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Science 14 Unit A: Investigating Properties of Matter

Chapter 1

Understanding Matter pp. 210-217


Name: _____________________________

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1.1 – Chemicals All Around Us pp. 6 to 9

Read “Did You Know” – p. 6

Chemicals are everywhere

Some chemicals are harmful to us and our environment, while others are helpful

because they are dangerous, i.e. chlorine (kills bacteria in water)

Certain chemicals are hazards when mixed because of the products from the

chemical reaction created, i.e. poisonous gases

Chemicals can be dangerous when in storage too. Highly flammable chemicals,

like gasoline, need to be stored away from living areas.

Discuss Table 1.1 – p. 6

read labels for safety information and how to safely dispose of chemicals

o Special sites for proper disposal

service stations that recycle chemicals like oil or batteries

municipal collection sites

i.e. local fire stations, specific area of the landfill site, etc.

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

o WHMIS provides detailed information on how to store, handle, and dispose

of any chemical It also gives first aid information specific to that chemical.

o WHMIS information is given three ways:

1) Product Labels

2) Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Gives details about the chemical including physical and

chemical properties, how to handle, first aid, and disposal


3) Worker Education

Mandatory WHMIS training for people working with

dangerous substances in their job.

Hazardous Household Product Symbols (HHPS)

o symbols on products used at home

o appear on products that are reactive or dangerous

o alert you to potential hazards

o red octagon, orange diamond, and yellow triangle

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Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

Hazardous Household Product Symbols (HHPS)

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Safety Symbols Matching Exercise

Match the descriptions on the right with the items on the left.

______ 1) danger and corrosive HHPS

______ 2) caution and toxic

______ 3) warning and flammable

______ 4) caution and explosive

______ 5) warning and toxic

______ 6) caution and flammable

______ 1) Biohazardous Infectious Material WHMIS

______ 2) Compressed Gas

______ 3) Oxidizing Material

______ 4) Immediately Poisonous and Infectious

______ 5) Flammable and Combustible

______ 6) Toxic, Poisonous and Infectious

______ 7) Corrosive Material

______ 8) Dangerously Reactive

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TASK: Complete the Find Out Activity, questions #1-4 on p. 8

A Closer Look at WHMIS

use the WHMIS label and MSDS provided on workbook pp. 6-8

Discuss CYU – p. 9 #1-4

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Sample WHMIS Label BLM 1-3

Recognize by unique dashed boarder.

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Sample MSDS BLM 1-4

Indicates lots of information about the product.

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Sample MSDS BLM 1-4


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1.2 – Describing Matter pp. 10-15

Matter anything that has mass and takes up space

The Particle Model of Matter (p. 10) 1. All substances are made of tiny particles.

2. All particles in a pure substance are the same.

Different pure substances are made of different particles.

3. Particles have spaces between them.

4. The particles are always in motion.

The speed of the particles increases/decreases when the temperature


5. The particles in a substance are attracted to one another.

The attractive force/strength depends on the type of particle.

States of Matter – explained by particle theory

SOLID – substance that has a certain size and shape

o particles do not need a container to keep their shape

o particles are tightly packed and cannot move around freely,

only vibrate

LIQUID – substance that has a certain size, but no definite shape

o particles take the shape of their container, but always flow to

the lowest possible position

o particles have enough energy to pull away from each other,

and slide around each other.

GAS – substance that has no definite size or shape

o particles take the shape and volume of their container

i.e. fill the container they are in

o particles move freely, quickly and far apart

gases appears invisible because of the enormous empty

space between individual particles

Read “Off The Wall” – p. 11

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the particle theory helps explain what happens when solutes dissolve in solvents

o spaces between all particles

Example: dissolving sugar in water

a water sample has many water particles, but also many empty spaces

same goes for a sample of sugar

you can see many grains (crystals) of sugar

each sugar crystal contains many invisible sugar particles

When sugar dissolves, the sugar particles in the crystals

separate and mix with the water particles.

Figure 2 below shows a model of sugar particles dissolving in water

As the sugar particles separate, the smaller water particles fit

into the spaces between the larger sugar particles.

water and sugar particles are attracted to each other, so they

move closer together when they are mixed

o as a result the total volume is often slightly less than the

volumes of the two separate components.

