentcustodian of the relic, gave abrief explanation of the his-toric significance of the flag

before Utilitiesman 3rd ClassDaniel Martin, Hospital Corps-man 3rd Class Andrew De-camp, Builder Construction-man Wesley Howard and Utili-tiesman Constructionman An-gelean Floyd raised it."It's an honor to fly this flag

to represent NMCB 133 andthe Seabee battalions here inAfghanistan," said Noviello. The flag, previously on dis-

play at the Seabee museum inthe battalion's homeport ofGulfport, Miss., had flown

above Camp Morrell in Kuwaitduring Operation Iraqi Free-dom; Davisville and SaddamCanal in Iraq during OperationEnduring Freedom; and aboveCamp Krutke on the Navy's237th birthday, Oct. 13.NMCB 133 is currently de-

ployed to Afghanistan to sup-port engineering operationsunder the 411th EngineerBrigade, Joint Task Force Em-pire, for coalition forces, theAfghan National Army, and thelocal population.




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Historic battalion flag flownin tribute to Pearl Harbor By MC1 Steven MeyersNMCB 133 Public Affairs

Utilitiesman ConstructionmanAngelean Floyd, a native ofPhiladelphia, and Utilitiesman3rd Class Daniel Martin, a na-tive of Suffolk, Va., members ofNaval Mobile Construction Bat-talion (NMCB) 133, Task ForceAnchor, prepare to raise a his-toric battalion flag above thecamp in remembrance of PearlHarbor, Dec. 7. NMCB 133 iscurrently deployed toAfghanistan provide engineer-ing support under the 411th En-gineer Brigade, Joint Task ForceEmpire, to coalition forces, theAfghanistan National Army, andthe local population. (U.S. Navyphoto by Mass Communication Spe-cialist 1st Class Steven Myers/Re-leased)

LADD . . . Leaders Against Drunk DrivingLADD is a program sponsored by theNCBC/20th First Class Association. The mis-sion of LADD is to prevent drunk driving onboard NCBC Gulfport by providing rides forany service member who needs assistancegetting home after an outing that involves alcohol.

~ LADD is strictly confidential. NOREPRISAL!

~ LADD will take individual home only, nostops.

~ Volunteers who stand the watch are oncall 24/7.It is always important to have a plan in placewhen going out in town, but if your plans fallthrough, please call LADD and we will pickyou up! 100 percent confidential, zero reprisal!

Call 228-239-9007

NMCB 74 works to finishprojects on Diego Garcia

Builder Constructionman Robert Cox, assigned to NavalMobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 74, installswooden fascia around the edge of the recently com-pleted metal roof of a contractor living unit for per-sonnel supporting operations on Naval Support FacilityDiego Garcia. NMCB 74 is operating forward deployedthroughout the U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) sup-porting National Security Strategy by building lastingrelationships with host nations, paving the way forfuture partnerships. (U.S. Navy photo by Construction Elec-trician Robert Lee/Released)

NCBC Security Reminder: To prevent both

personal and governmental property theft,

NCBC Security would like to remind you to

remember to secure vehicles, personal

compartments, work spaces, compounds,

and buildings. Don’t be a target!

Page 7: Seabee eCourier Dec. 20, 2012

The Seabees of Naval Mobile Con-struction Battalion (NMCB) 74, DetailSasebo, Japan, enjoyed an opportunityto meet with local Boy Scout Troop 76of the Far East Council of Boy Scoutswho came to visit the construction siteof a future Navy ship repair storage fa-cility where the Seabees are currentlyconstructing the building foundation.The Boy Scouts enjoyed learning aboutthe U.S. Navy Seabees and had the op-portunity to tour the site and ask ques-tions about what they learned. Theday’s activities provided the Boy Scoutsan opportunity to earn their engineer-ing merit badge. The Scouts, ranging in age from eight

to 15, took turns looking at blueprints,

shop drawings, and construction activ-ity schedules, and then moving out onthe job-site to see the formwork thatwas being set in place and the varioustools the Seabees have at their dis-posal. The Seabees stressed the im-portance of working as a team asBuilder 2nd Class David Drean spokeabout how each person’s constructionspecialty contributes to a step in theprocess.

