Download pptx - School Magazine Font Styles

Page 1: School Magazine Font Styles

I chose this type face as its bold, easy to see and appropriate for the magazine.

The text is very ‘school like’ that may appeal to the students

Its block capitals so its easy to see and it stands out.

This font may not be appropriate as it may not look night or it may be hard to read at different sizes.

Page 2: School Magazine Font Styles

This font is very ‘in your face’ and it stands out, its appropriate for my magazine as its bold, which could intend that its informative.

This font would look well in different colours, however its very plain and boring.

Page 3: School Magazine Font Styles

I like this font because it looks like handwriting which again implies ‘school’ and education.

This font could be hard to read for others and may not come across as eye catching and bold as others.

This font is very effective, it has a relaxed feel to it and gives off an informal tone which suits the magazine well.

I noticed that the font distorted when I changed the size, this could be an issue for my print product as it won look professional.

Page 4: School Magazine Font Styles

This type face is very decorative, it has a sophisticated tone to it which may mislead the readers .

The font is hard to read so readers may be put off.

The font may not look right in different size, if its too small readers wont be able to see it, therefore putting readers off.

Also if the font is to big, it may take over the whole of the front page of my print product, putting readers off.

Page 5: School Magazine Font Styles

This font is a simple yet effective font. Its informative, like I want my magazine to be.

Its easy to read and stands out to readers.

It’s a font that reminds me of text books so it links in with it being a school magazine.

Page 6: School Magazine Font Styles

This font is bold, stands out and eye catching to readers.

I like this font as its unique and has a quirky style.

This font will look good in a range of different colours, therefore adding variety within one font.

This font will look good in different sizes, it wont distort so it will be easy for the readers to see.

This is the font that I will use for my final masthead, its bold, quirky and easy for the readers to see and finally it gives a professional look to my print product.