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States of Matter BLM 1-5

Purpose Matter can take on three different states. These states are solid, liquid, and gas. Use this master to

review what happens the particles in each of these states.

What to Do sketch water molecules in each of the three states.

describe how the particles move in that state.

Refer to textbook p. 11 for help

State of

Matter Sketch of Particles Description of Particles




Read “Did You Know” – p. 12

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Physical Properties BLM 1-6 Purpose: Practice identifying physical properties.

What to Do: Read the explanations in the charts and u se the clues or questions to help you

complete the “Example” column. Refer textbook p. 12 for help

Physical Properties describe the characteristics of a substance. For example, shape, size,

smell, and colour are physical properties. Chemists tend to focus on

the physical properties in the following chart.


Property Explanation Example

state of matter These include solid, liquid, and gas. The state of a

substance is usually defined at room temperature.

What is the state of water?

melting point temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid What is the melting point of water?

freezing point temperature at which a liquid changes into a solid What is the freezing point of water?

boiling point temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas What is the boiling point of water?

conductivity refers to the ability to conduct or transfer

electricity or heat

Iron is a good conductor. Name a

substance that is not.

mass refers to the quantity of matter in a substance What is your mass?


Refers to the amount of mass in a specific volume

of a substance. Substances that have less density

“float” on those with more density.

Which is more dense: gold or water?

How do you know?

lustre Refers to the ability to reflect light or shine. Name a shiny substance.


refers to how a substance feels to the touch.

Words such as smooth, rough, bumpy, and slick

describe texture.

Describe the texture of a CD case.

hardness refers to whether or not a substance can be

marked easily

Pure gold can be marked with a

fingernail. Is it harder than a paper


flexibility refers to how much a substance can be bent

without breaking

Name one flexible material you use

every day.

malleability refers to how easily a substance can be reshaped

Wood is not malleable. Name a

substance that is.

ductility refers to metal’s ability to be stretched into a wire

or tube

Name two ductile substances.

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Chemical Properties BLM 1-6

Purpose: Practice identifying chemical properties.

What to Do: Read the explanations in the charts and u se the clues or questions to help you

complete the “Example” column. Refer to textbook p. 12 for help

Chemical Properties describe how a substance will react with other substances. The terms

explained in the chart below help describe these reactions.

The terms “flammable” and “combustible” are linked.

o If a substance is combustible, it is likely also flammable.

o Example: gasoline will undergo a combustion reaction to provide energy for a

car’s engine. Obviously, the gasoline is not on fire within the car, however, if you

place a match into a gasoline tank, the gasoline will ignite in a vigorous blaze.

Gasoline burns and catches fire easily, therefore it would be classified as both

flammable and combustible.


Property Explanation Example

reactivity refers to whether and how quickly a substance

will react to other substances

Vinegar wears away stone over

many years but forms a frothy mass

when mixed with baking soda.

Which combination is more


flammability refers to how easily a substance catches fire

What highly flammable substance

fuels lighters?

combustibility refers to whether or not a substance will burn

Which of the following substances is

combustible: wood, asbestos, or


Discuss CYU – p. 15 #1-4

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The Egg Drop Activity

Investigation 1-A p. 13

We can use our knowledge of the properties of matter to help choose materials that are useful for a

particular purpose. For example, the transportation of fragile materials requires special packaging that

will protect the contents.

Packaging materials need to be:

Resilient – able to resist a change of shape

Elastic – have an ability to return to their original form

Problem: How can an egg be packed in a coffee can using materials with properties that

will protect the egg from breaking when it is dropped from a height of 3m?

Hypothesis: Educated Guess

Materials: Record all materials used.

1 raw egg

1 empty coffee can


1. Design a package that fits inside the coffee can

2. Collect all materials required

3. Construct a package for your egg

4. Test your design by dropping the protected egg from a height of 3m.

5. Unwrap your egg to see if it broke or not.

6. Compare results to an egg dropped without packaging.

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Egg Drop Activity Continued


Draw a cross section of your egg creation before the drop and after.

