Download pdf - School PTA AGM 2020


EdgbarrowSchool PTA AGM 2020

The PTA. What we do and how to be involved!Registered charity number 288076

PTA Wine, Cheese & AGM Introduction

Thank you for joining via Zoom!

• Welcome to new faces – and to those who have been involved for the past years.

• Normally we’d be in the school meeting room – an easier and more sociable way to kick off the new School Year!

• Sorry you’ve missed the usual nibbles and wine – sometime soon in 2021 hopefully!

• Let's have a quick round of introductions, so Sarah our Secretary can note who’s here.

• We appreciate you taking an hour or so to meet and plan for whatever the year ahead brings!

Edgbarrow PTA: & AGM!

Agenda: September 22nd 2020

o Introduction Richard Love, PTA Chair

o School Update School Staff Team

o PTA Report PTA Committee Team

o Key Projects, Feedback & Discussion All

o Nomination & Voting, PTA Core Team All

o AOB All

o Close

Introduction: introducing Edgbarrow PTA

Who are we?

• A group of motivated parents, who enjoy working together to support the school!

• Our objectives are to raise much needed funds, to bring parents & teachers together and to have fun doing so ☺

• There are many opportunities to be involved, whether you have just a few hours for one activity a year, or want to be regularly involved in running the PTA.

• It’s a great way to remain involved in your children's education and school community – especially in secondary school and current circumstances with no opportunity for playground ‘drop off’ conversations!

School Update – Edgbarrow Senior Leaders Team

Re-Build Project Update

Old Layout + Temporary Classroom Block (1) New Build Block (2)

Re-Build Project Update

JustGiving Funding Campaign

Just Giving Donations + additional Funding added by the PTA.

Funds invested in New Interactive Classroom Screens – already installed in the temporary building.

Good progress but many more £££ still to raise!

PTA Report - 2020

Current Elected PTA Team

▪ Richard Love: Chair

▪ Elspeth Tuite: Co-Chair

▪ Sarah Rook: Secretary

▪ Louise Bell: Treasurer

This year PTA activities & Just Giving donations will raise ~£37,000 Money directly invested into all our children's education.

The PTA team have an active dialogue with the school and (in typical years!) meet formally with members of the teaching team every two to three months to plan events, discuss and approve funding requests.

The school's Senior Leadership forward requests for expenditure to the PTA, decisions are made in consultation based on priority and fairness.

Different PTA members take on specific projects, depending on their time, interests and skills.

At the AGM, all formal PTA roles are open for election/re-election

– we need to appoint a new Treasurer, and ideally a co-chair as after lots of sterling work, Louise & Elspeth are both stepping down to focus on other commitments. We will vote on the formal roles at the end of the meeting.

Other PTA Roles (help always welcome!)

Role / Event Team Lead/s

Christmas Shopping Evening (No physical event 2020 – maybe online?)

Gwen Morgan-Fox

2nd Hand Uniform Sales Claire Welch & Helen Thompson

Social Media Katia Bertoli & Diana Isitt

Funding Applications Megan Wright (others volunteers needed!)

Bags to School Mary Kate O’Riley

Careers Evening (TBC May 2021) Richard Love (assistance welcome in planning 2021!)

Wider PTA Events Thanks to the many other parents who help in a multitude of ways! We can do more still, but need your support and involvement to do so

Different teams to manage different activities and events: many hands = light work!

Activities of all kinds, for everyone…

From planning & arranging major events to making the best bacon sandwich!

• We actively support school events, some as fundraising activities, others as a service to students, parents and staff.

• The Christmas Shopping Evening, raises funds and brings together the Crowthorne community and local traders.

• Working with the School, the PTA play a key role in organisingthe Careers Evening, helping students investigate different opportunities for work or study.

• We usually provide refreshments for numerous Concerts and other events, not forgetting the Gardening & Decorating Days that save the school thousands of £’s each year.

Careers Evening

Christmas Shopping Evening

Treasurer: Income for FY 2019-2020

Edgbarrow PTA funds for the year to July 2020

August to



October to



January to

April 2020

May to June

2020 Jul-20 Total YTD

£ £ £ £ £ £

Income Christmas Fair 25.00£ 3,693.94£ 10.00£ 25.00-£ 3,703.94£

Easy Fundraising 137.36£ -£ 286.43£ 423.79£

Donations to School -19/20 Funds via Just giving 3,198.38£ 5,385.33£ 6,309.51£ 3,282.57£ 2,151.84£ 20,327.63£

