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Sclerology 101

Dr. Jack Tips’ Sclera Anatomy Chart

Sclera AnatomyThere are six ocular eye muscles. Four of these facilitate horizontal and vertical movement and two assist angular rotation.

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Sclera by Major Zones

Eye Anatomy

The outer layer (sclera or white, and cornea) is fibrous and protective.

The middle layer (choroid, ciliary body and the iris) is vascular.

The innermost layer (the retina) is nervous or sensory.

The fluids in the eye are divided by the lens into the vitreous humor(behind the lens) and the aqueous humor (in front of the lens).

Clear, White Sclera


Babies should have

Wear and tear of living makes it impossible for most humans.

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Blue Sclera

Common in newborns because the thin sclera is shaded by the pigment underneath, usually normal in 3 months. In adults, anemia is suspect, so iron deficiency may be the cause. Usually, venus insufficiency to the head and brain should be considered.

Red Sclera Lines

Red lines may be caused by infection, stress, nutritional weakness, etc. They may be chronic or acute.

Brown Pigment: Liver

Not abnormal in brown eyes.

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Red Wash – May be Heart or Heart Nerves if there is pain

Blue Grey or Metabolic Cloud

Bruise-like marks are referred to as “porcelain china” and is associated with abnormal tissues.

Metabolic Cloud refers to anemia or weakness related to poor absorption of nutrients.

Blue or Grey Bruise or Haze

Anemic, poor spleen function and mineral deficiency

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Alkalosis - Pink

A pink flush may relate to a person’s pH being over 7.0 or too alkaline. This environment produces yeast and fungus, so this is a secondary sign to fermentation.

Yellowing plus pinguecula: Liver

Yellow -Jaundice Eye

Jaundice can occur whenever this normal process of destruction of red blood cells and elimination of bilirubin is interrupted. Bile “backs up” and causes yellow skin and eyes.

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