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WKNJ Newscast

Date: October 2nd

Good afternoon, it is Friday, October 2nd, 2015 at _______ o’clock and you are listening to 90.3

WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey and I am ____ with the news.\

In Local News….

An interesting car-jacking hits Union,

Around 2pm on Sunday a couple parked a Honda Passport outside a bank on Morris Avenue, and

left their 15 year old son inside with the engine running as they went inside the bank. Two men

got in the car and drove away without looking back to see if there was anyone in there.

Once they realized that the boy was inside they ordered him to get out near a Lowes. The boy ran

back to the bank and that is when the Union Police found him.

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There are certain threats being made to colleges that we as college students need to be

aware of.

An anonymous threat was made on an internet site on Monday around 2 p.m which said “ take up

arms against a university near Philadelphia.” Because of this threat schools in New Jersey are

stepping up their security and police forces and urging students to be alert.

This is not the first time a threat like this has been made; a couple weeks ago a threat like this

one was made days before a mass shooting in Oregon’s Umpqua Community Collage.

Even though colleges have not cancelled any classes, they are presenting students with the option

of staying at home. The post on 4chan reads: "On October 5, 2015 at 1:00 PM CT, a fellow robot

will take up arms against a university near Philadelphia. His cries will be heard, his victims will

cower in fear, and the strength of the Union will decay a little more.

If you are in that area, you are encouraged to stay at home and watch the news as the chaos un-

folds. His sacrifice will echo throughout the nation.”

No colleges were actually named but New Jersey colleges are warning student to stay alert.

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In National News….

Cheerios may be loosing a lot of money this week.

General Mills is recalling 1.8 million boxes of Cheerios labeled "gluten free" that may contain


In a press release on Monday the company said that they may have encountered an issue with

their flour in California which contaminated the ‘gluten-free’ cereal with wheat.

Since there has been report of illness online the company order all warehouses and stores to re-

turn all the products. They also asked all customers to contact the company if they have any

wheat allergies.

This recall affects the honey nut cheerios and the classic cheerios. This is going to cause a huge

problem for General Mills if a lot of consumers were ill due to an allergic reaction to the wheat

found in this gluten free product.

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Flight 550’s main pilot died on Monday while on an American Airlines flight between phoenix

and Boston. The death was not specified but it is believed to be because of an illness.

A medical examiner from New York said the the autopsy showed that the death was a result of

natural diseases and did not go further with specific details.

A passenger told CNN that no one will ever know what happened in that cockpit, that monday.

There were 147 passengers on flight 550 and luckily no one was hurt.

The flight had to be diverted towards syracuse due to the sudden illness that the pilot experi-


"Medical emergency, captain is incapacitated," someone in the cockpit told an air traffic con-

troller, according to audio posted to "Request handling for runway.” (CNN)

The passengers assumed there was something going on due to the expression of the flight’s crew.

Luckily the co-pilot was there and remained calmed through out this situation causing the flight

to end smoothly and leading all the 147 passengers to safety.

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A 16 year old will be tried as an adult in South Dakota.

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16- year old accused of shooting his high school principal earlier this week will be tried as an

adult on a charge for first-degree attempted murder on Friday.

It is a law in South Dakota that anyone that over the age of 16 that commits a felony must be

tried as an adult.

The judge order that the student be held without bail in a juvenile center. During court he was

very respectful and didn’t give the judge a hard time but the judge worried that he may be a dan-

ger to other or himself.

He allegedly got into a disagreement with his principal in his office and fired one shot.

The student pleaded no guilty.

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In International News…

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Russia said on Monday that its volunteers ground forces will join the fight in the Syria war. They

squared off with Turkey and its NATO allies calling the air strike on Saturday and innocent mis-

take due to bad weather.

It was said later on Monday that a second airspace violation might have been committed but that

is still not fully confirmed.

The Russian air and ground deployments in Syria challenge the regional policies of President Re-

cep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, President Obama and NATO. (New York Times)

Russian ground forces could actually just change the scenario completely. This war has left

25,000 people dead since 2011 and Russia entering the war might cause a bigger conflict.

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The Pan American Health Organization and the British government have begun a program called

“Smart Hospitals” to help out vulnerable hospitals. Hospitals in the Caribbean Islands are con-

stantly being damaged and affected by tropical hurricanes which makes it difficult for the hospi-

tals to provide help in that time of need. That is why the “Smart Hospitals” program was created.

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The goal is to make the hospitals safer and more energy efficient so that when the hurricanes hit

they could provide patients with the proper care.

It was originally budgeted at $12 million, but the British prime minister, David Cameron, an-

nounced last week that he would commit $45 million more to the program; the intent is to spend

roughly $500,000 a hospital.

This money is going to fixing the leaks in the roofs, reinforcing windows so they are not blown

our, installing back up generators, putting in solar panels, and the list goes on.

The goal is to help these hospitals run more efficiently so that the patients can obtain better care.

More news, sports, and weather coming up………

(play PSA #1 here.)

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In Sports…

The Detroit Lions fell 0-4 on Monday night following a win 13-10 against the Seattle Seahawks


They took the lead in the final 2 minutes of the game.

It almost seemed like seattle did everything possible to make the Lions win: fumbles, and more.

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Overall, it was a close and very sloppy game.

The work that's been done up to this point, if you just look at it from a statistical standpoint,

you'd come to a conclusion. If you look at it from our standpoint, we can see guys getting better.

But it doesn't always compute. You don't always see it right away, and that's the thing about

coaching, is that, in the trenches, it looks a little bit different, and you just know that, 'Hey, we're

pretty close,' even though it's hard to see from outside.— said the Lions coach.

The Lions remain in the playoffs but have a very slim chance of making it to the finals.

In Baseball News…

The pitcher for the New York Yankees, CC Sabathia announced that he is checking himself into

a rehabilitation center and will miss the postseason.

Your WKNJ hourly weather update …

Right now on the campus of Kean University, it is a sunny 50 degrees with highs going up 74

Low 57.

Tune in later for meteorology reports on 90.3 FM.

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In Entertainment news…

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Actress and model Amber Rose stirs up controversy. She staged a ‘SlutWalk’ in LA on Saturday

and it got people questioning the usefulness of the term SlutWalk and what it represents.

This began in 2011 when an officer stated that women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to

not be victimized after talking about a sexual assault.

Women were infuriated by the comment and started walking the streets in lingerie and slutty

clothing to emphasize that women should not be victimized.

Amber Rose will headline a walk in Los Angeles to show her stance on the issue.

"the #amberroseslutwalk was making the important point that women's bodies are theirs to con-

trol, no one elses,” (CNN)

Being that Amber Rose is a former stripper had a huge impact on the crowd at the slut walk.

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That’s it for your news. You’re listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey. I’m

_____________________ and we’ll be right back after this.

(Play PSA #2 here.)