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Wuthering Heights Script

Cathy : It’s him, it’s dad. He’s here

Hindley : That’ll be him now, Nelly

Earnshaw : Here

Nelly : About time,I’ve been worried

Earnshaw : Good lad

Cathy : Dad! I’ve been waiting for you. Have you got my things? Have you got my whip?

Earnshaw : Easy, Cathy, Hold on

Cathy : Did you get my whip?

Earnshaw : Slow down.

Cathy : Where have you been?

Nelly : There you are, sir

Earnshaw : Joseph

Joseph : Mr Earnshaw, sir. We were worried, what with t’weather.

Nelly : you’re soaked through. Come and sit by t‘fire

Joseph : Get yourself warmed up, sir

Earnshaw : Hold on. I’ve got a surprise for you

Earnshaw : Shouts, leave him. Painting, I found him in the street. Well, he had no one. So I thought…

Hindley : What?

Earnshaw : It was the Christian thing to do. Say hello

Cathy : (Spits) Fairydog!

Earnshaw : Shame on you, Catherine Earnshaw! Go on!

Earnshaw : Nelly, can you clean him up?

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Hindley : Let go! No.

Nelly : Give me the jacket.

Heathcliff : Just fuck off, fairydog.

Nelly : You ungrateful little….

Earnshaw : Sleep well? move

Cathy : are you hurt? Can you understand me? Come, come on. Come on! That’s a hen harrier. That’s a Moorcock. That’s a lapwing, my favorite. You say it. Lapwing.

Heathcliff : Lapkwing. Lapwing

Pastor : For I will take you from among the heathen and gather you out of all countries and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you and he shall be clean. From all your filthiness and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. And what will be his name?

Earnshaw : Heathcliff.

Pastor : Heathcliff, do you reject Satan? Come on

Earnshaw : No, lad. Don’t struggle, now. Be still. Hey, Heathcliff. Heathcliff! Cathy? Cathy! Cathy?!

Cathy : He’s gone (singing) “Hi! Says the mourning dove. I’ll tell you how to gain her love. Court her night and court her day. Never give her time to say ‘O nay”. Close your eyes. Come on, it’s nice. Open your mouth. (singing) “Hi says the swallow..

Joseph : Heathens.

Earnshaw : God forgive you both. Eh?

Cathy : But we didn’t…

Earnshaw : Get to your room and shut up! I don’t want to see you again tonight! Steady! Come on. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Steady. Which one would you like, Heathcliff? Eh? You need your own. The grey. Excellent. Hindley, you can have the other.

Cathy : Come on Heathcliff. Come on. There’s something wrong. I think he’s lame. Where you going?

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Heathcliff : Give me your horse.

Hindley : Fuck off, you dog.

Heathcliff : Want me to show him what you do? I’ll tell him

Hindley : Take my horse, then, you damn gypsy. I hope it breaks your neck and kicks your fucking brains brains out.

Cathy : Let me see. I’m sorry.

Earnshaw : you know, I’ve tried to teach you. Tried to show you how to be good Christian. I’d hoped you’d have treated him like he was your brother.

Hindley : he’s not my brother, he’s a nigger.

Earnshaw : You leave me no option, lad. Hold your hand out. Hand out! Out! Now get out of me sight. I hope you don’t feel pleasure at this. Hey, look at me. Joseph. Come here!

Joseph : Here we rae, lad.

Earnshaw : Give it here. Grab that.

Nelly : Look after yourself, Hindley.

Earnshaw : An education’ll be the making of you, lad.

Carriage driver : Go on. Take care, sir.

Joseph : Safe journey, lad.

Carriage driver : In you get.

Nelly : Bye, Hindley.

Cathy : Bye, Hindley.

Joseph : Mind how you go.

Cathy : Ow! Dad!

Earnshaw : Cathy! Bad child. How can I love you? I regret the day that you were born. Go on, both of you. Go and get of those wet clothes. Hey! And ask God to forgive you both. Sing for us, Cathy.

Cathy : (singing) In Scarlet Town, where I was born. There was a fair maid dwellin. Made every youth cry well-a-day. Her name was Barbara Allen. It was all in the merry month of May. When green buds they

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were swellin. Young Willy Grove on his deathbed lay. For the love of Barbara Allen. He send his men unto her then. To the place where she was dwellin. You must come to my master quick. If your name Barbara Allen.

Earnshaw : Why can’t you always be such a good lass, Cathy?

Cathy : Why can’t you always be such a good man, father? In scarlet Town, where I was born. There was a fair maid dwellin.

Joseph : What the devil were that?

Nelly : Go see to it, Heathcliff.

