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  • 7/28/2019 Schools Package - Copy


  • 7/28/2019 Schools Package - Copy


    We offer a wide variety of engaging and exciting projects for

    schools and youth groups throughout the year, all of which

    have a strong environmental emphasis. The projects aim to

    give pupils a greater awareness of the world they live in and a

    curiosity to find out more about it for themselves in thefuture. All our projects are outdoor based and very hands on

    and interactive, encouraging learning and understanding

    through children discovering things for themselves. All

    projects are tied in with the curriculum and can be tailored

    to suit a wide variety of ages and abilities. They are run

    extremely cost-effectively, to ensure that as many children

    as possible are able to experience them.

    Our website outlines all of the projects that we offer,

    including itineraries, costs and what to expect. We also

    have downloadable risk assessments.

    Rocks and Soils

    The class discovers several types of rock whilst

    exploring the Farm. They learn about their uses and

    how they were formed. They then get to carry out

    experiments on the rocks to determine their type. They

    are then invited to try and make their own soil from

    materials that they have found on the Farm. The

    children learn about the necessary conditions to make

    soil and how it is made in the natural world. To end the

    day, the class has an opportunity to make their own

    wormeries to take back to school and continue their

    studies in geology.

    Discovering Mini-Beasts

    Classes are encouraged to explore different

    habitats on the Farm and are helped to identify,

    record and compare their discoveries together.

    They create their very own habitat for a

    minibeast, learning more about the creatures

    and their environment. Children also learn about

    basic ecology through taking part in an

    interactive food web.

    The activities were pitched spot on for our children; they wereall at the right level and engaged their interest.

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    Engage ReConnect is a successful and highly regarded project

    that has been established for over 10 years. Approved by

    Education Leeds it is aimed at young people aged between

    13-16 years who are experiencing problems in mainstream

    education. We cater for pupils with a wide variety of needs,including anger management and learning and behavioural

    difficulties. The project is delivered in a small, closely

    supervised group setting, with pupils developing a portfolio of

    their work to achieve a recognised qualification from the

    National Open College Network (NOCN). They can come for a

    term, or over a whole year, with the objective of reengaging them

    back into mainstream education.

    Engage ReConnect improves behavior in and out of the

    classroom. Attendance is improved and anti social behavior isreduced. Pupils leave with greater self-esteem and confidence

    as well as better literacy and numeracy skills.

    Recycled Mountain Bike Project

    The aim of the project is to give

    children the opportunity to learn how

    to confidently ride a bike, basic bike

    maintenance and safety skills. Once

    they have learnt how to strip down

    and reassemble a bike, they attend a

    recognised road safety training

    course and take part in an off road


    The children have a great sense of

    accomplishment as they have built

    their own bike, which they get to take

    home as a reward.

    Some of the completed bikes will be

    donated to African orphans in

    Malawi. The remainder are soldcheaply at the Farm, with the money

    raised being used to buy tools for our

    educational projects.

    Meanwood Valley Urban Farm has been a blessing forour students. Their self-esteem, communication and

    team working skills increased to the extent that they

    could re-engage with learning. The support, care and

    guidance provided by the staff has enabled students to

    move forward in their education and their belief in

    themselves as learners.Allerton High School

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  • 7/28/2019 Schools Package - Copy

