  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan



    Land of the thunder dr

    By: Mr. Francis LouieBy

    : Mr. Francis Louie

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan



    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    on the Hi)a*ayas+ eedge' is a *and of)onasteries' fortres

    dzongs- and dra)attoograhy ranging su/troica* *ains to)ountains and 0a**e

    on the Hi)a*ayas+ eedge' is a *and of)onasteries' fortres

    dzongs- and dra)attoograhy ranging su/troica* *ains to)ountains and 0a**e

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan



    1AP!TAL Thi)u

    LAN2UA2" Dzong(a

    R"L!2!N 3a4rayana Buddh

    23"RNM"NTUnitary Par*ia)en

    1onstitutiona* )

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    BR!"F H!5TR6

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    7rst o8cia* recordings date /ac( the the 9thcentury' arri0a* of Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche. (no;n as the second Buddha. He /rought Buddhis) to the (ingdo) and is dee*y re0ered a** o0e

    The syste) of /ui*ding Dzongs ;as continued /y haN!a"an! Nam!#a$. arri0ed in Bhutan in #$9. uni7ed the country and started the ?angchu( dynasty ,unti* rese #>#$ @signed a treaty. Britain agreed not to interfere in the intern

    Bhutan as *ong as the Bhutanese acceted British ad0ice on its e

    re*ations.#$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    fro) the rest of th?hen 1hina in0adBhutan ;anted to

    Ti/et+s fate andstrengthened its t!ndia. !t ;as in the;hen the (ingdo)

    a/o*ished s*a0ery caste syste)' undsocia* )odernizatenacting *and refo

    therefore ended it

    fro) the rest of th?hen 1hina in0adBhutan ;anted to

    Ti/et+s fate andstrengthened its t!ndia. !t ;as in the;hen the (ingdo)

    a/o*ished s*a0ery caste syste)' undsocia* )odernizatenacting *and refo

    therefore ended it#$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    Cig)e 5ingye?angchuc( ;ho ;as

    coronated in #>9'started contro**edde0e*o)ent. He a*sout a strong e)hasison the reser0ation ofBhutan+s uniEue cu*tureand en0iron)ent. He

    ;anted Bhutan to /e

    Cig)e 5ingye?angchuc( ;ho ;as

    coronated in #>9'started contro**edde0e*o)ent. He a*sout a strong e)hasison the reser0ation ofBhutan+s uniEue cu*tureand en0iron)ent. He

    ;anted Bhutan to /e#$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    Bhutan eerienced dar( days in #>>faced ro/*e)s ;ith Nea*i ci0i* ser0ain Bhutan

    !n #>>G )a4or o*itica* refor)s ;erthe (ingdo). The 1ounci* of Ministdisso*0ed /y the (ing and the )inisu ti** then ;ere aointed /y the 1

    had to /e de)ocratica**y e*ected.De)ocratic refor)s continued and i5ingye ?angchuc( 0o*untari*y curtai*a/so*ute )onarchy

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    'Khesar Nam!#a%an!chu&. He s

    Bhutan+s resentThe Present ri))inister is'i!me

    Thin$e#.March I$$G @ shifan a/so*ute )onto a constitutiona

    'Khesar Nam!#a%an!chu&. He s

    Bhutan+s resentThe Present ri))inister is'i!me

    Thin$e#.March I$$G @ shifan a/so*ute )onto a constitutiona

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    TRI(IA) !ts caita* is Thi)u is theon*y caita* in the ;or*d;ithout tra8c *ights. !nfact ;hen tra8c *ights

    ;ere insta**ed the eo*eo/4ected and the cityre0erted /ac( to the useof ;hite@g*o0ed tra8c

    o*ice.#$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    TRI(IA) Bhutan h;or*d+s hunc*i)/e2ang(haa )ounta

    sacred /yBhutanesgo0ern)/anned)ountain

    P*astic /a#$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    TRI(IA)Bhutanese )annersdictate that you areto refuse food;hene0er it+s

    oered to you. Thetradition is to saythe ;ords J)eshu)eshuK and co0er

    your )outh ;ith#$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    TRI(IA) Bui*dings an

    architecture fo**o; traditi

    A** eo*e )traditiona* dr

    re*igious andoccasions. ,2ira-

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan



    Rather than using the 2DP as an econo)ic inde)easures its o0era** Jhea*thK through the four isustaina/*e de0e*o)ent' en0iron)enta* rotectcu*tura* reser0ation' and good go0ernance' ;hicfor) the 2ross Nationa* Hainess or 2NH.

    At *east

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan



    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    Bhutan is one of the ;oorest and *east de0countries. According

    United Nations= de0e*rogra)' I

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    Bhutan+s econo)y is)ost*y /ased onagricu*ture' ;hich

    together ;ith *i0estoc((eeing is the )ainsource of *i0e*ihood for

    o0er G$ of theou*ation. The countryhard*y (no;s rea*industry' ecet forestry

    and cotta e /ui*din .