Joseph : Just go! Go and fetch the doctor! Will you just go now, woman?! Right, Cathy. Come on, out! Come on!

Cathy : No, I’m not leaving my dad!

Joseph : Cathy! Cathy, get upstairs, will you?

Cathy : No! No! No!

Joseph : Heathcliff! Take Cathy upstairs! Now!

Cathy : Let me see my dad! It’s Hindley. He’s got someone with him. Hello, Hindley.

Hindley : Hey, good girl.

Cathy : You’re home. Who’s her?

Hindley : Here we are, love.

Joseph : Well…welcome home, sir.

Hindley : Joseph, meet my wife, Frances.

Joseph : Pleasure to meet you, madam.

Frances : Hello, Joseph.

Joseph : You must both be cold and hungry after that, so let’s get you inside.

Hindley : This is my sister, Cathy.

Frances : Nice to meet you. Who’s this Hindley?

Hindley : Heathcliff. Come and help with th bags. Take ‘em in.

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Cathy : Hindley!

Hindley : Don’t start, Cathy. I’m in charge now.

Frances : come on, let’s go in.

Hindley : Did you hear me?

Cathy : Don’t be so hateful, Hindley.

Hindley : Your choice, nigger. Work or leave.

Frances : Cathy

Hindley : Come on, choose. I’m waiting.

Frances : come on, Cathy. Let’s go inside.

Hindley : Get the trunk. When you’ve done that, get your stuff and move in with the animals where you belong.

Cathy : you’re a fucking idiot, Hindley.

Hindley : Things are gonna change round here.

Pastor : He shall cover tree with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust. Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night, not by the arrow that flieth by day, nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the destruction…

Cathy : I think they’re the new people.

(Man) : How do? Afternoon.

(Man 1) : Is that the young black Earnshaw found in Liverpool?

Hindley : Might make some improvements.

(Man 1) : Still got trees to pull up them?

(Man 2) : Outside

Hindley : Bring this place up to date

(Man 2) : Aye, it needs it

Hindley : That’ll do, Heathcliff. Heathcliff

Cathy : Heathcliff! Heathcliff!

Joseph : Heathcliff!

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Heathcliff : I’m done here.

Cathy : Come on!

Joseph : The two of you will go to hell!

Heathcliff : See you there, Joseph.

Joseph : Useless, he is

Cathy : Quick

Joseph : Good for nothing!

Cathy : You eat like a pig. Ow! No, it’s not his fault, I made him stop working! Hindley, he’s our brother!

Hindley : Don’t be stupid, look at him.

Cathy : stop it!

Joseph : Cathy, go away!

Cathy : You get off me! Get of me!

Cathy : You…No! no! You know if our dad were still here, he’d see what a hateful bastard you are and he’d be ashamed of you! Leave him alone!

Joseph : Even the animals work round here. You’re here to work! You’ll work!

Hindley : You OK, my love?

Cathy : Let me see your back. Isn’t that where the new people live, there? That big house? Race you there. Come on.

Isabella : It’s my dog

Edgar : It’s ours.

Isabella : It’s my dog. Get off him!

Heathcliff : What idiots.

Edgar : Father!

Cathy : Somebody’s got me! Run!

Heathcliff : Cathy! Get off! Skulker, get away! Go on, get away! Get away! Get out! Go on! Get out! Come on, lass

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Robert : Cathy!

Mr Linton : Robert

Robert : Skulker’s had a lass, sir. There’s a lad here too, a right out-and-outer.

Mr Linton : Just the boy. We should hang you now, before you get any older. Do the county a favour.

Heathcliff : Fuck you all, counts.

Edgar : It’s Cathy Earncshaw.

Mrs Linton : I Heard her brother lets her run wild.

Mr Linton : And you’re the boy Earnshaw from Liverpool. The little lascar. The stowaway.

Mrs linton : That makes sense. Did you hear his language?

Heathcliff : You set the dog on us. Stupid whore.

Mr Linton : Robert, throw him out. And send someone to fetch Dr Kenneth. Girls, fetch sime water..

Heathcliff : Cathy!

Mr Linton : and brandy.

Robert : Get out!

Mrs Linton : Would you like one?

Robert : How do, Kenneth?

Hindley : Go on.

Nelly : Hindley’s looking for you.

Hindley : Heathcliff! I should beat you. When Cathy comes home, you are not to speak to her. Is that clear? If I see you talking to her without my permission, you will be told to leave.

Frances : Hindley, I need you. You know, I think it’s good that Cathy’s to go stay with the Lintons. It’ll do her good.

Edgar : I prefer the moorcock.

