Page 1: Scoti Domeij Speaker Request Form...Adversity introduces us to our weakness. When you need perseverance most, Elohim Mauzi, God of My Strength, exchanges our weakness for His strength,

Please complete as much information as possible. Thank you.

Name of organizer: ____________________________Address:____________________________________________

Contact Email:________________________________Contact Phone:______________________________________

Group organizing event:______________________________________Group website:________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________Phone:_______________________________

Title of event:_____________________________________________________________________________________

Date(s) and time(s) of event: ________________________________________________________________________

Event Venue/Phone/Address:_______________________________________________________________________

Deadline/email address to send: Description of talk(s), speaker bio, and handouts. ___________________________

Audio/Visual Equipment: £ Mac computer, Microsoft PPT and projector £Sound £Podium £ Book sales table. Contact person for AV/sound:____________________________

Event Dynamic: £ Women only £ Men and women £ Single women only £ Single men and women

Expected number of attendees:___________________________

Event Type: £Conference £ Workshop £ Retreat £ Luncheon £ Prayer breakfast £ Women’s function £ Single’s function £ Small group £ Bible study £ Other: Describe__________________________________________

How many days? _____ How many sessions per day? _____ Number of presentations and timeframe. (Minimum is 30 minutes. Example: 1. 1 hour) 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____

Presentation format: £ Speech £ Panel £ Roundtable £ Other __________________________________________

Do you have a budget for travel/accommodation expenses? £ Yes £ No Budgeted amount: _________________

Do you have a budget for an honorarium? £ Yes £ No Proposed amount: _________________________________

What is the theme/purpose of your event?

Proposed topic(s) for speaker.

Is there a theme Scripture or quote? Write book, chapter and verse or quote and author’s name.

Speaker Request Form

Page 2: Scoti Domeij Speaker Request Form...Adversity introduces us to our weakness. When you need perseverance most, Elohim Mauzi, God of My Strength, exchanges our weakness for His strength,

“One of us.”

“The real deal. Transparent, totally open.”

“Your faith and strength is an inspiration to us.”

“How you’ve clung to Jesus is a testament to how God heals broken hearts.”

“Thank you for your courage and obedience to walk in a public way to bring glory to God.”

“I’m astounded how you make yourself vulnerable to share your story and minister to others.”

When happily-ever-after collided head on with reality, shattered dreams compelled Scoti to draw healing, hope and strength from over 200 Hebrew names of God and Christ — The Truth of God Himself. At conferences, retreats, or seminars, Scoti’s shares “Who God says He is” awakening women’s hunger to know God for themselves.

Scoti’s interactive presentation integrates visuals, music, introspection, plus practical application. A passionate student of Scripture, Scoti focuses on what God has done, is doing and will do to infuse hope into our “now” and “not yet.”

Scoti serves as Director of Springs Writers, a columnist for Colorado Springs Kids magazine and is published in diverse publications including The New York Times, Southwest Art, Focus on the Family magazine and other parenting magazines. Author of Bible Heroes, she also co-authored Wrong Way, Jonah with Kay Arthur and was a contributing writer for Jesus in the Spotlight. She authored stories for Love is a Verb: Stories of What Happens When Love Comes Alive (Bethany House), Christmas Miracles (St. Martin’s Press), Extraordinary Answers to Prayer: In Times of Change (Guideposts), The Mommy Diaries: Finding Yourself in the Daily Adventure (Revell), and God Still Meets Needs.

As Senior Research Assistant and Art/Editorial Production Coordinator at Focus on the Family for Ray VanderLaan’s 27-part film series entitled That the World May Know, Scoti researched and developed historically, archeologically, and biblically-accurate art compositions used for over 200 art renderings and maps. She also researched and edited Ray’s CD-ROM, Jesus: The Man, The Message, The Messiah.

Her years as a minister’s wife, single mom, grandmother, children’s, youth, women’s and single’s ministry leader and Bible teacher enrich her understanding and enjoyment of God’s true character as her greatest source of spiritual fulfillment. Scoti celebrates her firstborn’s life, Kristoffer, killed in Afghanistan on his 14th special operations deployment. She adores her son, Kyle, her daughter-in-love, new son-in-love and four precious grandchildren.

Knowing God for Yourself

What Others Say . . .

Page 3: Scoti Domeij Speaker Request Form...Adversity introduces us to our weakness. When you need perseverance most, Elohim Mauzi, God of My Strength, exchanges our weakness for His strength,


I Believe in You What lies stalk your heart? Not good enough…pretty enough …thin enough…smart enough …talented enough? Who influences what you believe about yourself? El Emet, The God of Truth, peels away layers of lies so you can trust Who God says He is and embrace the truth of who God says we are.

God, Who Do You Say I Am? Every woman longs to feel loved. Seeking validation from others, we compare ourselves to people and then focus on our defects. The Lord My Maker, Jehovah Asah, who formed us in the womb, helps us see our true value, identity and beauty through His eyes.

The Adversity Advantage Has a Goliath-sized circumstance shaken your faith? Convinced your future looks bleak? Feel like giving up? In life’s most difficult moments, El Chay, The Living God Who Gives Me Life, revives our strength and restores our hope to hold on until the sigh of dawn arrives.