    Bhutan+s econo)y is)ost*y /ased onagricu*ture' ;hich

    together ;ith *i0estoc((eeing is the )ainsource of *i0e*ihood for

    o0er G$ of theou*ation. The countryhard*y (no;s rea*industry' ecet forestry

    and cotta e /ui*din .#$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    Hydroe*ectric oBhutan+s *argest

    roduct' yet 9$ou*ation doesnha0e e*ectricity adeends on 7re;for energy. Bhuta)a4or trading a!ndia. The t;o co

    ha0e a free trade

    Hydroe*ectric oBhutan+s *argest

    roduct' yet 9$ou*ation doesnha0e e*ectricity adeends on 7re;for energy. Bhuta)a4or trading a!ndia. The t;o co

    ha0e a free trade#$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    Touris) a*so /rings a*ot of )oney to thecountry. Bhutan+s

    touris) industry is/ased on the rinci*eof en0iron)enta**yfriend*y' econo)ica*

    0ia/i*ity andsustaina/i*ity. Masstouris) is re0ented/y the o*icy of high

    0a*ue and *o;

    Touris) a*so /rings a*ot of )oney to thecountry. Bhutan+s

    touris) industry is/ased on the rinci*eof en0iron)enta**yfriend*y' econo)ica*

    0ia/i*ity andsustaina/i*ity. Masstouris) is re0ented/y the o*icy of high

    0a*ue and *o;#$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    "1NM!1 !ND!1ATR5

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

    The 2ross Do)estic Product ,2DP- in B;as ;orth #.GI /i**ion U5 do**ars in I$#

    The 2DP 0a*ue of Bhutan reresents *es$.$# ercent of the ;or*d econo)y.

    2DP in Bhutan a0eraged $.G$ unti* I$#'

    reaching an a** ti)e high of #.GI U5D BI$##

    and a record *o; of $.# U5D Bi**ion in

    The 2ross Do)estic Product ,2DP- in B;as ;orth #.GI /i**ion U5 do**ars in I$#

    The 2DP 0a*ue of Bhutan reresents *es$.$# ercent of the ;or*d econo)y.

    2DP in Bhutan a0eraged $.G$ unti* I$#'

    reaching an a** ti)e high of #.GI U5D BI$##

    and a record *o; of $.# U5D Bi**ion in

    Gross Domes*ic ProdGross Domes*ic Prod

    1 1 1 5

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    "1NM!1 !ND!1ATR5

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

    The 2ross Do)estic Product ,2DP- in Beanded ercent in I$# fro) the year.

    2DP Annua* 2ro;th Rate in Bhutan a0e9. ercent fro) #>>< unti* I$#' reaching an a** ti)e high of #9.>$ erce


    and a record *o; of I.#$ ercent in I$

    The 2ross Do)estic Product ,2DP- in Beanded ercent in I$# fro) the year.

    2DP Annua* 2ro;th Rate in Bhutan a0e9. ercent fro) #>>< unti* I$#' reaching an a** ti)e high of #9.>$ erce


    and a record *o; of I.#$ ercent in I$

    GDP Gro"*h Ra*eGDP Gro"*h Ra*e

    "1NM!1 !ND!1ATR5

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    "1NM!1 !ND!1ATR5

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

    The 2ross Do)estic Product er caita

    Bhutan ;as *ast recorded at I$>Ifro) #>G$ unti* I$#'

    reaching an a** ti)e high of I$G$

    The 2ross Do)estic Product er caita

    Bhutan ;as *ast recorded at I$>Ifro) #>G$ unti* I$#'

    reaching an a** ti)e high of I$G$

    GDP Per +api*aGDP Per +api*a

    "1NM!1 !ND!1ATR5

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    "1NM!1 !ND!1ATR5

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

    The ination rate in Bhutan ;as recat &.#& ercent in the second EuartI$#&.

    !nation Rate in Bhutan a0eraged

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    "1NM!1 !ND!1ATR5

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

    Une)*oy)ent Rate in Bhutan incrto I.>$ ercent in I$# fro) I.#$ in I$#.

    Une)*oy)ent Rate in Bhutan a0eI.&< ercent fro) #>>& unti* I$#' reaching an a** ti)e high of erc

    I$#$ and a record *o; of # #& ercent in

    Une)*oy)ent Rate in Bhutan incrto I.>$ ercent in I$# fro) I.#$ in I$#.

    Une)*oy)ent Rate in Bhutan a0eI.&< ercent fro) #>>& unti* I$#' reaching an a** ti)e high of erc

    I$#$ and a record *o; of # #& ercent in


  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan



    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

    Bhutan+s HD! a*ue

    Bhutan+s HD! 0a*ue

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    Bhutan+s HD! 0a*uefor I$# is $.&GO;hich is in the

    )ediu) hu)ande0e*o)entcategory ositioningthe country at #-

    Mo/i*e Phone Users: >'#< ,I$#$- Persona* 1o)uters I.:#$$ ,I$$9-

    !nternet users: &$'$$$ ,I$$>-

    Mo/i*e Phone Users: >'#< ,I$#$- Persona* 1o)uters I.:#$$ ,I$$9-


    HD! !ND!1ATR5

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    HD! !ND!1ATR5

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

    Budget: re0enues: &GG.I )i**ion eenditures: .& )i**ion

    note: the go0ern)ent of !ndia 7nances one@Euarter of Bhutan=s /udget eend,I$# est.-

    Budget: re0enues: &GG.I )i**ion eenditures: .& )i**ion

    note: the go0ern)ent of !ndia 7nances one@Euarter of Bhutan=s /udget eend,I$# est.-





  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    "1NM!1 TH"R!"5

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan



    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

    Bhutan' s)a** and *ess de0e*oed'

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan


    is /ased *arge*y on agricu*tureand forestry' ;hich ro0ide the)ain *i0e*ihood for )ore than ha*f

    of the ou*ation. Becauserugged )ountains do)inate theterrain and )a(e the /ui*ding ofroads and other infrastructuredi8cu*t and eensi0e' industria*

    roduction is ri)ari*y of thecottage industry tye. Theecono)y is c*ose*y a*igned ;ith!ndia=s through strong trade and)onetary *in(s and is deendent

    #$%##%#& Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

  • 7/17/2019 School report about Bhutan



    1BTN2pd5h** 011"""2*radin economics2com1Bhu*#$%##%#&

    Mr. Francis Louie D. Mendoza

    THAN 6