Amazon Donations -£ 9.38£ 99.23£ 83.97£ 192.58£

Sponsored Walk collected cash/cheque -£ 8,893.63£ 1,112.77£ 10,006.40£

Bags to School -£ 842.40£ 842.40£

2nd Hand School Uniform Sale 674.60£ 674.60£

Christmas Production -£ 582.19£ 10.00£ 592.19£

Quiz Night -£ -£ -£

Match Funding -£ -£ -£

Race Night - advertising income 280.00£ 280.00£

Careers evening 25.60£ 25.60£

DofE -£ 63.42£ 63.42£

Interest 1.16£ 0.82£ 1.78£ 0.62£ 4.38£

Total 3,361.90£ 19,406.87£ 7,822.33£ 3,654.75£ 2,891.08£ 37,136.93£

Income & Expenditure

Treasurer: Expenditure for FY 2019-2020

Net Cash Flow and Cash at Bank FY 2019-2020

August to



October to



January to

April 2020

May to June

2020 Jul-20 Total YTD

£ £ £ £ £ £

Income Total 3,361.90£ 19,406.87£ 7,822.33£ 3,654.75£ 2,891.08£ 37,136.93£

Expenditure Total 6,784.36-£ 2,930.35-£ 28,086.93-£ 7,913.28-£ 21.00-£ 45,735.92-£

Net cash inflow/(outflow) 3,422.46-£ 16,476.52£ 20,264.60-£ 4,258.53-£ 2,870.08£ 8,598.99-£

Closing Cash Balances

Brought Forward 40,942.73£ 37,520.27£ 53,403.04£ 33,613.44£ 29,354.91£ 41,047.63£

Net cash inflow/(outflow) 3,422.46-£ 16,476.52£ 20,264.60-£ 4,258.53-£ 2,870.08£ 8,598.99-£

Carried Forward 37,520.27£ 53,996.79£ 33,138.44£ 29,354.91£ 32,224.99£ 32,448.64£

Cash Not banked 593.75£ 475.00-£ 90.00-£

Float for Careers evening banked August 90.00£ 90.00£

Money from Careers Evening, DofE, Uniforms not banked until August 421.02£ 421.02£

Float 100.00£ 100.00£ 100.00£ 100.00£ 133.65£ 133.65£

Bank Balances Current Account 35,196.80£ 51,079.57£ 31,289.15£ 27,028.84£ 29,477.28£ 29,477.28£

Savings Account 2,323.47£ 2,323.47£ 2,324.29£ 2,326.07£ 2,326.69£ 2,326.69£

37,520.27£ 53,403.04£ 33,613.44£ 29,354.91£ 32,224.99£ 32,448.64£

Income & Expenditure

Treasurer: Core / Repeating Donations 2019-20

Key payments agreed for FY19/20 & those made Year to Date.

Forecast Donations FY 19/20 Agreed AGM Sept 19 Paid as at 31/7/20 Outstanding

Annual Requests:

Painting & Gardening £300.00 £300.00

Minibus Lease Hire £5,100.00 £5,078.56 £21.44

PE Coach Hire £2,000.00 £84.40 £1,915.60

6th Form Cream Tea Celebration £1,350.00 £1,210.65 £139.35

*Lower School Celebration Evening Summer 19 & 20 £2,000.00 £812.71 £1,187.29

HOY/Yr10&11 Rewards Autumn 19 £1,900.00 £1,900.00 £0.00

Year 7 Author Visit £400.00 £565.00 -£165.00

Year 11 Prom Match Funding £300.00 £300.00 £0.00

Edgbarrow Incentive Scheme £300.00 £300.00 £0.00

Careers Evening Catering £300.00 £480.00 -£180.00

Banana Breakfasts £200.00 £200.00

Languages Event £50.00 £50.00 £0.00

Hardship Fund £1,000.00 £1,000.00 £0.00

Young Enterprise Scheme £580.00 £530.00 £50.00

Total Forecast Donations £15,780.00 £12,311.32 £3,468.68

Treasurer: Forecast Spend FY 2020-2021

Committed 19/20

Paid out 19/20 Forecast Donations FY 20/21To be Agreed Sept

20 AGMAnnual Requests:

£300.00 Painting & Gardening £300.00£5,100.00 £5,078.56 Minibus Lease Hire £5,100.00£2,000.00 £84.40 PE Coach Hire £2,000.00£1,350.00 £1,210.65 6th Form Cream Tea Celebration £1,250.00£2,000.00 £812.71 *Lower School Celebration Evening Summer 20 & 21 £2,000.00£1,900.00 £1,900.00 HOY/Yr10&11 Rewards Autumn 19 £1,900.00