All Seabees receive basic training inproject planning, estimating of materi-als and how to read project plans.When questioned by a young Scoutabout what classes were most impor-tant to become an engineer, EnsignNick Sweet, the Detail Sasebo OfficerIn Charge stated that, “you need to bewell rounded in all areas including

things like writing and history, butmath and sciences are the foundationto engineering.” Once on the job site, Builder 3rd

Class Brian Whelan explained the ne-cessity of building strong formwork tosupport pressure while placing wetconcrete and described how importantterms such as level, plum, flush andsquare are to the work the Seabees do.Whelan also discussed how importantthe use of proper protective equipmentis on the job, as even the expertlytrained Seabees can get hurt on thejob. The suspecting Boy Scoutsdoubted the presence of steel in theboots worn by the Seabees, so Whelanprovided proof with the tap of his ham-mer on his toe, to the surprise of theScouts.

Fire Control Chief Eric Holewinski,troop leader and father, said the Scouts“get to do a lot of hands on learninghere in Sasebo. We’ve done overnightson some of the ships out here andnow, actually getting onto a construc-tion site, they see first-hand the workthat goes on.” When asked what they learned on

their visit, a young Boy Scout re-sponded that “a ‘wacky packer’ makesthe ground hard so buildings won’t tilt or sink.” In the eyes of the Seabees of NMCB 74, these scoutshave earned their engineering meritbadge. Seabees of NMCB 74 are forward de-

ployed throughout the United StatesPacific Command Area of Operationssupporting Navy and Joint Forces.




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NMCB 74 Seabees show the Boy Scoutshow they ‘Can Do’ Construction

Left: Builder 3rd Class Brian Whelan, of Naval Mobile Construc-tion Battalion (NMCB) 74, Detail Sasebo, shares Seabee con-struction concepts with members of The Far East Council of BoyScouts, Troop 76, as part of a job site tour enabling the BoyScouts to earn their Engineering Merit badges. Above: Builder2nd Class David Drean, of NMCB 74, Detail Sasebo, presents de-sign drawings to members of The Far East Council of Boy Scouts,Troop 76 at Fleet Activities Sasebo Japan. (U.S. Navy photos byEquipment Operator 3rd Class Craig Enjian/Released)

By BU3 Brian WhelanNMCB 74 Public Affairs

“Rugby is a game for BARBARIANS that is played by GENTLEMEN”The newly formed Mississippi Gulf Coast Rugby Club is recruitingplayers, coaches and fans for the 2013 season right now. We aren’tlooking for wanna-be tough guys, people who are out of shape orpeople who don’t have time to dedicate three days a week. Onceyou learn how to play, this sport will supersede your love of anyother. Our games last 80 minutes, split into 40 minute halves, anddemand a high level of endurance, strength and teamwork. Theteam is comprised of military and civilians, officers and enlisted,

blue-collar workers and doctors, 18 year-olds to 40 year-old men.We are diverse and strong. If you think you have what it takes,come out and see for yourself. Practice is held at Popps Ferry Fieldson Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. Bring a friend, if you think theycan hang. For more information, visit Mississippi Gulf Coast Men’sRugby Football Club at, or call Joey at228-243-2673, Billy at 440-251-4411, Doug at 228-493-6191or email, [email protected].

Think you’re tough . . . enough to play RUGBY?

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Colmer Dining Facility Christmas Dinner Menu

Colmer Dining Facility will be serving Brunch and Dinner Dec. 25. Brunch will be served from 8 - 10 a.m. Prices: E-1 to E-4and dependents, $4.50; E5 and above and dependents, $5.20. Dinner will be served from 1 - 3:30 p.m. Prices: E-1 to E-4 and dependents, $6.40; E5 and above and dependents, $7.50. Both meals are open to all DOD, Retirees and Civilians