Cathy : I’ve got a big collection of it at home and I’ve got lots of lapwing feathers.

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Edgar : You’d like it at the Heights. It’s different to here though.

Cathy : (singing) Slowly, slowly she came up and slowly she came nigh him. and all she said when there she came. Young man I think you’re dying. He turned his face into the wall..

Nelly : Joseph

Nelly : Look at you! How smart! Joseph, grab the reins. What a wonderful dress. We hardly recognized you.

Joseph : I’ve got him, I’ve got him.

Cathy : Hold him while I get down.

Joseph : I’ve got him.

Nelly : Been quiet round here without you. Come on, let’s get you in.

Hindley : Cathy! Look at you! You’re a beauty.

Cathy : Hindley!

Nelly : Don’t she look well?

Frances : Cathy, I love this dress.

Cathy : Isabella gave it to me

Frances : Aren’t you lucky? I said a stay at the Lintons’ would do her good.

Cathy : Where’s Heathcliff? Where is he?

Nelly : He’s someone. I saw him earlier. Tea, anyone?

Cathy : Yes, please.

Cathy : Heathcliff!

Hindley : God’s sake.

Cathy : Aren’t you pleased to see me?

Heathcliff : Are you laughing at me?

Cathy : didn’t mean to laugh. All you have to do is wash and clean up and you won’t look so bad. You do look dirty.

Heathcliff : You didn’t have to touch me.

Cathy : Heathcliff?

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Heathcliff : I like being dirty.

Nelly : I can help make you look smart, if you like. If you come now, I can sort you out before dinner.

Heathcliff : I want to be good. Can you clean me up?

Nelly : That’s more like it. The Linlton’s are coming today. We’ll have to get you clean like that Edgar. Let me see. Look at you. You’re a prince. I bet your mother was an African queen and your father a Chinese emperor. I think somebody must have kidnapped you and brought you to England.

Cathy : Hello, Edgar. Hello, Isabella.

Isabella : Hello

Cathy : So you got here all right, then?

Isabella : Yes

Edgar : Just need a hand. We’ve got some barrels.

Joseph : There we go.

Cathy : Nelly’s been cooking all morning. You do like goose, don’t you?

Edgar : Goose, my favourite.

Cathy : Right, it’s this way. Come on. That look nice, Nelly. You sit there.

Edgar : Look at this. This look nice.

Cathy : well, look at you, Heathcliff.

Hindley : Get out!

Edgar : Look at him, he’s all dressed up like a little circus monkey.

Cathy : No! Heathcliff

Hindley : Get out!

Nelly : Heathcliff!

Cathy : You idiot. You should have just spoken to him. He’ll be beaten now. I hate it when he’s beaten. Get off him! Hindley! No! stop it, Hindley! Off him, Hindley. Heathcliff.

Joseph : Oi! What’s going on? What’s he done now?

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Hindley : Take him in. I don’t want to see him. Lock him up.

Joseph : Get up, lad. Get up!

Joseph : Come on. Here we are.

Cathy : Heathcliff? Can you hear? The band’s here. Are you hurt?

(Man) : (singing) The sun shining brightly, cold frost in the air. I went into the forest some flowers to find there. And there I did pick my love a posy.

Frances : He should be back now.

(Man) : O I loved a lass and I loved her so well. I hated all others who spoke of her ill. But now she’s rewarded me well for my love. For she’s gone and she’s married another.

Cathy : Nelly! Nelly, come quick! The baby’s coming!

Nelly : Tell Hindley. And get Dr Kenneth. Quick!

Frances : OH, it’s coming, it’s coming! I can’t…

Nelly : That’s it. Just breathe.

Nelly : Push. It’s coming, it’s coming. I can see its head.

(Man) : (singing) Blessed be the name of the lord. I will keep my mouth, as it were a bridle. While the ungodly was in my sight, I held my tongue and spake nothing. I keep silence, even from good words, but it was pain and grief to me. My heart was hot within me, and while I was musing the fire kindled. At last I spoke with my tongue. Lord, let me know mine end and the number of my days.

Nelly : Breathe in. Stand still. That’s a good girl.

Cathy : Do I look nice, Nelly?

Nelly : Lovely. Hold still.

Heathcliff : Are you going anywhere?

Cathy : It’s raining

Heathcliff : Why you wearing that, then?

Cathy : Aren’t you supposed to be working?

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Heathcliff : No

Cathy : Joseph will tell.

Heathcliff : He will never know. He’s not here.

Cathy : Nelly, you’re brushing all the curls out my hair.

Nelly : Up you come. Oh!

Cathy : What were you saying?

Heathcliff : You spend more time with them than me.