£400.00 £565.00 Year 7 Author Visit £570.00£300.00 £300.00 Year 11 Prom Match Funding £300.00£300.00 £300.00 Edgbarrow Incentive Scheme £300.00£300.00 £480.00 Careers Evening Catering £500.00£200.00 Banana Breakfasts £200.00

£50.00 £50.00 Languages Event £50.00£1,000.00 £1,000.00 Hardship Fund £1,000.00

£580.00 £530.00 Young Enterprise Scheme £530.00£15,780 £12,311.32 Total Forecast Donations £16,000.00

Increase on 19/20 1.4%

Additional Ways to Support the School

Company Donation Matching

▪ Many companies have match funding agreements that let you maximize the impact of your charitable donations and activities.

▪ The PTA is registered for:▪ Benevity▪ Consiva▪ Ammado

▪ Please check if your firm will support you in your next charity challenge?

▪ In many cases they will match 100% of what you raise!

▪ Edgbarrow requests parents support in raising funds through voluntary donation.

▪ Monies raised are used to fund textbooks and resources which will help maintain the high standard of progress and attainment.

▪ The school sends out an annual request for parental support.

▪ These funds go directly to the school and

as a charity we reclaim the tax!


▪ Questions can be sent to: [email protected]

▪ Earn money for the school whenever you shop online!

▪ It does not cost you a penny… but every £ you spend generates a small donation (and many donations add up to a lot!)

▪ Hundreds of popular stores involved: Amazon, Tesco, M&S, John Lewis, eBay,

Remember, you can gift to us! Edgbarrow School PTA is a registered charity: number 288076

How to Choose Edgbarrow on Amazon Smile

1) Go to Amazon Smile: Select Edgbarrow as your chosen Charity.

2) Remember, always start at (you can set your phone or iPad app to do this in Amazon settings)Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchase price on many items (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) to the eligible

charitable organisation of your choice i.e. Edgbarrow!

People have great ideas…but ideas need great people!

There is more we want (need) to do… to get to £40,000!

Without the physical events fundraising is harder at the moment.

▪ Grants and Company Funding applications… research, submitting applications, following up… we really need help here.

▪ Virtual Cycle Ride/ Run?: A sporting Challenge, in conjunction with the Sports Department? Get Fit, have fun, raise sponsorship, and where possible ‘company match’ your charitable donations?

▪ Concert: Involving the Music and Drama Departments - drawing on the students' skills and work already prepared for the concerts and shows, that could raise significant funds with a modest ticket fee & refreshments? ☺

▪ 2021 Car Boot Fair?: Clear all those unwanted items, without all the hassle of eBay postage, held on the field, or in the dry using the sports complex?

▪ All other ideas welcome! mail: [email protected]

Discussion: How can you get involved?

Example Activities and Types of Help Needed

Activity Ways to be involved

Virtual Christmas Fair Organisation – An Online Virtual Page –advertising local sellers good for delivery?

Fundraising Seeking & applying for new grants

Careers Evening (May) Organising Attendees, Mailshots etc.

Shows & Concerts (TBC) Drinks Sales, Serving Tea, Wine etc.

PTA Core Committee A few hours per month, helping plan & coordinate events, working with the school team, agreeing funding.

Thank YOU Both!

To our outgoing Treasurer and Co-Chair!

We really appreciate all your hard work and enthusiasm… it’s what makes the PTA such a fun team to work with ☺

PS. it’s OK, they aren't just pictures…

the real bottles will be delivered soon!

Voting: Formal PTA Elections (don’t be shy!)

All Core Team Roles Open for Election. Treasurer & Co Chair Vacant.

Nominations and volunteers welcome!

Formal Roles Available for election / re-election

▪ Chair Nomination/s = Richard Love

▪ Vice Chair Nomination/s = Open

▪ Treasurer Nomination/s = Tanya Jacobs / Hannah Owen (to agree)

▪ Secretary Nomination/s = Sarah Rook

Thank you… see you again Soon/Zoom!

Please join us for the bi-monthly PTA planning meetings, usually Tuesdays, online for now… here in the School Reception Building.

Some key dates for your Diary:• November 10th Next general PTA Meeting• November 9th 2020 Bags 2 School Collection

• Bags will be coming home the week commencing 19 October, just before half-term. • Parents will have a couple of weeks (including half-term) to fill bags before returning them the week

commencing 2 November for pick up the following Monday. (Checking Storage with School)

• April 1st 2021 Sponsored Walk• March 2021 (TBC) Careers Evening (Virtual format TBC)

Remember, You can contact us at any time on: [email protected]