SaladsBoiled Shrimp

Seabee Salad Bar

Potato Salad


Broccoli and Cheese Soup


Oven Roasted Turkey

Baked Ham

Prime Rib

SidesMashed Potatoes

Corn Bread DressingMarshmallow Sweet Potatoes

Peas and CarrotsGreen Bean CasseroleGiblet/Turkey Gravy

Au Jus, Cranberry SauceHot Rolls

DessertsAssorted Pies

Assorted CakesCheese Cake

Ice Cream Bar

Egg Nog

Page 9: Seabee eCourier Dec. 20, 2012

If eating healthier and gettingmore exercise tops your NewYear’s resolution list, consider ex-tending these worthwhile goals tothe whole family.According to the Centers for Dis-

ease Control and Prevention,childhood obesity in this countryhas more than tripled over thepast 30 years. But you can helpyour family get the right nutritionand exercise to stay healthy.“Not only is it extremely impor-

tant for kids to get all the vita-mins, nutrients and physicalactivity they need to stay healthy,but habits formed early in life --both good and bad -- can last alifetime,” says Dr. Thomas McIn-erny, president of the AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics (AAP).The AAP is offering some healthy

living tips for parents to help kidsget on the right track for the up-coming year.Improving Eating Habits• You may have bad childhood

memories of being forced to sit atthe table until you cleaned yourplate. Don’t perpetuate thismethod of mealtime management!It sends the wrong message byemphasizing quantity over qualityand can lead to significantovereating. Foster a healthier atti-tude toward food by focusing onwhat you serve in the first place.• Establish a routine with regular

meal and snack times. Always eatmeals at the table. Children whoeat meals with their family con-sume more fruits, vegetables,fiber, calcium-rich foods and vita-mins.• Once kids are old enough, en-

courage self-feeding as much aspossible.• Avoid soda, which is full of

empty calories or artificial sweet-eners. Milk and water are the bestdrink choices for your child. Offerwhole milk or 2 percent milk tochildren ages 12 months to 2years old, unless your pediatricianrecommends low-fat milk. Afterage 2, offer low-fat milk. Limitjuice to four to six ounces a day. • Kids can be picky at first, but

don’t let a refusal of a new foodstop you from trying again. Offernew foods multiple times in multi-ple ways. For infants, you mayneed to even try 10 to 15 timesover several months. Parents areextremely influential and canserve as a child’s best role model.Eat a variety of foods of differentflavors, colors and textures.Encourage Active Play• Don’t let a full day go by with-

out active play. Take trips to thepark, play in the yard, go forwalks and make physical activity apart of your family’s daily routine.Reduce the amount of time spentin devices that restrain movement,such as strollers and bouncyseats.• Limit screen time, including TV,

video games and computers, toless than two hours a day. Avoidplacing computers or televisionsets in children’s bedrooms sothey can get the best sleep possi-ble.• Encourage your kids to take

part in sports teams, gymnasticand dance classes, and other ac-tivities that will get them moving.More ideas about healthy living

for families can be found“No matter how old your child is,

it’s never too early to establishhousehold routines that fosterhealthy habits.” says McInerny.




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FFooccuuss oonn EEdduuccaattiioonn

NCBC School Liaison Officer Kevin Byrd is located at MWR Building 3521706 Bainbridge Ave. NCBC, 228-871-2117

or email: [email protected]

h u e b c k s b t c q w

h d c h e a b r a r k u

o r h l s l e i g h e c

l o r w z s a n t a p e

l i i r o k w u f r z m

y b s e r e i n d e e r

s m t a i y z w f i f m

m t m t y p a f z t c e

r r a h n t s k l j a r

n h s r q c a r o l a r

v p r e s e n t s i y y

b o p u d d i n g y m d

ChristmasWord Search













Living in the New Normal: Helping Children Thrive in Good and Challenging TimesPracticum was held December 5th at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Coliseum. Supportstaff from FFSC, MWR-CYP, Airman Family Readiness, KAFB Medical, FOCUS, MFLC,Guard and Reserve, School Counselors and others were on hand to strengthentheir knowledge and skill to help our military children become more resilient. Ap-proximately 36 participants completed this training presented by the Military ChildEducation Coalition. (Photo courtesy of MWR/Released)

LINN Practicum: Helping childrenthrive in good and challenging times

Healthy resolutionideas for children From StatePoint Media, Inc.