Waiting for God Silence. Suffering. Sidelined. Nothing tries our faith in uncertain, challenging times like waiting for God. Feeling exhausted, hanging on by a thread? Feeling impatient with God’s timing? When we feel weak, desperate and stuck, Elohim Yachel, The God of Hope Who Is Able, reveals how to live strong in God’s love, wisdom and timing.

Finding Clarity in the Waiting After the death of a loved one or a relationship, employment, or a life stage ends, how do we begin again? The guideposts of Jehovah Rachum, The Merciful God of Compassion, transition us from that in-between-what’s-next stage to a new beginning.

Leather and Lace: Understanding God’s Tender Toughness Got problems you can’t solve, stop or run away from? When something goes wrong do you fall apart? When you feel inadequate, El Shaddai, The All-Sufficient Almighty God, provides a divine flow of courage and strength to endure your darkest hours.


Trusting God on the Broken Road Everyone carries emotional baggage. What fills your bags? Shattered dreams? Devastating events? Unmet expectations? Discover how Jehovah-Ezer, The Lord Our Helper, frees you from your past to celebrate today and every new season of life.

Sandwiched between a Rock and a Hard Place? People change. Relationships change. Circumstances change. Emotions change. When change rocks your world, where do you run? When caught in the crossfire of man-made chaos, the unmovable, unshakeable, unchangeable Jehovah Tsur, God My Rock and My Strength, steadies and shelters us.

Speaking Topics Do you have a specific theme or Bible

verse? Scoti tailors her message to work with your focus to address the needs of

your women. Her speaking topics on the names of God include:

“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most

important thing about us.” A.W. Tozer

Page 4: Scoti Domeij Speaker Request Form...Adversity introduces us to our weakness. When you need perseverance most, Elohim Mauzi, God of My Strength, exchanges our weakness for His strength,

Scoti is available for: Women’s and Single’s Events, Retreats, Workshops, Conferences, Community Groups, Writers Conferences, Banquets, Teas, Bible Studies, Small Groups.

PO Box 25834, Colorado Springs, CO 80936 Phone: 719-209-9066 Email: [email protected] Online:;

Contact Scoti Springfield Domeij

Finding Home in a Disorienting World We yearn to find comfort, especially when our nomadic hearts wander from God, face barren times, meet evil, or fall over a cliff. Never surprised by our weakness or where He finds us, Psalm 23 reveals how our gentle, protective, caring Yahweh Ra’ah, The Lord My One True Shepherd, rescues us from evil, leading us to safety and rest.

Finding Harmony in Dissonant Times Anxiety. Conflict. Illness. Debt. Crisis. When chronic stress invades our lives, discord vexes our relationship with God, self and others. No matter the source of our distress, the presence, guidance and faithfulness of Jehovah Shalom, The Lord My Peace, helps us drive out the discord raiding our lives.

Finding Refuge in Adversity Adversity, an inescapable part of life, places our private faith into the public arena. Facebook, Twitter and cell phones provide instant communication to air our feelings. When difficult situations motivate us to cry out for help, Jehovah Palat, The Lord My Deliverer, provides a way to slip away from temptation.

Wounded Healer, Beautiful Scars Broken hearts. Broken relationships. Broken lives. Choices — by ourselves and by others — brings hurt, disappointment, even bitterness. Find the beauty of brokenness in Jehovah Rapha, The Lord My Healer and Restorer, who promises to bandage our wounds, heal the heartbroken and restore us to wholeness.

Lord, I Want to See You Past misery. Present pain. An uncertain future. Repeated temptations. Unceasing trials. When no one sees your cravings, your cares, your sighs, your tears, who comes to your aid? When overwhelmed, the omniscient El Ra’ah, The God Who Sees Me, understands where we’ve come from and where we’re going. You can trust what He can make of you and how He’ll achieve it.

Transform Your Past Into Your Purpose Has your past confined your future or inspired your destiny? How do you let go of guilt and shame for past mistakes or sin to move forward in God’s best for you? The Elohay Selichot, the God of Forgiveness, who is merciful, compassionate and patient, invites you to forgive yourself by accepting his forgiveness.

Finding Strength in Adversity Tired? Needy? Hopeless? Adversity introduces us to our weakness. When you need perseverance most, Elohim Mauzi, God of My Strength, exchanges our weakness for His strength, infusing us with a hopeful looking toward the future without regard for our circumstances.

Finding Joy in Adversity Pressed? Perplexed? Persecuted? When adversity ambushes happiness, our mouths reveal our thoughts and heart. When our tongue burns with vinegar, honey-tongued praises celebrating Elohim Tehilati, God of My Praise, releases the power of praise to refresh our spirit with healing joy.

Maintaining Reliability in an Unreliable World Broken promises. Instability. Unfaithfulness. Lies. When our faith wavers in people, we can trust our unknown future to a known God — El Emuwnah, the God of Faithfulness who hears prayer and keeps His promises.

Dying  for  Love  From  counting  the  number  of  stars  in  the  furthest  galaxy  to  the  hairs  on  our  heads,  the  God  who  has  no  beginning  and  no  end  desires  an  intimate  relationship  with  us  —  forever.  El  Olam,  The  Everlasting  God  of  Eternity,  draws  our  love-­‐starved  hearts  with  a  radical,  unconditional,  self-­‐sacrificing  love.