Cathy : As if I’d notice.

Heathcliff : I notice.

Cathy : You never have anything to say. May as well play with the baby.

Heathcliff : You never complained before.

Edgar : I’ve not come too soon, have I?

Cathy : No. Edgar? Please don’t go. Please, come back in! Please come back. Just come back in. Please.

Nelly : It’s all right. (singing) The cuckoo is pretty bird. She sings as she flies. She bringeth good tidings. And she telleth no lies. O, our meeting is a pleasure. And the parting a grief. An inconsistent lover. Is worse than a thief. A thief can but rob me. Of all that I have. An inconsistent lover. Will bring me to the grave. The grave it will receive me. And bring me to dust. An inconsistent lover. No maiden can trust.

Cathy : Can you keep a secret?

Nelly : I don’t like secrets.

Cathy : Edgar’s asked me to marry him. I said yes. Did I do wrong?

Nelly : Do you love him?

Cathy : I do. He’s handsome, cheerful and rich . and he loves me.

Nelly : Then why are you so unhappy?

Cathy : Here and here. Wherever t’ souls live, I feel I’m wrong. If only Hindley didn’t bring Heathcliff so low, I wouldn’t even think of

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marrying Edgar. But now it would degrade me to marry Heathcliff. And he will never know how much I love him. Not because he’s good looking, but because he’s more myself than I am.

Cathy : Heathcliff! Heathcliff!

Heathcliff : Uh! Is Cathy here?

Hindley : What the fuck?

Heathcliff : Is she here?

Hindley : She married Linton. Where you stopping? I’ve got a room for cheap.

Nelly : (singing) Little son, pray come tell me. I’ll save her the grief. And I’ll save her the pain. And I’ll take her for company.

Heathcliff : Nelly.

Nelly : Heathcliff! Is it you?

Heathcliff : Is she here?

Nelly : She’s the lady of the house now. Edgar’s parent are long dead.

Heathcliff : Go on and tell her someone wants to see her.

Nelly : We wondered what had happened to you.

Heathcliff : Nelly..please.

Nelly : All right, all right, all right.

Edgar : Cathy! Bring the person in, then, love!

Cathy : Hold on, I’ll go tell him. I know you don’t like him but you must be friends with him now for my sake.

Edgar : Try to behave. The whole household need not see you welcome a runaway servant as a brother. Please, sit down. I’ll ask them to bring the tea through. Nelly?

Cathy : I won’t believe this tomorrow. How I saw you and touched you spoke to you. How could you not think of me all this time?

Heathcliff : You thought of me too, it seems. I’d just heard you got married. My plan was to see you face, get revenge on Hindley and then kill myself.

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But I have changed my mind. I’ll never leave you, ever again. My life has been bitter since I last heard your voice. I kept going on you.

Edgar : Are we to let the tea go cold, then, Cathy? Cathy? Will you stay for tea, Mr Heathcliff? Mr Heathcliff?

Heathcliff : Yes Mr Linton. Thank you, I will.

Cathy : So where will you stay?

Heathcliff : Hindley offered me a room, I’ll take it.

Cathy : I’ll come tomorrow then.

Edgar : Cathy? Don’t catch cold now.

Cathy : Good night.

(Man 1) : Go on. Go on.

(Man 2) : You must think I’m as daft as a turnip.

(Man 1) : Go on. Get that card up your sleeve. Is that your last one in, right?

Hareton : Oi! Get off! Get off! Fuck off. You idiot!

Hindley : You’ve done well for yourself. By murdering and thieving, no doubt. Your only skills. I’m gonna need the rent in advance.

Cathy : Hiya, Joseph. I’m staying long. Just go and get Heathcliff for us.

Joseph : Heathcliff!

Heathcliff : I’ll need receipts. Mrs Linton.

Cathy : Don’t. You remember Isabella? Edgar’s idea.

Isabella : Hello, Heathcliff.

Heathcliff : Isabella.

Isabella : It’s been a while.

Cathy : Shall we go? Isabella, will you stay with the horse? I want to show Heathcliff something.

Isabella : Heathcliff, help me down. Thank you.

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Cathy : Black, black, black. Is the colour of my true love’s hair. Her lips are like a rose so fair. And the prettiest face and neatest hands. I love. The grass whereon she stands. She with the wondrous hair....

Cathy : How could you have left this? How could you have left me?

Isabella : Can we go now? It’s starting to rain.

Cathy : we’re just coming.

(Man1) : Again

(Man 2) : I need another card. Come on! Come on.

Servant : Nelly!

Nelly : Is this wise?

Heathcliff : Will you please let her know I’m here.