Page 10: Seabee eCourier Dec. 20, 2012

Wanted: Taste ofHome ChristmasDesserts Help MWR provide a taste ofhome cooking for active duty mili-tary that are unable to go homefor the holidays by providing adessert. Drop off your dessert atthe Liberty center, Dec. 23 - 25, 9a.m. - 5 p.m. An assortment ofdesserts will make the seasonmuch sweeter. For more info, con-tact Kirk Kelly, 228-871-4684 [email protected].

FitnessThe holidays may be here, but

don’t let it get in the way of yourworkout routine. Make time for agroup fitness class. The CBC FitnessCenter offers courses as early as 8a.m. and as late as 6 p.m. Get yourheart pumping with somestrength/cardio, Zumba or cycling.You can also try out the new lowimpact aerobics course or centeryourself with yoga. For the classschedule, visit us on Facebook atNCBC Gulfport MWR or stop by the

Fitness Center today!

RecreationMovie Theater: FREE every week-

end. Grab some popcorn and sitback and enjoy the movie!

Friday, “Premium Rush,” PG13,6 p.m.Saturday, “ParaNorman,” PG,

noon; “Expendables 2,” R, 2:30p.m.; “Hit and Run,” R, 5 p.m. Sunday, “Home Alone,” PG, 2

p.m.; “Home Alone 2,” PG, 4:30p.m.Monday, Bourne Legacy,” PG13,

6 p.m.Closed ChristmasWednesday, “ParaNorman,”

PG, 6 p.m.

Information, Tickets andTravel:Active Duty, Reservist, National

Guard, USCG and Retirees are noweligible for a complimentary Univer-sal 3 Day Park-to-Park ticket andBlue Man Group Ticket at children’sprice! All dependents and DOD per-sonnel are eligible for discountedUniversal 2 Day, with 3rd Day Free

tickets! Call ITT for info!ITT has Nutcracker tickets avail-

able for the performances on Dec.21 for just $15/ ticket! Call ITT formore information.Disney Military Salute tickets are

in! The promotion has been ex-tended for your deeply discounted 4Day Park Hopper Ticket. New tick-ets are valid through Sept. 30, 2013and they’re only $153.25 each!Purchase up to six for your Disneyget-away. *Eligible patrons only(active duty, reservist, retired).

Liberty Center: The Liberty Center is open on

Christmas Day and offering a “Tasteof Home – Christmas Desserts.” TheCenter will be open throughout theday, but desserts will be served upat 6 p.m. Come out and spend theholiday in good company! FREE. Sign up for a MS Surge Hockey

game with the Liberty Center. Tick-ets are only $6. The FREE shuttledeparts from the Liberty Center at 6p.m. Catch a game Saturday orSunday!

Navy Outdoor Recreation: Do you have holiday parties

scheduled this season? OutdoorRecreation offers all kind of equip-ment for gatherings from grills andcookers to children’s bounce housesat very affordable prices.

Calling all fishermen! Navy Out-door Recreation presents the Fish-ing Rodeo at Seabee Lake, Dec. 22.To sign up or for more details, callODR.FREE Batting Cage: No more to-

kens needed. Stop by and take aswing! Rent bats and helmets at nocharge from Outdoor Recreationduring business hours.

Food & BeverageThe Beehive has new hours on the

weekends and will be open specialhours for the holiday season. Headon over every day of the week forgood service and good times withfriends! Call for details 228-871-4009.Fight the cold weather by getting

a hot breakfast from the Grill. The

Grill is located at the corner ofColby and 7th Street and has every-thing from French toast plates tobreakfast burritos or traditionaleggs and bacon.

Anchors & Eagles: Open Tuesday-Thursday 2 - 9 p.m. Call now toschedule your holiday event!

Youth ActivitiesThe weather is getting cooler.

Perfect time to grab some popcornand see a movie on the Big ScreenFriday, 6-9 p.m. Only $2 per person.Seats are limited so sign up fast.It’s the time of the year to deco-

rate those sweet holiday cookiesand eat them, of course. Sign uptoday to decorate cookies at theYouth Activities Center this Satur-day, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. $4 per person.