Make sure to label your drawing with the materials you used.


Answer the questions below in complete sentences.

1. Record the physical properties of the egg. Highlight or underline the properties

that must be considered when packaging the egg.

2. List 5 properties for each packaging material chosen in your design. Indicate

which of the properties might be useful in preventing the egg from breaking.

3. What properties do the packaging materials you used have in common? How

do they differ?

4. Did the egg break? Are there any signs of cracking or leaking?

5. Based on your results, how would you improve your design?

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1.3 – Classifying Matter pp. 15-19

Pure Substance fixed composition with a unique set of properties

Example: properties like the melting points and boiling points do not change

Only one type of particle present

Mixture varied composition

two or more different types of particles together

Each component within a mixture retains its properties

o May not be obvious at the first glance

mechanical or solution

Mixtures can be separated by physical means because the properties of the

individual components do not change.

o Example: Saltwater can be separated into salt and water using a simple

distillation apparatus because water has a lower boiling point than salt.

contain substances that do not react to form new compounds

In order for a new substance to be formed with new physical properties, a

chemical reaction needs to take place.

o This is the difference between a COMPOUND and a MIXTURE.

Compound result of a chemical reaction that combines different pure

substances. Combination of different elements to create a new pure substance.

o compounds cannot be separated without another chemical reaction

Read “Science Myths” – p. 17

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Classification of Matter

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Mixtures or Pure Substances Sort the following into either the pure substances or mixtures columns.

potting soil pineapple juice

tap water vegetable oil

sugar toothpaste

peanut butter gasoline

oxygen neon

carbon cookie dough

dog food Italian salad dressing

aluminium air

Discuss CYU – p. 19 #1-4


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Classification of Matter Crossword BLM 1-14

Chapter 1 Vocabulary Check

Complete the crossword using the clues provided.


1. Melting point, boiling point, and density are

examples of a ____________ property.

3. In nature, water is found in all three

_______________________ . (3 words)

5. meaning of the large R on a WHMIS


8. physical property that affects whether a

substance floats or sinks

10. substance that contains a single type of

particle (2 words)

12. safety labelling system used on household


14. anything that has mass and takes up space

15. At room temperature, water is in this state.

16. Particles move farthest apart in this state of


17. This class of matter contains two or more

pure substances.


1. The _______ theory of matter explains the

behaviour of the tiniest bits of a substance.

2. A substance that will burn skin is labelled

_______________________ .

4. an explanation supported by repeated

scientific investigations

6. Metals _____________ heat and electricity.

7. WHMIS consists of training, labelling,

symbols, and _______________________ .

9. A substance that will catch fire is labelled

_______________________ .

10. A chemical ____________ describes how a

substance reacts to other substances.

11. safety system for workplaces

13. Most metals are in this state of matter.

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Chapter 1 Vocabulary Words

1. WHMIS 9. Liquid

2. MSDS 10. Gas

3. HHPS 11. Physical Property

4. Matter 12. Chemical Property

5. Theory 13. Pure Substance

6. Particle theory of matter 14. Mixture

7. States of matter

8. Solid

Chapter 1 Review Questions

1) Identify three potential dangers when using chemicals. (1.1)

2) How should chemicals be stored at home? (1.1)

3) Compare and contrast the WHMIS and HHPS systems. (1.1)

4) Describe how chemicals can be used safely. (1.1)

5) How can you find out how to dispose of a chemical safely? (1.1)

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6) Use a chart and diagram to help explain the differences between the different states

of matter. (1.2)

7) Use examples to help describe the difference between physical and chemical

properties. (1.2)

8) List two chemical properties and two physical properties of wood. (1.2)

9) Name two broad categories that matter can be classified in. (1.3)

10) What is the difference between a pure substance and a mixture? (1.3)

11) Which has a lower freezing point, limewater or distilled water? (1.3)

12) Is toothpaste a mixture or a pure substance? How can you tell? (1.3)

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Complete Chapter 1 Review Questions – p. 20 #1-18

Please record your answers below or on an attached sheet of loose leaf.
