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Int: police interrogation room - day:

Tobias Clive (Luis) is sitting on a chair, waiting to see what happened and why is he there. George Milton (Adam Budd) comes in and gives Tobias his confiscated phone with a photo of Amanda Clive (Leah Smith), which is Tobias’s sister, on the screen. Because of the fact that she is dead, Tobias is in shock when he sees the photo and doesn’t know how to react. Milton gets angry because of Tobias’s attitude and stands up while trying to make him confess.

Milton:Confess! I know you did it. You are guilty. I know you hate her and I know

you’re jealous. So just confess 

The flashback of the crime scene comes in.

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Ext: car park – dark afternoon:

Amanda is running from the killer – Chris Lewis (Guilerme De Lima), who is filming everything as his trophy. The killer gets her and pushes her on the ground. She hits her dead and dies. The killer keeps filming her until Tobias, her brother, comes running and screaming her name. Tobias falls on his knees to be able to hug her while the killer is still filming everything.


Amanda! Amanda! Please, wake up! Amanda! Please wake up!

The killer still films them to catch the pain on the camera. Tobias gets angry and looks at the killer while shouting, asking for a reason.


What did she do to you?

Tobias stands up and starts chasing the killer. The killer stops filming and we see them from the other side running. Tobias figures that his sister is more important than catching the killer so he turns back to her. And the flashback ends.

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Int: police interrogation room - day:

Tobias is holding the phone in his hands struggling to keep himself from crying while Milton is sitting down trying to convince him to say the truth while Tobias puts the phone away. 

Milton:Just say you did it. Your sentence will be shorter - just say you did it.

Tobias is looking at Milton. He is shocked and stammers his words. With pain in his voice – he manages to say

Tobias:You think I killed my sister?!

As he keeps being heartless, he gets frustrated and says firmly

Milton:Yes, you did! Why you try to lie to me?

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The investigator figures that he is being unprofessional so he calms down a bit and formally gives him some facts in order to make him confess. 

Milton:We know you’re alibi isn’t true so just come clean. Tell me the truth.

 Tobias is hurt and doesn’t know how to react. He can’t believe that he’s a suspect in his sister’s murder and he tries to convince Milton that it wasn’t him 

Tobias:It wasn’t me. I swear to God! I was there but it wasn’t me.

 Milton doesn’t believe him and in a desperate moment Tobias gets angry and shouts standing up up the chair.  

Tobias:You have to believe me, man! You have to!

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Ext: street – day – yesterday:

Amanda walks alone looking at her phone. We see Chris stopping her and asking her a question.


Excuse me, can you tell me the time?


Sure, it’s 3:10pm.

The scene ends with them going out of the shot and walking together.