Anchors & EaglesAuto HobbyBeehiveChild Development CenterFitness CenterInformation, Tickets & TravelLiberty CenterSeabee Heritage CenterNavy Outdoor Recreation RV ParkThe GrillTraining HallYouth Activities Center


228-871-4684228-871-3619228-871-2127228-871-5435228-871-2494228-871-4750228-871-2251 10



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For more information about MWRFor more information about MWR

programs and opportunities, contact:programs and opportunities, contact:


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The playground at Seabee Lake received a face lift this month andis now open for everyone to enjoy. To provide a safer environment,the playground was upgraded to include a fall safe barrier. Thenew playground is also designed to help children become morephysically fit by promoting exercise of all of the muscles in thebody. (Photo courtesy of MWR/Released)

Page 11: Seabee eCourier Dec. 20, 2012

LONG BEACH ALTERNATIVESCHOOL SEEKS MENTORS - LongBeach Alternative School on Old PassRoad in Long Beach is looking formentors for three high school girls andfour high school boys. Mentor dutieswill include providing direction on as-signments, increasing personal ac-countability and other life skills.Please call Michelle Harrison at 228-865-1956 for more information or tovolunteer.WOOLMARKET ELEMENTARY

SCHOOL SEEKS MENTORS - Wool-market Elementary School on John LeeRoad in Biloxi is looking for mentorsfor their male students as they preparefor middle school. Please contactShirley Hardman at 228-392-5640 formore information or to volunteer.COAST SALVATION ARMY NEEDSVOLUNTEERS - Volunteers are needfor various projects throughout theyear. Contact Shawna Tatge for info,[email protected] DRIFTWOOD NURSING HOME -

Want to make a difference in the lifeof the elderly then volunteer this fallwith Driftwood Nursing Home locatedright outside the Broad Avenue gate.The contact for this volunteer opportu-nity is Christina at 228-243-3421.VOLUNTEER WITH USO - Volunteer-ing is both fun and rewarding. If youare interested in volunteering or wouldlike more information, please visit Volun-teers are needed at both USO loca-tions - (NMPS 2nd Floor, NCBC and

Gulfport Biloxi International Airport.)PROFESSIONAL GOLF ASSOCIA-TION NEEDS VOLUNTEERS - Volun-teers are needed for the ProfessionalGolf Association (PGA) ChampionsTour featuring top golfers - Fred Cou-ples, Tom Lehman, Mark Calcavecchia,Nick Price, & Bernhard Langer March18 - 24 at the Fallen Oak Golf Club,24400 Highway 15, Saucier. Volunteerwill receive a shirt, hat or visor, a cre-dential for the Week, meals duringshift, six good-any-day tickets, a free

round of golf at Grand Bear and ad-mission to a volunteer party at HardRock, Biloxi. For details, contactStephanie Griffis, 228-896-6365.




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Center Chaplains: Lt. Cmdr. Paul Smith, Protestant Chaplain

Lt. Yoon Choi, Protestant ChaplainFor information concerning other faith groups,

call the chapel office at 228-871-2454

Services:Gospel Service: 8 a.m.

Sunday Catholic Mass: 9:30 a.m.Weekday Mass: Tuesday, 11:15 a.m.Divine Worship: Sunday, 10:30 a.m.

Seabee Memorial ChapelSeabee Memorial Chapel

NCBC Helping Hands volunteer opportunitiesNCBC Helping Hands volunteer opportunities

Looking for a church?The Seabee Memorial Chapel holdsservices every Sunday that might suityour needs. Protestant Services in-clude a Gospel Service at 8 a.m. andDivine Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.Catholic Services include CatholicMass at 9:30 a.m. There is alsoCatholic Mass Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m.Seabee PantryThe Seabee Pantry needs restocking.During the holidays, the need for fooddonations is at its highest level.Please donate as many canned goodsand other nonperishables as possible.Donation drop-off sites are located atthe Navy Exchange, Chapel, Commis-sary, Fleet and Family Support Centerand Armed Forces Retirement

Home. The Seabee Pantry is for anyone affiliated with NCBC.Praise and WorshipThe Seabee Memorial Chapel is lookingfor new members for the Praise andWorship Team for the Divine WorshipService at 11 a.m. Sundays. If you cansing or play an instrument, you are in-vited to come share your gift.Women’s Bible Study Women’sFall Bible Study is held Wednesdaysat 11 a.m. at the Seabee MemorialChapel. The Fall Bible Study is con-ducting a six-week study by Jen-nifer Rothchild - Missing Pieces.”Free child care is available. For more information on all offer-ings that are available, contact thechapel at 228-871-2454.