Nelly : Life was just fine before you came back.

Cathy : Heathcliff, I thought I heard your voice. Come in, I’ll just go get my stuff.

Nelly : Cathy, don’t run!

Isabella : Hello. You must have some stories to tell.

Heathcliff : Stories?

Isabella : Well, you’ve been gona a while. You changed. We were all wondering.

Heathcliff : There is no nothing I want to remember.

Isabella : Come on, you’re being modest.

Heathcliff : I am not.

Cathy : I’m ready. Thank you.

Edgar : Are you going out again?

Cathy : Yes

Edgar : Please be careful.

Cathy : I will

Edgar : Take Isabella with you

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Isabella : Yes, I’d love to join you

Cathy : Of course. She’s welcome.

Isabella : Maybe you can persuade Heathcliff to tell us his adventure, Catherine.

Cathy : Stop bothering him with all these questions, Isabella. You’ve not said much, it’s true.

Heathcliff : It’s gone. There’s only now.

Isabella : Well, maybe Catherine can share news instead.

Cathy : Isabella

Heathcliff : What news?

Cathy : Nothing. It’s not important. You are just the person we need to thaw the ice. Isabella likes you more than me, it seems. Don’t go!

Isabella : Heathcliff, could you ask Cathy to let me go?

Cathy : She’s not eaten in two days. She’s love sick. Ah! What a tiger.

Heathcliff : Were you telling the truth?

Cathy : What do you think?

Hindley : I need more money.

Heathcliff : My rent’s paid for a year.

Hindley : I need more.

Heathcliff : You can have whatever you want. But I’ll need something in return.

Hindley : Take whatever you want. You always wor a thieving nigger.

Heathcliff : Isabella?

Isabella : I should go in.

Heathcliff : Is it true?

Isabella : Ah! I should go now.

Cathy : What are you thinking?

Heathcliff : What’s matter to you? You’ve no right to be jealous. I’m not your husband.

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Cathy : Do you like her?

Heathcliff : You’ve treated me so badly, Cathy. You think you can be nice and everything will be OK.

Cathy : What do you mean? I ain’t treated you badly.

Edgar : What’s going on?

Cathy : Nothing

Edgar : I put up with you coming here because my wife likes you. No more, please get out.

Heathcliff : What taste you have, Cathy. You prefer this shivering coward over a man like me.

Edgar : Enough. This can’t go on. You have to choose, Cathy. Him or me.

Cathy : Your veins are full of ice, Edgar.

Edgar : Robert!

Cathy : You best go.

Heathcliff : Come with me. I’ll raise the child as my own.

Cathy : Don’t…

Heathcliff : Joseph

Joseph : It’s true then. You are married. Lord bless us. Lord forgive us.

Heathcliff : Come on

Isabella : hello Hareton. Shall we be friends?

Hareton : Frame off or I’ll set me dog on you.

Heathcliff : Joseph. What news of Cathy these last weeks?

Joseph : She’s paying for her wickedness. God has passed judgement.

Heathcliff : Is she sick?

Joseph : Since you left. Weeks of fever and delirium. Brought on herself, Nelly says.

Cathy : Heathcliff

Isabella : Is she dead yet? Get off! Get off! No! get off!

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Heathcliff : Cathy. You and Edgar have broken my heart. You killed me. Will you be happy when I am in the earth? Will you forget me?

Heathcliff : don’t torture me! I have not killed you. I could no more forget you than myself. When you’re at piece. I shall be in hell.

Cathy : I will never be at peace. Don’t go. Come back. Don’t be mad.

Heathcliff : Cathy. Cathy. Help her.

Edgar : Oh Cathy. Cathy, my love. Wake up. Can you hear me? Wake up. Look at me. Cathy look at me.

Heathcliff : She’s dead, Isn’t she?

Nelly : Yes. Senses never returned since you left. May she wake kindly in the other world.

Heathcliff : May she wake in agony. Aagh! Don’t leave me here where I can’t find you. Leave me alone. Leave me alone!

Isabella : It will all be over by now.

Heathcliff : Cathy. Open the door!

Isabella : Hindley said he’ll kill you if I let you in.

Heathcliff : I’ll kill you both if you don’t!

Isabella : Heathcliff, if I were you, I’d stretch myself over Cathy’s grave and die like a dog! Life can’t be worth living for you now, can it?

Heathcliff : Yah!

Isabella : Stop it! Get off! Stop! Get off! Cathy would still be alive if it wasn’t for you. I hate you!

Mr green : This all seems to be in order. Like you’re the legal owner of the farm, Mr Heathcliff. Good day, Mr Heathcliff.