Chapel Offerings

. . . Follow Seabee Center on . . . Follow Seabee Center on Facebook and Twitter . . .Facebook and Twitter . . .

NCBC Civilians (CIVBEEs) have challenged Keesler Air Force Basecivilians to a NCBC Weight Loss Team Challenge competition. Thecompetition will kick off Jan. 14 at the Fitness Center during an in-troduction to Fitness Center equipment. Anyone interested in par-ticipating in the six week-long competition must have a doctor’srelease of good health form turned in to their supervisor. The re-lease states that the participant is cleared to begin an exerciseprogram. Official weigh-in for participants will be conducted Jan.7 - 11, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Fitness Center. Benefits ofparticipating include access to a free training class during thelunch hour, as well as nutritional classes. Weigh-ins will be con-ducted weekly during the challenge. The base that wins will havebragging rights to a trophy that will be displayed at the winner’scommand suite. For more competition information, contactDorothy Coleman, 228-871-4848 or [email protected].

Christmas Holiday ServicesCatholic: Christmas Eve Mass: 4 p.m.

Christmas Day Mass: 9:30 a.m.Protestant: Christmas Eve

Service: 5:30 p.m. New Years Day: 9:30 a.m.

NCBC CIVBEEsAre You Up for a Challenge? Announcing:

‘I lost it at the Seabee Center’ the NCBC/Keesler Civilian

Weight Loss Contest

Page 12: Seabee eCourier Dec. 20, 2012




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SUPPORTFamily Readiness Groups NMCB 1 FRG invites friends and fam-ily members to attend FRG meetingsthe first Monday of every month at theYouth Activity Center, building 335. Apotluck dinner is served at 6 p.m., fol-lowed by a meeting at 6:30 p.m. Chil-dren are welcome and baby sitting isprovided during deployment. ContactFRG President Mary Belanger, [email protected]. NMCB 11 FRG For more information re-garding the NMCB 11 FRG, please visitthe FRG and Ombudsman website at 74 FRG All families of NMCB 74are invited to the 74 FRG meeting thethird Monday of each month. Meetingsare at the MWR Youth Activities Cen-ter, building 335, behind the Grinderon NCBC. Socializing begins at 5:30p.m., and meetings begin at 6 p.m.

Bring a covered dish to share at ourpotluck dinner. Children are welcome.Email [email protected] or visitour Facebook page at “NMCB74 Fear-less FRG” for more information.NMCB 133 FRG invites all friends andfamily members to attend FRG meetingsthe first Monday of the month at 6 the Youth Center. Children are wel-come and baby sitting is provided. Pleasebring a dish to share. For more infor-mation contact FRG President JaimeRoyal at 317-730-4064 or send an emailto [email protected]. To receiveupdates, log on to the FRG site at Officer’s Spouse Club The Gulfport Officers’ Spouses’ Club is asocial organization that has FUN whilehelping our community. We meetmonthly and have special interest groupsfor almost everyone! For more infor-mation, email [email protected] hope to see YOU soon! NMCRS The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Soci-ety Thrift Shop is located in building29 on Snead Street. The Thrift Shopis staffed entirely by volunteers, andchild care and mileage are reim-bursed. Retail hours of operation areTuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9a.m. - 1 p.m. Volunteers are alwayswelcome. Visit the NMCRS offices at

the Fleet and Family Support Center,building 30, suite 103 or call 228-871-2610 to find out how to become apart of the NMCRS volunteer team! Gamblers Anonymous The Fleet and Family Support Centeroffers GA meetings every Thursday at 11a.m. GA is a fellowship of people whoshare their experience, strength andhope with each other. All meetings areconfidential and facilitated by GA. Cometo a meeting or call Jim Soriano at 228-871-3000 for information. TRAININGNaval Sea CadetsThe Gulfport branch of the Naval SeaCadets are recruiting youth ages 11 to17 for Sea Cadets, a nation-wide or-ganization that help youth achieve per-sonal success through nautical training.Meetings are the third Saturday of themonth from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m., building1, 2nd floor conference room. ContactLt.j.g. Bowling at 228-313-9035 [email protected] for information.SOCIALMiss. Gulf Coast First Class Associ-ation is seeking new members. Meet-ings are every Wednesday at 3 p.m. atCBC’s Beehive, building 352. Call BU1Tony Boldrey 228-871-2577 for moreinformation or just come and join us ata meeting. CBC/20SRG Second Class Petty Of-ficers Association is seeking mem-

bers. Meetings are Tuesdays at 2:30p.m. in the Fitness Center classroom.Contact the Association’s Public AffairsOfficer LS2 Matthew Wasson [email protected] or Presi-dent LS2 Earl Simpson at [email protected] for information. NCBC Multi-Cultural Diversity Com-mittee is seeking members. Meetingsare held the first and third Wednesdayof the month at 9 a.m., at the SeabeeMemorial Chapel. Contact BU1 JermaCloude at 228-871-2454 for details.VFW Post 3937 Long Beach is openMonday - Thursday from Noon until 8p.m., Friday and Saturday from Noonuntil 10 p.m., Sunday from noon until 7p.m. The first Friday of the month isSeafood Night, the remaining Fridaysare Steak Night. Breakfast is served from7 to 10 a.m. on Saturdays. VFW meet-ings are held the second Wednesday ofthe month at 7:30 p.m. New membersare always welcome. Contact Post Com-mander Bill North at 228-863-8602 forinformation. VFW Post 4526 Orange Grove is opendaily from Noon to 10 p.m. and locatedat 15206 Dedeaux Road, Orange Grove.Meetings are the first Wednesday eachmonth at 7 p.m. All are welcome and en-couraged to attend. Call 228-832-0017for more info. NMCB 62 Alumni Group Naval Mobile Construction Battalion

(NMCB) 62 was recommissioned in Gulf-port in 1966, and decommissioned in1989. To become a member, go to or for links toSeabee historical sites. Seabee Veterans of America Is-land X-1 Gulfport are seeking ActiveDuty, Reserve, Retired or Seabees wholeft the military after a short period oftime. Island X-1 Gulfport meets the firstThursday of each month at Anchors &Eagles at 7 p.m. Contact Joe Scott (sec-retary) at 228-669-8335 [email protected] or log for information. D.A.V. - Disabled American Veter-ans, Chapter 5 invites Veterans and fu-ture Veterans to monthly meetings heldthe 3rd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Call Service Officer, Silva Royerat 228-324-1888 to find out more aboutour organization and all that is offeredto members.HERITAGEThe Seabee Gift Store is located in theSeabee Heritage Center Training Hall,building 446. Hours are Monday-Friday,10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturdays from11a.m. to 3 p.m. The shop has a varietyof Seabee related memorabilia, booksand DVD’s. Contact the museum or call the gift shop at228-871-4779 for information on all thatis available for customers.


Commissary HolidayHours

Dec. 24, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.Dec. 25 - CLOSEDJan. 1 - CLOSED

Operating hours and daysnot indicated above will benormal operating hours.

NCBC Pass and IDHoliday Hours

Dec. 23 - 25: ClosedDec. 30 - Jan. 1: Closed

Pass Road: 24 hours, 7 days a week

Broad Avenue: 5 a.m. -5 p.m., Monday - Friday

and 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat/Sun

and Holidays 28th Street: 5 a.m.

- 5 p.m., Monday - Fridayand

5 - 7 p.m., Outbound Only Commission Road:


NCBC Gate Hours

NCIS has two new anonymousways to report crimes or suspi-cious behavior with the use ofdiscreet and secure online ortexting tip lines.To report information by Celltext:1. Text “NCIS” to the short code274637 (CRIMES) from any cell orsmart phone.2. Receive a response, for exam-ple: “Your alias is: S2U5 Call 911if urgent! If replies put you atrisk, text “STOP”3. Begin dialogueTo report information Online:1. Go to, clickon the “Report a Crime” tab andselect the icon for “text and Webtip Hotline.”There is a reward of up to $1,000for information leading to a felonyarrest or apprehension.

See Something Wrong,Do Something Right!